Payroll Administration (5 cr)
Code: HL00BD13-3003
General information
01.11.2022 - 05.01.2023
09.01.2023 - 19.05.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
School of Business
Main Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 37
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
- Milla Welling
HTL21S1Liiketalouden tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)
HTLTALFFinancial Management-Financial, Business Administration
ZJA23KHAvoin AMK, lita
The object of the course
Having taken the course you can work in payroll accounting positions.
Course competences
Operating in a workplace
Business competence
The learning objectives of the course
In this course you will familiarize yourself with the core tasks of payroll accounting. You are familiar with legal regulation and guidelines concerning payroll. You understand the basic concepts of payroll. You know how to prepare digital payroll data according to instructions. You are able to follow the payroll schedule in producing payroll data.
The course contents include the basic principles and norms of salaries and wages, payroll tax, indirect employee costs, rewards in kind, compensation for expenses, working hours, regulations on payments for non-working hours, and recording of payroll transactions.
Time and location
Videoidut webinaarit 7 kertaa (n. 11 tuntia), luokkaopetus videomateriaaliin ja Netvisor-tehtävään liittyen 4 kertaa (n. 6 tuntia), itsenäinen Netvisor-harjoitus ja viikkotehtävät (n. 60 tuntia), + itsenäistä opiskelua ja tentti. Videot katsottavissa omaan tahtiin, ei aikaan sidottuja. Käytännössä kurssista selviytyminen edellyttänee että viikkotasolla rytmi säilyy.
Learning materials and recommended literature
Oppimateriaali koostuu oppivideoista, luentomateriaaleista, lakitesteistä, verohallinnon ohjeista, sekä oppimateriaalista muusta digitaalisella oppimisalustalla.
Esimerkiksi kirjat:
Palkanlaskenta (Juha Stenbacka, Terttu Söderström) 2020, Sanoma Pro (Löytyy Jamkin kirjastosta)
Palkanlaskenta käytännönläheisesti (Kati Mattinen, Carita Orlando, Kirsi Parnila) 2020, Meedia Zone OÜ (Jamkin tunnuksilla saatavilla e-kirjana)
Teaching methods
Opiskelu tapahtuu luokkahuoneessa ja / tai verkossa, digialustan verkko-opiskelumateriaalin, videoiden ja harjoitustehtävien avulla.
Exam dates and retake possibilities
Tentti järjestetään digitaalisella oppimisalustalla viikoilla 18 ja 19 (1.5.-14.5). Ensimmäinen uusintatentti järjestetään toukokuussa 22.-28.5. ja kolmas uusintatentti kesäkuussa 5.-11.6.
Alternative completion methods
Accreditation (replacement and inclusion)
Recognition of informal learning
More precise instructions can be found in Degree Regulations and in Study Guide.
Student workload
Videoidut webinaarit 7 kertaa (n. 11 tuntia), luokkaopetus videomateriaaliin ja Netvisor-tehtävään liittyen 4 kertaa (n. 6 tuntia), itsenäinen Netvisor-harjoitus ja viikkotehtävät (n. 60 tuntia), + itsenäistä opiskelua ja tentti.
Further information for students
The assessment in the course is based on the competence demonstrated in the exam
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Adequate 1
You are familiar with legal regulation and guidelines concerning payroll. You understand the basic concepts of payroll. You know how to prepare digital payroll data according to instructions. You are able to follow the payroll schedule in producing payroll data.
Satisfactory 2
You are familiar with legal regulation and guidelines concerning payroll. You understand the basic concepts of payroll and can apply them in different payroll accounting situations. You can search for information and apply it when preparing digital payroll data. You are able to follow the payroll schedule in producing payroll data.
Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)
Good 3
You are familiar with legal regulation and guidelines concerning payroll. You master the basic concepts of payroll and can analyze different payroll accounting situations and give different solutions to them. You can analyze information and prepare, on the basis of analysis, both digital and manual payroll data. You are able to follow the payroll schedule in producing payroll data. You can develop your own work processes in payroll accounting.
Very Good 4
You are familiar with legal regulation and guidelines concerning payroll. You master the basic concepts of payroll and can analyze different payroll accounting situations and give valid solutions to them. You can analyze and estimate information and prepare, on the basis of analysis, flawless digital and manual payroll data. You are able to produce the data quickly. You can develop your own as well as others’ work processes in payroll accounting.
Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)
Excellent 5
You are familiar with legal regulation and guidelines concerning payroll. You master the basic concepts of payroll and can analyze different payroll accounting situations and give valid solutions to them. You can analyze and estimate information and prepare, on the basis of analysis, flawless both digital and manual payroll data. You are able to produce the data quickly and be accountable for its reporting to different stakeholders. You can develop the work processes or you work community and guide others’ work in payroll accounting.
Further information
The course is recommended for students both in accounting and HRM. You can choose the course during first year if you want to proceed faster in studies.