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Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy: Full-time studies

Code: SFT2025KM

Bachelor of Health Care

Degree title:
Bachelor of Health Care

210 ects

3.5 years (210 cr)

Start semester:
Spring 2025

Teaching language:

Show study timings by semester, study year or period

Code Name Credits (cr) 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 2027-2028 Spring 2025 Autumn 2025 Spring 2026 Autumn 2026 Spring 2027 Autumn 2027 Spring 2028 2. / 2025 3. / 2025 1. / 2025 2. / 2026 3. / 2026 1. / 2026 2. / 2027 3. / 2027 1. / 2027 2. / 2028 3. / 2028

(Choose all )

ZZ00CB57 Me as a Student in Higher Education 2 1 1 1 1 1 1
ZZ00CB58 Information Seeking and Reporting 1 1 1 1
ZZ00CB59 Career Planning and Working Life Skills 2 1 1 1 1 1 1
ZZ00CB60 ICT Skills 3 3 3 3

(Choose all )

ZZ00CD00 English for Working Life 4 4 2 2 2 2
ZZ00CD01 Swedish for Working Life 4 4 2 2 2 2
ZZ00CD02 Working Life Communication 3 3 3 3

(Choose all )

ZZ00CD13 Basics of Sustainable Development 1 1 1 1
ZZ00CK91 InnoFlash 2 2 2 2
ZZ00CK90 Entrepreneurship 3 3 3 3
ZZ00CD11 Working Life Project 9 9 9 9

(Choose all )

ZZ00CK89 Research and Development 5 5 5 5
ZZ00BL91 Bachelor's Thesis, Planning 3 3 3 3
ZZ00BL97 Bachelor's Thesis, Thesis Writing 2 2 2 2
ZZ00BL92 Bachelor's Thesis, Implementation 6 6 6 6
ZZ00BL93 Bachelor's Thesis, Reporting and Assessment 4 4 4 4
ZZOA0220 Maturity Test, Bachelor's Degree 0

(Choose all )

SZ00CI71 Encounter and interaction in guidance work 5 5 5 5
FT00CJ90 Guidance of Physical Activity 5 5 5 5
FT00CJ91 Motor Learning 3 3 3 3
FT00CJ92 Physical Activity Counselling to an Active Lifestyle 5 5 5 5

(Choose all )

SZ00CK11 Basics of work ability and functioning 3 3 3 3
SZ00CK12 Basics of Work Ability and Functioning Assessment and Mobility Assistance 2 2 2 2
SZ00CI69 Service System and Legislation in Social and Health Care 3 3 3 3
SZ00CI99 Evidence-based Practices 3 3 3 3
SZ00CI70 Mental Health and Neuropsychiatric Challenges 3 3 3 3

(Choose all )

24 - 25
FT00CJ95 Functional Anatomy 7 7 7 7
FT00CJ96 Physiology and Exersice Physiology 5 5 5 5
FT00CJ97 Assessment of Functioning 10 10 5 5 5 5
SZ00CJ98 Medicine in Rehabilitation 2 - 3 3 3 3

(Choose all )

FT00CJ99 Physiotherapy in the Prevention and Rehabilitation of Common Health Conditions 8 8 8 8
FT00CK00 Physiotherapy for the Prevention and Rehabilitation of Musculoskeletal Impairments 11 11 11 11
FT00CK01 Physiotherapy in Neurological Impairments 11 11 11 11
FT00CK02 Therapeutic Exercise in Physiotherapy 4 4 4 4
FT00CK03 Wellness technology 5 5 5 5
FT00CK04 Adapted Physical Activity for Older People 2 2 2 2
FT00CK05 Adapted Physical Activities in Neurological Impairments 3 3 3 3

(Choose all )

FT00CK06 Orientative Professional Practice 2 1 1 1 1 1 1
FT00CK07 Public Health Promotion and Management of Common Health Conditions – Physiotherapy Professional Practice 8 8 8 8
FT00CK08 Physiotherapy for Prevention and Rehabilitation in Musculoskeletal Impairments - Professional Practice 10 10 5 5 5 5
FT00CK09 Physiotherapy in Neurological Impairments – Professional Practice 10 5 5 5 5 5 5
FT00CK10 Advanced Professional Practice in Physiotherapy 10 10 10 10

(Choose ects: 15)

5 - 15

(Choose 10)

0 - 10

(Choose 5)

0 - 5
SZ00CI93 Employability and future working life 5
SZ00CJ06 Vaihtoehtoiset kommunikaatiomenetelmät 5

(Choose 25)

0 - 25
SZ00CM30 Wellbeing coaching methods 5 5 5 5
SZ00CM31 Supporting wellbeing and life skills 3
SZ00CQ13 Student´s wellbeing and life skills 2
SZ00CM32 Nutrition as part of wellbeing 3
ZS00CJ12 Life Balance 5
SZ00CM33 Play and physical activity to support the well-being and learning of a child with disability 5
SZ00CK70 Media education in support of children's and young people's well-being 5
SZ00CK71 Youth culture and youth work 5
SZ00CI71 Encounter and interaction in guidance work 5
SZ00CO25 Digital Security and Cyber Threats in the Health Sector 5
SZ00CL01 Green Care PRO Basics 5
SZ00CL02 Green Care PRO Clients and Environments 5
ZZPP0620 Research and Development 5
ZZ00CK89 Research and Development 5
SZ00CM35 Sexuality of the elderly 5
SZ00CL36 Breastfeeding guidance 1.5
SZ00CM36 Promoting children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing 5
SZ00CL91 Human trafficking as a phenomenon and how to identify it 1
SWZZ1550 Multicultural Work in Social and Healthcare Services 3
SZ00CL39 Sexual Health Promotion 5
SZ00BV26 To promote sexual and reproductive health 1
SZ00CL51 Prevention of Domestic Violence 5
SZ00CL29 Let´s talk about children method in co-operation with families 3 - 5
SZ00CR41 Sexual and equality education of children and young people 3
SZ00CQ05 Resources for work and free time 2
SZ00CR45 Rokotusosaamisen syventävät opinnot 1
SZ00CR58 Lasten ja nuorten tunne- ja turvataidot 3
SW00CQ97 Under a cultural umbrella - Lifelong Health 3

(Choose 10)

Student wellbeing in studies and at work (For Bachelor's Student)

(Choose 57)

0 - 57
SZZZ1910 Student´s wellbeing and life skills 2
ZS00CJ12 Life Balance 5 5 5 5
BI00BB51 Writing for studies 2
BI00BB52 Study techniques 2
BI00BB50 Refreshing language skills 1
ZZ00CM49 Mentoring 3 - 5
ZZ00BM06 Student Tutoring 3 - 5
ZZ00BM07 Multiform tutoring 3 - 5
ZW00BM05 Degree Student Tutoring 3 - 5
ZW00BM04 Exchange Student Tutoring 3 - 5
ZZAJ0100 Active in Student Associations 5 - 15
ZZ00BP80 Boost your career! Career planning and working life skills 2
Shared Entrepreneurship Studies (For Bachelor's and Master's Student)

(Choose 23)

0 - 23
ZZ00BC02 Idea to Business 5 5 5 5
ZZ00BC03 Business Coaching 8
ZYVZ0200 The Dreams+Inspiration! 3
ZZ00CQ16 Narratives of entrepreneurship 2
ZZ00CQ17 Valmiina yrittämään 3
ZZ00CQ18 JA Company Program 1 - 5
ZZ00CQ62 Yritystoimintaa kehittävät opinnot 1 - 5

(Choose 15)

0 - 15
HL00CB27 Athlete’s Wellbeing 5
HL00CB28 Athlete’s Stakeholder Relations 5
HL00CB29 Athlete’s Career Planning 5
HL00CA16 Athlete stakeholder relations 5

(Choose 0)


(Choose 0)

Total 210 26 61 64 59 26 33 28 27 37 31 28 26 0 33 28 0 27 32 5 31 28 0

Due to the timing of optional and elective courses, credit accumulation per semester / academic year may vary.

Structure of the studies (Bachelor's degree)

Professional Studies
Working Life Project
Encounter and interaction in guidance work
Guidance of Physical Activity
Motor Learning
Physical Activity Counselling to an Active Lifestyle
Basics of work ability and functioning
Basics of Work Ability and Functioning Assessment and Mobility Assistance
Service System and Legislation in Social and Health Care
Evidence-based Practices
Mental Health and Neuropsychiatric Challenges
Functional Anatomy
Physiology and Exersice Physiology
Assessment of Functioning
Medicine in Rehabilitation
Physiotherapy in the Prevention and Rehabilitation of Common Health Conditions
Physiotherapy for the Prevention and Rehabilitation of Musculoskeletal Impairments
Physiotherapy in Neurological Impairments
Therapeutic Exercise in Physiotherapy
Wellness technology
Adapted Physical Activity for Older People
Adapted Physical Activities in Neurological Impairments
Employability and future working life
Vaihtoehtoiset kommunikaatiomenetelmät
Practical Training
Orientative Professional Practice
Public Health Promotion and Management of Common Health Conditions – Physiotherapy Professional Practice
Physiotherapy for Prevention and Rehabilitation in Musculoskeletal Impairments - Professional Practice
Physiotherapy in Neurological Impairments – Professional Practice
Advanced Professional Practice in Physiotherapy
Bachelor's Thesis
Bachelor's Thesis, Planning
Bachelor's Thesis, Thesis Writing
Bachelor's Thesis, Implementation
Bachelor's Thesis, Reporting and Assessment
Maturity Test, Bachelor's Degree
Core Studies
Me as a Student in Higher Education
Information Seeking and Reporting
Career Planning and Working Life Skills
ICT Skills
English for Working Life
Swedish for Working Life
Working Life Communication
Basics of Sustainable Development
Research and Development
Elective Studies
Athlete’s Wellbeing
Athlete’s Stakeholder Relations
Athlete’s Career Planning
Athlete stakeholder relations
Not grouped

Compulsory studies (Rehabilitation and Social Sector)

Compulsory course
Me as a Student in Higher Education
Information Seeking and Reporting
Career Planning and Working Life Skills
ICT Skills
English for Working Life
Swedish for Working Life
Working Life Communication
Basics of Sustainable Development
Working Life Project
Research and Development
Bachelor's Thesis, Planning
Bachelor's Thesis, Thesis Writing
Bachelor's Thesis, Implementation
Bachelor's Thesis, Reporting and Assessment
Maturity Test, Bachelor's Degree
Encounter and interaction in guidance work
Guidance of Physical Activity
Motor Learning
Physical Activity Counselling to an Active Lifestyle
Basics of work ability and functioning
Basics of Work Ability and Functioning Assessment and Mobility Assistance
Service System and Legislation in Social and Health Care
Evidence-based Practices
Mental Health and Neuropsychiatric Challenges
Functional Anatomy
Physiology and Exersice Physiology
Assessment of Functioning
Medicine in Rehabilitation
Physiotherapy in the Prevention and Rehabilitation of Common Health Conditions
Physiotherapy for the Prevention and Rehabilitation of Musculoskeletal Impairments
Physiotherapy in Neurological Impairments
Therapeutic Exercise in Physiotherapy
Wellness technology
Adapted Physical Activity for Older People
Adapted Physical Activities in Neurological Impairments
Orientative Professional Practice
Public Health Promotion and Management of Common Health Conditions – Physiotherapy Professional Practice
Physiotherapy for Prevention and Rehabilitation in Musculoskeletal Impairments - Professional Practice
Physiotherapy in Neurological Impairments – Professional Practice
Advanced Professional Practice in Physiotherapy
Optional course
Employability and future working life
Vaihtoehtoiset kommunikaatiomenetelmät
Athlete’s Wellbeing
Athlete’s Stakeholder Relations
Athlete’s Career Planning
Athlete stakeholder relations
Not grouped

Bachelor’s degree: The shared competences 2023-2025


The graduating student adheres to the ethical principles and values of their field of profession, taking the principles of equality and non-discrimination into account.
- Is able to take responsibility for their own actions and their consequences and reflects on them in accordance with the ethical principles and values of their field.
- Takes others into account and promotes equality and non-discrimination.
- Take into account the realisation of diversity and accessibility in their actions.
- Understands the principles of responsible conduct of research and adheres to them.
- Is able to influence society based on ethical values.

Me as a Student in Higher Education
Information Seeking and Reporting
Career Planning and Working Life Skills
ICT Skills
English for Working Life
Swedish for Working Life
Working Life Communication
Basics of Sustainable Development
Working Life Project
Research and Development
Bachelor's Thesis, Planning
Bachelor's Thesis, Thesis Writing
Bachelor's Thesis, Implementation
Maturity Test, Bachelor's Degree
Encounter and interaction in guidance work
Service System and Legislation in Social and Health Care
Mental Health and Neuropsychiatric Challenges
Medicine in Rehabilitation
Orientative Professional Practice
Public Health Promotion and Management of Common Health Conditions – Physiotherapy Professional Practice
Proactive development

The graduating student is able to develop solutions that anticipate the future of their own field, applying existing knowledge and research and development methods.
− Solves problem situations creatively and reforms operating methods together with others.
− Is able to work in projects in cooperation with actors of different fields.
− Is able to apply existing knowledge in the field in development and utilises research and development methods.
− Is able to seek customer-oriented, sustainable and economically viable solutions, anticipating the future of their field.

Basics of Sustainable Development
Working Life Project
Research and Development
Bachelor's Thesis, Planning
Bachelor's Thesis, Thesis Writing
Bachelor's Thesis, Implementation
Bachelor's Thesis, Reporting and Assessment
Maturity Test, Bachelor's Degree
Evidence-based Practices
Advanced Professional Practice in Physiotherapy
Internationality and multiculturalism

The graduating student is able to operate in multicultural and international operating environments and networks.
- Is familiar with the impacts of their cultural background on their activities and is able to develop operating methods that take multiculturalism into account in their work community.
- Is able to monitor and utilise the international development of their field in their work.
- Is able to communicate internationally in their work tasks.

Me as a Student in Higher Education
Career Planning and Working Life Skills
English for Working Life
Swedish for Working Life
Working Life Communication
Research and Development
Wellness technology
Sustainable development

The graduating student is familiar with the principles of sustainable development, promotes their implementation and acts responsibly as a professional and a member of society.
- Is able to use information related to their field in finding, implementing and establishing sustainable solutions and operating models.
- Understands sustainability challenges, their interdependencies and the various aspects of issues and problems.

Basics of Sustainable Development
Service System and Legislation in Social and Health Care
Evidence-based Practices
Learning to learn

The graduating student recognises the strengths and development areas of their competence and learning methods, and they utilise the opportunities communities and digitalisation provide in their learning.
- Assesses and develops their competence and learning methods in different learning environments.
- Is able to acquire, critically assess and appropriately apply the national and international knowledge base andpractices of their field.
- Also takes responsibility for group learning and sharing what has been learned.

Me as a Student in Higher Education
Information Seeking and Reporting
Career Planning and Working Life Skills
ICT Skills
English for Working Life
Swedish for Working Life
Working Life Communication
Research and Development
Bachelor's Thesis, Planning
Bachelor's Thesis, Thesis Writing
Bachelor's Thesis, Implementation
Bachelor's Thesis, Reporting and Assessment
Maturity Test, Bachelor's Degree
Guidance of Physical Activity
Evidence-based Practices
Wellness technology
Advanced Professional Practice in Physiotherapy
Operating in a workplace

The graduating student has versatile working life skills and is able to operate in work communities of their field.
- Is able to work constructively in a work community and promotes their own and their work community’s well-being.
- Is able to act professionally in communication and interaction situations at a workplace.
- Utilises the opportunities offered by technology and digitalisation in their work.
- Understands the complexity of changing working life and their own resilience in changing working life situations.
- Has capabilities for an entrepreneurial approach.

Career Planning and Working Life Skills
ICT Skills
English for Working Life
Swedish for Working Life
Working Life Communication
Working Life Project
Bachelor's Thesis, Planning
Bachelor's Thesis, Thesis Writing
Bachelor's Thesis, Implementation
Maturity Test, Bachelor's Degree
Encounter and interaction in guidance work
Basics of work ability and functioning
Orientative Professional Practice
Public Health Promotion and Management of Common Health Conditions – Physiotherapy Professional Practice
Physiotherapy for Prevention and Rehabilitation in Musculoskeletal Impairments - Professional Practice
Physiotherapy in Neurological Impairments – Professional Practice
Advanced Professional Practice in Physiotherapy
Not grouped
Motor Learning
Physical Activity Counselling to an Active Lifestyle
Basics of Work Ability and Functioning Assessment and Mobility Assistance
Functional Anatomy
Physiology and Exersice Physiology
Assessment of Functioning
Physiotherapy in the Prevention and Rehabilitation of Common Health Conditions
Physiotherapy for the Prevention and Rehabilitation of Musculoskeletal Impairments
Physiotherapy in Neurological Impairments
Therapeutic Exercise in Physiotherapy
Adapted Physical Activity for Older People
Adapted Physical Activities in Neurological Impairments
Employability and future working life
Vaihtoehtoiset kommunikaatiomenetelmät
Athlete’s Wellbeing
Athlete’s Stakeholder Relations
Athlete’s Career Planning
Athlete stakeholder relations

Bachelor's Degree: Physiotherapy 2024

Professional and interprofessional work

A physiotherapist promotes the health and well-being of individuals and groups by emphasising the importance of physical activity and exercise. The physiotherapist works person centered; providing fair, equitable, inclusive and empowering quality services. The physiotherapist can work with the client and family, in multidisciplinary and interprofessional teams, to refer the client to another appropriate professional when necessary and to facilitate the transition from physiotherapy to another professional.

- You can work in a person-centered way, promoting the health and well-being of individuals and groups by emphasising the importance of physical activity and exercise.
- You can work with clients and families, in multi-disciplinary and interprofessional teams, referring clients to another appropriate professional when necessary and facilitating the transition from physiotherapy to another professional.
- Knowledge of anatomy and physiology
- Knowledge of workability, functioning and performance
- The social and health service system and related processes, and sports services and related services.

Guidance of Physical Activity
Motor Learning
Physical Activity Counselling to an Active Lifestyle
Service System and Legislation in Social and Health Care
Functional Anatomy
Physiology and Exersice Physiology
Medicine in Rehabilitation
Physiotherapy in Neurological Impairments
Adapted Physical Activity for Older People
Adapted Physical Activities in Neurological Impairments
Orientative Professional Practice
Physiotherapy for Prevention and Rehabilitation in Musculoskeletal Impairments - Professional Practice
Physiotherapy in Neurological Impairments – Professional Practice
Professional interaction

A physiotherapist can communicate clearly, accurately, understandably and effectively in a variety of situations, both face-to-face and remotely. He/she can work in a way that supports client involvement and establishes a mutual therapeutic interaction. He/she can also communicate and document in accordance with legal, national and organisational requirements.

- You can establish a mutual therapeutic interaction, consider the needs of the client, by communicating clearly, accurately, understandably and effectively in different situations, both face-to-face and remotely.
- You can justify your physiotherapeutic choices in client and professional work.
- You can communicate and document in accordance with legal, national and organisational requirements.

Encounter and interaction in guidance work
Guidance of Physical Activity
Physical Activity Counselling to an Active Lifestyle
Physiotherapy in the Prevention and Rehabilitation of Common Health Conditions
Physiotherapy for the Prevention and Rehabilitation of Musculoskeletal Impairments
Therapeutic Exercise in Physiotherapy
Adapted Physical Activity for Older People
Adapted Physical Activities in Neurological Impairments
Physiotherapy assessment

The physiotherapist can plan and implement an appropriate, comprehensive, person centered assessment using valid and reliable methods (interview, observation and measurement and palpation), also taking into account individual and environmental factors.

- You can plan and implement a comprehensive, person centered physiotherapeutic assessment, taking into account the ICF components and quality of life.
- You can use interview, observation, manual examination, measurement and technology as appropriate to assess the client's ability to work and function.
- Based on clinical reasoning, you can analyse and evaluate the information and make summaries conclusions.
- You can set a person centered goal and make an individual, evidence-based plan in collaboration with the client or their families.
- You can assess the accessibility of the built and natural environment.

Motor Learning
Basics of Work Ability and Functioning Assessment and Mobility Assistance
Functional Anatomy
Physiology and Exersice Physiology
Assessment of Functioning
Physiotherapy for the Prevention and Rehabilitation of Musculoskeletal Impairments
Physiotherapy in Neurological Impairments
Public Health Promotion and Management of Common Health Conditions – Physiotherapy Professional Practice
Physiotherapy for Prevention and Rehabilitation in Musculoskeletal Impairments - Professional Practice
Physiotherapy in Neurological Impairments – Professional Practice
Physiotherapy methods

The physiotherapist is responsible for planning and delivering interventions safely and effectively, using evidence-based and appropriate physiotherapy methods. The aim is to promote work and functioning and prevent disability through physiotherapy methods by supporting physical and mental health, maximising work and functioning and recovery, minimising disability and improving quality of life, well-being, independent living and work capacity. The physiotherapist can also adapt the environment (e.g. home, school, workplace) in terms of accessibility to support participation and inclusion.

- You can select evidence-based, person centred physiotherapy methods to promote client’s health or support work and functioning in different environments, considering the person as a bio-psycho-social entity.
- You can plan and implement exercises and promote physical activity to support work and functioning, using techniques such as physical activity counselling and therapeutic exercise.
- You can use manual therapy in an appropriate way.
- You can use evidence-based physical therapy methods, wellness technology and robotics as part of physiotherapy.
- You can design environments (e.g. home, school, workplace) from an ergonomic and accessibility perspective.

Basics of Work Ability and Functioning Assessment and Mobility Assistance
Mental Health and Neuropsychiatric Challenges
Functional Anatomy
Physiology and Exersice Physiology
Physiotherapy in the Prevention and Rehabilitation of Common Health Conditions
Physiotherapy for the Prevention and Rehabilitation of Musculoskeletal Impairments
Physiotherapy in Neurological Impairments
Therapeutic Exercise in Physiotherapy
Public Health Promotion and Management of Common Health Conditions – Physiotherapy Professional Practice
Physiotherapy for Prevention and Rehabilitation in Musculoskeletal Impairments - Professional Practice
Physiotherapy in Neurological Impairments – Professional Practice
Technology and digitalisation

A physiotherapist can use digital and technological solutions in the assessment, planning, rehabilitation, guidance and counselling of clients' mobility and functioning. He/she can use virtual environments and robotics to support mobility, functioning and physical activity. He/she can use assistive technology to support clients' physical activity and functioning. The physiotherapist can also consider privacy, security and data storage issues.

- You can use digital and technological solutions, such as wellness technology, electrotherapy, robotics and virtual environments, in the assessment, planning and (remote) rehabilitation of the client's mobility and functioning.
- You can use assistive devices to support clients' physical activity and functioning.
- You are aware of privacy, security and data storage issues when using digital or technological solutions.

Physiotherapy in the Prevention and Rehabilitation of Common Health Conditions
Physiotherapy in Neurological Impairments
Wellness technology
Not grouped
Me as a Student in Higher Education
Information Seeking and Reporting
Career Planning and Working Life Skills
ICT Skills
English for Working Life
Swedish for Working Life
Working Life Communication
Basics of Sustainable Development
Working Life Project
Research and Development
Bachelor's Thesis, Planning
Bachelor's Thesis, Thesis Writing
Bachelor's Thesis, Implementation
Bachelor's Thesis, Reporting and Assessment
Maturity Test, Bachelor's Degree
Basics of work ability and functioning
Evidence-based Practices
Advanced Professional Practice in Physiotherapy
Employability and future working life
Vaihtoehtoiset kommunikaatiomenetelmät
Athlete’s Wellbeing
Athlete’s Stakeholder Relations
Athlete’s Career Planning
Athlete stakeholder relations

Code Name Credits (cr)

(Choose all)

ZZ00CB57 Me as a Student in Higher Education 2
ZZ00CB58 Information Seeking and Reporting 1
ZZ00CB59 Career Planning and Working Life Skills 2
ZZ00CB60 ICT Skills 3

(Choose all)

ZZ00CD00 English for Working Life 4
ZZ00CD01 Swedish for Working Life 4
ZZ00CD02 Working Life Communication 3

(Choose all)

ZZ00CD13 Basics of Sustainable Development 1
ZZ00CK91 InnoFlash 2
ZZ00CK90 Entrepreneurship 3
ZZ00CD11 Working Life Project 9

(Choose all)

ZZ00CK89 Research and Development 5
ZZ00BL91 Bachelor's Thesis, Planning 3
ZZ00BL97 Bachelor's Thesis, Thesis Writing 2
ZZ00BL92 Bachelor's Thesis, Implementation 6
ZZ00BL93 Bachelor's Thesis, Reporting and Assessment 4
ZZOA0220 Maturity Test, Bachelor's Degree 0

(Choose all)

SZ00CI71 Encounter and interaction in guidance work 5
FT00CJ90 Guidance of Physical Activity 5
FT00CJ91 Motor Learning 3
FT00CJ92 Physical Activity Counselling to an Active Lifestyle 5

(Choose all)

SZ00CK11 Basics of work ability and functioning 3
SZ00CK12 Basics of Work Ability and Functioning Assessment and Mobility Assistance 2
SZ00CI69 Service System and Legislation in Social and Health Care 3
SZ00CI99 Evidence-based Practices 3
SZ00CI70 Mental Health and Neuropsychiatric Challenges 3

(Choose all)

24 - 25
FT00CJ95 Functional Anatomy 7
FT00CJ96 Physiology and Exersice Physiology 5
FT00CJ97 Assessment of Functioning 10
SZ00CJ98 Medicine in Rehabilitation 2 - 3

(Choose all)

FT00CJ99 Physiotherapy in the Prevention and Rehabilitation of Common Health Conditions 8
FT00CK00 Physiotherapy for the Prevention and Rehabilitation of Musculoskeletal Impairments 11
FT00CK01 Physiotherapy in Neurological Impairments 11
FT00CK02 Therapeutic Exercise in Physiotherapy 4
FT00CK03 Wellness technology 5
FT00CK04 Adapted Physical Activity for Older People 2
FT00CK05 Adapted Physical Activities in Neurological Impairments 3

(Choose all)

FT00CK06 Orientative Professional Practice 2
FT00CK07 Public Health Promotion and Management of Common Health Conditions – Physiotherapy Professional Practice 8
FT00CK08 Physiotherapy for Prevention and Rehabilitation in Musculoskeletal Impairments - Professional Practice 10
FT00CK09 Physiotherapy in Neurological Impairments – Professional Practice 10
FT00CK10 Advanced Professional Practice in Physiotherapy 10

(Choose ects: 15)

5 - 15

(Choose 10)

0 - 10

(Choose 5)

0 - 5
SZ00CI93 Employability and future working life 5
SZ00CJ06 Vaihtoehtoiset kommunikaatiomenetelmät 5
0 - 25
SZ00CM30 Wellbeing coaching methods 5
SZ00CM31 Supporting wellbeing and life skills 3
SZ00CQ13 Student´s wellbeing and life skills 2
SZ00CM32 Nutrition as part of wellbeing 3
ZS00CJ12 Life Balance 5
SZ00CM33 Play and physical activity to support the well-being and learning of a child with disability 5
SZ00CK70 Media education in support of children's and young people's well-being 5
SZ00CK71 Youth culture and youth work 5
SZ00CI71 Encounter and interaction in guidance work 5
SZ00CO25 Digital Security and Cyber Threats in the Health Sector 5
SZ00CL01 Green Care PRO Basics 5
SZ00CL02 Green Care PRO Clients and Environments 5
ZZPP0620 Research and Development 5
ZZ00CK89 Research and Development 5
SZ00CM35 Sexuality of the elderly 5
SZ00CL36 Breastfeeding guidance 1.5
SZ00CM36 Promoting children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing 5
SZ00CL91 Human trafficking as a phenomenon and how to identify it 1
SWZZ1550 Multicultural Work in Social and Healthcare Services 3
SZ00CL39 Sexual Health Promotion 5
SZ00BV26 To promote sexual and reproductive health 1
SZ00CL51 Prevention of Domestic Violence 5
SZ00CL29 Let´s talk about children method in co-operation with families 3 - 5
SZ00CR41 Sexual and equality education of children and young people 3
SZ00CQ05 Resources for work and free time 2
SZ00CR45 Rokotusosaamisen syventävät opinnot 1
SZ00CR58 Lasten ja nuorten tunne- ja turvataidot 3
SW00CQ97 Under a cultural umbrella - Lifelong Health 3

(Choose 10)

Student wellbeing in studies and at work (For Bachelor's Student)
0 - 57
SZZZ1910 Student´s wellbeing and life skills 2
ZS00CJ12 Life Balance 5
BI00BB51 Writing for studies 2
BI00BB52 Study techniques 2
BI00BB50 Refreshing language skills 1
ZZ00CM49 Mentoring 3 - 5
ZZ00BM06 Student Tutoring 3 - 5
ZZ00BM07 Multiform tutoring 3 - 5
ZW00BM05 Degree Student Tutoring 3 - 5
ZW00BM04 Exchange Student Tutoring 3 - 5
ZZAJ0100 Active in Student Associations 5 - 15
ZZ00BP80 Boost your career! Career planning and working life skills 2
Shared Entrepreneurship Studies (For Bachelor's and Master's Student)
0 - 23
ZZ00BC02 Idea to Business 5
ZZ00BC03 Business Coaching 8
ZYVZ0200 The Dreams+Inspiration! 3
ZZ00CQ16 Narratives of entrepreneurship 2
ZZ00CQ17 Valmiina yrittämään 3
ZZ00CQ18 JA Company Program 1 - 5
ZZ00CQ62 Yritystoimintaa kehittävät opinnot 1 - 5

(Choose 15)

0 - 15
HL00CB27 Athlete’s Wellbeing 5
HL00CB28 Athlete’s Stakeholder Relations 5
HL00CB29 Athlete’s Career Planning 5
HL00CA16 Athlete stakeholder relations 5

(Choose 0)


(Choose 0)