Siirry suoraan sisältöön

Game EntrepreneurshipLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: HTGP0370


5 op

Teaching language

  • English

Responsible person

  • Mika Karhulahti


The object of the course:

This course provides you with basic knowledge of entrepreneurship, game start-ups and profitable business in game industry. In this course you can evaluate your own entrepreneur skills and expand your understanding of the game industry.

Course competences:
Business competence
Game production competence

The learning objectives of the course:
After this course you will know what it takes to start up a game studio. You will understand the requirements from the technological, business, personnel and funding point of views. You will understand how to plan and manage the cash flow and what kind of sources can be used to support your game business.


This course is a game related part for the entrepreneurial studies. In this course you will not develop (of course you can) your own business but more to get acquainted with the specialties in the game industry. You will learn how the funding is organized in game business and what kind of sources there are to be used. What is the role of the publisher and what kind of agreements you are to be made with them? You will also learn what is the role of marketing and how that should applied in start-ups.


You need to have entrepreneurial skills and understanding of the terms and acronyms in the business overall.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You recognize the needs and requirements for starting up and running a game studio. You know what it takes to create a successful deck for funding. You get connected with the (local/national/global) game industry and apply research among them.