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Learning And Competence Development (For Master's Student) 2023-2025

Code: YZZA1300

Teaching languages

  • Finnish


You understand the basic concepts and terminology of educational science and vocational pedagogy. You will introduce yourself to the ethical principles of learning. Further, you understand the applicability of the sciences of human learning and development in facilitating learning in different learning environment. You are also able to look at the phenomena related to upbringing and education from the educational sociology perspective.

The student develops his/her own pedagogical competence purposefully by strengthening his/her own expertise and continuous learning skills.


Choose 0 - 17 cr


The student selects Learning And Competence Development studies as she or he has planned in her/his personal study plan, minimun 5 ECTS credits and maximum 17 ECTS credits.

- Educational Sciences studies form an entity (12 credits). Choose both courses when registering.
- You can choose one course (5 credits) from the Pedagogical Competence Development studies.

Note! You can do another 5 credits course, only if there are free places in the course implementation, and the amount of the credits does not exceed 17 ECTS.

Further Information

Before registering for the courses, discuss about them with your teacher tutor. Make sure that you have already completed enough mandatory studies included in the degree, and that the studies you are planning fit your PLP and your Master’s degree.


Do you need educational understanding in your work? Are you interested in teaching and training? Through the studies offered in this study module you can familiarize yourself with the pedagogical studies organized by the Jamk School of Professional Teacher Education. The core content of this module consists of educational sciences and pedagogical competence development studies. Studies may focus on the development of your own competence, work community, professional field, or world of work.

Studies can be included as part of the Professional Teacher Education at Jamk University of Applied Sciences.

Code Name Credits (cr)

Studies in Educational Sciences

(Choose 12 )

0 - 12
AJ00BN75 Understanding Learning 6
AJ00BN76 The Future of Education 6

Developing Pedagogical Skills and Competences

(Choose 5 )

0 - 5
AE00BO56 Theoretical Foundations of Special Needs Education 5
AJ00BN77 Developing Competency in Guidance 5
AJ00BN78 Equality and Equity in Teaching and Guidance 5
AJ00BP45 Versatile Online Learning Assignments 5
AJ00BP46 Video as a Pedagogical Tool 5
AJ00BY42 Accessibility in Teaching and Guidance 5