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Starting points for Rehabilitation CounsellingLaajuus (3 cr)

Code: SK00CI80


3 op


Aim of the course:

The aim of the course is giving you an idea of rehabilitation counselling as a profession and the significance and necessity of rehabilitation counselling from the perspectives of different client groups and society. On this course you will lay a foundation for your vocational core studies and dialogical cooperation skills of a rehabilitation counsellor.

Course competences:

Rehabilitation counselling and guidance
Rehabilitation service system 
Assessment of needs and possibilities for rehabilitation

Intended learning outcome:

Case management and methods in rehabilitation: You are able to describe the importance of person-centered guidance, support and dialogical interaction for the rehabilitee and their network during the rehabilitation process. You are able to describe the contents of the rehabilitation counsellor’s work. You are able to engage in dialogical interaction with other professionals.

Rehabilitation service system: You are able to name basic premises, foundations and operating environments of a client relationship.

Assessment of needs and possibilities for rehabilitation: You are able to name factors that result in rehabilitation and service needs at the level of individuals, communities and society.


The key content of the course comprises the societal role and significance of rehabilitation counselling, factors resulting in a need for rehabilitation guidance, and the tasks of the rehabilitation counsellor, operating environments as well as the practices and principles of client work and co-operation. The course also covers ethical issues and key concepts of rehabilitation case management.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

1 =You are able to describe the importance of person-centered guidance and support as well as dialogical interaction for the rehabilitee and their network during the rehabilitation process. You are able to describe the starting points and grounds for a rehabilitee's client relationship. You are able to name factors that result in rehabilitation and service needs at the level of individuals, communities and society. You are able to describe the contents of the rehabilitation counsellor’s work. You participate in interaction with other professionals.

2 = You are able to give examples of the importance of person-centered guidance and support as well as dialogical interaction for the rehabilitee and their network during the rehabilitation process. You are able to define starting points and grounds for a rehabilitee's client relationship. You are able to give examples of factors that result in rehabilitation and service needs at the level of individuals, communities and society. You are able to define the contents of a rehabilitation counsellor’s work. You are able to interact with other professionals.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

3 = You are able to explain how person-centered guidance and support as well as dialogical interaction are realised during the rehabilitation process in counselling and collaboration. You are able to present starting points and grounds for a rehabilitee's client relationship. You are able to explain how information on factors resulting in rehabilitation and service needs is used at the level of individuals, communities and society. You are able to present the contents of a rehabilitation counsellor’s work. You are able to engage in dialogical interaction with other professionals.

4 = You are able to assess and justify the importance of person-centred guidance and support as well as dialogical interaction for the rehabilitee and their network during the rehabilitation process. You are able to justify starting points and grounds for a rehabilitee's client relationship. You are able to differentiate factors that result in rehabilitation and service needs at the level of individuals, communities and society. You are able to justify the contents of a rehabilitation counsellor’s work. You know how to promote the establishment of dialogical interaction in co-operation with other professionals.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

5 = You know how to plan and develop client-oriented guidance and support as well as dialogical interaction for the rehabilitee and their network during the rehabilitation process. You are able to analyse and justify starting points and grounds for a rehabilitee's client relationship. You are able to expertly justify factors that result in rehabilitation and service needs at the level of individuals, communities and society. You are able to develop the contents of a rehabilitation counsellor’s work. You know how to maintain and develop dialogical interaction with other professionals.


08.04.2025 - 09.05.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
  • Anne Koivisto
  • Teppo Karapalo


Aim of the course:

The aim of the course is giving you an idea of rehabilitation counselling as a profession and the significance and necessity of rehabilitation counselling from the perspectives of different client groups and society. On this course you will lay a foundation for your vocational core studies and dialogical cooperation skills of a rehabilitation counsellor.

Course competences:

Rehabilitation counselling and guidance
Rehabilitation service system 
Assessment of needs and possibilities for rehabilitation

Intended learning outcome:

Case management and methods in rehabilitation: You are able to describe the importance of person-centered guidance, support and dialogical interaction for the rehabilitee and their network during the rehabilitation process. You are able to describe the contents of the rehabilitation counsellor’s work. You are able to engage in dialogical interaction with other professionals.

Rehabilitation service system: You are able to name basic premises, foundations and operating environments of a client relationship.

Assessment of needs and possibilities for rehabilitation: You are able to name factors that result in rehabilitation and service needs at the level of individuals, communities and society.


The key content of the course comprises the societal role and significance of rehabilitation counselling, factors resulting in a need for rehabilitation guidance, and the tasks of the rehabilitation counsellor, operating environments as well as the practices and principles of client work and co-operation. The course also covers ethical issues and key concepts of rehabilitation case management.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Aralinna, V. (toim.). 2023. Kuntoutusohjausnimikkeistö. Kuntaliitto. Helsinki: Suomen kuntaliitto ry.

Arki, arvot ja etiikka. Sosiaalilan ammattihenkilön eettiset ohjeet. 2022. Talentia. Talentia eettiset ohjeet (

Autti-Rämö, I., Salminen, A-L., Rajavaara, M. & Melkas, S. (toim). 2022. Kuntoutuminen. 2. uud. painos. Helsinki: Duodecim.

Kuntoutuksen uudistaminen vuosina 2020-2022. Kuntoutuksen uudistamisen toimeenpanon kuvaus ja arviointia. 2022. STM:n raportteja ja muistioita 23. Kuntoutuksen uudistaminen vuosina 2020–2022: Kuntoutuksen uudistamisen toimeenpanon kuvaus ja arviointia (

Sosiaali- ja terveysalan eettinen perusta. ETENE-julkaisuja 32.

Teaching methods

Koko opintojakso toteutetaan verkko-opintoina.
Webinaareissa, eli verkko-opetuksessa, perehdyt kuntoutuksen ohjauksen asiakkuuksiin, toimintaympäristöihin ja vaikutuksiin sekä kuntoutuksen ohjaajan erilaisiin työnkuviin ja tehtäviin vuorovaikutuksellisten luentojen sekä ryhmätyöskentelyn avulla.
Opintojaksolla opiskelet kuntoutuksen peruskäsitteitä ja perusteita kuntoutuksen ohjaukselle. Tutustut itsenäisesti lähdemateriaaliin ja teet yksilötehtävänä tentin kuntoutuksen käsitteistä. Ryhmätehtävässä sovellat tietoa ja teorioita case-pohjaisen oppimisen menetemän avulla yhdessä ryhmäläistesi kanssa.
Itsereflektiossa pohdit omaa ja ryhmäsi oppimista ja työskentelyä.

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Tentti viimeisen webinaarin yhteydessä. Ei uusintamahdollisuutta, koska on kyseessä valintaopintojakso.

Student workload

Orientaatio 2h
Verkko-opetus (webinaarit) 3 x 4h sekä valmistautuminen webinaareihin yht. 15 h
Ryhmätehtävä ja tentti yht. 34 h
Oppimateriaaleihin, kirjallisuuteen perehtyminen ja itsenäinen opiskelu 30 h
Yhteensä 81 h

Further information for students

Ryhmätehtävä ja tentti arvioidaan erillisten arviointikriteerien perusteella, jotka kerrotaan opintojakson alkaessa opintojakson työtilassa.
Tentin arviointi pohjautuu pisteytykseen ja numeeriseen arviointiin (0-5).
Ryhmätehtävän arviointikriteerit pohjautuvat pisteytykseen ja numeeriseen arviointiin (0-5). Arviointikriteerit eri arvosanoille on määritelty arviointimatriisissa.
Koko opintojakso pisteytetään ja arvioidaan numeerisesti asteikolla 0-5.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 =You are able to describe the importance of person-centered guidance and support as well as dialogical interaction for the rehabilitee and their network during the rehabilitation process. You are able to describe the starting points and grounds for a rehabilitee's client relationship. You are able to name factors that result in rehabilitation and service needs at the level of individuals, communities and society. You are able to describe the contents of the rehabilitation counsellor’s work. You participate in interaction with other professionals.

2 = You are able to give examples of the importance of person-centered guidance and support as well as dialogical interaction for the rehabilitee and their network during the rehabilitation process. You are able to define starting points and grounds for a rehabilitee's client relationship. You are able to give examples of factors that result in rehabilitation and service needs at the level of individuals, communities and society. You are able to define the contents of a rehabilitation counsellor’s work. You are able to interact with other professionals.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 = You are able to explain how person-centered guidance and support as well as dialogical interaction are realised during the rehabilitation process in counselling and collaboration. You are able to present starting points and grounds for a rehabilitee's client relationship. You are able to explain how information on factors resulting in rehabilitation and service needs is used at the level of individuals, communities and society. You are able to present the contents of a rehabilitation counsellor’s work. You are able to engage in dialogical interaction with other professionals.

4 = You are able to assess and justify the importance of person-centred guidance and support as well as dialogical interaction for the rehabilitee and their network during the rehabilitation process. You are able to justify starting points and grounds for a rehabilitee's client relationship. You are able to differentiate factors that result in rehabilitation and service needs at the level of individuals, communities and society. You are able to justify the contents of a rehabilitation counsellor’s work. You know how to promote the establishment of dialogical interaction in co-operation with other professionals.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 = You know how to plan and develop client-oriented guidance and support as well as dialogical interaction for the rehabilitee and their network during the rehabilitation process. You are able to analyse and justify starting points and grounds for a rehabilitee's client relationship. You are able to expertly justify factors that result in rehabilitation and service needs at the level of individuals, communities and society. You are able to develop the contents of a rehabilitation counsellor’s work. You know how to maintain and develop dialogical interaction with other professionals.


01.08.2024 - 22.08.2024


19.08.2024 - 27.10.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

15 - 20

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Anne Koivisto
  • Teppo Karapalo
Teacher in charge

Anne Koivisto

    Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, kuntoutuksen ohjaaja monimuoto
  • ZJA24SSA
    Avoin AMK, sote, YTOL-opinnot, Alkio-opisto
  • SKO24SM
    Kuntoutuksen ohjaaja (AMK)
  • ZJA24SS
    Avoin AMK, sote


Aim of the course:

The aim of the course is giving you an idea of rehabilitation counselling as a profession and the significance and necessity of rehabilitation counselling from the perspectives of different client groups and society. On this course you will lay a foundation for your vocational core studies and dialogical cooperation skills of a rehabilitation counsellor.

Course competences:

Rehabilitation counselling and guidance
Rehabilitation service system 
Assessment of needs and possibilities for rehabilitation

Intended learning outcome:

Case management and methods in rehabilitation: You are able to describe the importance of person-centered guidance, support and dialogical interaction for the rehabilitee and their network during the rehabilitation process. You are able to describe the contents of the rehabilitation counsellor’s work. You are able to engage in dialogical interaction with other professionals.

Rehabilitation service system: You are able to name basic premises, foundations and operating environments of a client relationship.

Assessment of needs and possibilities for rehabilitation: You are able to name factors that result in rehabilitation and service needs at the level of individuals, communities and society.


The key content of the course comprises the societal role and significance of rehabilitation counselling, factors resulting in a need for rehabilitation guidance, and the tasks of the rehabilitation counsellor, operating environments as well as the practices and principles of client work and co-operation. The course also covers ethical issues and key concepts of rehabilitation case management.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Aralinna, V. (toim.). 2023. Kuntoutusohjausnimikkeistö. Kuntaliitto. Helsinki: Suomen kuntaliitto ry.

Arki, arvot ja etiikka. Sosiaalilan ammattihenkilön eettiset ohjeet. 2022. Talentia. Talentia eettiset ohjeet (

Autti-Rämö, I., Salminen, A-L., Rajavaara, M. & Melkas, S. (toim). 2022. Kuntoutuminen. 2. uud. painos. Helsinki: Duodecim.

Kuntoutuksen uudistaminen vuosina 2020-2022. Kuntoutuksen uudistamisen toimeenpanon kuvaus ja arviointia. 2022. STM:n raportteja ja muistioita 23. Kuntoutuksen uudistaminen vuosina 2020–2022: Kuntoutuksen uudistamisen toimeenpanon kuvaus ja arviointia (

Sosiaali- ja terveysalan eettinen perusta. ETENE-julkaisuja 32.

Teaching methods

The entire course is delivered online.
In the webinars, you will learn about the clientele, settings and impacts of rehabilitation counselling, as well as the different job descriptions and tasks of a rehabilitation counsellor through interactive lectures and group work.
During the course, you will study the basic concepts of rehabilitation and the foundations of rehabilitation counselling. You will independently study source material and do an individual assignment on rehabilitation concepts. In the group assignment you will apply knowledge and theories through case-based learning methods together with your group members.
In self-reflection, you will reflect on your own and your group's learning and work.

Exam dates and retake possibilities

The course does not include an exam.

Student workload

Orientation 2h
Online learning (webinars) 3 x 4h and preparation for webinars total 15 h
34 h in total for learning tasks
Study of learning materials, literature and independent study 30 h
Total 81 h

Further information for students

The course assignments will be assessed on the basis of separate assessment criteria, which will be announced at the beginning of the course in the Moodle work space.
Individual assignments will be assessed on a pass/fail basis and there is no limit to the number of times the assignment can be completed.
The assessment criteria for the group assignment are numerical (0-5). The assessment criteria for the different grades are defined in the assessment matrix, which is open and available for use when completing the assignment in the Moodle workspace.
The whole course is assessed numerically on a scale of 0-5.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 =You are able to describe the importance of person-centered guidance and support as well as dialogical interaction for the rehabilitee and their network during the rehabilitation process. You are able to describe the starting points and grounds for a rehabilitee's client relationship. You are able to name factors that result in rehabilitation and service needs at the level of individuals, communities and society. You are able to describe the contents of the rehabilitation counsellor’s work. You participate in interaction with other professionals.

2 = You are able to give examples of the importance of person-centered guidance and support as well as dialogical interaction for the rehabilitee and their network during the rehabilitation process. You are able to define starting points and grounds for a rehabilitee's client relationship. You are able to give examples of factors that result in rehabilitation and service needs at the level of individuals, communities and society. You are able to define the contents of a rehabilitation counsellor’s work. You are able to interact with other professionals.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 = You are able to explain how person-centered guidance and support as well as dialogical interaction are realised during the rehabilitation process in counselling and collaboration. You are able to present starting points and grounds for a rehabilitee's client relationship. You are able to explain how information on factors resulting in rehabilitation and service needs is used at the level of individuals, communities and society. You are able to present the contents of a rehabilitation counsellor’s work. You are able to engage in dialogical interaction with other professionals.

4 = You are able to assess and justify the importance of person-centred guidance and support as well as dialogical interaction for the rehabilitee and their network during the rehabilitation process. You are able to justify starting points and grounds for a rehabilitee's client relationship. You are able to differentiate factors that result in rehabilitation and service needs at the level of individuals, communities and society. You are able to justify the contents of a rehabilitation counsellor’s work. You know how to promote the establishment of dialogical interaction in co-operation with other professionals.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 = You know how to plan and develop client-oriented guidance and support as well as dialogical interaction for the rehabilitee and their network during the rehabilitation process. You are able to analyse and justify starting points and grounds for a rehabilitee's client relationship. You are able to expertly justify factors that result in rehabilitation and service needs at the level of individuals, communities and society. You are able to develop the contents of a rehabilitation counsellor’s work. You know how to maintain and develop dialogical interaction with other professionals.


09.04.2024 - 14.06.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Anne Koivisto
  • Teppo Karapalo
Teacher in charge

Anne Koivisto

    Avoin Amk, HYVI,Valintaopintojakso


Aim of the course:

The aim of the course is giving you an idea of rehabilitation counselling as a profession and the significance and necessity of rehabilitation counselling from the perspectives of different client groups and society. On this course you will lay a foundation for your vocational core studies and dialogical cooperation skills of a rehabilitation counsellor.

Course competences:

Rehabilitation counselling and guidance
Rehabilitation service system 
Assessment of needs and possibilities for rehabilitation

Intended learning outcome:

Case management and methods in rehabilitation: You are able to describe the importance of person-centered guidance, support and dialogical interaction for the rehabilitee and their network during the rehabilitation process. You are able to describe the contents of the rehabilitation counsellor’s work. You are able to engage in dialogical interaction with other professionals.

Rehabilitation service system: You are able to name basic premises, foundations and operating environments of a client relationship.

Assessment of needs and possibilities for rehabilitation: You are able to name factors that result in rehabilitation and service needs at the level of individuals, communities and society.


The key content of the course comprises the societal role and significance of rehabilitation counselling, factors resulting in a need for rehabilitation guidance, and the tasks of the rehabilitation counsellor, operating environments as well as the practices and principles of client work and co-operation. The course also covers ethical issues and key concepts of rehabilitation case management.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Aralinna, V. (toim.). 2023. Kuntoutusohjausnimikkeistö. Kuntaliitto. Helsinki: Suomen kuntaliitto ry.

Arki, arvot ja etiikka. Sosiaalilan ammattihenkilön eettiset ohjeet. 2022. Talentia. Talentia eettiset ohjeet (

Autti-Rämö, I., Salminen, A-L., Rajavaara, M. & Melkas, S. (toim). 2022. Kuntoutuminen. 2. uud. painos. Helsinki: Duodecim.

Kuntoutuksen uudistaminen vuosina 2020-2022. Kuntoutuksen uudistamisen toimeenpanon kuvaus ja arviointia. 2022. STM:n raportteja ja muistioita 23. Kuntoutuksen uudistaminen vuosina 2020–2022: Kuntoutuksen uudistamisen toimeenpanon kuvaus ja arviointia (

Sosiaali- ja terveysalan eettinen perusta. ETENE-julkaisuja 32.

Teaching methods

Koko opintojakso toteutetaan verkko-opintoina.
Webinaareissa, eli verkko-opetuksessa, perehdyt kuntoutuksen ohjauksen asiakkuuksiin, toimintaympäristöihin ja vaikutuksiin sekä kuntoutuksen ohjaajan erilaisiin työnkuviin ja tehtäviin vuorovaikutuksellisten luentojen sekä ryhmätyöskentelyn avulla.
Opintojaksolla opiskelet kuntoutuksen peruskäsitteitä ja perusteita kuntoutuksen ohjaukselle. Tutustut itsenäisesti lähdemateriaaliin ja teet yksilötehtävänä tentin kuntoutuksen käsitteistä. Ryhmätehtävässä sovellat tietoa ja teorioita case-pohjaisen oppimisen menetemän avulla yhdessä ryhmäläistesi kanssa.
Itsereflektiossa pohdit omaa ja ryhmäsi oppimista ja työskentelyä.

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Tentti viimeisen webinaarin yhteydessä. Ei uusintamahdollisuutta, koska on kyseessä valintaopintojakso.

Student workload

Orientaatio 2h
Verkko-opetus (webinaarit) 3 x 4h sekä valmistautuminen webinaareihin yht. 15 h
Ryhmätehtävä ja tentti yht. 34 h
Oppimateriaaleihin, kirjallisuuteen perehtyminen ja itsenäinen opiskelu 30 h
Yhteensä 81 h

Further information for students

Ryhmätehtävä ja tentti arvioidaan erillisten arviointikriteerien perusteella, jotka kerrotaan opintojakson alkaessa opintojakson työtilassa.
Tentin arviointi pohjautuu pistetyykseen ja numeeriseen arviointiin (0-5).
Ryhmätehtävän arviointikriteerit pohjautuvat pisteytykseen ja numeeriseen arviointiin (0-5). Arviointikriteerit eri arvosanoille on määritelty arviointimatriisissa.
Koko opintojakso pisteytetään ja arvioidaan numeerisesti asteikolla 0-5.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 =You are able to describe the importance of person-centered guidance and support as well as dialogical interaction for the rehabilitee and their network during the rehabilitation process. You are able to describe the starting points and grounds for a rehabilitee's client relationship. You are able to name factors that result in rehabilitation and service needs at the level of individuals, communities and society. You are able to describe the contents of the rehabilitation counsellor’s work. You participate in interaction with other professionals.

2 = You are able to give examples of the importance of person-centered guidance and support as well as dialogical interaction for the rehabilitee and their network during the rehabilitation process. You are able to define starting points and grounds for a rehabilitee's client relationship. You are able to give examples of factors that result in rehabilitation and service needs at the level of individuals, communities and society. You are able to define the contents of a rehabilitation counsellor’s work. You are able to interact with other professionals.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 = You are able to explain how person-centered guidance and support as well as dialogical interaction are realised during the rehabilitation process in counselling and collaboration. You are able to present starting points and grounds for a rehabilitee's client relationship. You are able to explain how information on factors resulting in rehabilitation and service needs is used at the level of individuals, communities and society. You are able to present the contents of a rehabilitation counsellor’s work. You are able to engage in dialogical interaction with other professionals.

4 = You are able to assess and justify the importance of person-centred guidance and support as well as dialogical interaction for the rehabilitee and their network during the rehabilitation process. You are able to justify starting points and grounds for a rehabilitee's client relationship. You are able to differentiate factors that result in rehabilitation and service needs at the level of individuals, communities and society. You are able to justify the contents of a rehabilitation counsellor’s work. You know how to promote the establishment of dialogical interaction in co-operation with other professionals.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 = You know how to plan and develop client-oriented guidance and support as well as dialogical interaction for the rehabilitee and their network during the rehabilitation process. You are able to analyse and justify starting points and grounds for a rehabilitee's client relationship. You are able to expertly justify factors that result in rehabilitation and service needs at the level of individuals, communities and society. You are able to develop the contents of a rehabilitation counsellor’s work. You know how to maintain and develop dialogical interaction with other professionals.