Clinical medical nursing and palliative careLaajuus (6 cr)
Code: SA00CG32
6 op
Teaching language
- Finnish
Responsible person
- Tiina Oksanen-Salonpää
Guidance and interaction skills / You know how to plan, implement and evaluate the nursing work of a client/patient suffering from internal diseases as well as guidance that supports self-care.
Clinical competence / You have evidence-based knowledge and skills of key internal medicine nursing methods as part of the overall care of the client/patient
Evidence-based operation and decision-making skills / You compare multidisciplinary information to support your clinical decision-making and make evidence-based conclusions.
Anticipatory development / You know how to search for existing research information in the field and consider its application in the development of nursing work
Planning, implementation and evaluation of nursing work for a patient/client suffering from internal diseases
Palliative care and hospice care
Monitoring and care of the internal medicine patient's vital signs
Internal medicine patient's drug and fluid treatment and medical calculations
The most common tools for assessing and reporting the patient's condition
Utilization of health technology in patient care
You master the basics of internal medicine nursing.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
Sufficient 1
You have a sufficient knowledge base to plan, implement and evaluate internal medicine patient care and self-care guidance. You know how to justify your decisions based on sources in the prevention of internal diseases, implementation of treatment and palliative care. You know the key clinical skills of internal medicine, taking into account patient safety and asepsis. You know how to administer medication safely.
Satisfactory 2
You have a sufficient knowledge base to plan, implement and evaluate internal medicine patient care and self-care guidance. You know how to justify your decisions based on reliable sources in the prevention of internal diseases, implementation and monitoring of treatment, and palliative care. You know the key clinical skills of internal medicine, taking into account patient safety and asepsis. You know how to administer medication safely.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
Good 3
You have a versatile knowledge base to plan, implement and evaluate internal medicine patient care and self-care guidance. You can justify your decisions based on evidence in the prevention of internal diseases, implementation of treatment and palliative care. You know the key clinical skills of internal medicine, taking into account patient safety and asepsis. You know how to administer medication safely.
Very good 4
You have a versatile knowledge base to plan, implement and evaluate internal medicine patient care and self-care guidance. You can make decisions using multidisciplinary evidence-based information in internal medicine prevention, treatment implementation and palliative care. You know the key clinical skills of internal medicine, taking into account patient safety and asepsis. You know how to administer medication safely.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Excellent 5
You have a broad knowledge base to plan, implement and evaluate internal medicine patient care and self-care guidance. You know how to make reasoned decisions applying multidisciplinary evidence-based information and take into account the patient's individuality and resources in different stages of treatment and in palliative care work. You know the key clinical skills of internal medicine, taking into account patient safety and asepsis. You know how to administer medication safely.
18.11.2024 - 09.01.2025
03.03.2025 - 18.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
6 op
Mode of delivery
School of Health and Social Studies
Lutakko Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 40
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Midwifery
- Degree Programme in Nursing
- Seija Tiilikainen
- Niilo Kuokkanen
- Tuija Hakala
- Janne Alenius
- Tiina Oksanen-Salonpää
ZJASAR24SMAvoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, sairaanhoitaja monimuoto
SAR24SMSairaanhoitaja (AMK)
Guidance and interaction skills / You know how to plan, implement and evaluate the nursing work of a client/patient suffering from internal diseases as well as guidance that supports self-care.
Clinical competence / You have evidence-based knowledge and skills of key internal medicine nursing methods as part of the overall care of the client/patient
Evidence-based operation and decision-making skills / You compare multidisciplinary information to support your clinical decision-making and make evidence-based conclusions.
Anticipatory development / You know how to search for existing research information in the field and consider its application in the development of nursing work
Planning, implementation and evaluation of nursing work for a patient/client suffering from internal diseases
Palliative care and hospice care
Monitoring and care of the internal medicine patient's vital signs
Internal medicine patient's drug and fluid treatment and medical calculations
The most common tools for assessing and reporting the patient's condition
Utilization of health technology in patient care
Learning materials and recommended literature
Huovinen, A., Hynynen, M-A., Karhemaa, A., Koponen, L. ja Mäkeläinen T. 2023 (myös vanhempia painoksia voi hyödyntää). Kliininen hoitotyö. Helsinki: Sanoma Pro. Soveltuvin osin
Saarto, T., Hänninen, J., Antikainen, R. ja Vainio, A. (toim.) 2018. Palliatiivisen hoitotyön hyvät käytännöt.
Hotus hoitotyön suositukset sekä Duodecimin hoitotyön tietokanta ja käypä hoito suositukset soveltuvin osin.
Soveltuvien potilasjärjestöjen kotisivut.
Teaching methods
Interaktiiviset luennot
Orientoiva harjoittelu
Itsenäinen opiskelu
Practical training and working life connections
Opintojaksolla pyritään tekemään yhteistyötä potilasjärjestöjen, kokemusasiantuntijoiden sekä hoitotyön ammattilaisten kanssa.
Exam dates and retake possibilities
Tenttien ja uusintamahdollisuuksien ajankohdat ja käytännöt kerrotaan opintojakson orientaatiossa.
Student workload
Luennot 24 t
Orientoiva harjoittelu 24 t
Simulaatioharjoittelu 8 t
Lääkelaskut 8 t
Ryhmätehtävät 10 t
Itsenäinen opiskelu 88 t
Yhteensä 6 x 27 t = 162 t
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Sufficient 1
You have a sufficient knowledge base to plan, implement and evaluate internal medicine patient care and self-care guidance. You know how to justify your decisions based on sources in the prevention of internal diseases, implementation of treatment and palliative care. You know the key clinical skills of internal medicine, taking into account patient safety and asepsis. You know how to administer medication safely.
Satisfactory 2
You have a sufficient knowledge base to plan, implement and evaluate internal medicine patient care and self-care guidance. You know how to justify your decisions based on reliable sources in the prevention of internal diseases, implementation and monitoring of treatment, and palliative care. You know the key clinical skills of internal medicine, taking into account patient safety and asepsis. You know how to administer medication safely.
Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)
Good 3
You have a versatile knowledge base to plan, implement and evaluate internal medicine patient care and self-care guidance. You can justify your decisions based on evidence in the prevention of internal diseases, implementation of treatment and palliative care. You know the key clinical skills of internal medicine, taking into account patient safety and asepsis. You know how to administer medication safely.
Very good 4
You have a versatile knowledge base to plan, implement and evaluate internal medicine patient care and self-care guidance. You can make decisions using multidisciplinary evidence-based information in internal medicine prevention, treatment implementation and palliative care. You know the key clinical skills of internal medicine, taking into account patient safety and asepsis. You know how to administer medication safely.
Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)
Excellent 5
You have a broad knowledge base to plan, implement and evaluate internal medicine patient care and self-care guidance. You know how to make reasoned decisions applying multidisciplinary evidence-based information and take into account the patient's individuality and resources in different stages of treatment and in palliative care work. You know the key clinical skills of internal medicine, taking into account patient safety and asepsis. You know how to administer medication safely.
You master the basics of internal medicine nursing.