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Choir ConductingLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: KP00CC82


5 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Rita Varonen
  • Sami Sallinen


You can start and finish songs, as well as lead essential temporal, dynamic, and interpretive musical events. You can give initial notes and practice challenging sections. You learn to tune the choir and explore different sound nuances. You learn to conduct patterns 1–7, regular and compound meters. You learn to perceive and interpret 4–6-voice choir scores. You are capable of rehearsing both ensembles and choirs. You master leadership skills in performances and concerts. You can work with singers of different ages and cultural backgrounds. You learn to apply your skills to the challenges of professional life. You possess an independent artistic vision and the necessary technical and interpretive skills for forming your own artistic perspective and performing music.


Course content:
-Developing vocal production
-Refining music conducting techniques with regard to ergonomics
-Score analysis and playing
-Developing verbal communication skills
-Enhancing performance skills
-Familiarization with key choral repertoire composed from 1600 to 2020
-Conducting practice choirs
-Developing digital skills: recording and analyzing personal practice sessions.


Basics of Conducting course or equivalent knowledge and skills

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Sufficient 1:
Nonverbal communication is largely unsuccessful. Demonstrating entrances and articulations is not done satisfactorily. You do not master the perception of choir scores satisfactorily. Vocal production and usage are unclear. Your participation in the activities of Kumuhaku choir and the small group has been sporadic. You do not have a very good command of recording programs.

Satisfactory 2:
There is room for improvement in nonverbal communication. Showing entrances and articulation still needs improvement. You have a satisfactory grasp of choir score perception. Vocal production and usage are satisfactory. Your participation in Kumuhaku choir activities has been occasional. You can use recording programs satisfactorily.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3:
You can express yourself reasonably well through nonverbal communication. You can show entrances and articulations reasonably well. You can convey musical interpretation reasonably well. You have a moderate grasp of choir score perception. You can use your voice adequately, and your vocal production is mediocre. You have participated in both Kumuhaku choir and small group activities throughout the academic year. You can use recording programs reasonably well.

Very good 4:
You can express yourself very well through nonverbal communication. You have a strong grasp of choir score perception. You demonstrate entrances and articulations effectively. You convey musical nuances and interpretation effectively. You can provide vocals for the choir and sing well. You have consistently participated in Kumuhaku choir activities, contributing to the musical experience of others. You are proficient in using recording programs.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5:
You can lead an SATB choir in a way that, through nonverbal communication, the choir sounds excellent. You demonstrate all nuances and articulations. You can convey musical interpretation to the singers. You have consistently participated in both Kumuhaku choir activities and small group lessons throughout the academic year. You sing well, and your sight-reading skills are excellent. You can read choir scores well and provide reliable vocals. You possess an independent artistic vision and have the necessary technical and interpretive skills for forming your own artistic perspective and performing music. You can use digital tools to record your own practice or concerts effectively.