Siirry suoraan sisältöön

Työelämän englanti (4 cr)

Code: ZZPC0220-3104

General information


01.11.2021 - 09.01.2022


10.01.2022 - 20.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

4 op

Virtual portion

4 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages

  • Finnish


12 - 30

Degree programmes

  • Musiikkipedagogi (AMK)
  • Logistiikka (AMK)
  • Toimintaterapeutti (AMK)
  • Kuntoutuksen ohjaaja (AMK)
  • Rakennus- ja yhdyskuntatekniikka (AMK)
  • Palveluliiketoiminta (AMK)
  • Tiimiakatemia (AMK)
  • Energia- ja ympäristötekniikka (AMK)
  • Sähkö- ja automaatiotekniikka (AMK)
  • Kätilö (AMK)
  • Sosionomi (AMK)
  • Tietojenkäsittely (AMK)
  • Konetekniikka (AMK)
  • Tieto- ja viestintätekniikka (AMK)
  • Liiketalous (AMK)
  • Sairaanhoitaja (AMK)
  • Maaseutuelinkeinot (AMK)
  • Fysioterapeutti (AMK)


  • Piia Anttonen


    Kielikeskuksen verkko-opinnot


In the course English for Working Life you will learn to operate in English in situations related to international working life.

You will also increase your self-confidence in speaking and writing in professional contexts. In addition, you will learn to follow the developments in your field locally and globally.

After taking the course, you will have learned to write texts related to your future profession in an appropriate style. You will also have gained confidence in spoken interaction and acquired vocabulary that will benefit you later in your career.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to function effectively in a national and international context and you are able to cooperate effectively with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


The central contents of the course are:
- telling about your studies and looking for employment
- oral and written communication in working life, for example meetings, small talk, customer service, telephoning and emailing, and expressing your own opinion
- producing formal text, such as reports, instructions or summaries
- field-specific terminology
- presentations, workshops, group discussions

Location and time

Itsenäistä opiskelua Moodle-oppimisympäristössä.
Vapaaehtoisia info-webinaareja:
- ma 10.1 klo 17.30-18.15 Aloitusinfo
- ma 7.2 klo 17.30-18.15 Info osio 2
- ma 14.3 klo 17.30-18.15 Info osio 3
- ma 18.4 klo 17.30-18.15 Koeinfo

Webinaarit tallennetaan ja tallenteen voi katsoa Moodlesta.

Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus

Opintojakosolla käytetään opettajan laatimaa materiaalia.

Teaching methods


Etäopetusjaksolla työskentely on pääosin itsenäistä. Opintojaksolla edellytetään päätelaitteesi ja Moodle-oppimisympäristön yhteensopivuutta sekä esitystyökalujen sujuvaa hallintaa. Tarvitset mikrofonin, web-kameran ja toimivan verkkoyhteyden.

Opintojaksoon sisältyy sekä kirjallisia että suullisia harjoituksia ja arvioitavia palautustehtäviä. Suullisia tehtäviä tehdään videotiedostoina. Opintojaksolla on tentti, jossa on kirjallinen ja suullinen osio. Tentti suoritetaan valvotusti ZOOMissa.

Opintojaksolla opiskelet seuraavia sisältöjä:
- opinnot ja työnhaku
- työelämän suullisia ja kirjallisia viestintätilanteita, esimerkiksi tapaaminen, jutustelu, asiakaspalvelu, puhelin, sähköposti ja mielipiteenilmaisu
- asiatekstin, kuten raportin, ohjeiden tai yhteenvetojen, tuottaminen
- oman alan keskeistä terminologiaa
- esitelmät, workshopit, ryhmäkeskustelut

Exam schedules

Tentit aikavälillä 18.4-29.4. Opiskelijat voivat varata itselleen sopivan tenttiajan monesta vaihtoehdosta. Moodle-tentti suoritetaan realiaikaisella valvonnalla ZOOMissa. Uusinnat toukokuussa.

Student workload

- Vapaaehtoisia verkkotapaamisia etäopetusjaksoilla n. 5 tuntia.
- Opiskelumateriaaliin perehtyminen, harjoitustehtävät, arvioitavat palautustehtävät 75-85 tuntia.
- Tenttiin valmistautuminen 5-10 tuntia.
- Opintojakson laajuus on yhteensä 4 opintopistettä, mikä tarkoittaa noin 108 tuntia työtä.

Further information

Opintojakso on yleiseurooppalaisen viitekehyksen tasolla B2 (

Opintojaksolla on hallittava tietotekniikan perustaidot, esimerkiksi tekstinkäsittely sekä ääni- ja videotiedostojen tekeminen.

Evaluation scale


Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)

1 The students are able to communicate understandably both in speech and writing in simple and routine work tasks and other situations. They can understand the central content of speech and writing dealing with familiar topics. They have a sufficient command of the basic structures of the language for the delivery of their message. The level of their pronunciation is sufficient for the delivery of the main content of their message. The students act responsibly and abide by established agreements.

2 The students are able to communicate understandably both orally and in writing in routine and familiar work duties and situations although their language use is at times slow and incoherent. They understand clear speech and writing with familiar content. They have an adequate command of the basic structures of the language. Their vocabulary is sufficient for every-day situations and reasonably adequate for basic field-specific situations. The level of their pronunciation is sufficient for the delivery of content.The students act responsibly and abide by established agreements.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)

3 The students can manage well both oral and written situations in working life and every-day life. The students can write a text with coherent content. They understand speech with a normal tempo, but unusual topics and language deviating from standard use cause difficulties. They can understand demanding written content related to their own field, although some details may remain unclear. They can use the grammatical structures of the language in a versatile way, and their mistakes do not hinder communication. The students’ command of the vocabulary of the language is sufficient for communicating the central content even in demanding tasks and situations. Their pronunciation is adequate. The students act responsibly and abide by established agreements.

4 The students are able to communicate fluently in different situations and produce clear and fluent language with adequate style. They have no difficulty in understanding and producing speech and writing needed in working life although expressions deviating from the standard use of the language cause problems to some extent. The students have a good command of the language and its use, but occasional problems may arise. The students act responsibly and abide by established agreements.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

5 The students are able to communicate with great fluency and active participation in a wide variety of situations. They also portray considerable versatility and an appropriate sense of style in their ability to apply the learning content of the course to demanding working life situations. They have no difficulties in understanding different kinds of language users although fine nuances and speech deviating significantly from standard language can sometimes be challenging. The students can understand and produce demanding content in both speech and writing. Their language use is practically flawless. The students act responsibly and abide by established agreements.


The course is on level B2 in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. If the course Improve your English was recommended to you at the beginning of your studies, please take it before enrolling for English for Working Life.

In this course you will need the basic ICT-skills, such as word processing and creating audio and video files.