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Concrete materialsLaajuus (3 cr)

Code: TR00CF78


3 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Antti Kauppinen


Purpose of the course:
This course provides a basic understanding of concrete as a building material. This course is designed to give you an understanding of the basic principles of concrete as a building material. You will get answers to the questions; what is concrete made of, what are the challenges and strengths of concrete and what is the ratio of concrete. This course will serve as a basic knowledge base for the courses on the design and construction of concrete structures.

Course competences:
Knowledge and understanding: knowledge and understanding of the properties of concrete necessary to achieve the other learning outcomes of the programme
Communication and teamwork: the ability to work effectively as an individual and as a member of a team.
Interdisciplinary skills: Ability to keep abreast of scientific and technological developments.
Practical application of technology: Ability to apply technical standards and established guidelines for professional practices in one's field.
Research and information retrieval: Ability to work in a laboratory.

Course objective:
Knowledge of concrete manufacturing methods. You will be able to explain the role of concrete constituents in the properties of concrete. You will be able to explain the principles of quality assurance of concrete. In addition to the basic tasks described above, you will know how to proportion conventional concrete.


Concrete material and properties, concrete proportioning and production, quality assurance.



Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Passed: The student knows and recognises the topics described in the course objectives and is able to perform the tasks according to the course objectives: concrete material and concrete properties, concrete proportioning and production, quality assurance. The student can demonstrate his/her competence by listing the topics covered by the objectives.


18.11.2024 - 09.01.2025


13.01.2025 - 19.05.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



School of Technology


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 55

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Juhani Rinta-aho
  • TRM25KMM
    Rakennusmestari (AMK)
    Avoin amk,Rakennusmestari,AMK- Väylät, Monimuoto


Purpose of the course:
This course provides a basic understanding of concrete as a building material. This course is designed to give you an understanding of the basic principles of concrete as a building material. You will get answers to the questions; what is concrete made of, what are the challenges and strengths of concrete and what is the ratio of concrete. This course will serve as a basic knowledge base for the courses on the design and construction of concrete structures.

Course competences:
Knowledge and understanding: knowledge and understanding of the properties of concrete necessary to achieve the other learning outcomes of the programme
Communication and teamwork: the ability to work effectively as an individual and as a member of a team.
Interdisciplinary skills: Ability to keep abreast of scientific and technological developments.
Practical application of technology: Ability to apply technical standards and established guidelines for professional practices in one's field.
Research and information retrieval: Ability to work in a laboratory.

Course objective:
Knowledge of concrete manufacturing methods. You will be able to explain the role of concrete constituents in the properties of concrete. You will be able to explain the principles of quality assurance of concrete. In addition to the basic tasks described above, you will know how to proportion conventional concrete.


Concrete material and properties, concrete proportioning and production, quality assurance.

Time and location

Contact lessons according to Time Table on the Main Campus.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Betonitekniikan oppikirja by 201
Lecture materials

Teaching methods

- Lectures face-to-face
- Learning assignments,

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Timing of Exams and re-Exams will be agreed on the first contact lesson of the course.

Alternative completion methods

Studification: See the Despcription of Module.

Student workload

One credit point means an average of 27 hours of work. The load is distributed in different ways depending on the way the course is implemented.
In this study period, time use and workload is distributed as follows:

- Lectures 15 h
- Independent Work 66 h.
( including among others: Learning assignments, Home Works, preparing for Test)
- Total 81 h

Further information for students

Grading methods
- Test
- Learning assignments
- Continuing Grading

The Grading is high-quality and it is based on the learning objectives and criterion of the course.

See also Grading

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

Passed: The student knows and recognises the topics described in the course objectives and is able to perform the tasks according to the course objectives: concrete material and concrete properties, concrete proportioning and production, quality assurance. The student can demonstrate his/her competence by listing the topics covered by the objectives.




01.08.2024 - 22.08.2024


26.08.2024 - 18.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



School of Technology


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 60

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Juhani Rinta-aho
  • Antti Kauppinen
  • TRY24S1
    Rakennus- ja yhdyskuntatekniikka (AMK)
  • ZJATRY24S1
    Avoin amk, Rakennus- ja yhdyskuntatekniikka, Päivä


Purpose of the course:
This course provides a basic understanding of concrete as a building material. This course is designed to give you an understanding of the basic principles of concrete as a building material. You will get answers to the questions; what is concrete made of, what are the challenges and strengths of concrete and what is the ratio of concrete. This course will serve as a basic knowledge base for the courses on the design and construction of concrete structures.

Course competences:
Knowledge and understanding: knowledge and understanding of the properties of concrete necessary to achieve the other learning outcomes of the programme
Communication and teamwork: the ability to work effectively as an individual and as a member of a team.
Interdisciplinary skills: Ability to keep abreast of scientific and technological developments.
Practical application of technology: Ability to apply technical standards and established guidelines for professional practices in one's field.
Research and information retrieval: Ability to work in a laboratory.

Course objective:
Knowledge of concrete manufacturing methods. You will be able to explain the role of concrete constituents in the properties of concrete. You will be able to explain the principles of quality assurance of concrete. In addition to the basic tasks described above, you will know how to proportion conventional concrete.


Concrete material and properties, concrete proportioning and production, quality assurance.

Time and location

Contact lessons according to Time Table on the Main Campus.
Exercises in the Laboratory.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Betonitekniikan oppikirja by 201
Betoninormit by 65
Lecture materials

Teaching methods

- Lectures face-to-face
- Assignments
- Learning assignments,

Practical training and working life connections

Excursions if possible

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Timing of Exams and re-Exams will be agreed on the first contact lesson of the course.
The course entrance task must be taken within three ( 3 ) weeks of the course start date in order to maintain the right to study.

Alternative completion methods

Certification or accreditation is possible as described in the Jamkin Peppi guidelines.

Student workload

One credit point means an average of 27 hours of work. The load is distributed in different ways depending on the way the course is implemented.
In this study period, time use and workload is distributed as follows:

- Lectures 20 h
- laboratory assignments in teams 20h
- Independent Work 40 h.
( including among others: Learning assignments, Home Works, preparing for Test)
- Total 80 h

Further information for students

Grading methods
- Test
- Assignments / Learning assignments
- Continuing Grading

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

Passed: The student knows and recognises the topics described in the course objectives and is able to perform the tasks according to the course objectives: concrete material and concrete properties, concrete proportioning and production, quality assurance. The student can demonstrate his/her competence by listing the topics covered by the objectives.

