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Global Team LeadershipLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: HTLI2012


5 op

Teaching language

  • English

Responsible person

  • Jari Kempers


The Global Team Leadership course is designed to provide you with the necessary conceptual frameworks and practical skills for effectively leading teams in the global business environment. Focusing on the future of team leadership, this course covers processes and practices that empower organizations to lead their teams effectively and secure a sustainable competitive advantage.

Your teacher will share knowledge and personal experiences from team leadership, and encourage interactive discussions. Throughout the course, you will have the opportunity to collaborate in an international team using English. You will assume the role of a team leader or undertake other team responsibilities. You will apply the knowledge gained from the lessons to practical real-world assignments and case studies, engaging in rich interactions and exchanging ideas with your international peers. This hands-on approach enables you to co-construct meaning and knowledge, providing invaluable experience for your future role as a team leader and your career.

Course level intended learning outcomes (CILOs) are faced basically via five perspectives, integrated in the course content and study methods: 1. Skills in critical and analytical understanding (IBCRI), 2. Applied business skills (IBBUS), 3. Communication skills (IBCOM), 4. Intercultural collaboration skills (IBCOL) and 5. Ethical conduct (IBETH). Ethical conduct will be especially discussed with the guidelines of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations, Goal 16/ understanding ethical management and leadership and integrity.


The Global Team Leadership course covers the following topics:

• Discovering your role as a team member
• Organising teams and understanding team dynamics
• Conducting effective team meetings
• Challenges new team leaders face in international teams
• Applying leadership models in global teams
• Understanding the role of organisational culture
• Managing team performance
• Resolving conflict in global teams
• Recruiting in global teams


1st year business studies or similar competence

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Satisfactory (2) Knowledge and Understanding: The student demonstrates acceptable conceptual knowledge. The central course frameworks have been generally understood. The student demonstrates sufficient command of the Global Team Leadership field.
Intellectual Skills: The student is able to interpret team leadership issues at a superficial level. The student possesses limited analytical skills, assessing uncomplicated challenges, and incorporating limited perspectives. The student reviews relevant academic literature satisfactorily.
Sufficient (1) Knowledge and Understanding: The student demonstrates basic conceptual knowledge. The fundamental course frameworks have been generally understood. The student demonstrates passable command of the essential aspects of the Global Team Leadership field.
Intellectual Skills: The student is able to somehow interpret team leadership issues and address rudimentary challenges. The student is able to support his/her argumentation using academic literature at a basic level.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Very good (4) Knowledge and Understanding: The student demonstrates substantial conceptual knowledge. The central course frameworks have been understood thoroughly. The student displays a high command of the Global Team Leadership field.
Intellectual Skills: The student is able to interpret and analyse with considerable depth team leadership issues and challenges arising from multiple perspectives. The student reviews skillfully relevant academic literature.
Good (3) Knowledge and Understanding: The student demonstrates fairly good conceptual knowledge. The central course frameworks have been considerably well understood. The student displays a reasonable command of the Global Team Leadership field.
Intellectual Skills: The student is able to interpret and analyse properly team leadership issues and challenges arising from several perspectives. The student reviews relevant academic literature moderately well.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent (5) Knowledge and Understanding: The student demonstrates solid conceptual knowledge in the area. The central course frameworks have been understood with great clarity and precision. The student displays a very high command of the Global Team Leadership field.
Intellectual Skills: The student is able to interpret and analyse in depth team leadership issues and challenges arising from multiple perspectives. The student reviews relevant academic literature with excellence.