Siirry suoraan sisältöön

Data Modelling and Back-end Development (5 cr)

Code: YTSP0200-3005

General information


18.11.2024 - 09.01.2025


10.01.2025 - 30.04.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery



School of Technology

Teaching languages

  • English


0 - 35

Degree programmes

  • Master's Degree Programme in Information Technology, Full Stack Software Development


  • Jouni Huotari
  • Pasi Manninen

Teacher in charge

Jouni Huotari


  • YTS24S1
    Master of Engineering, Degree Programme in Information Technology, Full Stack Software Development


You are able to design, document, and implement a database, server-side software, and related application programming interface for a scalable application.


- Advanced data modelling (conceptual and logical data model)
- Back-end architecture
- Back-end frameworks
- Server-side programming languages
- Scalability
- Application programming interfaces and integration
- Security settings and hack prevents

Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus

There is no public learning material (books, articles, videos, etc.) that are required for passing the course (‘must know’). Course material is located in the GitLab / LabraNet service.

Teaching methods

Project-based learning and online pedagogy: lectures/online lectures, exercises/learning assignments, various methods of online pedagogy (flipped learning)

Vaihtoehtoiset suoritustavat

RPL is in use: the student can show an existing solution made by him- or herself.

Student workload

One ECTS ~ 27 hours of work. Lectures: 23 h, exercises and assignments: 110 h, data model and code review: 1 + 1 h. Total: 135 h.

Content scheduling

The course is held during every spring.

Further information

The assessment is based on the code and data model review.

Evaluation scale


Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)

The assessment is based on 1) Data modelling assignment (20%), and 2) Back-end assignment (80%). The assessment focuses on the following:
1) Data modelling: you can design a conceptual and a logical data model (comprising approximately five entities/tables) by applying standard data modelling and design techniques based upon an understanding of requirements (the models may contain some errors, omissions, and/or inconsistencies)
2) Back-end development
- complexity: only a simple back-end solution is presented
- knowledge base and the structure of the implementation: only basic knowledge base is presented
- choice of the framework and libraries: only the core framework is used
- realisation of the project work: contains errors, omissions, and/or inconsistencies
- results and their analysis are vague or missing
- reporting and presentation: incomplete (no presentation)

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)

The assessment is based on 1) Data modelling assignment (20%), and 2) Back-end assignment (80%). The assessment focuses on the following:
1) Data modelling:
- you can design a conceptual and a logical data model comprising of at least five entities (tables)
- the models are clear, contain metadata, but may contain minor errors, omissions, and/or inconsistencies
2) Back-end development
- complexity: back-end solution contain several end-points
- choice of the framework and libraries: more than one framework or software library is used
- knowledge base and the structure of the implementation shows more than just a basic knowledge
- realisation of the project work is nearly error-free
- results are reported shortly and their analysis might be missing or incomplete
- reporting and presentation may be short and/or quick

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The assessment is based on 1) Data modelling assignment (20%), and 2) Back-end assignment (80%). The assessment focuses on the following:
1) Data modelling:
- you can design a conceptual and a logical data model comprising of at least 5 entities (tables)
- the models are detailed, clear, complete, error-free, and contain metadata
2) Back-end development
- complexity: back-end solution contain several end-points
- well-argumented choice of the framework and libraries
- knowledge base and the structure of the implementation is clear
- realisation of the project work: complete, error-free, consistent
- results and their analysis: in-depth and thorough
- reporting and presentation is excellent

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Pass: you demonstrate skills and knowledge of designing and implementing a back-end solution containing a database, server-side software, and related application programming interface. The result is evaluated during a code and data model review.


Basics of databases
Basics of JavaScript programming