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Outpatients practiceLaajuus (6 cr)

Code: SW00CD50


6 op

Teaching language

  • English

Responsible person

  • Riikka Sinivuo


In this practice, you will be able to assess the patient's need for care, and you will have basic skills in clinical examination of the patient and long-term follow-up.

Competences of the course
Functional in working life
Counseling and interaction skills and supporting self-care.
Clinical competence
Sustainable development

Competence goal of the course
You assess the need and urgency of the patient's care.
Experienced in interviewing and observing patients as well as in clinical examination and you can draw conclusions based on them.
You know the most common examinations and procedures performed in reception activities, as well as the guidance of medical treatment.
You cooperate with the patient within the limits of your own area of ​​responsibility and consult experts.
You know how to monitor long-term illnesses and are familiar with related treatment paths and service chains.
You use methods that promote health, supporting the patient's self-care.
You take advantage of the possibilities of technology and digitalization in guidance and consulting.
You recognize the possibilities of nursing work in the search for, implementation and establishment of sustainable solutions and operating models.


Professional practice that promotes professional skills in outpatient health care or similar in accordance with the goals mentioned above.


Theory of care need assessment and clinical investigation.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You are familiar with the methods of assessing the patient's need for care and clinical examination and you know how to use remote reception from a customer-oriented
You know how to interview and examine a patient and justify your actions.
You know how to consult other experts if necessary.
You know how to justify the conclusions you make about securing the continuity of the patient's care and guiding drug treatment.
You demonstrate appropriate customer-oriented interaction skills and health-promoting guidance methods in the treatment and monitoring of acute and long-term illnesses and in supporting self-care.
You know how to direct the patient to appropriate services.
You recognize the possibilities of nursing work in the search for, implementation and establishment of sustainable solutions and operating models.