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Erityissosiaaliohjauksen toimintaympäristötLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: YS00BY55


5 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Katri Ylönen


After the course student:
-Can critically analyse global societal changes and anticipate their social impact on her/his own work  
-Has ability to anticipate the impact of changes in the structure of social and health care services on her/his own work
-Know and is able to apply the work orientations of social work in the field of influence and inclusion in her/his own work  
-Has knowledge and ability to interpret and evaluate current research in social work and to use it in client work and development activities 
-Can develop client and service guidance and digitalization in her/his own work


-Current scientific research and concepts in the field of social care, service structures and digitalization, client- and service management 
-Multi-professionalism and multidisciplinarity 
-Contemporary work orientations of encounter and empowerment: empowerment work, inclusion and justice work, technology/robotics, anti-racist work, etc. 

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Sufficient (1)
You can take a narrow view of the social and health service system and the environment in which it operates. You identify some changes in the structure of social and health services but do not analyse them much. You make limited use of research data and focus on domestic research. Your own reflection and critical analysis remains superficial. You write illustratively, but the text contains illogicalities and shortcomings.

Satisfactory (2)
You can examine the social and health service system and the policy environment from more than one perspective. You can identify and describe a few changes in the service structure of the social and health care system. You make some use of research, but the focus is on domestic research. There is some reflection and critical analysis of your own. You write logically and are able to illustrate the text with examples.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good (3)
You can take a broad view of the social and health service system and the environment in which it operates. You identify at least three major changes in the structure of social and health services and can reflect on solutions. You will be able to draw on research knowledge, including both national and international scientific studies. You will be able to present your own reflections and critical analysis, well illustrated by examples. Write in a coherent, reasoned and illustrative manner. Write a structured text with occasional errors of language and style.

Very good (4)
You can examine the social and health service system and the environment from a variety of perspectives and assess their impact on your own work. You can identify and describe in a comprehensive way a number of changes in the structure of social and health services. You will be able to draw on and apply a wide range of research knowledge, including both national and international scientific studies. You will be able to present your own reflections and critical analysis in a well-illustrated way. You write logically, analytically and competently. You write a structured text in a fluent and almost error-free style.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent (5)
In addition to the above, you can examine the social and health care environment from a number of different perspectives and draw conclusions from them using illustrative examples. You will be able to look at the subject from a broader societal perspective and generate new perspectives on the subject. Write convincingly, presenting a clear, logically progressive whole, connecting issues in a new way. You demonstrate critical and argumentative writing skills. You write a structured text with a fluent and error-free style.


Aaltonen, E., Suoninen-Erhiö, L., & Mäntysaari, M. (2020). Sosiaaliala uudistuu: Tietopohjan ja vuorovaikutuksen kysymyksiä. Huoltaja-säätiö. (luettavissa e-kirjana)

Laaksonen, H., Laitinen, H., Hiilamo, H., Hautaviita, P., Hyvärinen, H., & Vänni, K. (2020). Sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon järjestelmä (1. painos.). Sanoma Pro Oy. (luettavissa e-kirjana)

Raitakari, S. & Harrikari, T. & Hekkala, M. & Kivipelto, M. (toim.) 2023. Sosiaalityö kriiseissä ja poikkeuksellisissa olosuhteissa. Sosiaalityön tutkimuksen vuosikirja. Jyväskylän yliopisto, Sophi. E-julkaisu.

Hujala, A. & Taskinen H. (toim.) 2020. Uudistuva sosiaali- ja terveysala. University Press. E-julkaisu.


01.08.2023 - 03.09.2023


25.08.2023 - 31.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

4 op

Mode of delivery

20 % Face-to-face, 80 % Online learning


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 20

Degree programmes
  • Master's Degree Programme in Expertise in Social Guidance
  • Asta Suomi
  • Tuija Ketola
  • Anne Koivisto
  • Katri Ylönen
Teacher in charge

Katri Ylönen

  • ZJAYSG23S1
    Avoin AMK, sote,Sosiaalialan ylempi AMK, erityissosiaaliohjaus (YAMK), YAMK-polku
  • YSG23S1
    Sosiaalialan ylempi AMK, erityissosiaaliohjaus (YAMK)


After the course student:
-Can critically analyse global societal changes and anticipate their social impact on her/his own work  
-Has ability to anticipate the impact of changes in the structure of social and health care services on her/his own work
-Know and is able to apply the work orientations of social work in the field of influence and inclusion in her/his own work  
-Has knowledge and ability to interpret and evaluate current research in social work and to use it in client work and development activities 
-Can develop client and service guidance and digitalization in her/his own work


-Current scientific research and concepts in the field of social care, service structures and digitalization, client- and service management 
-Multi-professionalism and multidisciplinarity 
-Contemporary work orientations of encounter and empowerment: empowerment work, inclusion and justice work, technology/robotics, anti-racist work, etc. 

Learning materials and recommended literature

Aaltonen, E., Suoninen-Erhiö, L., & Mäntysaari, M. (2020). Sosiaaliala uudistuu: Tietopohjan ja vuorovaikutuksen kysymyksiä. Huoltaja-säätiö. (luettavissa e-kirjana)

Laaksonen, H., Laitinen, H., Hiilamo, H., Hautaviita, P., Hyvärinen, H., & Vänni, K. (2020). Sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon järjestelmä (1. painos.). Sanoma Pro Oy. (luettavissa e-kirjana)

Raitakari, S. & Harrikari, T. & Hekkala, M. & Kivipelto, M. (toim.) 2023. Sosiaalityö kriiseissä ja poikkeuksellisissa olosuhteissa. Sosiaalityön tutkimuksen vuosikirja. Jyväskylän yliopisto, Sophi. E-julkaisu.

Hujala, A. & Taskinen H. (toim.) 2020. Uudistuva sosiaali- ja terveysala. University Press. E-julkaisu.

Student workload

Webinars and contacts 16 h, individual, group assignments and learning tasks 119 h

Further information for students

Avoin amk 10 paikkaa

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Sufficient (1)
You can take a narrow view of the social and health service system and the environment in which it operates. You identify some changes in the structure of social and health services but do not analyse them much. You make limited use of research data and focus on domestic research. Your own reflection and critical analysis remains superficial. You write illustratively, but the text contains illogicalities and shortcomings.

Satisfactory (2)
You can examine the social and health service system and the policy environment from more than one perspective. You can identify and describe a few changes in the service structure of the social and health care system. You make some use of research, but the focus is on domestic research. There is some reflection and critical analysis of your own. You write logically and are able to illustrate the text with examples.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good (3)
You can take a broad view of the social and health service system and the environment in which it operates. You identify at least three major changes in the structure of social and health services and can reflect on solutions. You will be able to draw on research knowledge, including both national and international scientific studies. You will be able to present your own reflections and critical analysis, well illustrated by examples. Write in a coherent, reasoned and illustrative manner. Write a structured text with occasional errors of language and style.

Very good (4)
You can examine the social and health service system and the environment from a variety of perspectives and assess their impact on your own work. You can identify and describe in a comprehensive way a number of changes in the structure of social and health services. You will be able to draw on and apply a wide range of research knowledge, including both national and international scientific studies. You will be able to present your own reflections and critical analysis in a well-illustrated way. You write logically, analytically and competently. You write a structured text in a fluent and almost error-free style.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent (5)
In addition to the above, you can examine the social and health care environment from a number of different perspectives and draw conclusions from them using illustrative examples. You will be able to look at the subject from a broader societal perspective and generate new perspectives on the subject. Write convincingly, presenting a clear, logically progressive whole, connecting issues in a new way. You demonstrate critical and argumentative writing skills. You write a structured text with a fluent and error-free style.