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Espanjan alkeet 2Laajuus (5 op)

Tunnus: BI00BB14


5 op


  • Petteri Ruuska


Jatkat tutustumista espanjan kieleen ja kulttuuriin. Sovellat oppimaasi suullisessa ja kirjallisessa viestinnässä. Osaat toimia espanjalaisen kulttuurin normien edellyttämällä tavalla tavallisissa asiointitilanteissa. Tunnet ja hallitset kielen perusteet sekä arkielämän perussanaston. Osaat soveltaa niitä tavallisissa vuorovaikutustilanteissa. Suullisessa ja kirjallisessa viestinnässä voi olla virheitä, mutta toteutat sitä silti ymmärrettävästi. Kurssi kehittää ja antaa valmiuksia toimia ja työskennellä kansainvälisissä ja monikulttuurisissa toimintaympäristöissä.


Tavanomaisissa arkielämän vuorovaikutustilanteissa tarvittava kirjallinen ja suullinen espanjan kielen taito. Aiheita ovat esimerkiksi vapaa-aika ja matkailu, asuminen ja omasta elämästä kertominen.

Kielen ja kulttuurin erityispiirteitä.

Keskeisin kielioppi käsittelee menneen ajan ilmaisuja (perfekti, imperfekti, preteriti) sekä objektipronomineja.


Eurooppalaisen viitekehyksen CEFR:n taitotaso A1 (, esimerkiksi Espanjan alkeet 1, 5 op (JAMK) tai lukiossa hyväksytysti suoritetut B3-espanjan kurssit 1 – 3 tai niitä vastaavat tiedot ja taidot.

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

Ymmärrät hitaasta ja selkeästä puheesta perustason ilmauksia. Tunnet yksinkertaisen puhetilanteen normit ja selviät niiden avulla, vaikka ääntämisongelmat ja tauot puheessa vaikeuttavat viestin välitystä. Tunnistat tutut asiat helposta tekstistä. Pystyt kirjoittamaan yksinkertaisen perustason tekstin. Sanaston ja kielen rakenteiden käytössä on usein virheitä.

Ymmärrät selkeää ja hidasta puhetta, joka käsittelee tuttuja asioita. Sovellat oppimaasi rutiininomaisissa puhetilanteissa, vaikka puheessa on usein taukoja. Ymmärrät pääasiat lyhyistä, yksinkertaisista teksteistä. Pystyt kirjoittamaan lyhyen tekstin tutusta aiheesta. Sanaston ja kielen rakenteiden käytössä on puutteita.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

Normaalitempoisen puheen ymmärtämisessä on vaikeuksia, jos puhejakso on pitkä. Hallitset rutiininomaisen puhetilanteen. Ymmärrät tuttuja aihepiirejä käsitteleviä tekstejä. Hallitset lyhyiden, yksinkertaisten tekstien kirjoittamisen. Kielen rakenteissa, sanastossa ja ääntämisessä voi olla puutteita, mutta ne eivät häiritse vuorovaikutusta.

Ymmärrät normaalitempoista kasvotusten tapahtuvaa puhetta yksinkertaisten aihepiirien osalta, mutta syntyperäisen kielenpuhujan puhenopeus tuottaa vaikeuksia. Hallitset lyhyet puheenvuorot melko sujuvasti. Ymmärrät tuttuja aihepiirejä käsitteleviä tekstejä hyvin. Luot lyhyitä tekstejä soveltaen opittuja rakenteita ja sanastoa.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

Ymmärrät normaalitempoista puhetta tutuista aihepiireistä. Arvioit puhetilanteita oikein ja osaat toimia niissä. Ymmärrät tuttuja aihepiirejä käsitteleviä tekstejä vaivattomasti. Kirjoitat tutuista aiheista selkeästi ja lähes virheettömästi. Hallitset asiaankuuluvan sanaston ja kielen rakenteet sekä sovellat niitä monipuolisesti suullisessa ja kirjallisessa viestinnässä.


Kurssi sopii kaikille, jotka haluavat jatkaa tutustumista espanjan kieleen ja oppia sen alkeet tehokkaasti


20.11.2023 - 11.02.2024


07.02.2024 - 20.05.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery



Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

20 - 28

  • Petteri Ruuska


You carry on getting acquainted with the Spanish language and culture in the Hispanic world. By the end of the course, you are familiar with Spanish culture and you know how to conduct yourself accordingly. You are able to assess the possibilities offered by the Spanish-speaking world from the perspective of your own field. You can cope with various communication situations in Spanish. You are able to use simple Spanish in phrases and sentences in spoken and written production also in the past tense. You expand your vocabulary and knowledge of language structures needed in everyday situations. The course prepares and equips you to act and work in an international and multicultural environment.


Spanish speaking and writing skills needed in common everyday situations. The topics deal with daily routines, likes and dislikes, leisure and accommodation, for instance.

Cultural features of Spanish speaking countries.

The grammar focuses on the conjugation and use of verbs in the present and past tense (prefect, imperfect, preterite) and object pronouns.

Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus

Material on Moodle, some of it printable. Handouts provided by the lecturer in class.

Recommended supplementary material: any Spanish manual, for example an old school book of yours if any.

Teaching methods

07.02. - 15.05.2024
Weekly face-to-face lessons on Wednesdays at 16:00 - 18:30 at classroom G202 (main campus).

Lessons, exercises in class and homework on Moodle, learning assignments, tests, final exam.
In order to pass, minimum of 80% attendance in the lessons is required.

Starting level: A1
Objective: A2

About levels: Starting level A1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) (

Description of required previous studies: for example, Spanish 1 course (5 ECTS) successfully completed at Jamk UAS, or successfully completed Spanish courses 1–3 in a Finnish high school as a B3-language.

Exam schedules

Exam at the end of the course.
Resit-exams 2-3 weeks after that unless agreed on otherwise with the lecturer.

Student workload

Teaching sessions about 35 h
Preparing for lectures 73–85 h
Studying online 8–18 h
Assignments 3–6 h
Preparing for exam 3–6 h

Total 135 h (one credit equals 27 hours of student work).

Further information

Lecturer's continuous feedback, self-evaluation, peer evaluation.

The assessment of learning is enhancement-led evaluation. The assessment is based on learning objectives, quality and criteria, and self-evaluation by the student plays an important role in the process.

Evaluation scale


Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)

You can understand familiar words in simple texts and very basic phrases concerning yourself, your family and immediate surroundings when standard Spanish is spoken slowly and clearly. You can interact in Spanish in simple writing and speaking situations although there are often errors in pronunciation, vocabulary and grammatical structures.

You can understand clear and slow speech about familiar topics. You can understand simple, brief texts and find the main points in texts handling familiar themes. You are able to write short texts about familiar topics. You can manage satisfactorily in routine speaking situations. There are errors in the use of grammatical structures and vocabulary.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)

Standard speech spoken in normal tempo may cause some difficulties in case the speech is long. You understand texts about familiar themes. You are able to write simple and short messages. The deficiencies in structures or vocabulary do not interfere with understanding the message.

You can understand face-to-face speech about simple and familiar topics spoken in normal tempo, but fast spoken language may cause difficulties. You understand texts well about familiar topics. You can speak Spanish using short sentences without long pauses. You are able to write brief texts using the learnt vocabulary and structures, and the errors do not interfere with delivering the message.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

You can understand speech about simple and familiar topics spoken in normal tempo. You can assess spoken situations correctly and know how to act in them. You can speak short sentences with a degree of fluency and write clearly about familiar themes. You can apply the learnt vocabulary and grammar structures in your language production with very few errors.


Spanish level A1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) (

For example, Spanish 1 course (5 ECTS) successfully completed at JAMK UAS, or successfully completed Spanish courses 1–3 in a Finnish high school as a B3-language.

Further information

The course is intended for anyone who wants to efficiently strengthen their Spanish skills and knowledge of the language.


01.11.2022 - 12.02.2023


13.02.2023 - 19.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery



TA94 - Kielikeskus


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

12 - 27

  • Petteri Ruuska


You carry on getting acquainted with the Spanish language and culture in the Hispanic world. By the end of the course, you are familiar with Spanish culture and you know how to conduct yourself accordingly. You are able to assess the possibilities offered by the Spanish-speaking world from the perspective of your own field. You can cope with various communication situations in Spanish. You are able to use simple Spanish in phrases and sentences in spoken and written production also in the past tense. You expand your vocabulary and knowledge of language structures needed in everyday situations. The course prepares and equips you to act and work in an international and multicultural environment.


Spanish speaking and writing skills needed in common everyday situations. The topics deal with daily routines, likes and dislikes, leisure and accommodation, for instance.

Cultural features of Spanish speaking countries.

The grammar focuses on the conjugation and use of verbs in the present and past tense (prefect, imperfect, preterite) and object pronouns.

Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus

Material on Moodle, some of it printable. Handouts provided by the lecturer in class.

Recommended supplementary material: any Spanish manual, .e.g. an old school book.

Teaching methods

15.02. - 17.05.2023
Weekly face-to-face lessons on Wednesdays at 16:00 - 18:30.

Lessons, exercises in Moodle and in class, learning assignments, tests, exam.
In order to pass, minimum of 80% attendance in the lessons required.

Starting level: A1
Objective: A2

About levels: Starring level A1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) (

Description of required previous studies: for example, Spanish 1 course (5 ECTS) successfully completed at Jamk UAS, or successfully completed Spanish courses 1–3 in a Finnish high school as a B3-language.

Exam schedules

Exam at the end of the course.
Resit-exams 2-3 weeks after that unless agreed on otherwise with the lecturer.

Student workload

Teaching sessions about 35 h
Preparing for lectures 73–85 h
Studying online 8–18 h
Assignments 3–6 h
Preparing for exam 3–6 h

Total 135 h (one credit equals 27 hours of student work).

Further information

Continuous feedback, self-evaluation, peer evaluation.
The assessment of learning is enhancement-led evaluation. The assessment is based on learning objectives, quality and criteria, and self-evaluation by the student plays an important role in the process.

Evaluation scale


Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)

You can understand familiar words in simple texts and very basic phrases concerning yourself, your family and immediate surroundings when standard Spanish is spoken slowly and clearly. You can interact in Spanish in simple writing and speaking situations although there are often errors in pronunciation, vocabulary and grammatical structures.

You can understand clear and slow speech about familiar topics. You can understand simple, brief texts and find the main points in texts handling familiar themes. You are able to write short texts about familiar topics. You can manage satisfactorily in routine speaking situations. There are errors in the use of grammatical structures and vocabulary.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)

Standard speech spoken in normal tempo may cause some difficulties in case the speech is long. You understand texts about familiar themes. You are able to write simple and short messages. The deficiencies in structures or vocabulary do not interfere with understanding the message.

You can understand face-to-face speech about simple and familiar topics spoken in normal tempo, but fast spoken language may cause difficulties. You understand texts well about familiar topics. You can speak Spanish using short sentences without long pauses. You are able to write brief texts using the learnt vocabulary and structures, and the errors do not interfere with delivering the message.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

You can understand speech about simple and familiar topics spoken in normal tempo. You can assess spoken situations correctly and know how to act in them. You can speak short sentences with a degree of fluency and write clearly about familiar themes. You can apply the learnt vocabulary and grammar structures in your language production with very few errors.


Spanish level A1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) (

For example, Spanish 1 course (5 ECTS) successfully completed at JAMK UAS, or successfully completed Spanish courses 1–3 in a Finnish high school as a B3-language.

Further information

The course is intended for anyone who wants to efficiently strengthen their Spanish skills and knowledge of the language.