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Double Degree Studies: Business (Bachelor level)



  • englanti

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Valitaan erillisten kriteerien mukaan 0 - 60 op


Min. 1 year of studies completed at the home institution, the exact timing of the Double Degree study period at JAMK is specified in the Double Degree agreement. Student's study background must be compatible with this Double Degree Study Progamme.


The number of credits which Double Degree students must complete, is agreed in the Double Degree Agreement (usually 60 ECTS/academic year). Contact your Home Institution and JAMK dd-programme liason for further information

Students applying to this Double Degree Study Programme should choose courses in their study plan mainly from this course offering. In addition to the professional studies, students can complement their studies by choosing language and communication courses (see Exchange Studies: Languages and Communication offering for all Exchange Students), if this fits their study plan and is accepted by the Home Institution and JAMK Double Degree Study Programme liaisons.


- Autumn semester: from the end of August towards the end of December
- Spring semester: from the beginning of February towards the end of May/the end of June (usually semester ends by end of May, study period at JAMK last until June only if student decides to enrol for summer studies)

Course Enrolment:
Course enrolments and possible changes to the study plan are done after arriving to JAMK. Each course has a limited number of places for students and thus, some students may not get in to their preferred optional courses and have to change their course choices and enrolment after arrival. However, access for compulsory courses in the Double Degree Porgramme is ensured.


Courses in this Double Degree Study Programme are meant for Incoming Double Degree Students who study business at their home institution. A Double Degree agreement with JAMK and the home institution in the field of business is required. Students should contact their home institution’s International Office and/or Double Degree Study Programme liaison to find out if an co-operation agreement exists.

The courses are part of our curricula for degree students and are taught in English. Studying is full-time and includes both contact lessons, online work, independent studying and/or group work. There is no specific exam period, exams are usually at the end of each course.

One ECTS credit is equivalent to about 27 hours of student work.

If you write your thesis at Jamk, you must take the following courses in the autumn semester:
- Innovation Management 5 ECTS
- Data Analysis in Business Management 5 ECTS
- Research & Development 5 ECTS
- Bachelor's thesis, thesis writing 2 ECTS


Tunnus Opinnon nimi Laajuus (op)


(Valitaan erillisten kriteerien mukaan: 30 )

HB00CJ57 Statistics for Managers using MS Excel, part 1 (online) 5
HB00CJ47 Introduction to International Relations 5
HB00CJ45 Corporate Finance Models 1 (online) 5
HB00CJ48 Corporate Finance Models 2 (online) 5
HB00CJ46 Global Financial Management (online) 5
HB00CJ56 Business Analytics: Prescriptive Models (online) 5
HB00CJ59 Psychology for Personal Leadership 5
HB00CJ50 International Marketing 5
HB00CK35 Strategic Management 5
HB00CK52 Global Team Leadership 5
HB00CK36 Global Sales Management 5
HB00CJ49 Basic Leadership Skills 5
HB00CK34 Financial Management 5
HB00CJ55 Co-creative Organizational Leadership 5
HB00CD21 Cross-Cultural Management Essentials 5
HB00CK37 Conflict Management 5
HL00BD82 International Market Entry 5
HL00BD84 Intercultural Business Skills 5
HL00BD88 Sport Marketing 5
HL00BD89 Sport Accounting and Administration 5
HL00BD90 Sport Management 5
HL00BD96 Sport Social Construct 5
HL00BD91 International Sport Development 5
HL00BD51 Marketing Management 5

For students who write Thesis at Jamk

(Valitaan erillisten kriteerien mukaan: 17 )

0 - 17
HBIB0023 Innovation Management (academic track) 5
HB00CL21 Data Analysis in Business Management 5
ZZ00BL97 Opinnäytetyön kirjoittaminen, AMK 2
ZZ00CK89 Kehittämis- ja tutkimustoiminta 5
EXSTLANGUAGES Exchange Studies: Languages and Communication offering for all Exchange Students 0 - 15

Fall semester

(Valitaan erillisten kriteerien mukaan: 15 )

0 - 15
BI00BB47 Each One Teach One 2 - 8
BI00BB10 English Conversation 5
BI00CP95 Espanjan alkeet 1 5
BI00CQ04 Suomen alkeet 5
BI00CP92 Ranskan alkeet 2 5
BI00CP93 Saksan alkeet 1 5

Spring semester

(Valitaan erillisten kriteerien mukaan: 15 )

0 - 15
BI00BB47 Each One Teach One 2 - 8
BI00CQ04 Suomen alkeet 5
BI00CP96 Espanjan alkeet 2 5
BI00CP91 Ranskan alkeet 1 5
BI00CP94 Saksan alkeet 2 5
BI00BX78 Improve your English 5


(Valitaan erillisten kriteerien mukaan: 30 )

YHIHV330 Doing Business in Latin America 30
HB00CJ57 Statistics for Managers using MS Excel, part 1 (online) 5
HB00CJ45 Corporate Finance Models 1 (online) 5
HB00CJ48 Corporate Finance Models 2 (online) 5
HB00CJ46 Global Financial Management (online) 5
HB00CJ39 Business Simulation 5
HB00CJ56 Business Analytics: Prescriptive Models (online) 5
HB00CK34 Financial Management 5
HB00CJ59 Psychology for Personal Leadership 5
HB00CJ47 Introduction to International Relations 5
HB00CD21 Cross-Cultural Management Essentials 5
HB00CJ40 Invent for the Planet 3
HB00CJ49 Basic Leadership Skills 5
HB00CJ55 Co-creative Organizational Leadership 5
HB00CK35 Strategic Management 5
HB00CK36 Global Sales Management 5
HB00CK52 Global Team Leadership 5
HB00CJ50 International Marketing 5
HB00CJ38 Technology Business Dynamics 5
HB00CK37 Conflict Management 5
HBMS2010 Sport Marketing 5
HL00BD94 International Sport Marketing 5
HL00BD83 International Marketing Communications 5
HL00BD85 International Management and Leadership 5
HL00BD88 Sport Marketing 5
HL00BD92 Sport Business Intelligence and Service Design 5
HL00BD93 Sport Digital Communications 5
HL00BD94 International Sport Marketing 5
HL00BD95 Sport Legal Framework and Athlete Management 5
HL00BD97 Sport and Event Management 5
HL00BD66 Digital Business Models 4
HL00BD93 Sport Digital Communications 5
MMTE0210 Event Management 5
MMTI3100 Destination Management 5
MTMW2400 Selling and Distribution 5
MZMB0320 Special Issues of Strategic Management 5
MTMW2200 Experience Design 5
MMTE0210 Event Management 5
MTMW2200 Experience Design 5
MTMW2400 Selling and Distribution 5
MTMW2410 Marketing Management 5
MTMW1200 Responsible Tourism Management 5
MMTI3100 Destination Management 5
MZMB0320 Special Issues of Strategic Management 5