Medical Nursing Practice 1Laajuus (7 cr)
Code: SHZBW510
7 op
Teaching language
- Finnish
Together with multi-professional team student is able to plan, implement and evaluate the care of a patient suffering from a public health problem. Students apply the values and principles of client-oriented and evidence based nursing. Student can take into account factors related to nursing ethics, patients health promotion and patient safety. Student master the medical calculations.
Practical training in placements of Public health problems for example Nursing in specialized medical care or primary health care.
Students master the basic information, the core concepts and methods of the operating environment and client hood of the social and health care customer. Students master the health promotion and preventive care aims, methods and patient education. Student knows the basis of evidence-based decision-making.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
Student is able to plan, implement and evaluate the care of a patient with a public health disease. Student can apply the values and principles of client-oriented and evidence based nursing. Student can take into account factors related to patients health promotion and patient safety. Students master the medical calculations.
02.11.2020 - 30.11.2020
23.08.2020 - 25.12.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
7 op
Mode of delivery
School of Health and Social Studies
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 50
- Kaisu Paalanen
- Leena Rasa
- Janne Alenius
- Tiina Oksanen-Salonpää
- Anne Kovanen
- Salla Grommi
SOK20K1Kätilö (AMK)
Together with multi-professional team student is able to plan, implement and evaluate the care of a patient suffering from a public health problem. Students apply the values and principles of client-oriented and evidence based nursing. Student can take into account factors related to nursing ethics, patients health promotion and patient safety. Student master the medical calculations.
Practical training in placements of Public health problems for example Nursing in specialized medical care or primary health care.
Learning materials and recommended literature
Ahonen, O., Blek-Vehkaluoto, M., Ekola, S., Partamies, S., Sulosaari, V & Uski-Tallqvist, T. 2016. Kliininen hoitotyö.
Sisätauteja, kirurgisia sairauksia ja syöpätauteja sairastavan hoitotyö. Helsinki: Sanoma Pro.
Teaching methods
Ammattitaitoa edistävä harjoittelu
Itsenäinen opiskelu
Practical training and working life connections
Harjoittelu tehdään työelämässä
Student workload
Simulaatioharjoitttelu ja ennakkotehtävä 1op, 27h.
Työssä tapahtuva harjoittelu 5op, 135h.
Harjoittelun oppimistehtävä 1op, 27h.
Content scheduling
Simulaatioharjoittelu ja ennakkotehtävä syksy 2020.
Työssä tapahtuvat harjoittelu ja harjoittelun oppimistehtävä kevät 2021.
Further information for students
Käytettävät arviointimenetelmät, jatkuva palaute, itsearviointi. Kehittävä arviointi. Arviointi on osaamistavoitteisiin pohjautuvaa, laadullista, kriteeriperusteista ja siinä opiskelijan itsearvioinnilla on tärkeä rooli.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Student is able to plan, implement and evaluate the care of a patient with a public health disease. Student can apply the values and principles of client-oriented and evidence based nursing. Student can take into account factors related to patients health promotion and patient safety. Students master the medical calculations.
Students master the basic information, the core concepts and methods of the operating environment and client hood of the social and health care customer. Students master the health promotion and preventive care aims, methods and patient education. Student knows the basis of evidence-based decision-making.