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Professional trainingLaajuus (18 cr)

Code: TT00CT47


18 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish
  • English

Responsible person

  • Jarmo Nevala


During your traineeship, you will learn about the practical tasks that are essential for your vocational studies and develop skills for your future career. You will also learn work-life skills and gain experience in becoming a professional expert. You will be able to combine theory and practice to solve technical problems. You will understand the importance of the techniques and methods used and their limitations.

EUR-ACE: Multidisciplinary competences
Demonstrates awareness of the health, safety and legal issues and responsibilities of the application of technology, the social and environmental impacts of technical solutions, and commitment to professional ethics, responsibility and standards of the application of technology. Able to recognize the need for independent lifelong learning and is also able to commit to lifelong learning.

EUR-ACE: Engineering practice
Ability to choose and use appropriate equipment, tools and methods. Ability to combine theory and practice to solve technical problems. Understanding of applicable techniques and methods and their limitations.

EUR-ACE: Communication and team-working
Ability to effectively communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions within the engineering community


You will learn to combine theory and practice to solve technical problems and understand the importance and limitations of techniques and methods. You will also learn how engineering solutions affect health, safety and the environment, and how to comply with relevant laws and regulations. The course will also develop continuous learning skills and oral and written reporting skills.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You can select and use appropriate equipment, tools and methods for IT-related tasks. You will be able to combine theory and practice to solve technical problems. Understand the relevance and limitations of appropriate techniques and methods.

Understand how the use of different technical solutions can affect human health, safety and the environment. You can comply with the laws and regulations that govern work in this field. Understand the importance and needs of continuous learning. You have mastered oral and written reporting skills.

Internship plan, work certificate, internship report, feedback form, time sheet.