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Physics 2Laajuus (5 cr)

Code: TEXF2580


5 op

Teaching language

  • English

Responsible person

  • Pertti Ahonen


EUR-ACE, Knowledge and understanding: The students will understand the connection between the theoretical course contents and real-life situations. They will learn to make simplified assumptions, apply the appropriate physical principles and evaluate the final results.
Logistics, Natural sciences: In the laboratory they will see the importance of error analysis (mathematics) while making reports of experiments combining theory and practice.


Pressure, pressure in a fluid, Archimedes principle, buoyancy, surface tension, capillarity. Fluid dynamics: the continuity equation, Bernoulli’s equation and viscosity. Temperature and thermal equilibrium, temperature scales, thermal expansion, the ideal gas equation, quantity of heat, specific heat capacity and phase changes.


The students are able to find information independently and to prepare reports. They have the basic knowledge of the principles of Newtonian mechanics.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Excellent(5): Student has attained an excellent level of the course objectives and can apply them into practice in an innovative manner.
Very good (4): Student has attained a very good level of the course objectives and can apply them into practice.
Good(3): Student has gained knowledge of the course objectives and can utilize them in practice.
Satisfactory(2): Student has gained knowledge of the course objectives and can utilize them partly in practice.
Sufficient(1): Student has gained knowledge of the course objectives but faces challenges to utilize them in practice.