Siirry suoraan sisältöön

Cross-Cultural Management Essentials (5 cr)

Code: HB00CD21-3003

General information


10.02.2025 - 19.05.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery



School of Business


Main Campus

Teaching languages

  • English


20 - 40

Degree programmes

  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in International Business


  • Diane Ruppert
  • Barbara Crawford

Teacher in charge

Barbara Crawford


  • HBI25VK
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in International Business, vaihto-opiskelu/Exchange studies
  • HBI25VKK
    Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, Kedge Business School
    Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, IGS Group HRM, (Bachelor's)


The objective of the course

CCM Essentials is a foundational course regarding the multitude of components embedded in cross-cultural management. Building each week on new aspects of cross-cultural management and/or developmental elements of a multicultural identity, you will become aware of how the role of culture in human society has socialized you as an individual in ways both conscious and unconscious, as well as been exposed to ways to adapt oneself to be more culturally aware and sensitive to the influence of culture on many aspects of life and business.

After completing this course, you will be more aware of (1) how the multiple aspects of culture (defined quite broadly) impact business perspectives and interaction, whether that is on in international level (i.e., you are outside your home culture) or in regard to multicultural aspects of your home environment, and (2) your own personal perspectives, perceptions, and behaviors as a cultural being so that you can be more successful in the outcomes of point 1.

Course competence

Internationality and Multiculturalism: You will learn about and reflect on various aspects of culture and cultural practices that support your development within an international business environment and assists you in developing empathy toward and appreciation of members of other cultures.

The learning objectives of the course

At the end of this course, you will be more familiar with the many components that impact cultures (group-level) and your own identity (individual-level). Additionally, your increased awareness of the aspects of context, and the interplay between the components and the context, provides the opportunity to understand the ongoing process of personal development and skills development as a business professional.


Areas of exploration in the class include values, cultural dimensions, interaction and meta-communication, the role of knowledge, among others. For IB students, the course also allows students to participate in the X-Culture Project, in which you will be placed on an international global team to propose a solution to a real-company's brief.

Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus

The materials needed to complete the course will be either given to you by the teacher or you will gather yourself.

Teaching methods

This face-to-face,in-class course emphasizes experiential, interactive, and student-centered pedagogy. This means that you will actively engage with theory and practice. This combination of content and activity involves a blend of teaching and learning methods, ranging from lectures and in-class activities to group work. You are expected to engage with your classmates in exploring and reinforcing the developmental process of learning and applying aspects of cultural influence.

Employer connections

During this course, international experts in the field may be invited to present. In addition, by engaging the diversity in the classroom, you can gain knowledge, awareness, and experience, as well as early networking, that could open opportunity for internship and employment prospects.

Exam schedules

The assessment in this course is based on continuous demonstration of skills, a written task and a group project as a means to master the basics of cross-cultural influences and intercultural interaction as they relate to the business context. Resit possibilities will be informed in Moodle.

International connections

Through the content of this course, you will gain insights into cultural dimensions, influences, and practices that can facilitate internships, professional training, and exchanges that could further develop your network of international contacts.

Vaihtoehtoiset suoritustavat

Degree students have the right to apply for recognition of prior learning (e.g., university studies completed elsewhere) that can be accredited toward the degree you are currently completing. The recognition of prior learning is possible in three primary ways: accreditation (replacement or inclusion), recognition of informal learning, and studification. More precise info: JAMK Degree Regulations, Section 17.

Student workload

You typically will meet once per week for a 2.5-hour block in the classroom. One credit corresponds to an average of 27 hours of work, which means your total workload of five credits is approximately 135 hours, suggesting that the bulk of the course work takes place outside the classroom.

You will be expected to attend each class session, for approximately 33 hours over the course of the semester.

As for the out-of-classrom course work, you can expect to spend at least 15 hours in group work outside of class, 8-10 hours preparing for the in-class exams, and the balance researching for and completing assignments.

Further information

Because of the first-person learning through in-class lectures, activities, and group work, the course is offered only in person and on campus.

Evaluation scale


Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)

Individual tasks typically are graded proportionately based on a total of 100 points for the class. Each assignment (and some points awarded for engaged participation and attendance) is allotted specific points (accompanying the assignment description in Moodle). At the end of the course, the points you accumulate will be translated into the university's scale of 0-5. In this point system, you must earn 45 points to pass the course with a 1; earning 85 points or more results in your earning a 5.

Sufficient (1): You will cognitively understand that culture is a key component of every group and society; that culture represents a vast number of components that affects each individual member of a culture; and the culture is a group construct that does not exist on the individual level.

Satisfactory (2): From the theory and related class activities, you will demonstrate an understanding of the difference between the group-level construct of culture and the personal-level construct of identity and how each impacts you and others as individual beings and members of groups. You will be able to articulate the multiple ways culture is expressed and impacts perceptions and behaviors.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)

Good (3): The key knowledge you can demonstrate, both in behavior and assignments, are the group-level understanding of culture, the role of cultural dimensions in group-level norms and expectations, the areas of values and identity as your personal expressions of socialization, and the importance of intercultural interaction and multicultural contexts.

Very Good (4): As a result of exposure to theory, activities, and multicultural groupwork, you can identify how culture is formed and expressed at the group level, and how that group construct influences and impacts individuals at the personal level. You are able to analyze the various dimensions (cultural level) and values (personal level) as they apply to your life and those within interaction and group situations. You are aware that many aspects of culture are automated as a result of socialization, but also recognize that you have the ability to avoid automated responses. Through reflective writing, you can demonstrate insight into your own behaviors and choices in multiple relationships and contexts.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent (5): You will comprehend and demonstrate how culture as a group-level construct is intimately enmeshed with one's personality and socialized experiences and understand how this construct is influenced by context. Additionally, you will be able to recognize how culture influences--consciously and unconsciously--your perceptions and automated behaviors, but also will be able to self-reflect and self-moderate to make informed behavioral choices when interacting with multiple culturally influenced dissimilarities and contexts, in group work, in leadership roles, and in multicultural environments. As a result of your reflective thinking and writing, you can recognize your own personal development as an intercultural being.


As a foundational course, no pre-requisites are established except that you must be on campus and attend class.

Further information

Your attendance in class is essential for your ability to complete the assignments and tasks--and to personally benefit. The course builds over the semester, and thus multiple absences will jeopardize your ability to complete the course.

The information presented here is appropriate for all implementations of CCM Essentials except the implementation reserved for IB degree students. The latter group only will participate in the X-Culture project.