Siirry suoraan sisältöön

Sport Entrepreneurship and Innovations (5 cr)

Code: YHSW0600-3004

General information


20.11.2023 - 11.02.2024


08.01.2024 - 20.05.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

40 % Face-to-face, 60 % Online learning


School of Business


Main Campus

Teaching languages

  • English


0 - 35

Degree programmes

  • Master's Degree Programme in Sport Business Management


  • Heikki Peltonen
  • Aila Ahonen


  • ZJAYHS23S1
    Avoin AMK, lita, YAMK-polut, Sport Business Management
  • YHS23S1
    Master's Degree Programme in Sport Business Management
  • YHS22S1
    Master's Degree Programme in Sport Business Management
  • YHS24VK
    Master's Degree Programme in Sport Business Management, vaihto-opiskelu/Exchange studies
  • 04.04.2024 12:00 - 18:00, Sport Entrepreneurship and Innovations YHSW0600-3004
  • 05.04.2024 09:00 - 16:00, Sport Entrepreneurship and Innovations YHSW0600-3004
  • 06.04.2024 09:00 - 14:00, Sport Entrepreneurship and Innovations YHSW0600-3004


Upon completion of this course, you will be able to
- understand the global professionalization and commercialization of sport towards entrepreneurial organizations
- understand the importance of entrepreneurial orientation in sport organizations
- understand the concepts of sport entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship and corporate social responsibility in sports


The aim of this course is to present sport entrepreneurship phenomenon and different approaches in relation to sport industry. The course introduces the themes below:
- sport development and commercialization
- unique features of sport business
- sport entrepreneurship and innovations
- entrepreneurial orientation in sport organizations
- social entrepreneurship and corporate social responsibility in sport enterprises
- growth entrepreneurship in sports

Location and time

Spring semester, JAMK main campus, online platform.

Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus

Ratten, Vanessa (2017), Sport Entrepreneurship, Developing and sustaining an entrepreneurial sports culture. eBook. Springer.

Additional Material: Selected journal articles and case studies will be given at the beginning of the course.

Teaching methods

Course is a on-campus and online study entity. It combines face-to-face and distance learning methods where students participate in lectures, workshops and other study activities. On-campus studies are organized as intensive 3 day period.

Lectures, online webinars, assignments, individual studies.

Exam schedules

No exam.

Vaihtoehtoiset suoritustavat

Prior learning can be recognized through similar master level studies or work experience which will be assessed for each course by the course instructor.

Student workload

On-campus days 25 hours
Individual study 50 hours
Assignments 40 hours
Virtual studies 20 hours

Content scheduling

3 days intensive contact study period in April.
Online studies and distance learning (individual studies) period March-May.

Further information

Avoin amk 5 (included in total capacity)

Evaluation scale


Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)

Adequate 1
You understand the basic concepts of sport entrepreneurship. You are able to solve business problems in relation to sport entrepreneurship. You can find academic literature and other relevant information from academic and other sources. You take responsibility of your own work. You are able to communicate your findings in oral and written form responsibly. There are some issues in complying with JAMK reporting instructions.

Sufficient 2
You are able to identify the basic concepts and more advance theories of sport entrepreneurship. You are able to interpret and analyze complex business problems related to sport entrepreneurship. You can find academic literature and other relevant information from academic and other sources. You are able to work independently and take responsibility of your team’s work. You are able to communicate your findings in oral and written form responsibly. There are minor issues in complying with JAMK reporting instructions.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)

Good 3
You are able to interpret and analyze complex business problems related to sport entrepreneurship. You can find academic literature and other relevant information from academic and other sources. You are capable of utilizing this information to entrepreneurial development in sport organization. You can combine the theoretical framework and practice. You can evaluate your work and develop your knowhow. You are able to communicate your findings in oral and written form responsibly in a well-structured manner. Your text mainly follows the JAMK reporting instructions.

Very good 4
You are able to interpret and analyze complex business problems related to sport entrepreneurship. You can critically review academic literature and other relevant information from academic and other sources in a good manner. You are capable of utilizing this information to entrepreneurial development in sport organization. You are able to critically analyze your learning and develop your skills. You can produce relevant, logical and analytical content. You are able to communicate your findings in oral and written form responsibly and in a well-structured manner, and according to JAMK reporting instructions.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You are able to interpret and analyze complex business problems related to sport entrepreneurship. You can critically review international academic literature and other relevant information from academic and other sources in an excellent manner. You are capable of utilizing this information to entrepreneurial development in sport organization. You take responsibility of developing your expertise in this area and you are able to critically evaluate your own learning and progression. You present convincing results and content, and you are able to combine different frameworks and findings in your reporting. You are able to communicate your findings in oral and written form responsibly and in a well-structured manner, complying fully with JAMK reporting instructions.


BBA in business or economics or sport or equal.