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Sport Venue ManagementLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: YH00CB54


5 op

Teaching language

  • English

Responsible person

  • Aila Ahonen
  • Pia Kreus


The object of the course
After completing this course, you will learn the main characteristics, functions and management issues of sport facilities and know about their historic development and current economic, socio-cultural, and political meaning. You will know about the planning process as well as the management of the facilities throughout their life cycle.

Course competences
Sustainable Development Competence: You are aware of sustainable development goals.

Sport Business Management Competence: You critically review and understand the core concepts of sport business management and gain knowledge and skills in sport management, sport marketing, entrepreneurship, and finance.

The learning objectives of the course
Upon completion of the course, you recognize the importance of sustainable development for sport facility planning and feasibility. You are familiar with the core concepts of sport venue management, and you attempt to seek knowledge and skills in differences of sport facilities in various cultural context.


The content of the course consist the following theories and matters of venue management: feasibility study as basis for planning a sport facility and life cycle of sport facilities, interdependence between construction and operation, business planning for a sport facility, significance of architecture and room layout for operation, marketing of sport facilities and sustainability of sport facilities.



Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Sufficient 1
You are familiar some of the key concepts and terms and can recognize typical sustainability problems in venue management. You address elements relevant for facility planning. You attempt to find justified and sustainable solutions for managerial problems and risks for feasibility.

Satisfactory 2
You can define some of the key concepts and terms and attempt to solve typical sustainability problems in venue management. You understand the elements relevant for facility planning. You show some sustainable solutions for managerial problems and risks for feasibility.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3
You know the key concepts and terms and can solve typical sustainability problems in venue management. You know how to promote the elements relevant for facility planning and feasibility. You use justified, and sustainable solutions for managerial problems and risks.

Very Good 4
You master the key concepts and terms and can solve typical sustainability problems in venue management. You promote the elements relevant for facility planning and feasibility. You use justified, sustainable, and innovative solutions for managerial problems and risks.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You propose justified solutions at sustainability problems in venue management. You promote sustainable development for facility planning and feasibility. You create justified and innovative solutions for managerial problems and utilize business knowledge and skills to enhance both the brand and legacy of your facility operations.


Fried, G., Kastel, M. (2021): Managing Sport Facilities. 4th Edition. Champaign: Human Kinetics.