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Rehabilitation Service SystemLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: SK00BT40


5 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Satu Tuomimäki


The purpose of the course
During the course, you will acquire basic knowledge of the rehabilitation service system and legislation.

Course competencies
Competence in rehabilitation service system expertise

The Competence aim of the course
After attending the course, you will know the different areas and system levels of the rehabilitation service system. You understand the whole of sub-areas and legislation. You recognize the impact of social reforms and changes on the operation of the system.


Social policy.
Social structures and changes.
Rehabilitation service system.
The areas and system levels of the rehabilitation service system.
Legislation guiding the operation.


Customer service and service systems in the social and health sector.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Adequate 1
You can view the rehabilitation service system from a narrow perspective. You know one of the areas of the system and are able to view it from different system levels.

Satisfactory 2
You can view the rehabilitation service system through the four areas of the system. You recognize the system levels of these areas. You know the legislation governing the operation.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3
You know how to view the rehabilitation service system as a whole and recognize the different areas and system levels of the system. You know the legislation governing the operation and its meaning. You recognize the effect of the reforms on the operation of the system. You can justify your views using theory.

Very good 4
You can view the rehabilitation service system as a whole; you recognize systems, different areas and system levels and know how to view them in relation to each other. You know the legislation that guides the activity and its meaning, you can illustrate the matter with examples. You recognize the impact of social changes and reforms on the operation of the system. You can justify your views critically using theory.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You can view the rehabilitation service system as a whole, taking into account the different areas and system levels. You are able to take into account a wider social perspective in the review. You know the legislation that guides the activity and its meaning, you know how to illustrate the matter with practical examples. You recognize the impact of social changes and reforms on the operation of the system and its various parts. You can justify your views critically using theory and drawing conclusions.


20.11.2023 - 04.01.2024


08.01.2024 - 30.04.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

4.5 op

Mode of delivery

10 % Face-to-face, 90 % Online learning


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 55

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Riikka Rantanen
  • Teppo Karapalo
    Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, kuntoutuksen ohjaaja monimuoto
  • SKO23SM
    Kuntoutuksen ohjaaja (AMK)


The purpose of the course
During the course, you will acquire basic knowledge of the rehabilitation service system and legislation.

Course competencies
Competence in rehabilitation service system expertise

The Competence aim of the course
After attending the course, you will know the different areas and system levels of the rehabilitation service system. You understand the whole of sub-areas and legislation. You recognize the impact of social reforms and changes on the operation of the system.


Social policy.
Social structures and changes.
Rehabilitation service system.
The areas and system levels of the rehabilitation service system.
Legislation guiding the operation.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Ashorn, U., Autti-Rämö, I. & Lehto, J & Rajavaara, M. (toim.) 2013. Kuntoutus muuttuu - entä kuntoutusjärjestelmä. Helsinki: Kela.

Kuntoutuksen lainsäädäntö

Kuntoutuksen uudistamiskomitean ehdotukset kuntoutusjärjestelmän uudistamiseksi. 2017. STM:n raportteja ja muistioita 41.

Kuntoutuksen uudistaminen. Kuntoutuksen uudistamisen toimintasuunnitelma vuosille 2020-2022. 2020. STM julkaisuja 39.

Kuntoutuksen uudistaminen vuosina 2020-2022. Kuntoutuksen uudistamisen toimeenpanon kuvaus ja arviointia. 2022. STM:n raportteja ja muistioita 23.

Valtakunnalliset lääkinnälliseen kuntoutukseen ohjaamisen perusteet. Opas terveyden- ja sosiaalihuollon ammattilaisille ja kuntoutuksen parissa työskenteleville. STM:n julkaisuja 17.

Teaching methods

Opetusmenetelmänä käytetään käänteisen oppimisen menetelmää eli kontaktikerroille on ennakkotehtävä. Opetusmenetelminä on myös alustusluennot, dialogi keskustelut ja työpajatyöskentely. Lisäksi itsenäinen oppimateriaaliin ja kirjallisuuteen perehtyminen, oppimistehtävät ja tentti.

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Opintojaksolla on yksi Exam-tentti. Tentin ajankohta ilmoitetaan Moodle oppimisympäristössä ja tutkintosäännön mukaisesti tenteissä on kaksi uusintamahdollisuutta.

Student workload

Kontaktiopetus verkossa 20 h
Kontaktiopetus koululla 8 h
Tentti 54 h
Ryhmätehtävä 8 h
Kurssimateriaaleihin perehtyminen ja ryhmätehtävä 45 h

Yhteensä 135 h (5 op)

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Adequate 1
You can view the rehabilitation service system from a narrow perspective. You know one of the areas of the system and are able to view it from different system levels.

Satisfactory 2
You can view the rehabilitation service system through the four areas of the system. You recognize the system levels of these areas. You know the legislation governing the operation.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3
You know how to view the rehabilitation service system as a whole and recognize the different areas and system levels of the system. You know the legislation governing the operation and its meaning. You recognize the effect of the reforms on the operation of the system. You can justify your views using theory.

Very good 4
You can view the rehabilitation service system as a whole; you recognize systems, different areas and system levels and know how to view them in relation to each other. You know the legislation that guides the activity and its meaning, you can illustrate the matter with examples. You recognize the impact of social changes and reforms on the operation of the system. You can justify your views critically using theory.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You can view the rehabilitation service system as a whole, taking into account the different areas and system levels. You are able to take into account a wider social perspective in the review. You know the legislation that guides the activity and its meaning, you know how to illustrate the matter with practical examples. You recognize the impact of social changes and reforms on the operation of the system and its various parts. You can justify your views critically using theory and drawing conclusions.


Customer service and service systems in the social and health sector.


01.11.2022 - 05.01.2023


09.01.2023 - 26.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 60

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Teppo Karapalo
  • Aila Pikkarainen
    Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, kuntoutuksen ohjaaja monimuoto
  • SKO22SM
    Kuntoutuksen ohjaaja (AMK)


The purpose of the course
During the course, you will acquire basic knowledge of the rehabilitation service system and legislation.

Course competencies
Competence in rehabilitation service system expertise

The Competence aim of the course
After attending the course, you will know the different areas and system levels of the rehabilitation service system. You understand the whole of sub-areas and legislation. You recognize the impact of social reforms and changes on the operation of the system.


Social policy.
Social structures and changes.
Rehabilitation service system.
The areas and system levels of the rehabilitation service system.
Legislation guiding the operation.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Ashorn, U., Autti-Rämö, I. & Lehto, J & Rajavaara, M. (toim.) 2012. Kuntoutus muuttuu - entä kuntoutusjärjestelmä. Helsinki: Kela.

Kuntoutuksen lainsäädäntö

Kuntoutuksen uudistamiskomitean ehdotukset kuntoutusjärjestelmän uudistamiseksi. 2017. STM:n raportteja ja muistioita 41.

Kuntoutuksen uudistaminen. Kuntoutuksen uudistamisen toimintasuunnitelma vuosille 2020-2022. 2020. STM julkaisuja 39.

Kuntoutuksen uudistaminen vuosina 2020-2022. Kuntoutuksen uudistamisen toimeenpanon kuvaus ja arviointia. 2022. STM:n raportteja ja muistioita 23.

Valtakunnalliset lääkinnälliseen kuntoutukseen ohjaamisen perusteet. Opas terveyden- ja sosiaalihuollon ammattilaisille ja kuntoutuksen parissa työskenteleville. STM:n julkaisuja 17.

Teaching methods

Opetusmenetelmänä käytetään käänteisen oppimisen menetelmää eli kontaktikerroille on ennakkotehtävä. Opetusmenetelminä on myös alustusluennot, dialogi keskustelut ja työpajatyöskentely. Lisäksi itsenäinen oppimateriaaliin ja kirjallisuuteen perehtyminen, oppimistehtävät ja tentit.

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Opintojaksolla on yksi tentti. Tentin ajankohta ilmoitetaan Moodle oppimisympäristössä ja tutkintosäännön mukaisesti tenteissä on kaksi uusintamahdollisuutta.

Student workload

Kontaktiopetus verkossa 20 h ja opetukseen valmistautuminen (ennakko- ja välitehtävät) 6 h
Kontaktiopetus koululla 8 h ja siihen valmistautuminen (välitehtävä) 2 h
Tentti 54 h
Kurssimateriaaleihin perehtyminen ja ryhmätehtävä 45 h

Yhteensä 135 h (5op)

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Adequate 1
You can view the rehabilitation service system from a narrow perspective. You know one of the areas of the system and are able to view it from different system levels.

Satisfactory 2
You can view the rehabilitation service system through the four areas of the system. You recognize the system levels of these areas. You know the legislation governing the operation.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3
You know how to view the rehabilitation service system as a whole and recognize the different areas and system levels of the system. You know the legislation governing the operation and its meaning. You recognize the effect of the reforms on the operation of the system. You can justify your views using theory.

Very good 4
You can view the rehabilitation service system as a whole; you recognize systems, different areas and system levels and know how to view them in relation to each other. You know the legislation that guides the activity and its meaning, you can illustrate the matter with examples. You recognize the impact of social changes and reforms on the operation of the system. You can justify your views critically using theory.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You can view the rehabilitation service system as a whole, taking into account the different areas and system levels. You are able to take into account a wider social perspective in the review. You know the legislation that guides the activity and its meaning, you know how to illustrate the matter with practical examples. You recognize the impact of social changes and reforms on the operation of the system and its various parts. You can justify your views critically using theory and drawing conclusions.


Customer service and service systems in the social and health sector.