Rehabilitation ProcessLaajuus (5 cr)
Code: SK00BT42
5 op
Teaching language
- Finnish
Responsible person
- Satu Tuomimäki
The purpose of the course
During the course, you will learn to draw up an individual and appropriate rehabilitation plan. You will learn to recognize the different stages of the rehabilitation process as an individually progressing and goal-oriented process.
Course competencies
Competence in rehabilitation planning
Competence in assessing rehabilitation needs and opportunities
The competence aim of the course
You know how to make an initial survey that explains the situation of the client, which is the basis of the rehabilitation plan. You can plan and draw up a client-oriented, individual rehabilitation plan based on the initial survey. You know how to take appropriateness into account when choosing rehabilitation goals and measures. You know the rehabilitation process and its different stages. You know how to guide the client in the different stages of the process and social security issues.
Individual, client-oriented rehabilitation planning. Rehabilitation planning.
Drawing up a rehabilitation plan. Rehabilitation plan. Rehabilitation goals. Rehabilitation process.
Rehabilitation service system
Customer service and service systems in the social and health sector
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
You know how to make an initial survey that explains the situation of a rehabilitator. You know how to set an individual and appropriate rehabilitation goal based on the initial survey. You know how to choose appropriate rehabilitation services to reach your rehabilitation goal. You note the importance of social security as part of the plan. You know how to draw up an individual rehabilitation plan. You know the stages of the rehabilitation process and know how to individualize them in relation to the situation of the rehabilitator. You will be able to justify your choices using theory.
18.11.2024 - 09.01.2025
13.01.2025 - 09.03.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
5 op
Mode of delivery
Online learning
School of Health and Social Studies
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 50
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
- Sanna Harjula
- Maarit Laakkonen
SKO23SMKuntoutuksen ohjaaja (AMK)
The purpose of the course
During the course, you will learn to draw up an individual and appropriate rehabilitation plan. You will learn to recognize the different stages of the rehabilitation process as an individually progressing and goal-oriented process.
Course competencies
Competence in rehabilitation planning
Competence in assessing rehabilitation needs and opportunities
The competence aim of the course
You know how to make an initial survey that explains the situation of the client, which is the basis of the rehabilitation plan. You can plan and draw up a client-oriented, individual rehabilitation plan based on the initial survey. You know how to take appropriateness into account when choosing rehabilitation goals and measures. You know the rehabilitation process and its different stages. You know how to guide the client in the different stages of the process and social security issues.
Individual, client-oriented rehabilitation planning. Rehabilitation planning.
Drawing up a rehabilitation plan. Rehabilitation plan. Rehabilitation goals. Rehabilitation process.
Time and location
Webinaarit verkossa Zoom-sovellusta käyttäen.
Learning materials and recommended literature
Autti-Rämö, I., Salminen, A-L., Rajavaara, M. & Melkas, S. (toim). 2022. Kuntoutuminen. 2. uud. painos. Helsinki: Duodecim. (myös e-kirjana)
Kuntoutuksen uudistaminen vuosina 2020–2022: Kuntoutuksen uudistamisen toimeenpanon kuvaus ja arviointia ( Verkkojulkaisu.
Toim. Paltamaa, J., Karhula, M., Suomela-Markkanen, T. & Autti-Rämö, I. 2011. Hyvän kuntoutuskäytännön perusta. Käytännön ja tutkimustiedon analyysistä suosituksiin
vaikeavammaisten kuntoutuksen kehittämishankkeessa. Helsinki: Kelan tutkimusosasto. Verkkojulkaisu.
Teaching methods
Aloitat opintojakson tekemällä orientoivan ennakkotehtävän. Tehtävä auttaa sinua myös jäsentämään aiempaa osaamistasi suhteessa opintojakson keskeiseen sisältöön.
Itsenäiset tehtävät koostuvat verkkotehtävistä, jotka pystyt aikatauluttamaan itsenäisesti. Webinaareissa pääset kuulemaan alustuksia, osallistut yhteisiin keskusteluihin ja työstät paritehtävää. Sinulla on mahdollisuus vaikuttaa alustuksissa käsiteltävien aiheiden painotuksiin.
Opintojakson aikana toteutat kuvitteellisen case-tilanteen pohjalta kuntoutussuunnitelman toisen opiskelijan kanssa paritehtävänä.
Exam dates and retake possibilities
Opintojaksolla ei ole tenttiä.
Student workload
Opintojakson 135 h ( 5 op ) koostuu:
Itsenäisestä työskentelystä (63 h)
Parityöskentelystä (54 h)
Webinaareista (18 h)
Further information for students
Opintojakson arvioinnissa huomioidaan itsenäiset verkkotehtävät sekä paritehtävänä toteutettu kuntoutussuunnitelma. Aktiivinen osallistuminen webinaareihin, oman opiskelun aikatauluttaminen ja sitoutuminen parityöskentelyyn edesauttavat osaamistavoitteiden saavuttamista.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You know how to make an initial survey that explains the situation of a rehabilitator. You know how to set an individual and appropriate rehabilitation goal based on the initial survey. You know how to choose appropriate rehabilitation services to reach your rehabilitation goal. You note the importance of social security as part of the plan. You know how to draw up an individual rehabilitation plan. You know the stages of the rehabilitation process and know how to individualize them in relation to the situation of the rehabilitator. You will be able to justify your choices using theory.
Rehabilitation service system
Customer service and service systems in the social and health sector
20.11.2023 - 04.01.2024
11.03.2024 - 20.05.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
School of Health and Social Studies
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 55
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
- Sanna Harjula
- Anne Koivisto
SKO22SMKuntoutuksen ohjaaja (AMK)
The purpose of the course
During the course, you will learn to draw up an individual and appropriate rehabilitation plan. You will learn to recognize the different stages of the rehabilitation process as an individually progressing and goal-oriented process.
Course competencies
Competence in rehabilitation planning
Competence in assessing rehabilitation needs and opportunities
The competence aim of the course
You know how to make an initial survey that explains the situation of the client, which is the basis of the rehabilitation plan. You can plan and draw up a client-oriented, individual rehabilitation plan based on the initial survey. You know how to take appropriateness into account when choosing rehabilitation goals and measures. You know the rehabilitation process and its different stages. You know how to guide the client in the different stages of the process and social security issues.
Individual, client-oriented rehabilitation planning. Rehabilitation planning.
Drawing up a rehabilitation plan. Rehabilitation plan. Rehabilitation goals. Rehabilitation process.
Learning materials and recommended literature
Autti-Rämö, I., Salminen, A-L., Rajavaara, M. & Melkas, S. (toim). 2022. Kuntoutuminen. 2. uud. painos. Helsinki: Duodecim. (myös e-kirjana)
Kuntoutuksen uudistaminen vuosina 2020–2022: Kuntoutuksen uudistamisen toimeenpanon kuvaus ja arviointia ( Verkkojulkaisu.
Toim. Paltamaa, J., Karhula, M., Suomela-Markkanen, T. & Autti-Rämö, I. 2011. Hyvän kuntoutuskäytännön perusta. Käytännön ja tutkimustiedon analyysistä suosituksiin
vaikeavammaisten kuntoutuksen kehittämishankkeessa. Helsinki: Kelan tutkimusosasto. Verkkojulkaisu.
Teaching methods
Webinaarit, itsenäinen opiskelu, verkkotehtävät yksilötehtävinä, ryhmätyöskentely.
Exam dates and retake possibilities
Opintojaksolla ei ole tenttiä.
Student workload
Opintojakson laajuus on 5 op, joka koostuu
itsenäisestä työskentelystä (63 h)
ryhmätyöskentelystä (54 h)
webinaareista (18 h)
yhteensä 135 h
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You know how to make an initial survey that explains the situation of a rehabilitator. You know how to set an individual and appropriate rehabilitation goal based on the initial survey. You know how to choose appropriate rehabilitation services to reach your rehabilitation goal. You note the importance of social security as part of the plan. You know how to draw up an individual rehabilitation plan. You know the stages of the rehabilitation process and know how to individualize them in relation to the situation of the rehabilitator. You will be able to justify your choices using theory.
Rehabilitation service system
Customer service and service systems in the social and health sector