Community Work and Community-Based RehabilitationLaajuus (5 cr)
Code: SZXX2018
5 op
Teaching language
- Finnish
Responsible person
- Anne Koivisto
- Tuomas Lallukka
Purpose of the course
After completing the course, you will understand the significance and role of community work and community-based rehabilitation from the perspective of social participation, well-being and rehabilitation, and you will be familiar with the principles, methods and operating practices of community work and community-based rehabilitation.
Course competences
Promoting well-being and agency
Client relationship competence in the social services and health care sector
Ethical competence
Intended learning of the course
You know the key theories and concepts of community work and community-based rehabilitation. You can describe the significance and operating practices of eco-social work, civic participation and organisations. You know principles and operating models of community work and community-based rehabilitation. You understand the importance of participation and agency in communal work. You know how to use resource-oriented and participatory methods.
Theories and concepts of community work and community-based rehabilitation. Eco-social work, civic participation and organisation-based work. Principles and operating practices of community work and rehabilitation. Participatory resource-oriented methods that support agency. Social reporting.
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
You can describe the key theories and concepts of community work and rehabilitation. You can analyse the significance and operating practices of eco-social work, civic participation and organisations. You can describe principles and operating models of community work and community-based rehabilitation. You can describe and justify the significance of participation and agency in communal work. You know how to use resource-oriented and participatory methods.
01.04.2025 - 30.04.2025
20.05.2025 - 31.07.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
4.5 op
Mode of delivery
10 % Face-to-face, 90 % Online learning
School of Health and Social Studies
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 40
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Tuomas Lallukka
Teacher in charge
Tuomas Lallukka
SOS23SM2Sosionomi (AMK)
SOS23SMSosionomi (AMK)
ZJA25KSAvoin AMK, sote
Purpose of the course
After completing the course, you will understand the significance and role of community work and community-based rehabilitation from the perspective of social participation, well-being and rehabilitation, and you will be familiar with the principles, methods and operating practices of community work and community-based rehabilitation.
Course competences
Promoting well-being and agency
Client relationship competence in the social services and health care sector
Ethical competence
Intended learning of the course
You know the key theories and concepts of community work and community-based rehabilitation. You can describe the significance and operating practices of eco-social work, civic participation and organisations. You know principles and operating models of community work and community-based rehabilitation. You understand the importance of participation and agency in communal work. You know how to use resource-oriented and participatory methods.
Theories and concepts of community work and community-based rehabilitation. Eco-social work, civic participation and organisation-based work. Principles and operating practices of community work and rehabilitation. Participatory resource-oriented methods that support agency. Social reporting.
Time and location
Webinaarit (3 kpl) toteutuvat aikavälillä 19.5.-5.6.25
Oppimistehtävän viimeinen palautuspäivä 31.7.25
Oppimistehtävien arviointi ja opintosuoritusten kirjaaminen 31.8.25 mennessä.
Tarkemmat tiedot Moodle-työtilassa opintojakson avauduttua.
Katso koodilla SZXX2018-3013 opintojakson webinaarien aikataulut osoitteesta
Learning materials and recommended literature
Järvikoski A. 2013. Monimuotoinen kuntoutus ja sen käsitteet. Raportteja ja muistioita 43, 18-21. Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö, Helsinki. E-julkaisu.
Konttinen, E. Nd. Kansalaisyhteiskunta. E-julkaisu
Kurki, L. 1997. Sosiokulttuurinen innostaminen.
Nivala, E. & Ryynänen, S. 2019. Sosiaalipedagogiikka. Gaudeamus.
Roivainen, I. 2004. Yhdyskuntatyöstä yhteisösosiaalityöhön. Teoksessa Yhteisöt ja yhteisösosiaalityön lähtökohdat. E-julkaisu.
Teaching methods
Opintojaksolla opiskelet yhteisötyöhön ja -kuntoutukseen liittyviä teorioita ja ilmiöitä webinaareissa (verkko-opiskelu), itsenäisesti ja ryhmässä.
Opintojakson työtapoihin kuuluu itsenäistä opiskelua ja teoriaan perehtymistä opintojakson materiaalien pohjalta, vuorovaikutteisia webinaareja sekä ryhmätehtävänä toteutettu oppimistehtävä.
Webinaareihin valmistaudutaan välitehtävien kautta. Webinaareissa opiskellaan teoriaa opettajan johdolla sekä vuorovaikutteisesti pienryhmissä.
Practical training and working life connections
Webinaareissa vierailijoita työelämästä.
Student workload
Webinaarit ja niihin valmistautuminen 1 op
Oppimistehtävä 2 op
Kurssikirjallisuus, materiaalit, itsenäinen opiskelu 2 op
Further information for students
Avoin amk: 5 paikkaa (min-max-määrässä)
COL: 10 paikkaa (min-max-määrässä)
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You can describe the key theories and concepts of community work and rehabilitation. You can analyse the significance and operating practices of eco-social work, civic participation and organisations. You can describe principles and operating models of community work and community-based rehabilitation. You can describe and justify the significance of participation and agency in communal work. You know how to use resource-oriented and participatory methods.
18.11.2024 - 09.01.2025
13.01.2025 - 19.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
2 op
Mode of delivery
60 % Face-to-face, 40 % Online learning
School of Health and Social Studies
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 40
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Tuomas Lallukka
- Maarit Laakkonen
Teacher in charge
Tuomas Lallukka
SOS23SM2Sosionomi (AMK)
SOS23SMSosionomi (AMK)
ZJA25KSAvoin AMK, sote
Purpose of the course
After completing the course, you will understand the significance and role of community work and community-based rehabilitation from the perspective of social participation, well-being and rehabilitation, and you will be familiar with the principles, methods and operating practices of community work and community-based rehabilitation.
Course competences
Promoting well-being and agency
Client relationship competence in the social services and health care sector
Ethical competence
Intended learning of the course
You know the key theories and concepts of community work and community-based rehabilitation. You can describe the significance and operating practices of eco-social work, civic participation and organisations. You know principles and operating models of community work and community-based rehabilitation. You understand the importance of participation and agency in communal work. You know how to use resource-oriented and participatory methods.
Theories and concepts of community work and community-based rehabilitation. Eco-social work, civic participation and organisation-based work. Principles and operating practices of community work and rehabilitation. Participatory resource-oriented methods that support agency. Social reporting.
Time and location
Huomioi, että ryhmäohjaustehtävä tullaan toteuttamaan työelämäyhteistyönä, eli ohjaustuokioina ryhmän valitsemassa yhteisössä (tehtävän laajuus yht. 3 op).
Katso koodilla SZXX2018-3012 opintojakson webinaarien aikataulut osoitteesta
Learning materials and recommended literature
Järvikoski, A. 2013. Monimuotoinen kuntoutus ja sen käsitteet. Raportteja ja muistioita 43, 18-21. Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö, Helsinki. E-julkaisu.
Konttinen, E. Nd. Kansalaisyhteiskunta. E-julkaisu.
Kurki, L. 2000. Sosiokulttuurinen innostaminen. Vastapaino.
Nivala, E. & Ryynänen, S. 2019. Sosiaalipedagogiikka. Gaudeamus.
Roivainen, I. 2004. Yhdyskuntatyöstä yhteisösosiaalityöhön. Teoksessa Yhteisöt ja yhteisösosiaalityön lähtökohdat. E-julkaisu.
Teaching methods
Group guidance assignment in cooperation with the Finnish Red Cross's Friendship Skills programme.
Independent study.
Practical training and working life connections
As part of the course, students participate in the Basic Course on Ystävätoiminta, which provides basic information about the Finnish Red Cross (SPR), Ystävätoiminta and volunteering for the Finnish Red Cross. The main focus is on the Friendship Skills programme, which can be implemented online, as part of friend activities or other group activities. The learning task of the course is to implement the coaching of the Friendship Skills programme in cooperation with working life.
Student workload
Webinars and preparing for them, 27 hours
Group assingment and report, 81 hours
Course literature, materials, independent study, 27 hours
Further information for students
Assessed on the basis of a group report, passing/supplementing/failing in relation to the learning outcomes of the course.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You can describe the key theories and concepts of community work and rehabilitation. You can analyse the significance and operating practices of eco-social work, civic participation and organisations. You can describe principles and operating models of community work and community-based rehabilitation. You can describe and justify the significance of participation and agency in communal work. You know how to use resource-oriented and participatory methods.
01.04.2024 - 30.04.2024
21.05.2024 - 31.07.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
5 op
Mode of delivery
Online learning
School of Health and Social Studies
Lutakko Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 40
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Tuomas Lallukka
- Tuija Ketola
Teacher in charge
Tuija Ketola
SOS22SMSosionomi (AMK)
Purpose of the course
After completing the course, you will understand the significance and role of community work and community-based rehabilitation from the perspective of social participation, well-being and rehabilitation, and you will be familiar with the principles, methods and operating practices of community work and community-based rehabilitation.
Course competences
Promoting well-being and agency
Client relationship competence in the social services and health care sector
Ethical competence
Intended learning of the course
You know the key theories and concepts of community work and community-based rehabilitation. You can describe the significance and operating practices of eco-social work, civic participation and organisations. You know principles and operating models of community work and community-based rehabilitation. You understand the importance of participation and agency in communal work. You know how to use resource-oriented and participatory methods.
Theories and concepts of community work and community-based rehabilitation. Eco-social work, civic participation and organisation-based work. Principles and operating practices of community work and rehabilitation. Participatory resource-oriented methods that support agency. Social reporting.
Time and location
Webinaarit (3 kpl) toteutuvat aikavälillä 22.5.-5.6.24
Oppimistehtävän viimeinen palautuspäivä 31.7.24
Oppimistehtävien arviointi ja opintosuoritusten kirjaaminen 31.8.23 mennessä.
Tarkemmat tiedot Moodle-työtilassa opintojakson avauduttua.
Learning materials and recommended literature
Järvikoski A. 2013. Monimuotoinen kuntoutus ja sen käsitteet. Raportteja ja muistioita 43, 18-21. Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö, Helsinki. E-julkaisu.
Konttinen, E. Nd. Kansalaisyhteiskunta. E-julkaisu
Kurki, L. 1997. Sosiokulttuurinen innostaminen.
Nivala, E. & Ryynänen, S. 2019. Sosiaalipedagogiikka. Gaudeamus.
Roivainen, I. 2004. Yhdyskuntatyöstä yhteisösosiaalityöhön. Teoksessa Yhteisöt ja yhteisösosiaalityön lähtökohdat. E-julkaisu.
Teaching methods
Oppimistehtävä ryhmätehtävänä.
Itsenäinen opiskelu.
Practical training and working life connections
Webinaareissa vierailijoita työelämästä.
Student workload
Webinaarit ja niihin valmistautuminen 1 op
Oppimistehtävä 2 op
Kurssikirjallisuus, materiaalit, itsenäinen opiskelu 2 op
Further information for students
Avoin 8, COL 7 paikkaa
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You can describe the key theories and concepts of community work and rehabilitation. You can analyse the significance and operating practices of eco-social work, civic participation and organisations. You can describe principles and operating models of community work and community-based rehabilitation. You can describe and justify the significance of participation and agency in communal work. You know how to use resource-oriented and participatory methods.
20.11.2023 - 04.01.2024
08.01.2024 - 20.05.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
2 op
Mode of delivery
60 % Face-to-face, 40 % Online learning
School of Health and Social Studies
Lutakko Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 40
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Tuomas Lallukka
- Anne Koivisto
Teacher in charge
Anne Koivisto
SOS22SMSosionomi (AMK)
Purpose of the course
After completing the course, you will understand the significance and role of community work and community-based rehabilitation from the perspective of social participation, well-being and rehabilitation, and you will be familiar with the principles, methods and operating practices of community work and community-based rehabilitation.
Course competences
Promoting well-being and agency
Client relationship competence in the social services and health care sector
Ethical competence
Intended learning of the course
You know the key theories and concepts of community work and community-based rehabilitation. You can describe the significance and operating practices of eco-social work, civic participation and organisations. You know principles and operating models of community work and community-based rehabilitation. You understand the importance of participation and agency in communal work. You know how to use resource-oriented and participatory methods.
Theories and concepts of community work and community-based rehabilitation. Eco-social work, civic participation and organisation-based work. Principles and operating practices of community work and rehabilitation. Participatory resource-oriented methods that support agency. Social reporting.
Learning materials and recommended literature
Järvikoski, A. 2013. Monimuotoinen kuntoutus ja sen käsitteet. Raportteja ja muistioita 43, 18-21. Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö, Helsinki. E-julkaisu.
Konttinen, E. Nd. Kansalaisyhteiskunta. E-julkaisu.
Kurki, L. 2000. Sosiokulttuurinen innostaminen. Vastapaino.
Nivala, E. & Ryynänen, S. 2019. Sosiaalipedagogiikka. Gaudeamus.
Roivainen, I. 2004. Yhdyskuntatyöstä yhteisösosiaalityöhön. Teoksessa Yhteisöt ja yhteisösosiaalityön lähtökohdat. E-julkaisu.
Teaching methods
Group guidance assignment in cooperation with the Finnish Red Cross's Friendship Skills programme.
Independent study.
Practical training and working life connections
As part of the course, students participate in the Basic Course on Ystävätoiminta, which provides basic information about the Finnish Red Cross (SPR), Ystävätoiminta and volunteering for the Finnish Red Cross. The main focus is on the Friendship Skills programme, which can be implemented online, as part of friend activities or other group activities. The learning task of the course is to implement the coaching of the Friendship Skills programme in cooperation with working life.
Student workload
Webinars and preparing for them, 27 hours
Group assingment and report, 81 hours
Course literature, materials, independent study, 27 hours
Further information for students
Assessed on the basis of a group report, passing/supplementing/failing in relation to the learning outcomes of the course.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You can describe the key theories and concepts of community work and rehabilitation. You can analyse the significance and operating practices of eco-social work, civic participation and organisations. You can describe principles and operating models of community work and community-based rehabilitation. You can describe and justify the significance of participation and agency in communal work. You know how to use resource-oriented and participatory methods.
01.04.2023 - 30.04.2023
22.05.2023 - 31.07.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
5 op
Mode of delivery
Online learning
School of Health and Social Studies
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 20
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Tuomas Lallukka
- Tuija Ketola
Purpose of the course
After completing the course, you will understand the significance and role of community work and community-based rehabilitation from the perspective of social participation, well-being and rehabilitation, and you will be familiar with the principles, methods and operating practices of community work and community-based rehabilitation.
Course competences
Promoting well-being and agency
Client relationship competence in the social services and health care sector
Ethical competence
Intended learning of the course
You know the key theories and concepts of community work and community-based rehabilitation. You can describe the significance and operating practices of eco-social work, civic participation and organisations. You know principles and operating models of community work and community-based rehabilitation. You understand the importance of participation and agency in communal work. You know how to use resource-oriented and participatory methods.
Theories and concepts of community work and community-based rehabilitation. Eco-social work, civic participation and organisation-based work. Principles and operating practices of community work and rehabilitation. Participatory resource-oriented methods that support agency. Social reporting.
Time and location
Webinaarit (3 kpl) toteutuvat aikavälillä 22.5.-9.6.23
Oppimistehtävän viimeinen palautuspäivä 31.7.23
Oppimistehtävien arviointi ja opintosuoritusten kirjaaminen 31.8.23 mennessä.
Tarkemmat tiedot Moodle-työtilassa opintojakson avauduttua.
Learning materials and recommended literature
Järvikoski A. 2013. Monimuotoinen kuntoutus ja sen käsitteet. Raportteja ja muistioita 43, 18-21. Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö, Helsinki. E-julkaisu.
Konttinen, E. Nd. Kansalaisyhteiskunta. E-julkaisu
Kurki, L. 1997. Sosiokulttuurinen innostaminen.
Nivala, E. & Ryynänen, S. 2019. Sosiaalipedagogiikka. Gaudeamus.
Roivainen, I. 2004. Yhdyskuntatyöstä yhteisösosiaalityöhön. Teoksessa Yhteisöt ja yhteisösosiaalityön lähtökohdat. E-julkaisu.
Teaching methods
Oppimistehtävä paritehtävänä.
Itsenäinen opiskelu.
Practical training and working life connections
Webinaareissa vierailijoita työelämästä.
Student workload
Webinaarit ja niihin valmistautuminen 1 op
Oppimistehtävä 2 op
Kurssikirjallisuus, materiaalit, itsenäinen opiskelu 2 op
Further information for students
Avoin 8, COL 7 paikkaa
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You can describe the key theories and concepts of community work and rehabilitation. You can analyse the significance and operating practices of eco-social work, civic participation and organisations. You can describe principles and operating models of community work and community-based rehabilitation. You can describe and justify the significance of participation and agency in communal work. You know how to use resource-oriented and participatory methods.
01.11.2022 - 05.01.2023
09.01.2023 - 19.05.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
School of Health and Social Studies
Lutakko Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 35
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Tuomas Lallukka
- Anne Koivisto
Teacher in charge
Tarja Tapio
SOS21SMSosionomi (AMK)
Purpose of the course
After completing the course, you will understand the significance and role of community work and community-based rehabilitation from the perspective of social participation, well-being and rehabilitation, and you will be familiar with the principles, methods and operating practices of community work and community-based rehabilitation.
Course competences
Promoting well-being and agency
Client relationship competence in the social services and health care sector
Ethical competence
Intended learning of the course
You know the key theories and concepts of community work and community-based rehabilitation. You can describe the significance and operating practices of eco-social work, civic participation and organisations. You know principles and operating models of community work and community-based rehabilitation. You understand the importance of participation and agency in communal work. You know how to use resource-oriented and participatory methods.
Theories and concepts of community work and community-based rehabilitation. Eco-social work, civic participation and organisation-based work. Principles and operating practices of community work and rehabilitation. Participatory resource-oriented methods that support agency. Social reporting.
Learning materials and recommended literature
Järvikoski, A. 2013. Monimuotoinen kuntoutus ja sen käsitteet. Raportteja ja muistioita 43, 18-21. Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö, Helsinki. E-julkaisu.
Konttinen, E. Nd. Kansalaisyhteiskunta. E-julkaisu.
Kurki, L. 2000. Sosiokulttuurinen innostaminen. Vastapaino.
Nivala, E. & Ryynänen, S. 2019. Sosiaalipedagogiikka. Gaudeamus.
Roivainen, I. 2004. Yhdyskuntatyöstä yhteisösosiaalityöhön. Teoksessa Yhteisöt ja yhteisösosiaalityön lähtökohdat. E-julkaisu.
Teaching methods
Ryhmäohjaustehtävä yhteistyössä SPR:n Kaveritaitoja-ohjelman kanssa.
Itsenäinen opiskelu.
Practical training and working life connections
Opiskelijat osallistuvat osana opintojaksoa Ystävätoiminnan peruskurssille, jossa saa perustietoa Suomen Punaisesta Rististä (SPR), ystävätoiminnasta ja toimimisesta SPRn vapaaehtoisena. Pääpainona koulutuksessa esitellään Kaveritaitoja –ohjelmaa, jota voidaan toteuttaa verkkopohjaisesti, osana ystävätoimintaa tai muuta ryhmätoimintaa. Opintojakson oppimistehtävänä toteutetaan Kaveritaitoja-ohjelman koulutusta yhteistyössä työelämän kanssa.
Student workload
Webinaarit ja niihin valmistautuminen 1 op
Ryhmäohjaustehtävä + raportti 3 op
Kurssikirjallisuus, materiaalit, itsenäinen opiskelu 1 op
Further information for students
Ryhmäraportin pohjalta, opintojakson osaamistavoitteisiin peilaten hyväksytty/täydennettävä/hylätty.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You can describe the key theories and concepts of community work and rehabilitation. You can analyse the significance and operating practices of eco-social work, civic participation and organisations. You can describe principles and operating models of community work and community-based rehabilitation. You can describe and justify the significance of participation and agency in communal work. You know how to use resource-oriented and participatory methods.