Siirry suoraan sisältöön

Building AI (2 cr)

Code: HB00BO81-3002

General information


30.08.2021 - 26.08.2022


30.08.2021 - 26.08.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

2 op

Mode of delivery



School of Business

Teaching languages

  • English


  • Juha Saukkonen
  • Christina Borén


  • HBI19S1
    Degree Programme in International Business
  • HBI21S1
    Degree Programme in International Business
  • HBI20S1
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in International Business


The course introduces principles and practices about the actual algorithms that make creating AI methods possible.
The student can choose the level appropriate for his/her own targets and skills:
- Beginner: No programmic skills needed
- Intermediate: Basic idea of Python-programming recommended
- Advanced: Need for skills in advanced Python-programming
MOOC-platform for the course at:


The course includes topical sub-sections:
Getting started with AI, Dealing with uncertainty, Machine Learning, Neural Netwroks and Conclusion.
Each section contains:
- exercises
- own elaboration on AI use case examples (to be peer reviewed by other course members)
- peer reviews (reviewing and assessing other students´ work)
MOOC-platform for the course at:

Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus

material on MOOC-platform online - see the updated link to the course platform in course description

Teaching methods

self-paced online learning

Exam schedules

No exam
Passing based on the Course achievement proven by the Screenshot from course platform (showing the amount of exercises done and correctness of answers).
Passing requires minimum 90 % of exercises completed with 50 % minimum correctness
Complete the course at your own pace. Submit the course level- screenshot to the Moodle workspace IB general (enrolment key: ibgeneral). It will be added to your transcript.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Passing based on the Screenshot from the course online platform that demostrates your level of course accomplished (beginner, intermediate, advanced), number of exercises completed (out of the total nr of exercises) and correctness of your answers
- 90 % of exercises done
- 50 % of exercises answered correctly
Complete the course at your own pace. Submit the course level- screenshot to the Moodle workspace IB general (enrolment key: ibgeneral). It will be added to your transcript.


Elements of AI - MOOC course recommended but not obligatory
Recommended to continue to course Ethics of AI

Further information

The course is a 1/3 of AI-MOOC studies. The other elements are:
- Elements of AI
- Ethics of AI