Siirry suoraan sisältöön

Influence Marketing for Industrial Business (3 cr)

Code: TK00BU17-3003

General information


08.01.2024 - 30.04.2024


13.05.2024 - 19.05.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



School of Technology


Main Campus

Teaching languages

  • English

Degree programmes

  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering


  • Anneli Kakko

Teacher in charge

Anneli Kakko


The objective of this course is to acquaint students with the role of influence in marketing and how influencer marketing strategies can be used to meet business objectives. An emphasis is placed on the role of culture and influence in industrial business, although the topics are also studied in the context of business-to-consumer marketing.


The course covers four major topics:
1. Culture- its impact on consumer behavior
2. Influence- mechanics of shifting people’s thoughts and actions
3. Influencer Marketing- considerations for selecting influencers and creating campaigns
4. B2B Influencer Marketing- applying influencer marketing practices to engaging B2B audiences.

Location and time

Monday - Tuesday, May 13 &14 at JAMK main campus, classroom G208
Wednesday - Friday, May 15-17 at JAMK main campus, classroom G206

Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus

The textbook to be used in the course:
Title: Winfluence: Reframing Influencer Marketing to Ignite Your Brand
Author: Jason Falls
ISBN-10: 1642011347
ISBN-13: 978-1642011340
Publisher: Entrepreneur Press, 2021

Teaching methods

Lectures, company visits, group work, cruise Päijänne with dinner, free time activities

Employer connections


Exam schedules

No exams, 100 % participation needed

International connections


Vaihtoehtoiset suoritustavat

Only face-to-face participation is possible

Student workload

An initial schedule of the course at Jamk Rajakatu campus May 13 - 17, 2024
Name: Influence Marketing for Industrial Business
Code: TK00BU17-3003
Credit points: 3 ECTS credit points

Monday, May 13 at classroom G208
09:00-10:10 am Starting of the course by Dr. Don Roy
General arrangements and Finland-Jyvaskyla-JAMK presentation by
Mrs. Anneli Kakko
10:20-11:30 am Introduction to Influence Marketing by Dr. Don Roy
11:30 am-12:30 pm Lunch break
12:30-01:40 pm Dimensions of National Culture by Dr. Don Roy
01:50-03:00 pm Principles of Influence by Dr. Don Roy

Tuesday, May 14 at classroom G208
09:00-10:00 am Team building exercise
10:10-11:15 am The Strategy of Influence by Dr. Don Roy
11:15 am-12:15 pm Lunch break
12:15-01:15 pm Who Has Influence? by Dr. Don Roy
01:30-02:00 pm Bus transportation from Jamk F1 outdoor to Muurame
02:00-04:00 pm Harvia Company visit in Muurame
04:00-04:25 pm Bus transportation from Muurame to Vaajakoski
04:25-04:45 pm Visit Panda Chocolate factory store
04:45-05:00 pm Bus transportation from Vaajakoski back to JAMK

Wednesday, May 15 at classroom G206
09:00-10:10 am Case assignment and discussion
10:20-11:30 am Final assignment work session (Part 1) by Dr. Don Roy
11:30 am-1230 pm Lunch break
12:30-01:40 pm Implementing an Influence Marketing Campaign by Dr. Don Roy
01:50-03:00 pm Final assignment work session (Part 2) by Dr. Don Roy

06:20-06:50 pm Walk to Jyväskylä harbor
07:00-10:00 pm Rhea cruise with dinner at Lake Jyväsjärvi and Päijänne (own cost,
TBD - if you have not yet informed please do it now do you take part
or not in this cruise)

Thursday, May 16 at classroom G206
08:15-09:00 am Bus transportation from Jamk F1 outdoor to Suolahti
09:00-11:30 am Valtra company visit in Suolahti
11:30 am-12:15 pm Bus transportation from Suolahti back to Jamk
12:15 pm -1:15 pm Lunch
1:15-02:05 pm Determine Success: Measurement by Dr. Don Roy
2:15-03:00 pm Final assignment work session (Part 3) by Dr. Don Roy

Friday, May 17 at classroom G206
09:00-10:00 am Final assignment work session (prepare for presentation)
10:10-11:40 am Final assignment presentations
11:40 am-12:00 pm Feedback and ending of the course
12:00-12:45 pm Lunch

Further information

Main teacher: Dr. Don Roy, Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU), USA,
Coordinator: Mrs. Anneli Kakko, Jamk University of Applied Sciences,

Evaluation scale
