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Purchasing - Analysing and DevelopmentLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: TLHH2500


5 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish
  • English

Responsible person

  • Jutta Nihtilä


The purpose of the Course:
Purchasing is a major part of todays business. No company can survive and be successful without its supplier network. In this course you will recognize the possibilities and challenges of purchasing and develop them as part of successful business. You will grow your know-how as systematic and professional purchasing and business developer!

Course competences:
Procurement skills, Engineering practice

Learning outcomes:
In this course you will learn how to analyze and develop purchasing as part of business development. You will recognize and try different analyzing methods to define current state of purchasing. You will also learn how to make decisions on what and how to develop purchasing based on the current state analysis. You will also get understanding of measuring purchasing, its meaning and key metrics. You will consider and understand the possibilities of digitalization, analytics and different systems in purchasing development.
In this course you will learn to recognize development possibilities of purchasing widely both in operative and strategic level.


Course contents are:
Systematic development of purchasing as part of business development
Analyzing methods in purchasing (spend analysis, ABC-analysis, value analysis and tail management)
Developing purchasing process
Measuring purchasing
Digitalization, analytics and systems in purchasing


Basic understanding of purchasing and its role and meaning in business.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Adequate 1: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course.

Satisfactory 2: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course. Additionally student is able to apply learnings in purchasing development.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course. Additionally student is able to apply learnings in purchasing development in a systematic way.

Very Good 4: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course. Additionally student is able to apply learnings in purchasing development in a systematic way and is able to argue the decisions from operative and/or strategic perspective.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course. Additionally student is able to apply learnings in purchasing development in a systematic and innovative way and is able to argue the decisions from operative and/or strategic perspective.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course.


01.08.2025 - 31.10.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

2.5 op

Mode of delivery

50 % Face-to-face, 50 % Online learning


School of Technology

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Purchasing and Logistics Engineering
  • Jutta Nihtilä
  • ZJA25KTHA1
    Avoin amk, Hankintaosaaja 1, Helsinki


The purpose of the Course:
Purchasing is a major part of todays business. No company can survive and be successful without its supplier network. In this course you will recognize the possibilities and challenges of purchasing and develop them as part of successful business. You will grow your know-how as systematic and professional purchasing and business developer!

Course competences:
Procurement skills, Engineering practice

Learning outcomes:
In this course you will learn how to analyze and develop purchasing as part of business development. You will recognize and try different analyzing methods to define current state of purchasing. You will also learn how to make decisions on what and how to develop purchasing based on the current state analysis. You will also get understanding of measuring purchasing, its meaning and key metrics. You will consider and understand the possibilities of digitalization, analytics and different systems in purchasing development.
In this course you will learn to recognize development possibilities of purchasing widely both in operative and strategic level.


Course contents are:
Systematic development of purchasing as part of business development
Analyzing methods in purchasing (spend analysis, ABC-analysis, value analysis and tail management)
Developing purchasing process
Measuring purchasing
Digitalization, analytics and systems in purchasing

Learning materials and recommended literature

Kurssin materiaali koostuu työtilassa olevista luentodioista sekä tieteellisistä artikkeleista, tutkimuksista ja videoista.

Nieminen, Sanna. (2016). Hyvä hankinta - parempi bisnes. Talentum. (e-kirjana JAMK:in kirjastossa)

van Weele, Arjan. 2010. Purchasing and Supply Chain Management. 5th ed. Cengage Learning. (e-kirjana JAMKin kirjastossa)

Teaching methods

Opintojakso sisältää 2 lähiopetuspäivää sekä 2 verkkotapaamista erillisen suunnitelman mukaisesti. Opiskelija valitsee oman suoritustapansa (lähipäiväopiskelija /verkko-opiskelija) koulutuksen alkaessa.
Lähiopetuspäivät pidetään Helsingissä ja verkkotapaaminen zoom-verkkoympäristössä.
Opintojaksolle kuuluu lisäksi itseopiskelua verkossa sekä oppimistehtävät.
Materiaali löytyy verkkotyötilassa itsenäiseen opiskeluun.

Yksityiskohtainen toteutustapa kuvataan opintojakson aloitusvaiheessa.

Practical training and working life connections

Opintojaksolla on mahdollisesti vieraileva luennoitsija.

Alternative completion methods

Hyväksilukemisen menettelytavat kuvataan tutkintosäännössä ja opinto-oppaassa. Opintojakson opettaja antaa lisätietoa mahdollisista opintojakson erityiskäytänteistä.

Student workload

Laskennallinen kuormittavuus on opintopistemäärä kertaa 27 tuntia.
Esim. 5-opintopisteen opintojaksolla kuormittavuus on 135h.

Further information for students

Opintojakson arviointi perustuu kontaktipäiville osallistumiseen tai korvaavien tehtävien suorittamiseen ja oppimistehtäviin. Arviointi toteutetaan asteikolla: hyväksytty / hylätty.

Poissaolo kontaktipäiviltä korvataan lisätehtävin.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Adequate 1: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course.

Satisfactory 2: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course. Additionally student is able to apply learnings in purchasing development.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course. Additionally student is able to apply learnings in purchasing development in a systematic way.

Very Good 4: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course. Additionally student is able to apply learnings in purchasing development in a systematic way and is able to argue the decisions from operative and/or strategic perspective.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course. Additionally student is able to apply learnings in purchasing development in a systematic and innovative way and is able to argue the decisions from operative and/or strategic perspective.

Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course.


Basic understanding of purchasing and its role and meaning in business.


18.11.2024 - 09.01.2025


20.01.2025 - 25.04.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

2.5 op

Mode of delivery

50 % Face-to-face, 50 % Online learning


School of Technology


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 60

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Jutta Nihtilä
  • TLS22S1
    Logistiikka - tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)
    Institute of New Industry, online learning (mechanical, logistics and civil engineering)
  • ZJK24ST
    Korkeakoulujen välinen yhteistyö, TEKN


The purpose of the Course:
Purchasing is a major part of todays business. No company can survive and be successful without its supplier network. In this course you will recognize the possibilities and challenges of purchasing and develop them as part of successful business. You will grow your know-how as systematic and professional purchasing and business developer!

Course competences:
Procurement skills, Engineering practice

Learning outcomes:
In this course you will learn how to analyze and develop purchasing as part of business development. You will recognize and try different analyzing methods to define current state of purchasing. You will also learn how to make decisions on what and how to develop purchasing based on the current state analysis. You will also get understanding of measuring purchasing, its meaning and key metrics. You will consider and understand the possibilities of digitalization, analytics and different systems in purchasing development.
In this course you will learn to recognize development possibilities of purchasing widely both in operative and strategic level.


Course contents are:
Systematic development of purchasing as part of business development
Analyzing methods in purchasing (spend analysis, ABC-analysis, value analysis and tail management)
Developing purchasing process
Measuring purchasing
Digitalization, analytics and systems in purchasing

Learning materials and recommended literature

The course material consists of lecture slides in the Moodle as well as scientific articles, case-studies and videos.


Nieminen, Sanna (2016). Hyvä hankinta - parempi bisnes. Talentum. (as an e-book in JAMK's library)

van Weele, Arjan. 2010/2015/2018. Purchasing and Supply Chain Management. 5th ed. Cengage Learning. (as an e-book in JAMK's library)

Teaching methods

This implementation combines face-to-face teaching and independent online implementation. Contact teaching includes contact lessons at campus, self-study and small group work. The online implementation contains contents that can be studied independently.

The detailed implementation method will be specified at the beginning of the course. The student must confirm his/her participation in the course within 3 weeks of the start of the course.

The course uses the Moodle learning environment.

Practical training and working life connections

The course may have a visiting lecturer and an excursion.

Exam dates and retake possibilities

The course includes an exam/exams, the date of which will be specified at the beginning of the course.

Student workload

The calculated workload is the number of credits times 27 hours.

In the 5-credit course, the workload is 135 hours

Further information for students

The course has continuous feedback as an evaluation method. The evaluation is based on the learning tasks and the exam(s).

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Adequate 1: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course.

Satisfactory 2: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course. Additionally student is able to apply learnings in purchasing development.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course. Additionally student is able to apply learnings in purchasing development in a systematic way.

Very Good 4: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course. Additionally student is able to apply learnings in purchasing development in a systematic way and is able to argue the decisions from operative and/or strategic perspective.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course. Additionally student is able to apply learnings in purchasing development in a systematic and innovative way and is able to argue the decisions from operative and/or strategic perspective.

Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course.


Basic understanding of purchasing and its role and meaning in business.


07.01.2025 - 10.03.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

2.5 op

Mode of delivery

50 % Face-to-face, 50 % Online learning


School of Technology

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Purchasing and Logistics Engineering
  • Lotta Happo
  • Jutta Nihtilä
  • ZJA24STHA1
    Avoin amk, Hankintaosaaja 1, Helsinki


The purpose of the Course:
Purchasing is a major part of todays business. No company can survive and be successful without its supplier network. In this course you will recognize the possibilities and challenges of purchasing and develop them as part of successful business. You will grow your know-how as systematic and professional purchasing and business developer!

Course competences:
Procurement skills, Engineering practice

Learning outcomes:
In this course you will learn how to analyze and develop purchasing as part of business development. You will recognize and try different analyzing methods to define current state of purchasing. You will also learn how to make decisions on what and how to develop purchasing based on the current state analysis. You will also get understanding of measuring purchasing, its meaning and key metrics. You will consider and understand the possibilities of digitalization, analytics and different systems in purchasing development.
In this course you will learn to recognize development possibilities of purchasing widely both in operative and strategic level.


Course contents are:
Systematic development of purchasing as part of business development
Analyzing methods in purchasing (spend analysis, ABC-analysis, value analysis and tail management)
Developing purchasing process
Measuring purchasing
Digitalization, analytics and systems in purchasing

Learning materials and recommended literature

Kurssin materiaali koostuu työtilassa olevista luentodioista sekä tieteellisistä artikkeleista, tutkimuksista ja videoista.

Nieminen, Sanna. (2016). Hyvä hankinta - parempi bisnes. Talentum. (e-kirjana JAMK:in kirjastossa)

van Weele, Arjan. 2010. Purchasing and Supply Chain Management. 5th ed. Cengage Learning. (e-kirjana JAMKin kirjastossa)

Teaching methods

Opintojakso sisältää 2 lähiopetuspäivää sekä 2 verkkotapaamista erillisen suunnitelman mukaisesti. Opiskelija valitsee oman suoritustapansa (lähipäiväopiskelija /verkko-opiskelija) koulutuksen alkaessa.
Lähiopetuspäivät pidetään Helsingissä ja verkkotapaaminen zoom-verkkoympäristössä.
Opintojaksolle kuuluu lisäksi itseopiskelua verkossa sekä oppimistehtävät.
Materiaali löytyy verkkotyötilassa itsenäiseen opiskeluun.

Yksityiskohtainen toteutustapa kuvataan opintojakson aloitusvaiheessa.

Practical training and working life connections

Opintojaksolla on mahdollisesti vieraileva luennoitsija.

Alternative completion methods

Hyväksilukemisen menettelytavat kuvataan tutkintosäännössä ja opinto-oppaassa. Opintojakson opettaja antaa lisätietoa mahdollisista opntojakson erityiskäytänteistä.

Student workload

Laskennallinen kuormittavuus on opintopistemäärä kertaa 27 tuntia.
Esim. 5-opintopisteen opintojaksolla kuormittavuus on 135h.

Further information for students

Opintojakson arviointi perustuu kontaktipäiville osallistumiseen tai korvaavien tehtävien suorittamiseen ja oppimistehtäviin. Arviointi toteutetaan asteikolla: hyväksytty / hylätty.

Poissaolo kontaktipäiviltä korvataan lisätehtävin.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Adequate 1: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course.

Satisfactory 2: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course. Additionally student is able to apply learnings in purchasing development.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course. Additionally student is able to apply learnings in purchasing development in a systematic way.

Very Good 4: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course. Additionally student is able to apply learnings in purchasing development in a systematic way and is able to argue the decisions from operative and/or strategic perspective.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course. Additionally student is able to apply learnings in purchasing development in a systematic and innovative way and is able to argue the decisions from operative and/or strategic perspective.

Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course.


Basic understanding of purchasing and its role and meaning in business.


01.08.2024 - 22.08.2024


26.08.2024 - 15.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery



School of Technology


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

20 - 44

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Purchasing and Logistics Engineering
  • Jutta Nihtilä
  • TRY24VS
    Rakennus- ja yhdyskuntatekniikka (AMK), vaihto-opiskelu/Exchange studies
  • TLP24VS
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Purchasing and Logistics Engineering (AMK) vaihto-opiskelu/Exchange studies
  • TLP23S1
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Purchasing and Logistics Engineering


The purpose of the Course:
Purchasing is a major part of todays business. No company can survive and be successful without its supplier network. In this course you will recognize the possibilities and challenges of purchasing and develop them as part of successful business. You will grow your know-how as systematic and professional purchasing and business developer!

Course competences:
Procurement skills, Engineering practice

Learning outcomes:
In this course you will learn how to analyze and develop purchasing as part of business development. You will recognize and try different analyzing methods to define current state of purchasing. You will also learn how to make decisions on what and how to develop purchasing based on the current state analysis. You will also get understanding of measuring purchasing, its meaning and key metrics. You will consider and understand the possibilities of digitalization, analytics and different systems in purchasing development.
In this course you will learn to recognize development possibilities of purchasing widely both in operative and strategic level.


Course contents are:
Systematic development of purchasing as part of business development
Analyzing methods in purchasing (spend analysis, ABC-analysis, value analysis and tail management)
Developing purchasing process
Measuring purchasing
Digitalization, analytics and systems in purchasing

Learning materials and recommended literature

The course material consists of lecture slides in the Moodle as well as scientific articles, case-studies and videos.


Nieminen, Sanna (2016). Hyvä hankinta - parempi bisnes. Talentum. (as an e-book in JAMK's library)

van Weele, Arjan. 2010/2015/2018. Purchasing and Supply Chain Management. 5th ed. Cengage Learning. (as an e-book in JAMK's library)

Teaching methods

This implementation is face-to-face teaching at campus. Contact teaching includes contact lessons at campus, self-study and small group work.

The detailed implementation method will be specified at the beginning of the course. The student must confirm his/her participation in the course within 3 weeks of the start of the course.

The course uses the Moodle learning environment.

Practical training and working life connections

The course may have a visiting lecturer and an/or excursion.

Exam dates and retake possibilities

The course includes an exam/exams, the date of which will be specified at the beginning of the course.

Student workload

The calculated workload is the number of credits times 27 hours.

In the 5-credit course, the workload is 135 hours

Further information for students

The course has continuous feedback as an evaluation method. The evaluation is based on the learning tasks and the exam(s).

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Adequate 1: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course.

Satisfactory 2: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course. Additionally student is able to apply learnings in purchasing development.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course. Additionally student is able to apply learnings in purchasing development in a systematic way.

Very Good 4: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course. Additionally student is able to apply learnings in purchasing development in a systematic way and is able to argue the decisions from operative and/or strategic perspective.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course. Additionally student is able to apply learnings in purchasing development in a systematic and innovative way and is able to argue the decisions from operative and/or strategic perspective.

Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course.


Basic understanding of purchasing and its role and meaning in business.


01.08.2024 - 22.08.2024


26.08.2024 - 18.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Technology


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Jukka Eerola
    Institute of New Industry, online learning (mechanical, logistics and civil engineering)


The purpose of the Course:
Purchasing is a major part of todays business. No company can survive and be successful without its supplier network. In this course you will recognize the possibilities and challenges of purchasing and develop them as part of successful business. You will grow your know-how as systematic and professional purchasing and business developer!

Course competences:
Procurement skills, Engineering practice

Learning outcomes:
In this course you will learn how to analyze and develop purchasing as part of business development. You will recognize and try different analyzing methods to define current state of purchasing. You will also learn how to make decisions on what and how to develop purchasing based on the current state analysis. You will also get understanding of measuring purchasing, its meaning and key metrics. You will consider and understand the possibilities of digitalization, analytics and different systems in purchasing development.
In this course you will learn to recognize development possibilities of purchasing widely both in operative and strategic level.


Course contents are:
Systematic development of purchasing as part of business development
Analyzing methods in purchasing (spend analysis, ABC-analysis, value analysis and tail management)
Developing purchasing process
Measuring purchasing
Digitalization, analytics and systems in purchasing

Learning materials and recommended literature

Oppimisympäristön materiaali. Tieteelliset artikkelit, tutkimukset ja videot.

Nieminen, S. 2016. Hyvä hankinta - parempi bisnes.

Teaching methods

Opiskelu tapahtuu verkkoympäristössä omaan tahtiin. Tällä toteutuksella ei ole yhteisiä kontakteja.

Exam dates and retake possibilities


Student workload

Itsenäinen opiskelu 60 h
Oppimistehtävät 75 h

Further information for students

Arviointi perustuu oppimistehtäviin/verkkotentteihin.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Adequate 1: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course.

Satisfactory 2: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course. Additionally student is able to apply learnings in purchasing development.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course. Additionally student is able to apply learnings in purchasing development in a systematic way.

Very Good 4: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course. Additionally student is able to apply learnings in purchasing development in a systematic way and is able to argue the decisions from operative and/or strategic perspective.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course. Additionally student is able to apply learnings in purchasing development in a systematic and innovative way and is able to argue the decisions from operative and/or strategic perspective.

Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course.


Basic understanding of purchasing and its role and meaning in business.


01.08.2024 - 31.10.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

2.5 op

Mode of delivery

50 % Face-to-face, 50 % Online learning


School of Technology


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Purchasing and Logistics Engineering
  • Lotta Happo
  • Jutta Nihtilä
    Avoin AMK, tekniikka, Hankintaosaaja 1, Helsinki


The purpose of the Course:
Purchasing is a major part of todays business. No company can survive and be successful without its supplier network. In this course you will recognize the possibilities and challenges of purchasing and develop them as part of successful business. You will grow your know-how as systematic and professional purchasing and business developer!

Course competences:
Procurement skills, Engineering practice

Learning outcomes:
In this course you will learn how to analyze and develop purchasing as part of business development. You will recognize and try different analyzing methods to define current state of purchasing. You will also learn how to make decisions on what and how to develop purchasing based on the current state analysis. You will also get understanding of measuring purchasing, its meaning and key metrics. You will consider and understand the possibilities of digitalization, analytics and different systems in purchasing development.
In this course you will learn to recognize development possibilities of purchasing widely both in operative and strategic level.


Course contents are:
Systematic development of purchasing as part of business development
Analyzing methods in purchasing (spend analysis, ABC-analysis, value analysis and tail management)
Developing purchasing process
Measuring purchasing
Digitalization, analytics and systems in purchasing

Learning materials and recommended literature

Kurssin materiaali koostuu työtilassa olevista luentodioista sekä tieteellisistä artikkeleista, tutkimuksista ja videoista.

Nieminen, Sanna. (2016). Hyvä hankinta - parempi bisnes. Talentum. (e-kirjana JAMK:in kirjastossa)

van Weele, Arjan. 2010. Purchasing and Supply Chain Management. 5th ed. Cengage Learning. (e-kirjana JAMKin kirjastossa)

Iloaranta, Kari ja Pajunen-Muhonen, Hanna. 2012. Hankintojen johtaminen. Tietosanoma.

Pandit, Kirit, ja Haralambos Marmanis. 2008. Spend Analysis: The Window Into Strategic Sourcing. J. Ross Publishing

Teaching methods

Opintojakso sisältää 2 lähiopetuspäivää sekä 2 verkkotapaamista erillisen suunnitelman mukaisesti.
Lähiopetuspäivät pidetään Helsingissä ja verkkotapaaminen zoom-verkkoympäristössä.
Opintojaksolle kuuluu lisäksi itseopiskelua verkossa sekä oppimistehtävät.
Materiaali löytyy verkkotyötilassa itsenäiseen opiskeluun.

Yksityiskohtainen toteutustapa kuvataan opintojakson aloitusvaiheessa.

Practical training and working life connections

Opintojaksolla on mahdollisesti vieraileva luennoitsija.

Alternative completion methods

Hyväksilukemisen menettelytavat kuvataan tutkintosäännössä ja opinto-oppaassa. Opintojakson opettaja antaa lisätietoa mahdollisista opntojakson erityiskäytänteistä.

Student workload

Laskennallinen kuormittavuus on opintopistemäärä kertaa 27 tuntia.
Esim. 5-opintopisteen opintojaksolla kuormittavuus on 135h.

Further information for students

Opintojakson arviointi perustuu kontaktipäiville osallistumiseen tai korvaavien tehtävien suorittamiseen ja oppimistehtäviin. Arviointi toteutetaan asteikolla: hyväksytty / hylätty.

Poissaolo kontaktipäiviltä korvataan lisätehtävin.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Adequate 1: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course.

Satisfactory 2: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course. Additionally student is able to apply learnings in purchasing development.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course. Additionally student is able to apply learnings in purchasing development in a systematic way.

Very Good 4: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course. Additionally student is able to apply learnings in purchasing development in a systematic way and is able to argue the decisions from operative and/or strategic perspective.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course. Additionally student is able to apply learnings in purchasing development in a systematic and innovative way and is able to argue the decisions from operative and/or strategic perspective.

Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course.


Basic understanding of purchasing and its role and meaning in business.


20.11.2023 - 04.01.2024


18.01.2024 - 30.04.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery



School of Technology


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 50

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Jutta Nihtilä
  • TLS21S1
    Logistiikan tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)


The purpose of the Course:
Purchasing is a major part of todays business. No company can survive and be successful without its supplier network. In this course you will recognize the possibilities and challenges of purchasing and develop them as part of successful business. You will grow your know-how as systematic and professional purchasing and business developer!

Course competences:
Procurement skills, Engineering practice

Learning outcomes:
In this course you will learn how to analyze and develop purchasing as part of business development. You will recognize and try different analyzing methods to define current state of purchasing. You will also learn how to make decisions on what and how to develop purchasing based on the current state analysis. You will also get understanding of measuring purchasing, its meaning and key metrics. You will consider and understand the possibilities of digitalization, analytics and different systems in purchasing development.
In this course you will learn to recognize development possibilities of purchasing widely both in operative and strategic level.


Course contents are:
Systematic development of purchasing as part of business development
Analyzing methods in purchasing (spend analysis, ABC-analysis, value analysis and tail management)
Developing purchasing process
Measuring purchasing
Digitalization, analytics and systems in purchasing

Learning materials and recommended literature

Kurssin materiaali koostuu työtilassa olevista luentodioista sekä tieteellisistä artikkeleista, tutkimuksista ja videoista.

Tukeva kirjallisuus:

van Weele, Arjan. 2010/2015/2018. Purchasing and Supply Chain Management. 5th ed. Cengage Learning. (e-kirjana JAMKin kirjastossa)

Iloaranta, Kari ja Pajunen-Muhonen, Hanna. 2012. Hankintojen johtaminen. Tietosanoma.

Nieminen, Sanna. (2016). Hyvä hankinta - parempi bisnes. Talentum. (e-kirjana JAMK:in kirjastossa)

Pandit, Kirit, ja Haralambos Marmanis. 2008. Spend Analysis: The Window Into Strategic Sourcing. J. Ross Publishing

Teaching methods

Opintojakso on päivätoteutus, joka sisältää kontaktiopetusta, itseopiskelua ja pienryhmätyöskentelyä.

Yksityiskohtainen toteutustapa ja ryhmätöiden ryhmäjako tarkentuu opintojakson aloitusvaiheessa.

Opintojaksolla käytetään Moodlen sähköistä oppimisympäristöä.

Practical training and working life connections

Opintojaksolla on mahdollisesti vieraileva luennoitsija.

Exam dates and retake possibilities


Student workload

Laskennallinen kuormittavuus on opintopistemäärä kertaa 27 tuntia.

5-opintopisteen opintojaksolla kuormittavuus on 135h

Further information for students

Opintojaksolla on jatkuva palautteenanto arviointimenetelmänä. Arviointi perustuu oppimistehtäviin ja mahdolliseen tenttiin/ tentteihin.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Adequate 1: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course.

Satisfactory 2: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course. Additionally student is able to apply learnings in purchasing development.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course. Additionally student is able to apply learnings in purchasing development in a systematic way.

Very Good 4: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course. Additionally student is able to apply learnings in purchasing development in a systematic way and is able to argue the decisions from operative and/or strategic perspective.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course. Additionally student is able to apply learnings in purchasing development in a systematic and innovative way and is able to argue the decisions from operative and/or strategic perspective.

Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course.


Basic understanding of purchasing and its role and meaning in business.


09.01.2024 - 31.03.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

4 op

Mode of delivery

20 % Face-to-face, 80 % Online learning


School of Technology


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Purchasing and Logistics Engineering
  • Marjo Turunen
  • Jutta Nihtilä
    Avoin amk, Hankintaosaaja 1, Helsinki, Monimuoto


The purpose of the Course:
Purchasing is a major part of todays business. No company can survive and be successful without its supplier network. In this course you will recognize the possibilities and challenges of purchasing and develop them as part of successful business. You will grow your know-how as systematic and professional purchasing and business developer!

Course competences:
Procurement skills, Engineering practice

Learning outcomes:
In this course you will learn how to analyze and develop purchasing as part of business development. You will recognize and try different analyzing methods to define current state of purchasing. You will also learn how to make decisions on what and how to develop purchasing based on the current state analysis. You will also get understanding of measuring purchasing, its meaning and key metrics. You will consider and understand the possibilities of digitalization, analytics and different systems in purchasing development.
In this course you will learn to recognize development possibilities of purchasing widely both in operative and strategic level.


Course contents are:
Systematic development of purchasing as part of business development
Analyzing methods in purchasing (spend analysis, ABC-analysis, value analysis and tail management)
Developing purchasing process
Measuring purchasing
Digitalization, analytics and systems in purchasing

Learning materials and recommended literature

Kurssin materiaali koostuu työtilassa olevista luentodioista sekä tieteellisistä artikkeleista, tutkimuksista ja videoista.

Nieminen, Sanna. (2016). Hyvä hankinta - parempi bisnes. Talentum. (e-kirjana JAMK:in kirjastossa)

van Weele, Arjan. 2010. Purchasing and Supply Chain Management. 5th ed. Cengage Learning. (e-kirjana JAMKin kirjastossa)

Iloaranta, Kari ja Pajunen-Muhonen, Hanna. 2012. Hankintojen johtaminen. Tietosanoma.

Pandit, Kirit, ja Haralambos Marmanis. 2008. Spend Analysis: The Window Into Strategic Sourcing. J. Ross Publishing

Teaching methods

Opintojakso sisältää 2 lähiopetuspäivää sekä 2 verkkotapaamista erillisen suunnitelman mukaisesti.
Lähiopetuspäivät pidetään Helsingissä ja verkkotapaaminen zoom-verkkoympäristössä.
Opintojaksolle kuuluu lisäksi itseopiskelua verkossa sekä oppimistehtävät.
Materiaali löytyy verkkotyötilassa itsenäiseen opiskeluun.

Yksityiskohtainen toteutustapa kuvataan opintojakson aloitusvaiheessa.

Practical training and working life connections

Opintojaksolla on mahdollisesti vieraileva luennoitsija.

Alternative completion methods

Hyväksilukemisen menettelytavat kuvataan tutkintosäännössä ja opinto-oppaassa. Opintojakson opettaja antaa lisätietoa mahdollisista opntojakson erityiskäytänteistä.

Student workload

Laskennallinen kuormittavuus on opintopistemäärä kertaa 27 tuntia.
Esim. 5-opintopisteen opintojaksolla kuormittavuus on 135h.

Luentoja n.24h
Oppimistehtävät n.60h
Itseopiskelu n.50h

Further information for students

Opintojakson arviointi perustuu kontaktipäiville osallistumiseen tai korvaavien tehtävien suorittamiseen ja oppimistehtäviin. Arviointi toteutetaan asteikolla: hyväksytty / hylätty.

Poissaolo kontaktipäiviltä korvataan lisätehtävin.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Adequate 1: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course.

Satisfactory 2: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course. Additionally student is able to apply learnings in purchasing development.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course. Additionally student is able to apply learnings in purchasing development in a systematic way.

Very Good 4: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course. Additionally student is able to apply learnings in purchasing development in a systematic way and is able to argue the decisions from operative and/or strategic perspective.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course. Additionally student is able to apply learnings in purchasing development in a systematic and innovative way and is able to argue the decisions from operative and/or strategic perspective.

Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course.


Basic understanding of purchasing and its role and meaning in business.


20.11.2023 - 04.01.2024


08.01.2024 - 30.04.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Technology


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 15

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Jutta Nihtilä
  • ZJK24KT
    Korkeakoulujen välinen yhteistyö, TEKN
    Institute of New Industry, online learning (mechanical, logistics and civil engineering)
  • ZJA24KT
    Avoin AMK, tekniikka


The purpose of the Course:
Purchasing is a major part of todays business. No company can survive and be successful without its supplier network. In this course you will recognize the possibilities and challenges of purchasing and develop them as part of successful business. You will grow your know-how as systematic and professional purchasing and business developer!

Course competences:
Procurement skills, Engineering practice

Learning outcomes:
In this course you will learn how to analyze and develop purchasing as part of business development. You will recognize and try different analyzing methods to define current state of purchasing. You will also learn how to make decisions on what and how to develop purchasing based on the current state analysis. You will also get understanding of measuring purchasing, its meaning and key metrics. You will consider and understand the possibilities of digitalization, analytics and different systems in purchasing development.
In this course you will learn to recognize development possibilities of purchasing widely both in operative and strategic level.


Course contents are:
Systematic development of purchasing as part of business development
Analyzing methods in purchasing (spend analysis, ABC-analysis, value analysis and tail management)
Developing purchasing process
Measuring purchasing
Digitalization, analytics and systems in purchasing

Learning materials and recommended literature

Oppimisympäristön materiaali. Tieteelliset artikkelit, tutkimukset ja videot.

Nieminen, S. 2016. Hyvä hankinta - parempi bisnes.

Teaching methods

Opiskelu tapahtuu verkkoympäristössä omaan tahtiin. Tällä toteutuksella ei ole yhteisiä kontakteja.

Exam dates and retake possibilities


Student workload

Itsenäinen opiskelu 60 h
Oppimistehtävät 75 h

Further information for students

Arviointi perustuu oppimistehtäviin/verkkotentteihin.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Adequate 1: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course.

Satisfactory 2: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course. Additionally student is able to apply learnings in purchasing development.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course. Additionally student is able to apply learnings in purchasing development in a systematic way.

Very Good 4: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course. Additionally student is able to apply learnings in purchasing development in a systematic way and is able to argue the decisions from operative and/or strategic perspective.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course. Additionally student is able to apply learnings in purchasing development in a systematic and innovative way and is able to argue the decisions from operative and/or strategic perspective.

Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course.


Basic understanding of purchasing and its role and meaning in business.


01.08.2023 - 24.08.2023


28.08.2023 - 19.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Technology


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 15

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Jutta Nihtilä
    Institute of New Industry, online learning (mechanical, logistics and civil engineering)
  • ZJK23ST
    Korkeakoulujen välinen yhteistyö, TEKN


The purpose of the Course:
Purchasing is a major part of todays business. No company can survive and be successful without its supplier network. In this course you will recognize the possibilities and challenges of purchasing and develop them as part of successful business. You will grow your know-how as systematic and professional purchasing and business developer!

Course competences:
Procurement skills, Engineering practice

Learning outcomes:
In this course you will learn how to analyze and develop purchasing as part of business development. You will recognize and try different analyzing methods to define current state of purchasing. You will also learn how to make decisions on what and how to develop purchasing based on the current state analysis. You will also get understanding of measuring purchasing, its meaning and key metrics. You will consider and understand the possibilities of digitalization, analytics and different systems in purchasing development.
In this course you will learn to recognize development possibilities of purchasing widely both in operative and strategic level.


Course contents are:
Systematic development of purchasing as part of business development
Analyzing methods in purchasing (spend analysis, ABC-analysis, value analysis and tail management)
Developing purchasing process
Measuring purchasing
Digitalization, analytics and systems in purchasing

Learning materials and recommended literature

Oppimisympäristön materiaali. Tieteelliset artikkelit, tutkimukset ja videot.

Nieminen, S. 2016. Hyvä hankinta - parempi bisnes.

Teaching methods

Opiskelu tapahtuu verkkoympäristössä omaan tahtiin. Tällä toteutuksella ei ole yhteisiä kontakteja.

Exam dates and retake possibilities


Student workload

Itsenäinen opiskelu 60 h
Oppimistehtävät 75 h

Further information for students

Arviointi perustuu oppimistehtäviin/verkkotentteihin.
JYU opiskelijat 15

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Adequate 1: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course.

Satisfactory 2: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course. Additionally student is able to apply learnings in purchasing development.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course. Additionally student is able to apply learnings in purchasing development in a systematic way.

Very Good 4: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course. Additionally student is able to apply learnings in purchasing development in a systematic way and is able to argue the decisions from operative and/or strategic perspective.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course. Additionally student is able to apply learnings in purchasing development in a systematic and innovative way and is able to argue the decisions from operative and/or strategic perspective.

Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course.


Basic understanding of purchasing and its role and meaning in business.


01.08.2023 - 24.08.2023


28.08.2023 - 19.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery



School of Technology


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

0 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Purchasing and Logistics Engineering
  • Lotta Happo
  • TLP22S1
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Purchasing and Logistics Engineering
  • TLP23VS
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Purchasing and Logistics Engineering (AMK) vaihto-opiskelu/Exchange studies
  • TRY23VS
    Rakennus- ja yhdyskuntatekniikka (AMK), vaihto-opiskelu/Exchange studies


The purpose of the Course:
Purchasing is a major part of todays business. No company can survive and be successful without its supplier network. In this course you will recognize the possibilities and challenges of purchasing and develop them as part of successful business. You will grow your know-how as systematic and professional purchasing and business developer!

Course competences:
Procurement skills, Engineering practice

Learning outcomes:
In this course you will learn how to analyze and develop purchasing as part of business development. You will recognize and try different analyzing methods to define current state of purchasing. You will also learn how to make decisions on what and how to develop purchasing based on the current state analysis. You will also get understanding of measuring purchasing, its meaning and key metrics. You will consider and understand the possibilities of digitalization, analytics and different systems in purchasing development.
In this course you will learn to recognize development possibilities of purchasing widely both in operative and strategic level.


Course contents are:
Systematic development of purchasing as part of business development
Analyzing methods in purchasing (spend analysis, ABC-analysis, value analysis and tail management)
Developing purchasing process
Measuring purchasing
Digitalization, analytics and systems in purchasing

Learning materials and recommended literature

Course book: van Weele, Arjan. 2010. Purchasing and Supply Chain Management. 5th ed. Cengage Learning.

Academic articles, studies and teaching videos are also utilized. Material is shared in the learning environment used in the course.

Teaching methods

This course includes face-to-face lessons (Lectures, exercises, group works and/or learning assignments).

We will use Moodle e-learning environment.

Practical training and working life connections

If possible visiting lectures from working-life.

Exam dates and retake possibilities

The possible date and method of the exam will be announced in the course opening information.

Student has two resit possibilities.

Alternative completion methods

The admission procedures are described in the degree rule and the study guide. The teacher of the course will give you more information on possible specific course practices.

Student workload

Lectures ~35 h
Assignments 60 h
Independent study 40 h

Total 135 h

Further information for students

Assignments and exam

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Adequate 1: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course.

Satisfactory 2: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course. Additionally student is able to apply learnings in purchasing development.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course. Additionally student is able to apply learnings in purchasing development in a systematic way.

Very Good 4: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course. Additionally student is able to apply learnings in purchasing development in a systematic way and is able to argue the decisions from operative and/or strategic perspective.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course. Additionally student is able to apply learnings in purchasing development in a systematic and innovative way and is able to argue the decisions from operative and/or strategic perspective.

Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course.


Basic understanding of purchasing and its role and meaning in business.


01.08.2023 - 30.11.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Technology


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Purchasing and Logistics Engineering
  • Lotta Happo
  • Jutta Nihtilä
    Avoin AMK, tekniikka, Hankintaosaaja


The purpose of the Course:
Purchasing is a major part of todays business. No company can survive and be successful without its supplier network. In this course you will recognize the possibilities and challenges of purchasing and develop them as part of successful business. You will grow your know-how as systematic and professional purchasing and business developer!

Course competences:
Procurement skills, Engineering practice

Learning outcomes:
In this course you will learn how to analyze and develop purchasing as part of business development. You will recognize and try different analyzing methods to define current state of purchasing. You will also learn how to make decisions on what and how to develop purchasing based on the current state analysis. You will also get understanding of measuring purchasing, its meaning and key metrics. You will consider and understand the possibilities of digitalization, analytics and different systems in purchasing development.
In this course you will learn to recognize development possibilities of purchasing widely both in operative and strategic level.


Course contents are:
Systematic development of purchasing as part of business development
Analyzing methods in purchasing (spend analysis, ABC-analysis, value analysis and tail management)
Developing purchasing process
Measuring purchasing
Digitalization, analytics and systems in purchasing

Learning materials and recommended literature

Kurssin materiaali koostuu työtilassa olevista luentodioista sekä tieteellisistä artikkeleista, tutkimuksista ja videoista.

Nieminen, Sanna. (2016). Hyvä hankinta - parempi bisnes. Talentum. (e-kirjana JAMK:in kirjastossa)

van Weele, Arjan. 2010. Purchasing and Supply Chain Management. 5th ed. Cengage Learning. (e-kirjana JAMKin kirjastossa)

Iloaranta, Kari ja Pajunen-Muhonen, Hanna. 2012. Hankintojen johtaminen. Tietosanoma.

Pandit, Kirit, ja Haralambos Marmanis. 2008. Spend Analysis: The Window Into Strategic Sourcing. J. Ross Publishing

Teaching methods

Opintojakso sisältää 3 kontaktipäivää verkossa, itseopiskelua (kirjallisuus ja oppimistehtävät), pienryhmätyöskentelyä (tuntityöskentely) ja käytännön projekteja.

Yksityiskohtainen toteutustapa kuvataan opintojakson aloitusvaiheessa.

Practical training and working life connections

Opintojaksolla on mahdollisesti vieraileva luennoitsija.

Alternative completion methods

Hyväksilukemisen menettelytavat kuvataan tutkintosäännössä ja opinto-oppaassa. Opintojakson opettaja antaa lisätietoa mahdollisista opntojakson erityiskäytänteistä.

Student workload

Laskennallinen kuormittavuus on opintopistemäärä kertaa 27 tuntia.
Esim. 5-opintopisteen opintojaksolla kuormittavuus on 135h.

Luentoja n.24h
Oppimistehtävät n.60h
Itseopiskelu n.50h

Further information for students

Opintojakson arviointi perustuu kontaktipäiville osallistumiseen tai korvaavien tehtävien suorittamiseen ja oppimistehtäviin. Arviointi toteutetaan asteikolla: hyväksytty / hylätty.

Poissaolo kontaktipäiviltä korvataan lisätehtävin.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Adequate 1: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course.

Satisfactory 2: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course. Additionally student is able to apply learnings in purchasing development.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course. Additionally student is able to apply learnings in purchasing development in a systematic way.

Very Good 4: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course. Additionally student is able to apply learnings in purchasing development in a systematic way and is able to argue the decisions from operative and/or strategic perspective.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course. Additionally student is able to apply learnings in purchasing development in a systematic and innovative way and is able to argue the decisions from operative and/or strategic perspective.

Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course.


Basic understanding of purchasing and its role and meaning in business.


01.11.2022 - 05.01.2023


16.01.2023 - 30.04.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery



School of Technology


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 50

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Jutta Nihtilä
Teacher in charge

Marjo Turunen

  • TLS20S1
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics


The purpose of the Course:
Purchasing is a major part of todays business. No company can survive and be successful without its supplier network. In this course you will recognize the possibilities and challenges of purchasing and develop them as part of successful business. You will grow your know-how as systematic and professional purchasing and business developer!

Course competences:
Procurement skills, Engineering practice

Learning outcomes:
In this course you will learn how to analyze and develop purchasing as part of business development. You will recognize and try different analyzing methods to define current state of purchasing. You will also learn how to make decisions on what and how to develop purchasing based on the current state analysis. You will also get understanding of measuring purchasing, its meaning and key metrics. You will consider and understand the possibilities of digitalization, analytics and different systems in purchasing development.
In this course you will learn to recognize development possibilities of purchasing widely both in operative and strategic level.


Course contents are:
Systematic development of purchasing as part of business development
Analyzing methods in purchasing (spend analysis, ABC-analysis, value analysis and tail management)
Developing purchasing process
Measuring purchasing
Digitalization, analytics and systems in purchasing

Learning materials and recommended literature

Kurssin materiaali koostuu työtilassa olevista luentodioista sekä tieteellisistä artikkeleista, tutkimuksista ja videoista.

Tukeva kirjallisuus:

van Weele, Arjan. 2010/2015/2018. Purchasing and Supply Chain Management. 5th ed. Cengage Learning. (e-kirjana JAMKin kirjastossa)

Iloaranta, Kari ja Pajunen-Muhonen, Hanna. 2012. Hankintojen johtaminen. Tietosanoma.

Nieminen, Sanna. (2016). Hyvä hankinta - parempi bisnes. Talentum. (e-kirjana JAMK:in kirjastossa)

Pandit, Kirit, ja Haralambos Marmanis. 2008. Spend Analysis: The Window Into Strategic Sourcing. J. Ross Publishing

Teaching methods

Opintojakso on päivätoteutus, joka sisältää kontaktiopetusta, itseopiskelua ja pienryhmätyöskentelyä.

Yksityiskohtainen toteutustapa ja ryhmätöiden ryhmäjako tarkentuu opintojakson aloitusvaiheessa.

Opintojaksolla käytetään Moodlen sähköistä oppimisympäristöä.

Practical training and working life connections

Opintojaksolla on mahdollisesti vieraileva luennoitsija.

Exam dates and retake possibilities


Student workload

Laskennallinen kuormittavuus on opintopistemäärä kertaa 27 tuntia.

5-opintopisteen opintojaksolla kuormittavuus on 135h

Further information for students

Opintojaksolla on jatkuva palautteenanto arviointimenetelmänä. Arviointi perustuu oppimistehtäviin ja mahdolliseen tenttiin/ tentteihin.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Adequate 1: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course.

Satisfactory 2: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course. Additionally student is able to apply learnings in purchasing development.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course. Additionally student is able to apply learnings in purchasing development in a systematic way.

Very Good 4: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course. Additionally student is able to apply learnings in purchasing development in a systematic way and is able to argue the decisions from operative and/or strategic perspective.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course. Additionally student is able to apply learnings in purchasing development in a systematic and innovative way and is able to argue the decisions from operative and/or strategic perspective.

Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course.


Basic understanding of purchasing and its role and meaning in business.


01.11.2022 - 05.01.2023


09.01.2023 - 19.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Technology


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 5

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Purchasing and Logistics Engineering
  • Jutta Nihtilä
Teacher in charge

Jutta Nihtilä

    Logistiikan ja rakentamisen verkko-opetus


The purpose of the Course:
Purchasing is a major part of todays business. No company can survive and be successful without its supplier network. In this course you will recognize the possibilities and challenges of purchasing and develop them as part of successful business. You will grow your know-how as systematic and professional purchasing and business developer!

Course competences:
Procurement skills, Engineering practice

Learning outcomes:
In this course you will learn how to analyze and develop purchasing as part of business development. You will recognize and try different analyzing methods to define current state of purchasing. You will also learn how to make decisions on what and how to develop purchasing based on the current state analysis. You will also get understanding of measuring purchasing, its meaning and key metrics. You will consider and understand the possibilities of digitalization, analytics and different systems in purchasing development.
In this course you will learn to recognize development possibilities of purchasing widely both in operative and strategic level.


Course contents are:
Systematic development of purchasing as part of business development
Analyzing methods in purchasing (spend analysis, ABC-analysis, value analysis and tail management)
Developing purchasing process
Measuring purchasing
Digitalization, analytics and systems in purchasing

Learning materials and recommended literature

Oppimisympäristön materiaali. Tieteelliset artikkelit, tutkimukset ja videot.

Nieminen, S. 2016. Hyvä hankinta - parempi bisnes.

Teaching methods

Opiskelu tapahtuu verkkoympäristössä omaan tahtiin. Tällä toteutuksella ei ole yhteisiä kontakteja.

Exam dates and retake possibilities


Student workload

Itsenäinen opiskelu 60 h
Oppimistehtävät 75 h

Further information for students

Arviointi perustuu oppimistehtäviin.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Adequate 1: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course.

Satisfactory 2: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course. Additionally student is able to apply learnings in purchasing development.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course. Additionally student is able to apply learnings in purchasing development in a systematic way.

Very Good 4: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course. Additionally student is able to apply learnings in purchasing development in a systematic way and is able to argue the decisions from operative and/or strategic perspective.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course. Additionally student is able to apply learnings in purchasing development in a systematic and innovative way and is able to argue the decisions from operative and/or strategic perspective.

Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course.


Basic understanding of purchasing and its role and meaning in business.


01.01.2023 - 31.03.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

40 % Face-to-face, 60 % Online learning


School of Technology

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 25

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Purchasing and Logistics Engineering
  • Lotta Happo
  • Jutta Nihtilä
    Avoin amk, Hankintaosaaja 1, Helsinki, Monimuoto


The purpose of the Course:
Purchasing is a major part of todays business. No company can survive and be successful without its supplier network. In this course you will recognize the possibilities and challenges of purchasing and develop them as part of successful business. You will grow your know-how as systematic and professional purchasing and business developer!

Course competences:
Procurement skills, Engineering practice

Learning outcomes:
In this course you will learn how to analyze and develop purchasing as part of business development. You will recognize and try different analyzing methods to define current state of purchasing. You will also learn how to make decisions on what and how to develop purchasing based on the current state analysis. You will also get understanding of measuring purchasing, its meaning and key metrics. You will consider and understand the possibilities of digitalization, analytics and different systems in purchasing development.
In this course you will learn to recognize development possibilities of purchasing widely both in operative and strategic level.


Course contents are:
Systematic development of purchasing as part of business development
Analyzing methods in purchasing (spend analysis, ABC-analysis, value analysis and tail management)
Developing purchasing process
Measuring purchasing
Digitalization, analytics and systems in purchasing

Learning materials and recommended literature

Kurssin materiaali koostuu työtilassa olevista luentodioista sekä tieteellisistä artikkeleista, tutkimuksista ja videoista.

Nieminen, Sanna. (2016). Hyvä hankinta - parempi bisnes. Talentum. (e-kirjana JAMK:in kirjastossa)

van Weele, Arjan. 2010. Purchasing and Supply Chain Management. 5th ed. Cengage Learning. (e-kirjana JAMKin kirjastossa)

Iloaranta, Kari ja Pajunen-Muhonen, Hanna. 2012. Hankintojen johtaminen. Tietosanoma.

Pandit, Kirit, ja Haralambos Marmanis. 2008. Spend Analysis: The Window Into Strategic Sourcing. J. Ross Publishing

Teaching methods

Opintojakso sisältää 1 kontaktipäivän Helsingissä ja 2 kontaktipäivää verkossa, itseopiskelua (kirjallisuus ja oppimistehtävät), pienryhmätyöskentelyä (tuntityöskentely) ja käytännön projekteja.

Yksityiskohtainen toteutustapa kuvataan opintojakson aloitusvaiheessa.

Practical training and working life connections

Opintojaksolla on mahdollisesti vieraileva luennoitsija.

Alternative completion methods

Hyväksilukemisen menettelytavat kuvataan tutkintosäännössä ja opinto-oppaassa. Opintojakson opettaja antaa lisätietoa mahdollisista opntojakson erityiskäytänteistä.

Student workload

Laskennallinen kuormittavuus on opintopistemäärä kertaa 27 tuntia.
Esim. 5-opintopisteen opintojaksolla kuormittavuus on 135h.

Luentoja n.24h
Oppimistehtävät n.60h
Itseopiskelu n.50h

Further information for students

Opintojakson arviointi perustuu kontaktipäiville osallistumiseen tai korvaavien tehtävien suorittamiseen ja oppimistehtäviin. Arviointi toteutetaan asteikolla: hyväksytty / hylätty.

Poissaolo kontaktipäiviltä korvataan lisätehtävin.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Adequate 1: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course.

Satisfactory 2: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course. Additionally student is able to apply learnings in purchasing development.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course. Additionally student is able to apply learnings in purchasing development in a systematic way.

Very Good 4: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course. Additionally student is able to apply learnings in purchasing development in a systematic way and is able to argue the decisions from operative and/or strategic perspective.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course. Additionally student is able to apply learnings in purchasing development in a systematic and innovative way and is able to argue the decisions from operative and/or strategic perspective.

Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course.


Basic understanding of purchasing and its role and meaning in business.


01.01.2023 - 31.03.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Technology

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Purchasing and Logistics Engineering
  • Lotta Happo
  • Jutta Nihtilä
    Avoin amk, Hankintaosaaja 1, Verkko


The purpose of the Course:
Purchasing is a major part of todays business. No company can survive and be successful without its supplier network. In this course you will recognize the possibilities and challenges of purchasing and develop them as part of successful business. You will grow your know-how as systematic and professional purchasing and business developer!

Course competences:
Procurement skills, Engineering practice

Learning outcomes:
In this course you will learn how to analyze and develop purchasing as part of business development. You will recognize and try different analyzing methods to define current state of purchasing. You will also learn how to make decisions on what and how to develop purchasing based on the current state analysis. You will also get understanding of measuring purchasing, its meaning and key metrics. You will consider and understand the possibilities of digitalization, analytics and different systems in purchasing development.
In this course you will learn to recognize development possibilities of purchasing widely both in operative and strategic level.


Course contents are:
Systematic development of purchasing as part of business development
Analyzing methods in purchasing (spend analysis, ABC-analysis, value analysis and tail management)
Developing purchasing process
Measuring purchasing
Digitalization, analytics and systems in purchasing

Learning materials and recommended literature

Kurssin materiaali koostuu työtilassa olevista luentodioista sekä tieteellisistä artikkeleista, tutkimuksista ja videoista.

Nieminen, Sanna. (2016). Hyvä hankinta - parempi bisnes. Talentum. (e-kirjana JAMK:in kirjastossa)

van Weele, Arjan. 2010. Purchasing and Supply Chain Management. 5th ed. Cengage Learning. (e-kirjana JAMKin kirjastossa)

Iloaranta, Kari ja Pajunen-Muhonen, Hanna. 2012. Hankintojen johtaminen. Tietosanoma.

Pandit, Kirit, ja Haralambos Marmanis. 2008. Spend Analysis: The Window Into Strategic Sourcing. J. Ross Publishing

Teaching methods

Opintojakso sisältää 3 kontaktipäivää verkossa, itseopiskelua (kirjallisuus ja oppimistehtävät), pienryhmätyöskentelyä (tuntityöskentely) ja käytännön projekteja.

Yksityiskohtainen toteutustapa kuvataan opintojakson aloitusvaiheessa.

Practical training and working life connections

Opintojaksolla on mahdollisesti vieraileva luennoitsija.

Alternative completion methods

Hyväksilukemisen menettelytavat kuvataan tutkintosäännössä ja opinto-oppaassa. Opintojakson opettaja antaa lisätietoa mahdollisista opntojakson erityiskäytänteistä.

Student workload

Laskennallinen kuormittavuus on opintopistemäärä kertaa 27 tuntia.
Esim. 5-opintopisteen opintojaksolla kuormittavuus on 135h.

Luentoja n.24h
Oppimistehtävät n.60h
Itseopiskelu n.50h

Further information for students

Opintojakson arviointi perustuu kontaktipäiville osallistumiseen tai korvaavien tehtävien suorittamiseen ja oppimistehtäviin. Arviointi toteutetaan asteikolla: hyväksytty / hylätty.

Poissaolo kontaktipäiviltä korvataan lisätehtävin.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Adequate 1: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course.

Satisfactory 2: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course. Additionally student is able to apply learnings in purchasing development.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course. Additionally student is able to apply learnings in purchasing development in a systematic way.

Very Good 4: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course. Additionally student is able to apply learnings in purchasing development in a systematic way and is able to argue the decisions from operative and/or strategic perspective.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5: Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course. Additionally student is able to apply learnings in purchasing development in a systematic and innovative way and is able to argue the decisions from operative and/or strategic perspective.

Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

Student recognizes the course topics, understands their meaning and demonstrates competences as per learning outcomes of the course.


Basic understanding of purchasing and its role and meaning in business.