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Clinical Examinations and Assessment of CareLaajuus (3 cr)

Code: SN00CD49


3 op

Teaching language

  • English

Responsible person

  • Jaana Perttunen


In this course, you will familiarize yourself with the assessment of the need for care and gain basic skills in the clinical examination of a patient.

Competences of the course
Functioning in working life
Clinical competence
Evidence-based action and decision-making skills
Inter-nationality and multiculturalism.

Competence goals
You master the methods of clinical examination of the patient and assessment of the need for care, and you are able to distinguish between pathological changes in vital functions and normal ones.
You apply medicine and other related sciences when planning, implementing and evaluating nursing work.
You are capable of clinical assessment and evidence-based decision-making within the limits of your own area of ​​responsibility, consulting other experts when necessary and utilizing various communication tools.
You face the patient as an active actor, taking into account the multicultural way of working both in patient work and in the work community.
You apply the opportunities brought by technology and digitalization in assessing the need for care and in customer-oriented guidance.


Assessment of the urgency of care and guidance on care and services.
Assessment of the need for care using different communication channels.
Collecting the patient's preliminary information
Basics of examining the cardiovascular system, respiratory system, ears, eyes and stomach. Basics of psychiatric, neurological and musculoskeletal examination.
Identification of infectious diseases and treatment guidance.
Long-term disease monitoring and self-care guidance.


Basics of nursing and medical treatment. Anatomy and physiology, pharmacology and medicine. Nursing care of long-term diseases.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

You know the methods of assessing the need for care and clinical examination of the patient.
You identify abnormal findings and assess the need for care.
You know how to consult other experts using different communication channels.
You know how to draw conclusions to ensure the continuity of the patient's care.
You demonstrate customer-oriented interaction skills and management methods.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

You master the methods of clinical examination of a patient and assessment of the need for care.
You identify abnormal findings and based on them, make an assessment of the need for care.
If necessary, you can consult other experts using different communication channels.
You know how to justify the conclusions you make in order to secure the continuity of the patient's care.
You demonstrate customer-oriented interaction skills and management methods suitable for the situation.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

You have a good command of the methods of clinical examination of a patient and assessment of the need for care.
You identify abnormal findings and based on them, you make an assessment of the need for care.
If necessary, you can consult other experts using different communication channels.
You know how to justify and evaluate the conclusions you make in order to secure the continuity of the patient's care.
You apply customer-oriented interaction skills and control methods suitable for the situation.