Future Factory Project (10 cr)
Code: ZZPP0920-3015
General information
23.03.2022 - 01.04.2022
01.03.2022 - 31.12.2022
Number of ECTS credits allocated
10 op
Mode of delivery
University Services
Main Campus
Teaching languages
- English
- Finnish
0 - 30
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in International Business
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Tourism Management
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Purchasing and Logistics Engineering
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
- Emilia Lahdenperä
- Mikko Keskinen
ZJA22KYTYRAvoin AMK, Gradia, TYR
Course competences
Learning and information management competence
Entrepreneurship, innovation and working community competence
Internationalisation and communications competence
The object of the course
During the course, you will acquire the skills to plan and implement work life development projects. Together with the student team, you apply the knowledge of your professional field, incl. Sustainable development skills and the competence acquired through InnoFlash and Entrepreneurship courses (customer-oriented innovation, design and solution methods, entrepreneurial approach) to diverse development processes in working life.
The learning objectives
After completing the course, you will be able to project work life development challenges and work on a project. You operate responsibly and customer-oriented in a diverse project team and networks. Through your interaction and the sharing of your own expertise, you promote the solution of working life development projects (including RDI projects). You apply sustainable development skills as well as innovation and project methods as part of development work.
Stages and tools of project planning and preparation of a project plan
Transforming the development challenge of working life into a project and implementing the project
Application of professional competence and sustainable development skills in project work
Working in a diverse team and working on the customer interface
Time and location
Toteutetaan ajalla 1.3. - 31.12.2022
FF-projektikurssin pilotointi Gradian TYR-opiskelijoille
Vain FF-projektin Projektin suunnittelu (3op) osuuden hyväksiluku
Teaching methods
FF projektin suunnittelu 3 op osuus on itsenäisesti toteutettava verkko-opintojakso.
3 op FF Projektin suunnittelu:
Opintojakso toteutetaan joustavasti verkko-opintoina. Opinnot sisältävä itsenäistä opiskelua ja tiimissä tapahtuvaa työskentelyä. Opintojaksolla hyödynnetään digitaalisia ja vuorovaikutteisia työvälineitä. Opiskelijaryhmä sopii tiimityöskentelyn toteutustavoista. Ryhmäohjaus tukee tehtävien tekemistä.
Opintojakson aikana suunnittelet opiskelijatiimissä työelämän kehitystarpeeseen liittyvän pienimuotoisen projektin. Projektin suunnittelu etenee vaiheittain. Vaiheiden aikana opiskelet itsenäisesti projektitoimintaan liittyvää teoriaa, jaat alakohtaista osaamistasi ja kestävän kehityksen osaamistasi opiskelijatiimissä. Käytät suunnittelutyön eri vaiheissa suunnittelua tukevia työkaluja. Vaiheistetun työskentelyn tuloksena syntyy projektisuunnitelma, jonka esittelet yhdessä opiskelijatiimisi kanssa.
7 op Projektin toteuttaminen:
Osaamisen arviointi perustuu portfolioon ja reflektioon (sis. oman toiminnan reflektion, vertaispalautteen, mahdollisen työelämän ja ohjaajan palautteen)
Portfoliossa osaat perustella projektin toteuttamisen vaiheet ja arvioida projektissa käyttämiänne työkaluja ja menetelmiä sekä niiden soveltuvuutta työelämän kehittämishaasteen ratkaisemisessa.
Osaat kriittisesti reflektoida projektityöskentelyänne, omaa toimintaa, omaa roolia ja määritellä projektiosaamisesi kehittämisen tulevia askeleita. (itsearviointi ja palautekeskustelu, vertaispalaute, mahdollisen työelämän ja ohjaajan palaute)
Toimeksiantajalle toimitetaan projektista ryhmätyönä syntyvä hyödynnettävä tuotos/ tuotokset.
Exam dates and retake possibilities
Ilmoitetaan kurssin alussa.
Alternative completion methods
Vaihtoehtoisesti voit suorittaa opintojakson 3 op osasuorituksen Projektin suunnitteluosaaminen -Moodle verkkokurssin sijasta TTC 2070 Projektitoiminta ja käytänteet 4 op, jos haluat toimia projekteissa, joissa kehitetään työelämän digitaalisia ratkaisuja.
Hyväksilukeminen (korvaaminen ja sisällyttäminen)
Muulla tavoin hankitun osaamisen tunnistaminen ja tunnustaminen
Tarkemmat ohjeet löytyvät tutkintosäännöstä ja opinto-oppaasta.
Content scheduling
FF projektin suunnittelu 3 op osuus on itsenäisesti toteutettava verkko-opintojakso. Suoritetaan 10.1.-30.4.2022.
Further information for students
3 op:
• Verkkotentti (50%) Numeroarviointi 1-5
• Projektisuunnitelman esittely (50%) Hyväksytty/Hylätty
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
The criteria for acceptable performance are:
Learning and information management competence
- You can acquire and apply knowledge and methods of sustainable development and your field in a working life development project.
- You can evaluate and develop your own skills and share your skills in the project team.
Entrepreneurship, innovation and working community competence
- You will be able to draw up a project plan for the implementation of a given development project, using project planning tools and applying your innovation and entrepreneurship skills and methods.
- You can implement and evaluate a working life development project and act as a member of a project team.
Internationalisation and communications competence
- You will be able to act responsibly as a member of a diverse project team.
- You can engage in a constructive dialogue with the project team and project stakeholder representatives.
- You can communicate in work-life interaction and communication situations and make appropriate use of different communication forms, channels and environments.
The assessment of the course consists of two parts
1) Project planning skills 3 cr (Moodle online course)
2) Implementation of a project in a diverse student group 7 cr
Demonstration of competence
1) Project planning skills 3 cr (online course)
- online exam
- an approved project plan produced by the team
2) Implementation of a project in a diverse student group 7 cr
Competence based assessment is based on:
a) To the portfolio and reflection (incl. reflection on one's own activities, peer feedback, possible working life and supervisor feedback)
In the portfolio, you will be able to justify the stages of project implementation and evaluate the tools and methods you use in the project and their suitability for solving the development challenge of working life.
You will be able to critically reflect on your project work, your own activities, your own role and define the next steps in developing your project skills. (self-assessment and feedback discussion, peer feedback, feedback from potential working life and mentor)
b) The usable output (s) of the project arising as a group work for the Client
NOTE! These evaluation criteria are valid until 31.5.2022. The new evaluation criteria will be in use from 1.8.2022. See the evaluation criteria in the implementation description.
Innoflash 2 cr, Entrepreneurship 3 cr or equivalent competences
Further information
Implementation parts of the course:
Project planning competence 3 cr (Moodle online course)
Sustainable development 2 cr (Moodle online course)
Implementation of a project in a diverse student group 5 cr
You will choose the part of Project planning competence instead of TTC2070 Project Management and Practices 4 cr if you want to act in projects in which you develop digital solutions for working life.
Instead of the part of Implementation of a project in a diverse student group (7 cr), you can complete the courses Concept Lab (5 cr) or FF Ticorporate Demolab 1 (5 cr).