Entrepreneurship Education as a Teacher CompetenceLaajuus (5 cr)
Code: AJ00BA23
5 op
Teaching language
- Finnish
Responsible person
- Minna Tunkkari-Eskelinen
- Tiina Mustonen
The purpose of the study unit
The study unit purpose is to renew your understanding of entrepreneurship education within the teacher framework and to emphasise its importance in society and as part of the work of all trainers. After completing this study unit, you will understand what entrepreneurship education means and how, as a teacher, you can use your pedagogical solutions to promote the realisation of its values in your own teaching.
Study unit competences
In this study unit you will develop your future orientation, developmental skills and reflection skills.
Future orientation refers to
- Teachers being involved in creating the future for VET learning, working life and society by investigating and critically analysing existing practices and structures.
- The courage to rethink and support the development of social equality, democracy and human rights.
Reflection skills means
- Teachers’ ability to recognise and critically assess their values, attitudes, ethical principles and work methods as a facilitator of learning.
Developmental skills refers to:
- Teachers’ ability to further develop their own and their organisation’s practices in collaboration with others.
- The ability to develop VET learning, working life and entrepreneurship at the regional, national and international levels by working in partner networks.
The learning objectives of the study unit
After completing the study unit, you will have the capabilities to plan, implement and develop entrepreneurship education in your own operating environment.
During this study unit, you will learn the key concepts, contents and policies of entrepreneurship education as well as the operators involved and the networks and support materials used in entrepreneurship education. You will gain understanding of the importance of entrepreneurial education in society and become acquainted with the pedagogical starting points and learning environments of entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurial competences.
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
The criteria for assessing the approved level are as follows
Future orientation:
You have the capabilities for developing entrepreneurship education as part of vocational learning, working life and the future of society.
Developmental skills:
You have the capabilities for developing entrepreneurship education in your own field and level of education.
Reflection skills:
You are able to assess your own learning and competence in a relevant manner.
Further information
The study unit is intended for those who are currently completing or have previously completed teacher studies or who currently work as a teacher. Technical requirements: Online connection and a headset.
The study unit is implemented only in Finnish language.
Student feedback on the study unit:
“I think training in entrepreneurship education should be a compulsory part for all those working in vocational education institutions as teachers or trainers.”
“My own teaching career is only at the beginning, or should I say a distant dream. This course provides a basis for integrating entrepreneurship education as part of my teaching, and I feel that it is a good start.”
“I have to admit that my expectations on this course were not all that high, but on the whole, it was surprisingly rewarding. Things can be perceived from a variety of perspectives, and I can now also look at my own teaching from the entrepreneurship education perspective.”
01.11.2021 - 09.01.2022
13.09.2021 - 30.04.2022
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
5 op
Mode of delivery
Online learning
School of Professional Teacher Education
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 5
Degree programmes
- School of Professional Teacher Education
- Tiina Mustonen
- Minna Tunkkari-Eskelinen
AJA19SJHAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
YSY21SJSosiaali- ja terveysalan ylempi AMK, Sosiaali- ja terveysalan johtaminen
AJA19SJFAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
YTK20S1Kestävä energia (YAMK)
AJA19SJBAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
AJA18SJLKAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
AJA18SJSAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
AJA19SJVAAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
AJA19SJVAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
AJA19SJSAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
AJA19SJJAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
AJA19SJHOAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
AJA19SJHKAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
AJA18SJJAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
YTR21S1Rakennustekniikan tutkinto-ohjelma (YAMK)
AJA18SJHAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
AJA18SJBAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
AJA18SJFAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
AJA18SJHKAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
AJA18SJHOAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
YSY20SMSosiaali- ja terveysalan ylempi AMK tutkinto-ohjelma, Monialainen kuntoutus
YSY20SKSosiaali- ja terveysalan ylempi AMK tutkinto-ohjelma, Kliininen asiantuntija
YSY20S1Sosiaali- ja terveysalan ylempi AMK tutkinto-ohjelma,Sosiaali- ja terveysalan johtaminen, ylempi AMK
AJA19SJVOAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
AJA19SJVIAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
AJA19SJVEAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
AJA21SJVOAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
AJA18SJAAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
AJA21SJVIAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
AJA19SJEAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
AJA21SKJAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
AJA21SJVNAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
AJA21SJVYAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
AJA21SJVMAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
YTH20S1Elinkaaren hallinta (YAMK)
AJA20SJAVocational Teacher Education
YTO20S1Teknologialiiketoiminnan johtaminen (YAMK)
AJA19SJAAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
AJA20SJBVocational Teacher Education
YSV21S1Master's Degree Programme in Business Network Management
AJA18SJVAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
YSY21STSosiaali- ja terveysalan ylempi AMK, terveyden edistäminen
AJA18SJVAAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
YTH21S1Elinkaaren hallinta (YAMK)
AJA18SJVEAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
AJA18SJVIAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
AJA18SJVOAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
AJA21SJVAAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
YTB21S1Projektijohtaminen YAMK (teknologia)
AJA18SJLAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
AJA21SJVAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
AJA18SJEAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
AJA21SJVEAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
AJA21SJJAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
AJA21SJSAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
AJA21SJHKAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
AJA21SJHAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
AJA21SJAAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
YSY21SMSosiaali- ja terveysalan ylempi AMK, monialainen kuntoutus
AJA21SJFAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
YSY21SKSosiaali- ja terveysalan ylempi AMK, kliininen asiantuntija
AJA21SJBAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
YTV21S1Insinööri (ylempi AMK), verkostojohtaminen
AJA20SJEAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
AJA20SJVAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
AJA20SJLAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
AJA20SJSAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
YTO21S1Insinööri (ylempi AMK), teknologialiiketoiminnan johtaminen
AJA20SJVEAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
YTM21S1Insinööri (ylempi AMK), Digitaalinen toimitusketju
AJA20SJVAAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
YTK21S1Insinööri (ylempi AMK), kestävä energia
YTG21S1Insinööri (ylempi AMK), robotiikka
YTB20S1Projektijohtaminen YAMK (teknologia)
AJA20SJJAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
AJA20SJFAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
AJA20SJHKAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
AJA20SJHAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
YSY20STMaster’s Degree Programme in Health Care and Social Services
YSY21KAVOSosiaali- ja terveysalan ylempi AMK tutkinto-ohjelma
YSY20SJMaster’s Degree Programme in Health Care and Social Services
YSV20S1Master's Degree Programme in Business Network Management
YSB20S1Master's Degree Programme in Project Management
YLO21S1Insinööri (ylempi AMK), logistiikka
AJA21SJVVAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
AJA21SJVUAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
YTV20S1Master's Degree Programme in Business Network Management
YTG20S1Master's Degree Programme in Robotics
YSB21S1Projektijohtaminen YAMK
AJA20SJVIAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
AJA20SJVOAmmatillinen opettajankoulutus
The purpose of the study unit
The study unit purpose is to renew your understanding of entrepreneurship education within the teacher framework and to emphasise its importance in society and as part of the work of all trainers. After completing this study unit, you will understand what entrepreneurship education means and how, as a teacher, you can use your pedagogical solutions to promote the realisation of its values in your own teaching.
Study unit competences
In this study unit you will develop your future orientation, developmental skills and reflection skills.
Future orientation refers to
- Teachers being involved in creating the future for VET learning, working life and society by investigating and critically analysing existing practices and structures.
- The courage to rethink and support the development of social equality, democracy and human rights.
Reflection skills means
- Teachers’ ability to recognise and critically assess their values, attitudes, ethical principles and work methods as a facilitator of learning.
Developmental skills refers to:
- Teachers’ ability to further develop their own and their organisation’s practices in collaboration with others.
- The ability to develop VET learning, working life and entrepreneurship at the regional, national and international levels by working in partner networks.
The learning objectives of the study unit
After completing the study unit, you will have the capabilities to plan, implement and develop entrepreneurship education in your own operating environment.
During this study unit, you will learn the key concepts, contents and policies of entrepreneurship education as well as the operators involved and the networks and support materials used in entrepreneurship education. You will gain understanding of the importance of entrepreneurial education in society and become acquainted with the pedagogical starting points and learning environments of entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurial competences.
Learning materials and recommended literature
Opettajan opas yrittäjyyspedagogiikkaan. 2020. Suomen Yrittäjät. https://www.yrittajat.fi/sites/default/files/sy_opettajan_opas_yrittajyyspedagogiikkaan_a4.pdf
Potinkara, H. 2017. Uskalla innostua – opettajan opas yrittäjyysosaamiseen. Suomen Yrittäjät. https://www.yrittajat.fi/sites/default/files/sy_opettajan_opas_yrittajyysosaamiseen.pdf
Yrittäjyyslinjaukset. 2019.Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriö. https://minedu.fi/yrittajyyslinjaukset
Bacigalupo, M., Kampylis, P., Punie, Y. & Van den Brande, G. 2016. EntreComp: The Entrepreneur-ship Competence Framework. Luxembourg: Publication Office of the European Union. EN; doi:10.2791/59388.
McCallum E., Weicht, R., McMullan L., Price, A. , Bacigalupo M. & O'Keeffe W. 2018. EntreComp into Action - Get inspired, make it happen: A user guide to the European Entrepreneurship Competence Framework. Publications Office of the European Union. https://ec.europa.eu/jrc/en/publication/eur-scientific-and-technical-research-reports/entrecomp-action-get-inspired-make-it-happen-user-guide-european-entrepreneurship-competence.
Teaching methods
The course will be offered in the form of online studies in Finnish. The studying consists of independent working, peer-to-peer comments and discussions in your own network. At the end of the course, the instructor will give you personal feedback.
Your studies will be supported by materials available in the learning environment, such as articles, books, videos and other material on the subject.
Student workload
In total, the course consists of 135 hours (5 x 27h) of students’ work
- Orientation 2 h
- Self-directed learning in online environment, reading the learning materials, completing the learning assignments. discussions 124 h
- Peer assessment and self-assessment 8 h
- Feedback 1 h
Content scheduling
The course includes two parts, each with 4 to 5 learning assignments and related materials. Depending on the student’s previous competence, the course can be completed during 1 to 3 months alongside their regular work duties.
Further information for students
In the assessment, learning analytics will be utilised, and the student’s activity in the learning environment will be monitored. The assessment is qualitative and is based on learning objectives. The methods for evaluation of the learning process are feedback and self-assessment. Competence assessment is based on criteria and the teacher educator makes the assessment decision once all the learning tasks have been completed. The assessment material consists of the learning tasks of the course and self-assessment tasks.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
The criteria for assessing the approved level are as follows
Future orientation:
You have the capabilities for developing entrepreneurship education as part of vocational learning, working life and the future of society.
Developmental skills:
You have the capabilities for developing entrepreneurship education in your own field and level of education.
Reflection skills:
You are able to assess your own learning and competence in a relevant manner.
Further information
The study unit is intended for those who are currently completing or have previously completed teacher studies or who currently work as a teacher. Technical requirements: Online connection and a headset.
The study unit is implemented only in Finnish language.
Student feedback on the study unit:
“I think training in entrepreneurship education should be a compulsory part for all those working in vocational education institutions as teachers or trainers.”
“My own teaching career is only at the beginning, or should I say a distant dream. This course provides a basis for integrating entrepreneurship education as part of my teaching, and I feel that it is a good start.”
“I have to admit that my expectations on this course were not all that high, but on the whole, it was surprisingly rewarding. Things can be perceived from a variety of perspectives, and I can now also look at my own teaching from the entrepreneurship education perspective.”