Medical studiesLaajuus (5 cr)
Code: SA00CG24
5 op
Teaching language
- Finnish
Responsible person
- Janne Alenius
Purpose of the course
In this course, you will learn about the most common diseases in internal medicine, psychiatry, and surgery and their incidence, medical examinations, findings, consequences, and treatment methods. You will learn the basics of anesthesiology and the basic tools used in anesthesiology. You will learn the basics of infectious diseases and understand the structure of microbes and the methods and substances related to disinfection.
Competences of the course
Applies related sciences that support clinical competence when planning, implementing and evaluating nursing work.
Compares multidisciplinary information to support clinical decision-making and draws evidence-based conclusions
Competence goal of the course
After attending the course, you will know the most important specialties of medicine. You know about the most common diseases in internal medicine, psychiatry and surgery, their prevalence, the most common things related to examination, diagnosis, findings and treatment. You know the key issues related to the monitoring, follow-up treatment and prognosis of the most common diseases. You understand nursing work and the interprofessional connection in patient care.
You know the key issues and tools related to basic anesthesia. You understand the methods related to patient monitoring.
You know the basic vocabulary of microbiology. You understand the causes of various infectious diseases and their basic structure. You know how pathogens can be prevented or destroyed with different disinfection methods or substances.
Internal diseases
Neurology, cardiovascular diseases, lung diseases, diabetes, rheumatism and intestinal diseases, cancer and blood diseases.
The most important mental health disorders and substance abuse disorders in adults.
The most important mental health disorders of children and young people.
The most common areas of surgery. Basics of acute and trauma care.
Basic organ function disorders. Preparation for surgery. Implementation of anesthesia. Surgical risk management. Operating theater and other procedural anesthesia.
Infectious diseases
The most common pathogens. Disinfection methods. Disinfectants.
18.11.2024 - 10.01.2025
03.03.2025 - 31.07.2027
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
School of Health and Social Studies
Lutakko Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 40
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Midwifery
- Degree Programme in Nursing
- Pirkko Ratinen
- Janne Alenius
- Sirpa Sandelin
- Eija Kuisma
ZJASAR24SMAvoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, sairaanhoitaja monimuoto
SAR24SMSairaanhoitaja (AMK)
Purpose of the course
In this course, you will learn about the most common diseases in internal medicine, psychiatry, and surgery and their incidence, medical examinations, findings, consequences, and treatment methods. You will learn the basics of anesthesiology and the basic tools used in anesthesiology. You will learn the basics of infectious diseases and understand the structure of microbes and the methods and substances related to disinfection.
Competences of the course
Applies related sciences that support clinical competence when planning, implementing and evaluating nursing work.
Compares multidisciplinary information to support clinical decision-making and draws evidence-based conclusions
Competence goal of the course
After attending the course, you will know the most important specialties of medicine. You know about the most common diseases in internal medicine, psychiatry and surgery, their prevalence, the most common things related to examination, diagnosis, findings and treatment. You know the key issues related to the monitoring, follow-up treatment and prognosis of the most common diseases. You understand nursing work and the interprofessional connection in patient care.
You know the key issues and tools related to basic anesthesia. You understand the methods related to patient monitoring.
You know the basic vocabulary of microbiology. You understand the causes of various infectious diseases and their basic structure. You know how pathogens can be prevented or destroyed with different disinfection methods or substances.
Internal diseases
Neurology, cardiovascular diseases, lung diseases, diabetes, rheumatism and intestinal diseases, cancer and blood diseases.
The most important mental health disorders and substance abuse disorders in adults.
The most important mental health disorders of children and young people.
The most common areas of surgery. Basics of acute and trauma care.
Basic organ function disorders. Preparation for surgery. Implementation of anesthesia. Surgical risk management. Operating theater and other procedural anesthesia.
Infectious diseases
The most common pathogens. Disinfection methods. Disinfectants.
Learning materials and recommended literature
Oppimateriaalina opintojaksolla käytetään videotallenteita, jotka sisältävät lääkärin luentoja kyseistä teemoista. Lisäksi on erikoisalan kirjallisuutta, Terveysportin artikkeleita, Käypä hoito -suosituksia ja muuta ajankohtaista materiaalia. Kirjallisuutena on soveltuvia osia alla olevasta kirjallisuudesta
Holmström, P, Korhonen, L., Kuusisto, M., Lätti, A., Rintamäki, R. & Tauriainen, M-M. (toim.) 2022. Sisätaudit. 8.uud. painos. Helsinki: Sanoma Pro.
Lönnqvist, J., Henriksson, M. & Marttunen M. 2014. Psykiatria. Duodecim: Helsinki. 11. uud. painos Leppäniemi, A., Kuokkanen, H., Salminen, P. 2018. Kirurgia. Duodecim 2018. 3., uudistettu painos. Rosenberg, P., Alahuhta, S., Lindgren, L., Olkkola, K & Ruokonen, E. (toim). 2014. Anestesiologia ja tehohoito 3.uudistettu painos. Duodecim
Niemi-Murola, L., Metsävainio, K., Saari, T., Vahtera, A. & Vakkala, M. (toim.). Anestesiologian ja tehohoidon perusteet. Duodecim, 2016.
Teaching methods
Opetus toteutetaan 100%:na verkko-opetuksena. Opiskelu tapahtuu itsenäisesti opintojakson aikataulun mukaisesti erikoisala kerrallaan. Jokaisen eri osion jälkeen on tietotesti. Palautteena tulee ryhmäkohtainen palaute ja henkilökohtainen numeraalinen arviointi suorituksesta. Jokainen eri osa-alue on läpäistävä hyväksytysti, jotta koko opintojakso on hyväksytty.
Alternative completion methods
Opintojaksoa ei voi opinnollistaa.
Student workload
Opintojakso jakaantuu pidemmälle toteutusajalle aihepiirien mukaisesti. Kukin osa-alue sisältää noin 20-40 h itsenäistä työskentelyä.
Further information for students
Verkkotentit jokaisesta erikoisalasta. Läpipääsyraja 50%. Arviointi asteikolla 0-5.
Evaluation scale