Siirry suoraan sisältöön

Intercultural CommunicationLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: HB00BZ90


5 op

Teaching language

  • English

Responsible person

  • Pirjo Hentinen

01.02.2025 - 01.05.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery



School of Business

Teaching languages
  • English
  • Barbara Crawford
    Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration (Take Me up, Bachelor's)
  • HBI25VKLV2
    Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration,(Leonard De Vinci, Bachelor's)

Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus

All learning material used in the course will be provided by the teacher or will be found by you from the library. In addition to powerpoint presentations with information about various aspects of culture, cultural practices, and intercultural skills, you will be given (or find) academic articles for discussion and reinforcement of knowledge.

Teaching methods

This course is based on experiential learning of topics related to culture and culturally influenced practices. During this course, you will learn about the role of culture in (multicultural/international) interaction. In-class and out-of-class activities involve reading, reflecting, and interacting within groups, as well as completing activities.

The focus of the course content and assignments and activities is to bring knowledge of cultural diversity together with practicing soft skills and English language applications.

Employer connections

Although this course does not have direct relationship to your working life, the information provided will improve your understanding of how culture is in play when you do have access to an internship or employment in your professional field, whether that is in an international business environment or a multicultural environment in your home country.

Exam schedules

There are no exams in this course. Out-of-class assignments will be either written essays or some on-campus activity. Both will be evaluated on a pass-fail scale.

Student workload

Typically, a 5 ECT course amounts to 135 hours of work--within the classroom and in assignments.The balance of the course requirements will be fulfilled through written assignments or on-campus activities. The breakdown of these out-of-class hours will be explained on the first day of the course.

Further information

You will be evaluated on how well you understand and can apply various aspects of culture and cultural learning. The course will be conducted fully in English, both for the in-class activities and any assignments. As a pass-fail course, you will be evaluated on how well you can communicate your understanding of the course topics and applications.

Evaluation scale



26.08.2024 - 18.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery



School of Business


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

0 - 30

  • Barbara Crawford
    Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration,Take Me Up To Finland (autumn 2024)

Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus

All learning material used in the course will be provided by the teacher or will be found by you from the library. In addition to powerpoint presentations with information about various aspects of culture, cultural practices, and intercultural skills, you will be given (or find) academic articles for discussion and reinforcement of knowledge.

Teaching methods

This course is based on experiential learning of topics related to culture and culturally influenced practices. During this course, you will learn about the role of culture in (multicultural/international) interaction. In-class and out-of-class activities involve reading, reflecting, and interacting within groups, as well as completing activities.

The focus of the course content and assignments and activities is to bring knowledge of cultural diversity together with practicing soft skills and English language applications.

Employer connections

Although this course does not have direct relationship to your working life, the information provided will improve your understanding of how culture is in play when you do have access to an internship or employment in your professional field, whether that is in an international business environment or a multicultural environment in your home country.

Exam schedules

There are no exams in this course. Out-of-class assignments this course has will be either written essays or some on-campus activity. Both will be evaluated on a pass-fail scale.

Student workload

Typically, a 5 ECT course amounts to 135 hours of work--within the classroom and in assignments. The balance of the course requirements will be fulfilled through written assignments or on-campus activities. The breakdown of these out-of-class hours will be explained on the first day of the course.

Further information

You will be evaluated on how well you understand and can apply various aspects of culture and cultural learning. The course will be conducted fully in English, both for the in-class activities and any assignments. As a pass-fail course, you will be evaluated on how well you can communicate your understanding of the course topics and applications.

Evaluation scale



30.08.2023 - 09.10.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery



School of Business


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

0 - 30

  • Hanna Syvälahti
  • Pirjo Hentinen
    Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration,Take Me Up To Finland (autumn 2023)

Location and time

face-to-face learning

Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus

The material is provided by the teacher and is available on Moodle.

Teaching methods

The teaching is organized face-to-face in classroom. The sessions are not all lectures but an opportunity for you to be actively engaged with the material via small group discussions and activities. In addition to classroom learning, you will have oral and written assignments, homework tasks and a small project that are to be completed independently.

This course aims to improve your interpersonal and intercultural communication skills. You will develop your oral and written communication skills in different registers and settings and learn the basics of project working skills. You will learn how to give a professional presentation and write a more formal text.

Methods of teaching and learning are project-based learning, classroom learning, teacher and peer feedback.

Exam schedules

This course contains a final exam. The course evaluation is based on the exam and continuous participation and activity in class as well as the quality of each student's main assignments.

Student workload

5 ECTS credits = 135h (face-to-face teaching + student's independent work)

Further information

The course will be evaluated on a scale 0/1-5 based on the student's exam results and continuous demonstration of skills and performance in the assignments. The evaluation scale is scaled to match the B2-B1 level in CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).

Evaluation scale
