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Advanced Programming Project (5 cr)

Code: TTC8860-3003

General information


01.08.2023 - 24.08.2023


28.08.2023 - 19.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Technology

Teaching languages

  • English


0 - 35

Degree programmes

  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology


  • Jani Immonen


  • TTV21S3
    Tieto- ja viestintätekniikka (AMK)
  • TTV21S5
    Tieto- ja viestintätekniikka (AMK)
  • TTV21SM
    Tieto- ja viestintätekniikka (AMK)
  • TTV21S2
    Tieto- ja viestintätekniikka (AMK)
  • TTV21S1
    Tieto- ja viestintätekniikka (AMK)
  • 31.08.2023 12:15 - 15:00, Advanced Programming Project TTC8860-3003
  • 07.09.2023 12:15 - 15:00, Advanced Programming Project TTC8860-3003
  • 14.09.2023 12:15 - 15:00, Advanced Programming Project TTC8860-3003
  • 21.09.2023 12:15 - 15:00, Advanced Programming Project TTC8860-3003
  • 28.09.2023 12:15 - 15:00, Advanced Programming Project TTC8860-3003
  • 05.10.2023 12:15 - 15:00, Advanced Programming Project TTC8860-3003
  • 12.10.2023 12:15 - 15:00, Advanced Programming Project TTC8860-3003
  • 26.10.2023 12:15 - 15:00, Advanced Programming Project TTC8860-3003
  • 02.11.2023 12:15 - 15:00, Advanced Programming Project TTC8860-3003
  • 09.11.2023 12:15 - 15:00, Advanced Programming Project TTC8860-3003
  • 16.11.2023 12:15 - 15:00, Advanced Programming Project TTC8860-3003
  • 23.11.2023 12:15 - 15:00, Advanced Programming Project TTC8860-3003
  • 30.11.2023 12:15 - 15:00, Advanced Programming Project TTC8860-3003
  • 07.12.2023 12:15 - 15:00, Advanced Programming Project TTC8860-3003
  • 14.12.2023 12:15 - 15:00, Advanced Programming Project TTC8860-3003


In the Advanced Programming Project course, you will learn about the various stages of the software development process, including project initiation, feasibility study, and requirements gathering. The course aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the software development lifecycle, including the various stages involved in taking a software project from concept to release.

Throughout the course, you will learn how to manage the software development process, including how to conduct feasibility studies, develop SRS documents, and create high-level software architectures. You will also learn how to apply modern software development practices such as DevOps, CI/CD pipelines, and version control systems to your software projects.

EUR-ACE Competences:
Knowledge and Understanding
Engineering practice
Communication and team-working
Multidisciplinary competences
Engineering practice
Investigations and information retrieval

Learning outcomes:
Throughout the course, you will work on various assignments and projects, applying the knowledge and skills you have learned to real-world scenarios. By the end of the course, you will have a deep understanding of the software development process as a whole and the skills needed to manage a software project from concept to release using modern software development practices.


The course will cover entire life span of software project, using modern project management and communication tools.
- Project idea and its refinement procedures
- Usage of project management and communication tools.
- Application/service technical design.
- Software development cycles.
- Automated testing.
- Software release.

Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus

Materials in the e-learning environment.

Teaching methods

- lectures
- independent study
- distance learning
- small group learning
- exercises
- learning tasks

Employer connections

- projects

Exam schedules

The possible date and method of the exam will be announced in the course opening.

Vaihtoehtoiset suoritustavat

The admission procedures are described in the degree rule and the study guide. The teacher of the course will give you more information on possible specific course practices.

Student workload

One credit (1 Cr) corresponds to an average of 27 hours of work.

- lectures 50 h
- exercises 15 h
- assignment 40 h
- independent study 30 h
Total 135 h

Further information

Course is graded based on project presentations.

Evaluation scale


Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)

Fail 0: The student does not meet the minimum criteria set for the course.

Sufficient (1): The student is familiar with the basic topics discussed during the course. The student
is able to write a working program with assistance and employ example code.

Satisfactory (2): The student understands the most basic topics discussed during the course,
however, he/she struggles to utilize this knowledge. The student is not able to search for relevant
information independently. The student is able to write programs, but uses mostly
existing example code.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)

Good (3): The student understands the most important topics discussed during the course and is
able to utilize this knowledge in the most basic cases. The student is able to utilize information about
the discussed topics. The student is able to write simple programs utilizing topics discussed during the course.

Very good (4): The student understands the most important topics discussed during the course and
is able to utilize this knowledge in most common cases. The student is able to search and
understand information about the discussed topics. The student is able to write programs utilizing topics discussed during the course.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent (5): The student understands all topics discussed during the course and is able to use
them in an innovative manner even in complex and challenging situations. The student is able to search and
utilize information about the discussed topics independently. The student is fluent in writing programs
using topics covered in the course.