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Management AccountingLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: HIBA1200


5 op

Teaching language

  • English

Responsible person

  • Shabnamjit Hundal


The purpose of the Management Accounting course is to enhance your knowledge and understanding, and intellectual skills principally in the field of accounting data analysis, which can be subsequently applied to make interpretations and draw inferences in the field of corporate finance, corporate governance and financial management.
The course aims to develop the following Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):
1. Analytical Business Skills (IBBUS)
Analyzing the financial statements of corporates to ascertain their financial health by applying various techniques and methods learned in the field of Management Accounting and Economics in different business situations to solve challenging business problems optimize planning and risk management strategies.
2 Critical Thinking
Reviewing academic literature critically, analyzing and evaluating financial and other business data, deliberating diverse approaches, comparing the resultant outcomes, and making value additive informed business decisions and action plans. Understanding of the true, objective and unbiased financial information that helps managers to plan, revise and revisit their business strategies, financial targets, policy formulation, and planning process. The process of understanding how financial accounting information assists to make the corporate decision-making process is a core element of this course.
3 Communication Skills
Communicating the inferences made and interpretations drawn based on the financial data analysis responsibly, effectively and professionally in English, including in written reports, presentations, formal correspondence, and on social media.
4 Collaborative Skills
Participating enthusiastically in inter- and multicultural settings, demonstrating team building and leadership skills, and implementing conflict resolution skills in numerous situations.
5 Ethical, Sustainable and Responsible Conduct
Promoting moral and ethical mindset and conduct to ascertain and disclose true and unbiased financial health of the companies. Safeguarding interests of different stakeholders in an unbiased manner to promote corporate value system which is humane, fair and equitable.


Theoretical aspects of accounting, financial statement analysis, financial performance measurement, regulatory framework, corporate governance and ethical issues of accounting, financial ratio analysis, corporate valuation, balanced scorecard as a tool for strategic budgeting, economic value added (EVA), cost concepts, absorption costing, pricing, planning and budgeting, fundamentals of financial management, capital investment appraisal, financial risk management.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The general criteria of the competencies that the Bachelor's Degrees awarded by Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences provide can be found on JAMK's web pages ( The learning outcomes of individual courses are assessed in relation to the objectives of the course concerned. Assessment is based on knowledge, skills, and competence in accordance with the National and European Qualifications Framework, level 6.

1 (Sufficient): The student knows the basic requirements of conducting profitable business.

2 (Satisfactory): The student has satisfactory knowledge of how to analyze financial statements.

3 (Good): The student can conduct financial statement analysis and investment analysis.

4 (Very good): The student can analyze the cost structure of any product or service using appropriate costing methods.

5 (Excellent): The student utilizes management accounting tools perfectly and provides information-based managerial insights and suggestions for decision-making purposes.