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Brand StrategiesLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: HBM20610


5 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish


The student knows the brand strategy theories, models and concepts and understands their relevance in practice.
The student understands the importance of brand strategies in business management. The student understands the meaning of customer intelligence in developing brand strategies.
The student is able to plan, implement and measure the strategic brand management process. The student is able to use different tools in brand management.


The concepts of brand and brand equity, brand analysis, brand identity and image, brand values and knowledge, positioning.


Basics of marketing, customer insight analysis, business intelligence, customer understanding, customer needs and motivations.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Sufficient 1
The student partly recognizes the core concepts and/or methods of brand strategies. He/she has poor knowledge needed to work in the brand management field, so he/she needs guidance in his/her work. The student sometimes participates in group work. He/she cannot evaluate him/herself.

Satisfactory 2
The student partly recognizes the core concepts, theories and methods of brand strategies. The student knows the basic practical skills which he/she needs in familiar circumstances. The student sometimes participates in group work. He/she has flaws in his/her self-assessment.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3
The student has wide knowledge of the core concepts, theories and methods of brand strategies. He/she can combine many different types of information. The student masters the practice of basic and special skills which is needed for working independently. He/she displays his/her ability to solve complex problems in the brand management. The student participates in co-operation quite actively and in a diverse way. He/she can evaluate his/her own know-how in a realistic way.

Very Good 4
The students knows and can evaluate the broad theories of brand strategies, core concepts and methods. The student can relate different information to each other. He /she can apply the knowledge and theories in the subject area. The student masters the broad range of practical skills, which appear as the ability to work independently in projects or as an expert in the field of branding. He/she displays his/her ability to solve complex problems in the field. The student participates in co-operation by taking part interactively. He/she is committed to co-operate. He/she is able to evaluate and develop his/her own know-how in a critically and diverse way.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
The student knows and can critically evaluate broad theories of brand strategies, core concepts and methods. The student can synthesize a number of different theories to each other. He /she can apply the knowledge and theories in the subject area. The student masters the broad range of practical skills, which appear as the ability to take advantage of knowledge and to discover new creative solutions. The student shows he/she is capable of managing diverse professional tasks or projects and problem situations. The student shows his/her ability to work independently as an expert in the field of branding, and the ability to make decisions and innovative solutions in unpredictable business environments. The student participates in co-operation by taking part in group work interactively. He/she is committed to group work and ensures the success of others. The student has a positive attitude. He/she is able to evaluate and develop his/her own know-how in a critically and diverse way. The student takes responsibility for the development of the individual and the group.