Siirry suoraan sisältöön

Vastuullinen palvelujen johtaminen (5 cr)

Code: YMRJ3120-3001

General information


30.10.2020 - 30.11.2020


19.01.2021 - 21.03.2021

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning



Teaching languages

  • Finnish


0 - 40

Degree programmes

  • Matkailu- ja palveluliiketoiminnan johtaminen (YAMK)


  • Sami Kalliomaa
  • Anne Törn-Laapio
  • Paula Linna


  • YMJ20S1
    Matkailu- ja palveluliiketoiminnan johtaminen
  • ZJA20SMY
    Avoin AMK, marata, YAMK-polut


The purpose of the course is to provide you with an understanding of the theoretical framework for the management and marketing of services, so as to be able to apply it in strategic management and development.

Course competences
Service Business Competence
Learning to learn
Operating in a workplace
Sustainable development

Course learning outcomes
After completing the course, you will be able to summarise the theoretical framework for the management and marketing of services. You understand the strategic significance of the management and marketing of services. You recognise the significance of productivity and operations in the management of services. You are able to define what the management of service quality means. You are able to analyse and assess how service companies can be managed in a competitive and responsible manner. In addition, you will learn to seek information in a variety of ways, to verbalise and share your own competence, and to utilise modern communication tools and technologies.


Theory of service management, its principles and practical application
Theory and principles of service marketing
Responsibility perspective in the management and marketing of services

Utilisation of various forms of multichannel communication and modern tools: writing a book essay, building a conceptual map, writing a blog, making a podcast, self-reflection.

Location and time

Verkkototeutus: verkko-oppimisympäristö ja Zoom-webinaarit
Ensimmäinen webinaari tiistaina 26.1.2021 klo 17-19
Muiden webinaarien ajat ilmoitetaan opintojakson alkaessa.

Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus

- Wilson, A., Zeithaml, V. A., Bitner, M. J. & Gremler, D. D. 2016. Services marketing: integrating customer focus across the firm. 6th edition. London : McGraw-Hill Education.
- Evans, N. 2015. Strategic management for tourism, hospitality and events. Routledge.
- Glowik, M. 2017. Global Strategy in the service industries: dynamics, analysis, growth. Taylor & Francis Ltd.
- Grönroos, C. 2009 (tai uudempi). Palvelujen johtaminen ja markkinointi. Helsinki: WSOYpro.

Opintojakson työtilassa muu opettajan osoittama materiaali

Teaching methods

Käänteinen oppiminen
- Itsenäinen perehtyminen opintojakson tavoitteisiin, tehtäviin ja aikatauluihin
- Tutustuminen opintojakson teemoihin ja tietoperustaan
- Asiantuntijaluennot
- Ryhmätehtävät, joilla osaaminen osoitetaan ja jaetaan
- Oppimista, osaamisen jakamista ja verkostoitumista tukevat webinaarit

Opintojakson aikana saa ohjausta seuraavasti:
- Moodle-oppimisympäristössä
- yksilö- ja ryhmäohjausta webinaareissa ja keskustelualueella
- oman osaamisen arviointi ja vertaispalaute ryhmätyöskentelystä
- harjoitustehtävien palaute kootusti Moodlessa

Employer connections

Opiskelija tekee yksilötyönä palvelujen johtamisen asiantuntijahaastattelun valitsemaansa palveluliiketoiminnan yritykseen.

Exam schedules

Opintojakson palautettavat tehtävät:
- Orientoiva tehtävä (yksilötyö)
- Harjoitustehtävä 1: kirjaessee (yksilötyö)
- Harjoitustehtävä 2: käsitekartta (ryhmätyö)
- Harjoitustehtävä 3: haastattelu ja blogi (yksilötyö)
- Harjoitustehtävä 4: asiantuntijapodcast (parityö)
- Itsereflektio (yksilötyö)

Opintojakson kokonaisarvosana muodostuu tehtävistä.
Opintojaksolla ei ole erillistä tenttiä.

Vaihtoehtoiset suoritustavat

Hyväksilukeminen (korvaaminen ja sisällyttäminen)
Muulla tavoin hankitun osaamisen tunnistaminen ja tunnustaminen
Tarkemmat ohjeet löytyvät tutkintosäännöstä ja opinto-oppaasta.

Student workload

5 op = 137 h opiskelijan työtä
Verkkoluennot ja webinaarit = 7 h
Muu itsenäinen ja ryhmäopiskelu = 130 h

Content scheduling

Opintojakso jakautuu teemoihin seuraavasti:
1. Palvelujen johtamisen teoria
2. Palvelujen johtamisen strategiset valinnat
3. Palvelujen johtamisen tulevaisuus

Further information

Avoin AMK 5

Evaluation scale


Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)

Adequate 1
You partially understand the theory and methods of the subject area and describe the implementations with reference to them. You distinguish and classify some of the terms used in the course. You are able to develop your own organisation from the perspective of your own work role. You take responsibility for your own work. You evaluate your competence and skills and recognise your principal development target. You write unstructure text with numeitous different repeated language and style errors.

Satisfactory 2
You apply the theory of the subject area that is delineated from the point of view of you topic. You select and define the key concepts. You will find a solution to the problem and illustrate the results with examples. The examples exhibit understanding and independent thinking that is connected to theory. You are able to cooperate in a responsible manner in a problem-solving situation and take responsibility for a colleague’s work. You understand the importance of equal and ethical leadership. You evaluate your own leadership and communication skills with examples and arguments. You report in a logical and illustrative manner, but the report exhibits certain shortcomings. You write text that is partly unstructured and exhibits many different language and style errors.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)

Good 3
You analyse essential and well-delineated theory and concepts of the subject area and justify their choice. You demonstrate an ability to follow and analyse the development and/or research in your area of expertise. You lead or plan a research, development or innovation project in which you apply new methods. You combine theory and practice. You evaluate and substantiate your own competence and are capable of developing it. You report in a logical and illustrative manner, substantiating the points you make. You write structured text with occasional language and style errors. You follow JAMK’s reporting instructions.

Very good 4
You outline a coherent whole of the key theory and concepts of the subject area, which you reflect upon critically. You assess, follow and discuss the development of, and international research in, your area of expertise. You lead or plan a research, development or innovation project in which you resolve a practical problem. You assess the process and the outcome by mirroring them against usability and theory. You reflect your competence and development. You report in a logical, analytical and competent manner. You write structured text in a fluent and almost error-free formal style.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You produce new perspectives or knowledge on the subject area. You assess and interpret critically the development of different professional fields by also making reference to international research knowledge. You reflect upon the topic also at the societal level. You define the key concepts related to the special competence of the field correctly and in relation to one other. You demonstrate taking responsibility for increasing new knowledge and practices in your own professional field and for goal-oriented learning. You revise operating practices in a constantly changing operating environment. You assess, analyse, compare and substantiate the process, its outcome and its action proposals that are linked to the set objectives and criteria. You assess the development of your competence critically, comprehensively and in a diverse way, substantiating your arguments. You produce convincing content, presenting a logically coherent whole in which you demonstrate critical thinking and combine things in a new way. Your communications are argumentative and insightful and comply with an error-free formal style. You demonstrate a critical and argumentative ability to write.


Bachelor's degree