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Conscious LeadershipLaajuus (3 cr)

Code: YH00CL18


3 op

Teaching language

  • English

Responsible person

  • Marcella Zoccoli


The course offers the students the possibility to acquire new knowledge on leadership subjects through experience; to develop intellectual, emotional, and spiritual capabilities to suspend looking for the typical answers and give space for the co-creation of new perspectives to be found through different layers: becoming aware, letting go, attuning, and practicing in various experiences and contexts. Additionally, opens the opportunity to explore, experience, and expand a constellation of competencies necessary in leadership. To develop a proactive attitude to work in multicultural and international environments and networks to develop knowledge and communication skills as well as develop empathy and appreciation for other cultures. The student learns to demonstrate ethical and responsible conduct. To promote and reflect upon personal and professional learning to enhance career development and to develop an understanding, vision, and appreciation for sustainable and conscious leadership projects.


The course was conceived and designed by Marcella Zoccoli to offer the student the possibility to acquire knowledge, practice, and experience in Conscious Leadership. The student learns to recognize the differences between leadership and management, the patterns, and themes of the old and new paradigms of leadership, and to explore some aspects of Western and Eastern Leadership styles. The leadership student-practitioner understands the concept of Conscious Leadership – as an eco-systemic, inclusive leadership organism composed of ethical, sustainable, moral, and responsible leadership elements. The practice of the 4 human intelligences (physical, cognitive, sensorial-emotional, and spiritual) and their role in co-creating and performing a conscious approach to leadership opens new perspectives on leadership attitude, skills, processes, and dynamics. The student trains and applies self- and social awareness and develops social skills. The workshops of Arts, Music, Theater, Isha Upa-Yoga (pre-yoga exercises, breathing techniques), and Meditation activate and create the basis for developing a conscious approach to leadership by sharing co-creative experiences. Processing individual and collective reflections and feedback on the practical work offers the possibility of transforming and shaping a personal evolution of conscious leadership as a state of mind - a quality of life - that anyone can engineer via the awareness-based personal agency to be applied to oneself and the collectiveness in the complex working environment and relational contexts.



Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

- Sufficient (1) - You only have a sufficient understanding and dedication to learning the subject and relevant theories and methods and fails to show a convincing ability to apply the knowledge to real-life situation - both on individual and collective level - nor to communicate the concepts effectively.

- Satisfactory (2)- You learn a restricted part of concepts and theories related to the subject and have deficiencies in showing the ability to apply them in assignments - both on individual and collective levels. Communication skills need improvement and the process needs more practice.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good (3) You show good knowledge learning that covers major parts of concepts and theories related to the subject. Your ability to apply the knowledge to assignments shows a need for improvement, as well as there is room for improvement in oral and written communication - - both on individual and collective levels.

Very Good (4) - You learned to apply good knowledge of the subject fundamentals and concepts and can communicate these effectively - both on individual and collective levels.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent (5) - You show exceptional learning and understanding of theoretical knowledge & applied experience of fundamentals of the subject. You demonstrate the ability to apply the knowledge to assignments and presentations - both on individual and collective levels - with excellent written and oral communication skills.


Daft, R. 2023. The Leadership Experience, 8h Edition – CENGAGE Learning 2023

Goleman, D. 2006. Emotional Intelligence: Why it can matter more than IQ. New York: Bantam Books.

Northouse, P.G. 2018. Leadership. Theory and Practice. 8th Edition. International Student Edition. Sage Publication.

Sadhguru, J.V. 2016. Inner Engineering. A Yogi's guide to joy. Spiegel & Grau. New York

Sadhguru, J.V. 2022. Youth and Truth. Unplug with Sadhguru. HarperCollins India.

Scharmer, O., & Kaufer, K. 2013. Leading from an emerging future: from ego-system to eco-system economies. San Francisco, CA: Berrett-Koehler.

Scharmer, C. O. 2018. The essentials of Theory U: Core principles and applications (First edition.). Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc.,

Open Source:

- Zoccoli, M. 2017. Mindful Leadership at Fratelli Branca Distillerie srl. Master’s Degree Programme in International Business Administration. Jyväskylä: JAMK University of Applied Sciences.

- Zoccoli, M. 2018. Flying on the Eagle: Millennials' educational journey into the Mindful Leadership. JAMK Publications

- Zoccoli, M. 2019. Creating Leadership: Leadership eMagazine:

- Zoccoli, M. 2019. Connectivism, the pedagogical social fabric and the pipe as a knowledge and skills conductor in the professional identity formation of the student in higher education in the 21st century.

- Zoccoli, M. 2020. The Apple & The Candle. Human students transformative leadership experience. JAMK Publications

- Eskola, A., Zoccoli, M., Korhonen, A., Hundal, S. (2022). Activation methods for leadership in complex environments. In: From Globalization to Regionalization in a Time of Economic, Socio-Political, Competitive, and Technological Uncertainties: Current Issues and Future Expectations. Twenty Ninth World Business Congress. June 12 - 16, 2022 JAMK University of Applied Sciences Jyväskylä, Finland. Eds. E. Kaynak, T.D. Harcar. Advances in global business, vol 29.

Teacher's presentations & YouTube channel
Videos etc...


02.04.2024 - 30.04.2024


03.06.2024 - 19.06.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



School of Business


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

0 - 5

  • Marcella Zoccoli
    Like's Summer School 2024 (Bachelor's)
  • ZJA24KH
    Avoin AMK, lita


The course offers the students the possibility to acquire new knowledge on leadership subjects through experience; to develop intellectual, emotional, and spiritual capabilities to suspend looking for the typical answers and give space for the co-creation of new perspectives to be found through different layers: becoming aware, letting go, attuning, and practicing in various experiences and contexts. Additionally, opens the opportunity to explore, experience, and expand a constellation of competencies necessary in leadership. To develop a proactive attitude to work in multicultural and international environments and networks to develop knowledge and communication skills as well as develop empathy and appreciation for other cultures. The student learns to demonstrate ethical and responsible conduct. To promote and reflect upon personal and professional learning to enhance career development and to develop an understanding, vision, and appreciation for sustainable and conscious leadership projects.


The course was conceived and designed by Marcella Zoccoli to offer the student the possibility to acquire knowledge, practice, and experience in Conscious Leadership. The student learns to recognize the differences between leadership and management, the patterns, and themes of the old and new paradigms of leadership, and to explore some aspects of Western and Eastern Leadership styles. The leadership student-practitioner understands the concept of Conscious Leadership – as an eco-systemic, inclusive leadership organism composed of ethical, sustainable, moral, and responsible leadership elements. The practice of the 4 human intelligences (physical, cognitive, sensorial-emotional, and spiritual) and their role in co-creating and performing a conscious approach to leadership opens new perspectives on leadership attitude, skills, processes, and dynamics. The student trains and applies self- and social awareness and develops social skills. The workshops of Arts, Music, Theater, Isha Upa-Yoga (pre-yoga exercises, breathing techniques), and Meditation activate and create the basis for developing a conscious approach to leadership by sharing co-creative experiences. Processing individual and collective reflections and feedback on the practical work offers the possibility of transforming and shaping a personal evolution of conscious leadership as a state of mind - a quality of life - that anyone can engineer via the awareness-based personal agency to be applied to oneself and the collectiveness in the complex working environment and relational contexts.

Location and time

At JAMK Main Campus

Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus

Daft, R. 2023. The Leadership Experience, 8h Edition – CENGAGE Learning 2023
Goleman, D. 2006. Emotional Intelligence: Why it can matter more than IQ. New York: Bantam Books.
Northouse, P.G. 2018. Leadership. Theory and Practice. 8th Edition. International Student Edition. Sage Publication.
Sadhguru, J.V. 2016. Inner Engineering. A Yogi's guide to joy. Spiegel & Grau. New York
Sadhguru, J.V. 2022. Youth and Truth. Unplug with Sadhguru. HarperCollins India.
Scharmer, O., & Kaufer, K. 2013. Leading from an emerging future: from ego-system to eco-system economies. San Francisco, CA: Berrett-Koehler.
Scharmer, C. O. 2018. The essentials of Theory U: Core principles and applications (First edition.). Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc.

Open Source:

- Zoccoli, M. 2017. Mindful Leadership at Fratelli Branca Distillerie srl. Master’s Degree Programme in International Business Administration. Jyväskylä: JAMK University of Applied Sciences.
- Zoccoli, M. 2018. Flying on the Eagle: Millennials' educational journey into the Mindful Leadership. JAMK Publications
- Zoccoli, M. 2019. Creating Leadership: Leadership eMagazine:
- Zoccoli, M. 2019. Connectivism, the pedagogical social fabric and the pipe as a knowledge and skills conductor in the professional identity formation of the student in higher education in the 21st century.
- Zoccoli, M. 2020. The Apple & The Candle. Human students transformative leadership experience. JAMK Publications
- Eskola, A., Zoccoli, M., Korhonen, A., Hundal, S. (2022). Activation methods for leadership in complex environments. In: From Globalization to Regionalization in a Time of Economic, Socio-Political, Competitive, and Technological Uncertainties: Current Issues and Future Expectations. Twenty Ninth World Business Congress. June 12 - 16, 2022 JAMK University of Applied Sciences Jyväskylä, Finland. Eds. E. Kaynak, T.D. Harcar. Advances in global business, vol 29.

Teacher's presentations & YouTube channel
Videos etc...

Teaching methods

The course is meant as an experiential transformative learning journey where the student experiences:

1. Experiential transformative learning – multiple disciplines connection
2. Individual & Collective Training
3. Network Activation
4. Executive process and follow-up
5. Awareness-based leadership & decision making

Three main stages of the teaching/learning process:

- Knowledge through lectures
- Knowledge /experience through practical workshop
- Knowledge /experience through teamwork project-based learning

For the pedagogical approach:

Zoccoli, M 2019. Connectivism, the pedagogical social fabric, and the pipe as a knowledge and skills conductor in the professional identity formation of the student in higher education in the 21st century.

Student workload

Individual: visual work + awareness-based self-feedback
Collective: group work arts and crafts (act/performance, video, podcast, website, app, art crafts, etc.) + description paper + group dynamics report.

Content scheduling

6 (six) sessions: 2,45 hours each – face-to-face, in the form of a seminar with workshop/practical training.

Course Description:
The course was conceived and designed by Marcella Zoccoli to offer the student the possibility to acquire knowledge, practice, and experience in Conscious Leadership. The student learns to recognize the differences between leadership and management, the patterns, and themes of the old and new paradigms of leadership, and to explore some aspects of Western and Eastern Leadership styles. The leadership student-practitioner understands the concept of Conscious Leadership – as an eco-systemic, inclusive leadership organism composed of ethical, sustainable, moral, and responsible leadership elements. The practice of the 4 human intelligences (physical, cognitive, sensorial-emotional, and spiritual) and their role in co-creating and performing a conscious approach to leadership opens new perspectives on leadership attitude, skills, processes, and dynamics. The student trains and applies self- and social awareness and develops social skills. The workshops of Arts, Music, Theater, Isha Upa-Yoga (pre-yoga exercises, breathing techniques), and Meditation activate and create the basis for developing a conscious approach to leadership by sharing co-creative experiences. Processing individual and collective reflections and feedback on the practical work offers the possibility of transforming and shaping a personal evolution of conscious leadership as a state of mind - a quality of life - that anyone can engineer via the awareness-based personal agency to be applied to oneself and the collectiveness in the complex working environment and relational contexts.

Further information

Individual: visual work + awareness-based self-feedback
Collective: group work arts and crafts (act/performance, video, podcast, website, app, art crafts, etc.) + description paper + group dynamics report.

Evaluation scale


Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)

- Sufficient (1) - You only have a sufficient understanding and dedication to learning the subject and relevant theories and methods and fails to show a convincing ability to apply the knowledge to real-life situation - both on individual and collective level - nor to communicate the concepts effectively.

- Satisfactory (2)- You learn a restricted part of concepts and theories related to the subject and have deficiencies in showing the ability to apply them in assignments - both on individual and collective levels. Communication skills need improvement and the process needs more practice.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)

Good (3) You show good knowledge learning that covers major parts of concepts and theories related to the subject. Your ability to apply the knowledge to assignments shows a need for improvement, as well as there is room for improvement in oral and written communication - - both on individual and collective levels.

Very Good (4) - You learned to apply good knowledge of the subject fundamentals and concepts and can communicate these effectively - both on individual and collective levels.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent (5) - You show exceptional learning and understanding of theoretical knowledge & applied experience of fundamentals of the subject. You demonstrate the ability to apply the knowledge to assignments and presentations - both on individual and collective levels - with excellent written and oral communication skills.

