Bioenergy and CombustionLaajuus (5 cr)
Code: TERP0800
5 op
Teaching language
- English
Responsible person
- Hannariina Honkanen
The student recognizes the characteristics of domestic biomasses used for energy production, knows major bioenergy production methods, their economic factors and environmental impacts.
The student understands the theory of combustion and knows emission production mechanisms.
The student can calculatory examine emissions and the phenomena influencing to the generation of the emission.
The status, production, use and objective of bioenergy.
The most important features of bio fuels.
Calculations of combustion and efficiency.
Bio fuels of transport.
The delivery and quality control of bio fuels.
The student knows and understands energy economy, power station technics, heat and flow technics and basics of thermodynamics
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
Sufficient 1: The student knows some of the key characteristics and use of domestic biomasses for energy, major bioenergy production methods, as well as understands some of their economic factors and most focal environmental impacts. The student knows the theory of combustion and factors effecting on emission generation in energy production.
Satisfactory 2: The student understands the standing of bioenergy in Finnish energy system, key characteristics and use of domestic biomasses for energy, major bioenergy production methods, as well as some of their economic factors and most focal environmental impacts. The student knows the theory of combustion and factors effecting on emission generation in energy production, can calculatory examine emissions and knows the phenomena influencing to the generation of the emission.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
Good 3:
Student knows the standing of bioenergy in Finnish energy system, key characteristics and use of domestic biomasses for energy, major bioenergy production methods, as well as some of their economic factors and most focal environmental impacts. Student understands the theory of combustion and factors effecting on emission production in different energy production scales, can calculatory examine emissions and knows the phenomena influencing to the generation of the emission.
Very good 4:
Student knows the standing of bioenergy in Finnish energy system, key characteristics and use of domestic biomasses for energy, major bioenergy production methods, as well as some of their economic factors and most focal environmental impacts. Student can apply the theory of combustion and factors effecting on emission production in different energy production scales, can calculatory examine emissions and knows the phenomena influencing to the generation of the emission.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Excellent 5:
The student knows the standing of bioenergy in Finnish energy system, and masters the key characteristics and use of domestic biomasses for energy, major bioenergy production methods, as well as some of their economic factors and most focal environmental impacts. The student masters and can apply the theory of combustion and factors effecting on emission production in different energy production scales, can calculatory examine emissions and critically assess the phenomena influencing to the generation of the emission.
01.08.2023 - 24.08.2023
15.08.2023 - 19.12.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
School of Technology
Main Campus
Teaching languages
- English
0 - 50
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
- Hannariina Honkanen
- Minna Nyman
Teacher in charge
Minna Nyman
Scheduling groups
- TER21S1 (Paikkoja: 30. Open UAS: 0.)
- TER21SM (Paikkoja: 30. Open UAS: 0.)
TER21S1Energia- ja ympäristötekniikka (AMK)
TER21SMEnergia- ja ympäristötekniikka (AMK)
- Scheduling group 1
- Scheduling group 2
The student recognizes the characteristics of domestic biomasses used for energy production, knows major bioenergy production methods, their economic factors and environmental impacts.
The student understands the theory of combustion and knows emission production mechanisms.
The student can calculatory examine emissions and the phenomena influencing to the generation of the emission.
The status, production, use and objective of bioenergy.
The most important features of bio fuels.
Calculations of combustion and efficiency.
Bio fuels of transport.
The delivery and quality control of bio fuels.
Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus
Lecture materials
Alakangas, E., Hurskainen, M., Laatikainen-Luntama, J., Korhonen, J. 2016. Properties of indigenous fuels in Finland. VTT technology T272.
Alakangas, E., Hölttä, P., Juntunen, M., Vesisenaho, T. 2012. Fuel peat production technology. JAMK.
Quality guidelines for wood fuels in Finland. 2014. VTT-M-04712-15. VTT.
Bio heating guide. 2013. Ariterm Oy.
Teaching methods
Teaching includes lectures, calculation exercises, assignments and laboratory demonstrations. In addition, some independent study work is given during the course. Traditionally, course has utilized 1-2 visitor lecturers. The course utilizes web learning environment.
Employer connections
Possibly some visiting lecturers from working life.
Exam schedules
Lopputentti joulukuussa ja kaksi uusintatenttiä tammikuussa.
International connections
The course includes aspect to bioenergy production and use in Europe, and some global examples are also covered. However, the main attention is in Northern European biomasses and conditions, and Finnish energy production systems.
Student workload
Contact lessons 45 h; independent working (material reading, assignments, homework) 90 h.
Content scheduling
Lähiopetusta viikoittain pääsääntöisesti 2*2-3h
Further information
The course is evaluated by assignments and exam.
Evaluation scale
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)
Sufficient 1: The student knows some of the key characteristics and use of domestic biomasses for energy, major bioenergy production methods, as well as understands some of their economic factors and most focal environmental impacts. The student knows the theory of combustion and factors effecting on emission generation in energy production.
Satisfactory 2: The student understands the standing of bioenergy in Finnish energy system, key characteristics and use of domestic biomasses for energy, major bioenergy production methods, as well as some of their economic factors and most focal environmental impacts. The student knows the theory of combustion and factors effecting on emission generation in energy production, can calculatory examine emissions and knows the phenomena influencing to the generation of the emission.
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
Good 3:
Student knows the standing of bioenergy in Finnish energy system, key characteristics and use of domestic biomasses for energy, major bioenergy production methods, as well as some of their economic factors and most focal environmental impacts. Student understands the theory of combustion and factors effecting on emission production in different energy production scales, can calculatory examine emissions and knows the phenomena influencing to the generation of the emission.
Very good 4:
Student knows the standing of bioenergy in Finnish energy system, key characteristics and use of domestic biomasses for energy, major bioenergy production methods, as well as some of their economic factors and most focal environmental impacts. Student can apply the theory of combustion and factors effecting on emission production in different energy production scales, can calculatory examine emissions and knows the phenomena influencing to the generation of the emission.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Excellent 5:
The student knows the standing of bioenergy in Finnish energy system, and masters the key characteristics and use of domestic biomasses for energy, major bioenergy production methods, as well as some of their economic factors and most focal environmental impacts. The student masters and can apply the theory of combustion and factors effecting on emission production in different energy production scales, can calculatory examine emissions and critically assess the phenomena influencing to the generation of the emission.
The student knows and understands energy economy, power station technics, heat and flow technics and basics of thermodynamics
01.08.2022 - 25.08.2022
29.08.2022 - 31.12.2022
5 op
- Suomi
0 - 50
- Energia- ja ympäristötekniikka (AMK)
- Hannariina Honkanen
- Päiväryhmä TER20S1 (Paikkoja: 50. Avoin AMK: 0.)
- Monimuotoryhmä TER20SM (Paikkoja: 50. Avoin AMK: 0.)
TER20SMEnergia- ja ympäristötekniikka (AMK)
TER20S1Energia- ja ympäristötekniikka
- Päiväryhmä TER20S1
- Monimuotoryhmä TER20SM
Opiskelija ymmärtää keskeiset bioenergian ominaisuudet ja käytön, tuontantomuodot, niiden taloudelliset tekijät sekä ympäristövaikutukset. Opiskelija ymmärtää palamisen teorian ja päästöihin vaikuttavat asiat sekä osaa laskennallisesti tarkastella päästöjä ja niiden syntymiseen vaikuttavia seikkoja.
Bioenergian asema, tuotanto, käyttö ja tavoitteet.
Biopolttoaineiden tärkeimmät ominaisuudet.
Palamislaskut ja hyötysuhteen laskenta.
Liikenteen biopolttoaineet.
Biopolttoaineiden hankinta ja laadunvalvonta.
Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus
Alakangas, E., Hurskainen, M., Laatikainen-Luntama, J., Korhonen, J. 2016. Suomessa käytettävien polttoaineiden ominaisuuksia. VTT technology T258.
Alakangas, E., Hölttä, P., Juntunen, M., Vesisenaho, T. 2012. Energiaturpeen tuotantotekniikka. JAMK.
Puupolttoaineiden laatuohje. Päivitetty 2020. VTT-M-07608-13. VTT.
Biolämpöopas. 2013. Ariterm Oy.
Opetus koostuu luennoista, laskuharjoituksista, harjoitustöistä sekä laboratoriodemonstraatioista. Lisäksi opintojaksolla annetaan muita itsenäisesti tehtäviä oppimistehtäviä. Opetuksessa on perinteisesti ollut mukana 1-2 vierailevaa luennoitsijaa. Opintojaksolla hyödynnetään verkkotyötilaa.
Harjoittelu- ja työelämäyhteistyö
Hyödynnetään opetuksessa mahdollisesti vierailevia luennoitsijoita.
Tenttien ajankohdat ja uusintamahdollisuudet
Lopputentti joulukuussa ja kaksi uusintatenttiä tammikuussa.
Opintojaksolla tehdään katsaus bioenergian tuotantoon ja käyttöön Euroopassa sekä nostetaan esiin myös joitakin globaaleja esimerkkejä. Pääpaino opintojakson aiheissa on kuitenkin pohjoiseurooppalaisissa biomassoissa ja olosuhteissa sekä suomalaisissa energiantuotantojärjestelmissä.
Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus
Kontaktiopetus 45 h; itsenäinen työskentely (materiaalien lukeminen ja kertaus, harjoitustehtävät, kotitehtävät) 90 h.
Sisällön jaksotus
Lähiopetusta viikoittain pääsääntöisesti 2*2h
Lisätietoja opiskelijoille
Opintojakson arviointiin vaikuttavat harjoitustehtävät sekä tentti.
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)
Välttävä 1: Opiskelija tietää keskeisten biopolttoaineiden ominaisuuksia ja käytön, bioenergian tuotantomuodot sekä ymmärtää niihin liittyviä taloudellisia tekijöitä sekä keskeisimpiä ympäristövaikutuksia. Opiskelija tietää palamisen teorian ja päästöihin vaikuttavia asioita energiantuotannossa.
Tyydyttävä 2: Opiskelija ymmärtää bioenergian aseman Suomessa sekä keskeisten biopolttoaineiden ominaisuudet ja käytön, bioenergian tuotantomuodot, niihin liittyviä taloudellisia tekijöitä sekä keskeisimpiä ympäristövaikutuksia. Opiskelija tietää palamisen teorian ja päästöihin vaikuttavia asioita energiantuotannossa, osaa laskennallisesti tarkastella päästöjä sekä tuntee niiden syntymiseen vaikuttavia seikkoja.
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
Hyvä 3:
Opiskelija tuntee bioenergian aseman Suomessa sekä osaa keskeisten biopolttoaineiden ominaisuudet ja käytön, bioenergian tuotantomuodot, niihin liittyviä taloudellisia tekijöitä sekä keskeisimpiä ympäristövaikutuksia. Opiskelija ymmärtää palamisen teoriaa ja päästöihin vaikuttavia asioita eri energiantuotantokokoluokissa, osaa laskennallisesti tarkastella päästöjä sekä tuntee niiden syntymiseen vaikuttavia seikkoja.
Kiitettävä 4:
Opiskelija tuntee bioenergian aseman Suomessa sekä osaa biopolttoaineiden ominaisuudet ja käytön, bioenergian tuotantomuodot, niihin liittyviä taloudellisia tekijöitä sekä keskeisimpiä ympäristövaikutuksia. Opiskelija osaa soveltaa palamisen teorian ja päästöihin vaikuttavia asioita eri energiantuotantokokoluokissa, osaa laskennallisesti tarkastella päästöjä sekä niiden syntymiseen vaikuttavia seikkoja.
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)
Erinomainen 5:
Opiskelija tuntee bioenergian aseman Suomessa sekä hallitsee keskeisten biopolttoaineiden ominaisuudet ja käytön, bioenergian tuotantomuodot, niihin liittyviä taloudellisia tekijöitä sekä keskeisimpiä ympäristövaikutuksia. Opiskelija hallitsee ja osaa soveltaa palamisen teorian ja päästöihin vaikuttavia asioita eri energiantuotantokokoluokissa, osaa laskennallisesti tarkastella päästöjä sekä arvioida kriittisesti niiden syntymiseen vaikuttavia seikkoja.
Opiskelija tuntee ja hallitsee energiatalouden, voimalaitostekniikan, lämpö- ja virtaustekniikan sekä termodynamiikan perusteet
01.11.2021 - 09.01.2022
01.01.2022 - 16.05.2022
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
3 op
Mode of delivery
40 % Face-to-face, 60 % Online learning
School of Technology
Teaching languages
- English
0 - 60
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
- Marjukka Nuutinen
- Hannariina Honkanen
- Pauliina Uusi-Penttilä
Teacher in charge
Marjukka Nuutinen
Scheduling groups
- Päiväryhmä (Paikkoja: 40. Open UAS: 0.)
- Monimuoto (Paikkoja: 40. Open UAS: 0.)
TER19SMEnergia- ja ympäristötekniikka
TER19S1Energia- ja ympäristötekniikka
- Pienryhmä 1
- Pienryhmä 2
The student recognizes the characteristics of domestic biomasses used for energy production, knows major bioenergy production methods, their economic factors and environmental impacts.
The student understands the theory of combustion and knows emission production mechanisms.
The student can calculatory examine emissions and the phenomena influencing to the generation of the emission.
The status, production, use and objective of bioenergy.
The most important features of bio fuels.
Calculations of combustion and efficiency.
Bio fuels of transport.
The delivery and quality control of bio fuels.
Oppimateriaali ja suositeltava kirjallisuus
Lecture materials
Alakangas, E., Hurskainen, M., Laatikainen-Luntama, J., Korhonen, J. 2016. Properties of indigenous fuels in Finland. VTT technology T272.
Alakangas, E., Hölttä, P., Juntunen, M., Vesisenaho, T. 2012. Fuel peat production technology. JAMK.
Quality guidelines for wood fuels in Finland. 2014. VTT-M-04712-15. VTT.
Bio heating guide. 2019. Swebo bioenergi, Ariterm Oy.
Teaching methods
Teaching includes lectures, calculation exercises, assignments and laboratory demonstrations. In addition, some independent study work is given during the course. Traditionally, course has utilized 1-2 visitor lecturers. The course utilizes web learning environment.
Employer connections
Possibly some visiting lecturers from working life.
Exam schedules
The course includes mid-term test, which needs to be passed to take the final exam. The final exam takes place during April 2022. The exam resit times are arranged during May and September 2022.
International connections
The course includes aspect to bioenergy production and use in Europe, and some global examples are also covered. However, the main attention is in Northern European biomasses and conditions, and Finnish energy production systems.
Student workload
Contact lessons 45 h; independent working (material reading, assignments, homework) 90 h.
Content scheduling
Contact lessons are arranged during weeks xx-xx and xx-xx.
Further information
The course is evaluated by assignments and exam.
Evaluation scale
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)
Sufficient 1: The student knows some of the key characteristics and use of domestic biomasses for energy, major bioenergy production methods, as well as understands some of their economic factors and most focal environmental impacts. The student knows the theory of combustion and factors effecting on emission generation in energy production.
Satisfactory 2: The student understands the standing of bioenergy in Finnish energy system, key characteristics and use of domestic biomasses for energy, major bioenergy production methods, as well as some of their economic factors and most focal environmental impacts. The student knows the theory of combustion and factors effecting on emission generation in energy production, can calculatory examine emissions and knows the phenomena influencing to the generation of the emission.
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
Good 3:
Student knows the standing of bioenergy in Finnish energy system, key characteristics and use of domestic biomasses for energy, major bioenergy production methods, as well as some of their economic factors and most focal environmental impacts. Student understands the theory of combustion and factors effecting on emission production in different energy production scales, can calculatory examine emissions and knows the phenomena influencing to the generation of the emission.
Very good 4:
Student knows the standing of bioenergy in Finnish energy system, key characteristics and use of domestic biomasses for energy, major bioenergy production methods, as well as some of their economic factors and most focal environmental impacts. Student can apply the theory of combustion and factors effecting on emission production in different energy production scales, can calculatory examine emissions and knows the phenomena influencing to the generation of the emission.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Excellent 5:
The student knows the standing of bioenergy in Finnish energy system, and masters the key characteristics and use of domestic biomasses for energy, major bioenergy production methods, as well as some of their economic factors and most focal environmental impacts. The student masters and can apply the theory of combustion and factors effecting on emission production in different energy production scales, can calculatory examine emissions and critically assess the phenomena influencing to the generation of the emission.
The student knows and understands energy economy, power station technics, heat and flow technics and basics of thermodynamics