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Myynti ja asiakkuudetLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: HA00CJ81


5 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Kimmo Aho


Purpose of the Course Module
The "Developing Successful Business through Customer Understanding and Collaboration" module teaches you how to engage with customers and reach them through sales efforts. You'll conduct practical experiments in real customer projects and build your network.

Skills Acquired in the Course Module
Learning to Learn: You'll learn to identify and evaluate your expertise in customer understanding and sales, creating a development plan to strengthen your customer relationship and sales skills with your team.

Learning in the Workplace: You'll acquire knowledge and skills in customer-centric thinking and sales, taking responsibility for developing your customer service and interaction skills. You'll understand the importance of sales in profitable business operations.

Ethics: You'll learn to recognize ethical thought patterns and practices, developing your thinking to support and utilize them in interactions, projects, within the team, and the team company.

Sustainable Development: You'll understand the importance of sustainability in business and its added value for customers, implementing sustainability principles in projects and the team company.

Proactive Development: You'll learn various customer management methods, using them to be proactive in generating, maintaining, and developing sales and customer relationships.

Learning Objectives of the Course Module

You'll learn various techniques and tools for customer relationship development and sales execution. You'll understand the importance of networks in the team company's business and learn to build your network through prepared customer visits. You'll apply related theories in practice, identify customer needs, and create suitable projects. You'll take responsibility for your learning and actions, share your expertise in projects and the team company, and reflect on your customer relationship and sales skills through writing and dialogue with the team.


Customer understanding and relationship thinking
Customer lifecycle, CRM tools
Sales planning, execution, and evaluation
Customer visits and reflection - Real customer projects in your own team company


Liiketoimintaosaamisen perusteet

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You have sufficient evidence of understanding the theory related to the competency area and are able to apply the theory in practice in the projects and operations of the team enterprise. You understand the significance of different roles in the development of the company and develop the team enterprise in cooperation with others. You are able to create clear plans and set realistic goals from both an operational and skill development perspective. You have set concrete goals for the development of your competency area and have demonstrated the ability to direct your actions according to these goals.

You have implemented projects that reflect the application of competency area theory into practice. The projects demonstrate your ability to apply what you have learned and bring theoretical knowledge into practical action as part of a team. Additionally, you are able to evaluate the achievement of your goals and your learning process through reflections, identifying both your strengths and areas for improvement.


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