Siirry suoraan sisältöön

Equality and Equity in Teaching and Guidance (5 cr)

Code: AJ00BN78-3018

General information


01.06.2023 - 24.08.2023


01.08.2023 - 31.05.2026

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Professional Teacher Education


Main Campus

Teaching languages

  • English


0 - 24

Degree programmes

  • School of Professional Teacher Education


  • Tiina Parviainen
  • Maarit Miettinen


  • AJA23SKJ
    Ammatillinen opettajankoulutus


The purpose of the study unit 

In this study unit, you will familiarise yourself with the diversity of students’ learning and studying: the student’s individual needs for support, the significance of culture and language, and the nature of gender sensitive guidance. You will also familiarise yourself with the collaboration networks for guidance and support at an educational institution. In this study unit, you will grow your capabilities as a developer of accessible learning and teaching together with a variety of actors.

Study unit competences

In this study unit, you will promote and develop your interpersonal skills and reflection skills.

The objective for interpersonal skills is to be able to strengthen learners’ competence. You will be able to support learners’ competence for continuous learning, such as self-regulation and reflection skills, and the ownership of their own learning process. You will also have the ability to take into account learner diversity and learners’ personal starting points and goals when planning and carrying out learning sessions and guiding learning. Your approach is dialogical and ethical in a way that supports the well-being of learners.

The objective for reflective skills is to be able to recognise and assess one’s pedagogical assumptions, and work methods as facilitators of learning. You will be able to realistically assess your own learning and competence and set yourself new goals as a facilitator of learning.

Learning objectives

You will be able to assess your own perspectives as a teacher for diverse learners and support the learning of all learners. You will be aware of learners’ individual experience, support needs and backgrounds, and you will understand their significance in the learning process. You will also understand the significance of cultural and gender sensitivity in a teacher’s work. 


Special needs support and guidance as part of a teacher’s competence. Questions of equality, accessibility and inclusion. Culturally sensitive, linguistically aware, and gender sensitive guidance and teaching.

Location and time

This course in non-stop on-line course in Moodle

Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus

Who we are | Equality and Human Rights Commission (
Equality Act - Gender equality - THL
Equity vs. Equality: What’s the Difference? - Resources (
Education and gender equality (
Education - Gender equality - THL
Gender Equality | United Nations
Making Finland a Global Leader in Gender Equality. Government Action Plan for Gender Equality 2020–2023 (
Aarnio, H. 2012. Diale-methods. Hämeen ammattikorkeakoulu.

Kuntoutussäätiön oppaat ja hankejulkaisut.

Nikula, T., Skinnari, K., & Mård-Miettinen, K. (2022). Diversity in CLIL as experienced by Finnish CLIL teachers and students : matters of equality and equity. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, Early online.
Zacheus, T., Kalalahti, M., Varjo, J., Saarinen, M., Jahnukainen, M., Mäkelä, M.-L. and Kivirauma, J., 2019. Discrimination, Harassment and Racism in Finnish Lower Secondary Schools. Nordic Journal of Migration Research, 9(1), pp.81–98. DOI:
Hummelstedt, I. 2022. Acknowledging diversity but reproducing the Other : A critical analysis of Finnish multicultural education. Helsinki Studies in Education, number 138.

You will find learning materials and assignments in the online learning environment.

Teaching methods

Open Studies and Master's Degree education students: This is an online study unit. It is based on independent work, learning assignments and online guidance. This study unit has a start-up webinar, where the content is presented and instructions are given.

Vaihtoehtoiset suoritustavat

Acquiring and demonstrating competence:

You can acquire the competence that is the objective of this course by participating in the online course and successfully completing the learning and assessment assignments that are part of it.

You may have already been able to acquire the competence that is the objective of this course by completing a corresponding course at Jamk's Open University of Applied Sciences, which you can use to apply for accreditation for the course.

You may also have acquired the competence that is the objective of this course in working life or other contexts before or during teacher studies. A certificate of completed education is not sufficient for the accreditation of competence; other types of assessment material and demonstration of competence are needed. The teacher educators of the course assess your competence in relation to the competence of teacher education and decide on the accreditation.

Student workload

This study unit is worth five ECTS credits. This means that 135 hours have been reserved for you for completing the different tasks:
- Orientation 5 hours (includes 2 hours webinar)
- Self-directed learning in online environment, reading the learning materials, completing the learning assignments 130 h

Content scheduling

Voit suorittaa tämän opintojakson henkilökohtaisen opiskelusuunnitelmasi mukaisesti 15.8.2023-31.5.2026. Opintojakso on auki erikseen ilmoitettuina aikoina: 15.8.2023-31.5.2024; 15.8.2024-31.5.2025; 15.8.2025-31.5.2026. Tehtäväsi säilyvät verkkoalustalla myös kesätauon ajan.

Further information

The assessment is qualitative and is based on learning objectives. The methods for evaluation of the learning process are feedback and self-assessment. Competence assessment is based on criteria and the teacher educator makes the assessment decision once all the learning tasks have been completed. The assessment material consists of the learning tasks of the course and self-assessment tasks.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The criteria for assessing the approved level are as follows:

Interpersonal skills
- You will understand the significance of student diversity in your own teaching work and the activities of student groups.   
- You will be aware of students’ possible needs for special support . 
- You will understand the importance of cultural and gender sensitivity in teaching and guidance work.  

Reflection skills
- You will identify and assess, from the perspective of promoting student equality and inclusion, the basic concepts, values and attitudes that influence your teaching and you own ways of thinking and operating models.  
- You will set new objectives for yourself as a teacher engaging with student diversity.