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Finland Studies MOOC (1 cr)

Code: ZZ00CA17-3001

General information


20.11.2023 - 10.05.2024


28.08.2023 - 20.05.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

1 op

Virtual portion

1 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Business

Teaching languages

  • English


  • Jay Panjwani


About the course
Intended learning outcomes

In this course (1 ETCS), we will look at how to navigate Finnish university life. Once you have finished the course, you will have a better understanding of what studying at a Finnish university is like. The course is an open online course, and the material is divided into five (5) chapters.


Subject: Studying at a Finnish university
Level: Introductory
Prerequisites: None
Language: English
Credit: 1 ETCS

Course content

The Finnish education system with a focus on the higher education system
The key elements of studying at a Finnish university
Studying in a foreign language in a diverse community
Student well-being and study support
Student life and activities

Learning outcomes

After the course, students will know the main principles on which the education system in Finland is based with a focus on higher education. Students will be introduced to some of the pedagogical approaches to teaching and learning in Finnish higher education to better understand what studying at a Finnish university is like.

Students will learn how student well-being and studying are supported in the Finnish higher education system. They will recognise the characteristics of a diverse higher education community and acquire tools to facilitate their integration into the Finnish academic community.

How to complete the course

This course consists of five chapters, with each chapter containing a varying number of sections. Each section is followed by either a quiz or an open-ended assignment or both so that you can reflect on what you have learned. To complete the course, read the article in each section and complete all the quizzes and open-ended questions.

Enrolment options

Sign up for the course to create an account. See the enrollment steps below.
For Aalto University students: In order to receive 1 ECTS, enroll also on the LC-7010 Finland Studies MOOC course on SISU.

Teaching methods

About the course
Intended learning outcomes

In this course (1 ETCS), we will look at how to navigate Finnish university life. Once you have finished the course, you will have a better understanding of what studying at a Finnish university is like. The course is an open online course, and the material is divided into five (5) chapters.


Subject: Studying at a Finnish university
Level: Introductory
Prerequisites: None
Language: English
Credit: 1 ETCS

Course content

The Finnish education system with a focus on the higher education system
The key elements of studying at a Finnish university
Studying in a foreign language in a diverse community
Student well-being and study support
Student life and activities

Learning outcomes

After the course, students will know the main principles on which the education system in Finland is based with a focus on higher education. Students will be introduced to some of the pedagogical approaches to teaching and learning in Finnish higher education to better understand what studying at a Finnish university is like.

Students will learn how student well-being and studying are supported in the Finnish higher education system. They will recognise the characteristics of a diverse higher education community and acquire tools to facilitate their integration into the Finnish academic community.

How to complete the course

This course consists of five chapters, with each chapter containing a varying number of sections. Each section is followed by either a quiz or an open-ended assignment or both so that you can reflect on what you have learned. To complete the course, read the article in each section and complete all the quizzes and open-ended questions.

Enrolment options

Sign up for the course to create an account. See the enrollment steps below.
For Aalto University students: In order to receive 1 ECTS, enroll also on the LC-7010 Finland Studies MOOC course on SISU.

Further information

Online link:§ion=1

After compeletion, please submit the certificate in IB general.

Evaluation scale
