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Master's Thesis (30 cr)

Code: YZWON100-3001

General information


01.08.2020 - 30.04.2021


01.08.2020 - 31.07.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

30 op

RDI portion

30 op

Mode of delivery



School of Technology


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages

  • English


0 - 200

Degree programmes

  • Master's Degree Programme in Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics
  • Master's Degree Programme in Information Technology, Full Stack Software Development
  • Master's Degree Programme in Information Technology, Cyber Security


  • Jouni Huotari
  • Jani Immonen
  • Tero Kokkonen
  • Mika Rantonen
  • Tuula Kotikoski
  • Jari Hautamäki
  • Sampo Kotikoski
  • Karo Saharinen
  • Tarja Lappalainen-Kajan
  • Tuomo Sipola
  • Esa Salmikangas

Teacher in charge

Hannu Luostarinen


  • YTS19K1
    Master's Degree Programme in Information Technology, Full Stack Software Development
  • YTS18K1
    Master's Degree Programme in Information Technology, Full Stack Software Development
  • YTC20S1
    Master of Engineering, Degree Programme in Cyber Security
  • YTS20K1
    Master's Degree Programme in Information Technology, Full Stack Software Development
  • YTS21K1
    Master's Degree Programme in Information Technology, Full Stack Software Development
  • YTI20S1
    Master's Degree Programme in Artificial Intelligence and Data-analytics
  • YTC19S1
    Master of Engineering, Degree Programme in Cyber Security


The purpose of the course
The purpose of the course is that you plan and implement work-based development work or research as your master's thesis.

Course competencies
Ethical competence
Learning and information management skills
Entrepreneurship, innovation and work community skills

Course objectives
You follow good scientific practice in your master's thesis. You recognize the need to develop working life and implement research or development work as evidence of your competence. Your are able to report and present your thesis. You demonstrate your special expertise in the field with your master's thesis.


Master's Thesis process and practices at JAMK
Research ethics and responsible conduct of research
Subject of thesis and electronic thesis topic proposal
Systematic information seeking
Preparation and presentation of a thesis plan, includes an ethical pre-assessment and a data or material management plan
Research writing
Implementation of the research or development part of the thesis: methods, data or material collection and analysis, and review of trustworthiness
Written, oral or visual publication of the results of research or development work in a community of experts
Finishing and assessment of the thesis and process

Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus

On the basis of systematic information seeking, the student obtains scientific literature suitable for the topic, problem solving and research or development methods of the thesis, which are referred to in the thesis in accordance with JAMK's reporting guidelines.

Recommended Reading Material
Stevens, J. S. & Crawford, S. L. Newest version. Project Reporting Instructions. JAMK University of Applied Sciences.

Master's thesis instructions and forms are in student's intranet in the part "Thesis and maturity test".

Teaching methods

Small group and individual guidance held by the main supervisor online as both online and contact meetings
Peer discussion and support
Presentation of the thesis topic and plan in small group meetings
Information seeking workshops held by an Information Specialist
A separate implementation of research writing provided by the JAMK Language Center
Independent work: systematic information seeking, writing a thesis plan, taking care of agreements and research permits related to the thesis, implementing the empirical or functional phase and collecting and analyzing data or material, writing a thesis according to JAMK's reporting or project guidelines, presenting the thesis, self-evaluation

Employer connections

The thesis is done as a working life-oriented research-based development work or research. It can also be connected to RDI project.

Student workload

1. Thesis planning 189 hours (7 cr)
- Information seeking workshops - carried out by an Information Specialist
- Systematic information seeking and familiarization with source material independently
- Writing and presenting a thesis plan and participating in small group and individual meetings
- Management of agreements and necessary research permit issues

2. Research writing conducted by JAMK Language Center 81 hours (3 cr)

3. Implementation phase 270 hours (10 cr)
- Empirical and functional phase, data collection and analysis
- Participation in small group and individual meetings

4. Thesis reporting and evaluation 270 hours (10 cr)
- Thesis writing, presentation, evaluation, archiving and publishing

Total 810 hours (30 cr, the workload of one credit is 27 hours)

Content scheduling

0. The thesis process begins with an electronic topic proposal and the appointment of a main supervisor.
1. Thesis planning: information acquisition workshops, small group and individual supervision. presentation and approval of the thesis plan incl. data or material collection instruments, thesis agreement and necessary research permitions
2. Writing a research, a separate non-stop implementation by the Language Center, to which you register
3. Thesis implementation: empirical or functional implementation phase of the thesis, data collection and analysis
4. Thesis reporting and evaluation: Thesis writing, presentation, evaluation, archiving and publishing

Further information

The thesis is assessed with separate thesis evaluation criteria.
The main supervisor of the thesis provides developmental feedback throughout the thesis process.
Assessment methods: self-assessment, thesis statement - host company or organisation, supervisor's assessment, the assessment decision based on these documents is made by the YAMK thesis working group according to the degree regulations.

Evaluation scale


Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)

Master's thesis assessment criteria at the level of sufficient 1 and satisfactory 2 are described in separate Master's thesis assessment criteria.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)

Master's thesis assessment criteria at the level of good 3 and very good 4 are described in separate Master's thesis assessment criteria.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Master's thesis assessment criteria at the level of excellent 5 is described in separate Master's thesis assessment criteria.