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Lujuusoppi 2Laajuus (4 op)

Tunnus: TKSUJ210


4 op


  • suomi
  • englanti


  • Petri Luosma


Rakenteiden lujuusopillinen mitoittaminen ja stabiilisuuden ymmärtäminen vaatii laajaa lujuusopillista ymmärtämistä. Opintojakson suoritettuasi omaat laajan lujuusteknisen osaamisen ja pystyt perusrakenteiden staattiseen ja osin dynaamiseen mitoitukseen käsikirjojen ja taulukkotapausten avulla. Osaat muodostaa tarkasteltavasta rakenteesta mekaniikan mallin ja ratkaista siinä vaikuttavat rasitukset, jännitykset ja muodonmuutokset. Pystyt myös tekemään rakenteiden stabiliteettitarkasteluja. Osaat hahmottaa tapaukset, jotka vaativat tarkempaa ja syvällisempää lujuustarkastelua. Aloitat opiskelun peruskäsitteistä edeten niiden soveltamisessa yhä haastavimpiin lujuusteknisiin mitoituksiin.

Tieto ja ymmärrys:
Ymmärrät lujuusopin periaatteet ja niiden pohjautumisen statiikkaan, matematiikkaan ja fysiikkaan.

Tekniikan soveltaminen käytäntöön:
Osaat soveltaa lujuusopin periaatteita käytännön ongelmien ratkaisemiseksi vakiintuneiden laskentamenetelmien avulla.

Tutkimukset ja tiedonhaku:
Kykenet tekemään simulaatioita ja analyysejä lujuusopillisten ongelmien yksityiskohtaista tarkastelua ja tutkimusta varten.


Hyperstaattiset palkit. Kehät. Ohutseinäisen ja avoimen poikkileikkauksen vääntö. Vlavsovin vääntö. Taivutusnurjahdus. Kiepahdus. Kosketusjännitykset ja iskumaiset kuormat. Kaareva palkki. Venymäliuskat. EUROCODE 3 laskentaperiaatteet.


Hallitset lujuusopin ja statiikan perusteet. Osaat luoda mekaanisia malleja rakenteista ja laskea niissä vaikuttavat rasitukset. Osaat laskea rakenteista normaali- ja leikkausjännitykset. Osaat laskea nurjahdusvoimia Eulerin menetelmää käyttäen.

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

Arvosana muodostuu laskuharjoituksista n. 10% ja kokeesta n. 90%. Kokeet järjestetään kolmesti vuodessa tutkintosäännön mukaisesti.

Välttävä (1): Tunnet lujuusopin ja stabiliteetti-ilmiöiden periaatteet ja -terminologian, mutta sinulla on puutteita niiden soveltamisessa. Pystyt ratkomaan välttävästi selkeitä lujuusopillisia perusratkaisuja ja stabiliteettilaskuja.

Tyydyttävä (2): Tunnet lujuusopin ja stabiliteetti-ilmiöiden periaatteet ja -terminologian, mutta sinulla on puutteita niiden soveltamisessa muihin kuin perusratkaisuihin. Pystyt ratkomaan tyydyttävästi selkeitä lujuusopillisia perusratkaisuja ja stabiliteettilaskuja.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

Hyvä (3): Tunnet keskeiset asiat lujuusopista, stabiliteetti-ilmiöistä ja palkkirakenteiden mitoittamisessa. Osaat luoda rakenteista mekaanisia malleja sekä ratkaista niistä jännitykset, muodonmuutokset ja kykenet tarkastelemaan rakenteiden stabiilisuutta. Pystyt myös hahmottamaan tapaukset, jotka vaativat tarkempaa ja syvällisempää lujuustarkastelua.

Kiitettävä (4): Hallitset keskeiset lujuusopista, stabiliteetti-ilmiöistä ja palkkirakenteiden mitoittamisessa. Osaat luoda rakenteista mekaanisen mallin sekä ratkaista siitä jännitykset, muodonmuutokset ja kykenet tarkastelemaan rakenteiden stabiilisuutta. Hahmotat myös tapaukset, jotka vaativat tarkempaa ja syvällisempää lujuustarkastelua.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

Erinomainen (5): Hallitset keskeiset asiat palkkirakenteiden lujuudellisessa mitoittamisessa ja stabiilisuustarkasteluissa sekä osaat innovatiivisesti soveltaa osaamistasi monimutkaisempiinkin rakenteisiin ratkaisten niistä jännitykset ja muodonmuutokset sekä tulkita rakenteen stabiilisuutta. Hahmotat myös tapaukset, jotka vaativat tarkempaa ja syvällisempää lujuustarkastelua.


18.11.2024 - 09.01.2025


13.01.2025 - 30.04.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

4 op

Mode of delivery



School of Technology


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

20 - 23

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Petri Luosma
  • TKN22SA
    Konetekniikka (AMK)
    Konetekniikka (AMK), DD
    Konetekniikka (AMK), DD
  • TKN25VK
    Konetekniikka (AMK), vaihto-opiskelu/Exchange studies
  • TKN24VS
    Konetekniikka (AMK), vaihto-opiskelu/Exchange studies


To understand the meaning of the strength of materials and stability to dimensioning the steel structures demands the broad understanding of the behavior of structures and the strength of materials. You gain the broad knowledge of strength of materials and you can do static and partly dynamic sizing of the structures with the help of manuals and sizing table cases. You can form a mechanical model from a structure under inspection and you can solve the tensions, stresses and deformations, affecting it. You can also make the stability sizing. You can perceive cases which require more precise and profound strength inspection. You start the studies from the basic concept and proceed to apply them to more challenging calculations of strength of materials.

Knowledge and Understanding:
You understand the principles of strength of materials and how they are based to the statics, mathematics and physics.

Engineering practice:
You can apply the principles of strength of materials to solve practical engineering problems by using the standardized calculation methods.

Investigations and information retrieval:
You are able to make detailed analysis and simulations to strength based problems.


Hyperstatic beams. Frames. Torsion of thin wall pipe and open profiles. Vlavsov torsion. Buckling under combined load. Lateral-torsional buckling. Contact stress and impact load. Curved beam. Strain gauges. Primciple of EUROCODE3 calculations.

Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus

Hand outs.
Valtanen, E. 2019. Tekniikan taulukkokirja. Jyväskylä: Genesis-Kirjat Oy.

Teaching methods

Lectures and calculation examples. Assignments are based by problem-based learning. As help when you do your assignments you can use your notes from lectures, hand outs, examples and literature. You can do assignments individually or in groups, but you must always return the assignments individually. In calculation lectures you can get help for the assignments from the lecturer or other students.
You must be present at the first lecture (either remotely or face-to-face), and the first assignments must be submitted on time. If the above is not realized, the student will be removed from the course. In the middle of the course, you give anonymous feedback.

Exam schedules

Two smal exams and two resits (all the subjects in resits).

Student workload

Lectures and examples 45 h and independent learning work 63 h. Total 108 h learning work.

Evaluation scale


Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)

The grade is defined by exam 90% and homework 10%. In the course there is exam and two resits.

Adequate (1): You are familiar with the basic knowledge and terminology but in dimensioning of basic structures your skills are clearly inadequate. You can solve simple basic problems in an adequate manner.

Satisfactory (2): You are familiar with the basic knowledge and terminology of stresses and strains but in dimensioning of basic structures your skills are inadequate. You can satisfactorily solve simple basic problems.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)

Good (3): You are familiar with the knowledge of dimensioning beam and plate structures and you can apply the knowledge acquired to simple structures to solve tensions and strains. You can apply your knowledge to solve tension and strains from basic structures. You also understand those situations which require more precise and profound strength inspection.

Very good (4): You master the essential knowledge of dimensioning beam and plate structures and you can apply the knowledge acquired to basic structures to solve tensions and strains. You also understand those situations which require more precise and profound strength inspection.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent (5): You master the essential knowledge of dimensioning beam and plate structures and you can apply the knowledge acquired in an innovative manner to more challenging structures to solve tensions and strains. You also understands those situations which require more precise and profound strength inspection.


You have the basic knowledge of the strength of materials and you are able to do static sizing of structures. You can form a mechanic model from a structure under inspection and you can solve the stresses (shear and normal), tensions and deformations affecting it. You can calculate the buckling forces by Euler´s method.


01.11.2022 - 05.01.2023


02.01.2023 - 21.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

4 op

Mode of delivery



School of Technology


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
  • Finnish

0 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Petri Luosma
Teacher in charge

Petri Luosma

  • TKN20SA
    Konetekniikka (AMK)
  • TKN22VK
    Konetekniikka (AMK), vaihto-opiskelu/Exchange studies


To understand the meaning of the strength of materials and stability to dimensioning the steel structures demands the broad understanding of the behavior of structures and the strength of materials. You gain the broad knowledge of strength of materials and you can do static and partly dynamic sizing of the structures with the help of manuals and sizing table cases. You can form a mechanical model from a structure under inspection and you can solve the tensions, stresses and deformations, affecting it. You can also make the stability sizing. You can perceive cases which require more precise and profound strength inspection. You start the studies from the basic concept and proceed to apply them to more challenging calculations of strength of materials.

Knowledge and Understanding:
You understand the principles of strength of materials and how they are based to the statics, mathematics and physics.

Engineering practice:
You can apply the principles of strength of materials to solve practical engineering problems by using the standardized calculation methods.

Investigations and information retrieval:
You are able to make detailed analysis and simulations to strength based problems.


Hyperstatic beams. Frames. Torsion of thin wall pipe and open profiles. Vlavsov torsion. Buckling under combined load. Lateral-torsional buckling. Contact stress and impact load. Curved beam. Strain gauges. Primciple of EUROCODE3 calculations.

Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus

Hand outs.
Valtanen, E. 2019. Tekniikan taulukkokirja. Jyväskylä: Genesis-Kirjat Oy.

Teaching methods

Lectures and calculation examples. Assignments are based by problem-based learning. As help when you do your assignments you can use your notes from lectures, hand outs, examples and literature. You can do assignments individually or in groups, but you must always return the assignments individually. In calculation lectures you can get help for the assignments from the lecturer or other students.. In the middle of the course, you give anonymous feedback.

Exam schedules

Exam and two resits.

Student workload

Lectures and examples 45 h and independent learning work 63 h. Total 108 h learning work.

Evaluation scale


Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)

The grade is defined by exam 90% and homework 10%. In the course there is exam and two resits.

Adequate (1): You are familiar with the basic knowledge and terminology but in dimensioning of basic structures your skills are clearly inadequate. You can solve simple basic problems in an adequate manner.

Satisfactory (2): You are familiar with the basic knowledge and terminology of stresses and strains but in dimensioning of basic structures your skills are inadequate. You can satisfactorily solve simple basic problems.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)

Good (3): You are familiar with the knowledge of dimensioning beam and plate structures and you can apply the knowledge acquired to simple structures to solve tensions and strains. You can apply your knowledge to solve tension and strains from basic structures. You also understand those situations which require more precise and profound strength inspection.

Very good (4): You master the essential knowledge of dimensioning beam and plate structures and you can apply the knowledge acquired to basic structures to solve tensions and strains. You also understand those situations which require more precise and profound strength inspection.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent (5): You master the essential knowledge of dimensioning beam and plate structures and you can apply the knowledge acquired in an innovative manner to more challenging structures to solve tensions and strains. You also understands those situations which require more precise and profound strength inspection.


You have the basic knowledge of the strength of materials and you are able to do static sizing of structures. You can form a mechanic model from a structure under inspection and you can solve the stresses (shear and normal), tensions and deformations affecting it. You can calculate the buckling forces by Euler´s method.