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Art and Music Education in Early Childhood EducationLaajuus (4 cr)

Code: SOSS2024


4 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Leena Kangastalo


In this course, you learn to make an interaction relationship to a child, and support children´s development, learning, and self-expression with art and music. You learn to define your pedagogical principles and you are able to guide children´s art and music activities according to Finnish curriculum of early childhood education and care, as well as curriculum of preschool education. You can use and apply the methods and tools of visual arts and music in children´s art education. You learn to assess and develop your theoretical and practical competency in art education, as well as your ability to integrate the methods of art education.


The theoretical basics of visual and musical thinking and expression in early childhood art education. Art and music education in Finnish early childhood education and preschool curriculums. The basic principles, methods and tools in art and music education. Goal-directive planning, implementing, and assessing of art education. An integrated art process (3 counselings) for children in early childhood education.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Sufficient (1) You are able to tell, how art and music education can support children´s development, learning, self-expression and interaction. You can form your own guiding principles in art education and you can describe what kind of adviser you are or want to be. You are able to take part in planning, implementing and assessing art and music education activities according to Finnish early childhood or preschool education curriculum principles. You know how to use the basic methods of art and music education. You recognize your guiding, methodological and integrative skills at this moment, and they are evolving.

Satisfactory (2) You can describe the main meanings of art and music education for children´s development, learning, self-expression, and interaction. You can determine your own principles in art education and you can classify what kind of adviser you are or want to be. You are able to plan, implement and assess art and music education activities for children according to pedagogical principles of early childhood or preschool education curriculum. You know how to use the basic methods of art and music education. You can summarize your guiding, methodological and integrative skills at this moment, and they are still evolving.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good (3) You can define the main meanings of art and music education for children´s development, learning, well-being, and interaction in early childhood education. You can define and justify your principles in art education. You apply your knowledge in planning, implementing and assessing art and music education activities for children according to pedagogical principles of early childhood education curriculum. You know how to use the basic methods of art and music education. You can analyze the level of your guiding, methodological and integrative skills, and develop them further.

Very good (4) You can justify the meanings of art and music education for children´s development, learning, self-expression and interaction in early childhood education. You can define and justify your guiding principles in art education and you notice what skills you have to develop further. You apply your knowledge in planning, implementing and assessing art and music education activities for children according to pedagogical principles of early childhood education or preschool curriculum. You apply the methods of art and music in children´s art education. You can analyze and assess the level of your integrative guiding and methodological skills, and develop them further.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent (5) You can justify the meanings of art and music education for children´s development, learning and self-expression in early childhood education. You can define and justify your guiding principles in art education. You apply your knowledge and use your creativity in planning, implementing and assessing art and music education activities for children according to pedagogical principles of early childhood education or preschool curriculum. You apply the methods of art and music in children´s art education. You can create new ways of working in art education. You can assess the level of your integrative guiding and methodological skills, and develop them further.

Further information

This course is part of the qualification of early childhood education and social pedagogy (total 60 cr).


01.08.2024 - 22.08.2024


26.08.2024 - 27.10.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

4 op

Mode of delivery



School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 35

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Anniina Berg
  • Leena Kangastalo
Teacher in charge

Anniina Berg

  • SOS23SM2
    Sosionomi (AMK)
  • SOS23SM
    Sosionomi (AMK)
    Avoin AMK, sote, sosionomin täydentävät varhaiskasvatuksen opinnot


In this course, you learn to make an interaction relationship to a child, and support children´s development, learning, and self-expression with art and music. You learn to define your pedagogical principles and you are able to guide children´s art and music activities according to Finnish curriculum of early childhood education and care, as well as curriculum of preschool education. You can use and apply the methods and tools of visual arts and music in children´s art education. You learn to assess and develop your theoretical and practical competency in art education, as well as your ability to integrate the methods of art education.


The theoretical basics of visual and musical thinking and expression in early childhood art education. Art and music education in Finnish early childhood education and preschool curriculums. The basic principles, methods and tools in art and music education. Goal-directive planning, implementing, and assessing of art education. An integrated art process (3 counselings) for children in early childhood education.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Rusanen, S.; Kuusela, M. & Rintakorpi, K. 2014. Musta tuntuu punaiselta. Kuvataiteellinen toiminta varhaisiässä. Helsinki: Lasten keskus.

Lindeberg-Piiroinen, A. & Ruokonen, I. 2017. Musiikki varhaiskasvatuksessa - käsikirja. Helsinki: Classicus.

Teaching methods


Tekoälyn käyttö on sallittua tällä opintojaksolla opiskelun ja tehtävien tukena, mutta se pitää kertoa tehtävien yhteydessä ja noudattaa JAMKin ja Arenen linjauksia.

Practical training and working life connections

Jaksolla toteutetaan päiväkodissa pieni taidekasvatukseen liittyvä projekti. Opiskelijat etsivät itse päiväkodin, jossa projekti toteutetaan.

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Oppimistehtävän palautuspäivä löytyy Moodlesta syyskuun 2024 alussa. Palautuspäivä marraskuussa 2024.

International connections

Opetuksen lähteinä hyödynnetty kansainvälisiä lähteitä tai tutkimuksia suomalaisten lähteiden ja tutkimusten tukena.

Alternative completion methods

Opintojakso on hyväksiluettavissa aiemmilla korkeakoulutasoisilla vähintään 5op laajuisilla varhaiskasvatuksen taidekasvatuksen (kuvallinen ja musiikillinen ilmasiu) opinnoilla.
Opintojaksosta voi saada osittaisen hyväksiluvun opistotasoisilla aiemmilla taidekasvatuksen opinnoilla.
Opintojaksosta ei voi saada hyväksilukua työkokemuksella.

Student workload

4op = 108h, joista
Lähiopetus 22h
Ohjausten suunnittelu, toteutus ja raportointi 50h
Yksilötehtävät 36

Content scheduling

Lähiopetukset kampusalueella syys-lokakuussa 2024. Projektin toeteuttaminen pareittain päiväkodissa lokakuussa 2024 ja tehtävien tekeminen syys-marraskuuna aikana.

Further information for students

Arviointi tarkemmin kuvattuna Moodlessa

Avoin amk: 5 paikkaa (sosionomin täydentävät vaka-opinnot-kokonaisuus)

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Sufficient (1) You are able to tell, how art and music education can support children´s development, learning, self-expression and interaction. You can form your own guiding principles in art education and you can describe what kind of adviser you are or want to be. You are able to take part in planning, implementing and assessing art and music education activities according to Finnish early childhood or preschool education curriculum principles. You know how to use the basic methods of art and music education. You recognize your guiding, methodological and integrative skills at this moment, and they are evolving.

Satisfactory (2) You can describe the main meanings of art and music education for children´s development, learning, self-expression, and interaction. You can determine your own principles in art education and you can classify what kind of adviser you are or want to be. You are able to plan, implement and assess art and music education activities for children according to pedagogical principles of early childhood or preschool education curriculum. You know how to use the basic methods of art and music education. You can summarize your guiding, methodological and integrative skills at this moment, and they are still evolving.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good (3) You can define the main meanings of art and music education for children´s development, learning, well-being, and interaction in early childhood education. You can define and justify your principles in art education. You apply your knowledge in planning, implementing and assessing art and music education activities for children according to pedagogical principles of early childhood education curriculum. You know how to use the basic methods of art and music education. You can analyze the level of your guiding, methodological and integrative skills, and develop them further.

Very good (4) You can justify the meanings of art and music education for children´s development, learning, self-expression and interaction in early childhood education. You can define and justify your guiding principles in art education and you notice what skills you have to develop further. You apply your knowledge in planning, implementing and assessing art and music education activities for children according to pedagogical principles of early childhood education or preschool curriculum. You apply the methods of art and music in children´s art education. You can analyze and assess the level of your integrative guiding and methodological skills, and develop them further.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent (5) You can justify the meanings of art and music education for children´s development, learning and self-expression in early childhood education. You can define and justify your guiding principles in art education. You apply your knowledge and use your creativity in planning, implementing and assessing art and music education activities for children according to pedagogical principles of early childhood education or preschool curriculum. You apply the methods of art and music in children´s art education. You can create new ways of working in art education. You can assess the level of your integrative guiding and methodological skills, and develop them further.

Further information

This course is part of the qualification of early childhood education and social pedagogy (total 60 cr).


07.09.2023 - 15.09.2023


07.09.2023 - 19.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

4 op

Mode of delivery



School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Anniina Berg
  • Leena Kangastalo
    Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, sosionomi, monimuoto, Lastenhoitajasta sosionomiksi


In this course, you learn to make an interaction relationship to a child, and support children´s development, learning, and self-expression with art and music. You learn to define your pedagogical principles and you are able to guide children´s art and music activities according to Finnish curriculum of early childhood education and care, as well as curriculum of preschool education. You can use and apply the methods and tools of visual arts and music in children´s art education. You learn to assess and develop your theoretical and practical competency in art education, as well as your ability to integrate the methods of art education.


The theoretical basics of visual and musical thinking and expression in early childhood art education. Art and music education in Finnish early childhood education and preschool curriculums. The basic principles, methods and tools in art and music education. Goal-directive planning, implementing, and assessing of art education. An integrated art process (3 counselings) for children in early childhood education.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Rusanen, S.; Kuusela, M. & Rintakorpi, K. 2014. Musta tuntuu punaiselta. Kuvataiteellinen toiminta varhaisiässä. Helsinki: Lasten keskus.

Lindeberg-Piiroinen, A. & Ruokonen, I. 2017. Musiikki varhaiskasvatuksessa - käsikirja. Helsinki: Classicus.

Teaching methods

Yksilötehtävät (työpaikalla tehtävä projekti)

Further information for students

Tämä toteutus on tarkoitettu SOTEn Avoimen AMKin lastenhoitajasta sosionomiksi polun erillisryhmälle ZJASOS23SML (30 opiskelijaa).

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Sufficient (1) You are able to tell, how art and music education can support children´s development, learning, self-expression and interaction. You can form your own guiding principles in art education and you can describe what kind of adviser you are or want to be. You are able to take part in planning, implementing and assessing art and music education activities according to Finnish early childhood or preschool education curriculum principles. You know how to use the basic methods of art and music education. You recognize your guiding, methodological and integrative skills at this moment, and they are evolving.

Satisfactory (2) You can describe the main meanings of art and music education for children´s development, learning, self-expression, and interaction. You can determine your own principles in art education and you can classify what kind of adviser you are or want to be. You are able to plan, implement and assess art and music education activities for children according to pedagogical principles of early childhood or preschool education curriculum. You know how to use the basic methods of art and music education. You can summarize your guiding, methodological and integrative skills at this moment, and they are still evolving.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good (3) You can define the main meanings of art and music education for children´s development, learning, well-being, and interaction in early childhood education. You can define and justify your principles in art education. You apply your knowledge in planning, implementing and assessing art and music education activities for children according to pedagogical principles of early childhood education curriculum. You know how to use the basic methods of art and music education. You can analyze the level of your guiding, methodological and integrative skills, and develop them further.

Very good (4) You can justify the meanings of art and music education for children´s development, learning, self-expression and interaction in early childhood education. You can define and justify your guiding principles in art education and you notice what skills you have to develop further. You apply your knowledge in planning, implementing and assessing art and music education activities for children according to pedagogical principles of early childhood education or preschool curriculum. You apply the methods of art and music in children´s art education. You can analyze and assess the level of your integrative guiding and methodological skills, and develop them further.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent (5) You can justify the meanings of art and music education for children´s development, learning and self-expression in early childhood education. You can define and justify your guiding principles in art education. You apply your knowledge and use your creativity in planning, implementing and assessing art and music education activities for children according to pedagogical principles of early childhood education or preschool curriculum. You apply the methods of art and music in children´s art education. You can create new ways of working in art education. You can assess the level of your integrative guiding and methodological skills, and develop them further.

Further information

This course is part of the qualification of early childhood education and social pedagogy (total 60 cr).


01.08.2023 - 24.08.2023


28.08.2023 - 29.10.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

4 op

Mode of delivery



School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 35

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Anniina Berg
  • Leena Kangastalo
Teacher in charge

Leena Kangastalo

    Avoin AMK, sote, sosionomin täydentävät varhaiskasvatuksen opinnot
    Avoin AMK, sote, Sosionomin täydentävät varhaiskasvatuksen opinnot
  • SOS22SM
    Sosionomi (AMK)


In this course, you learn to make an interaction relationship to a child, and support children´s development, learning, and self-expression with art and music. You learn to define your pedagogical principles and you are able to guide children´s art and music activities according to Finnish curriculum of early childhood education and care, as well as curriculum of preschool education. You can use and apply the methods and tools of visual arts and music in children´s art education. You learn to assess and develop your theoretical and practical competency in art education, as well as your ability to integrate the methods of art education.


The theoretical basics of visual and musical thinking and expression in early childhood art education. Art and music education in Finnish early childhood education and preschool curriculums. The basic principles, methods and tools in art and music education. Goal-directive planning, implementing, and assessing of art education. An integrated art process (3 counselings) for children in early childhood education.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Rusanen, S.; Kuusela, M. & Rintakorpi, K. 2014. Musta tuntuu punaiselta. Kuvataiteellinen toiminta varhaisiässä. Helsinki: Lasten keskus.

Lindeberg-Piiroinen, A. & Ruokonen, I. 2017. Musiikki varhaiskasvatuksessa - käsikirja. Helsinki: Classicus.

Teaching methods


Further information for students

Avoin amk: 10 paikkaa (sosionomin täydentävät varhaiskasvatuksen opinnot)

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Sufficient (1) You are able to tell, how art and music education can support children´s development, learning, self-expression and interaction. You can form your own guiding principles in art education and you can describe what kind of adviser you are or want to be. You are able to take part in planning, implementing and assessing art and music education activities according to Finnish early childhood or preschool education curriculum principles. You know how to use the basic methods of art and music education. You recognize your guiding, methodological and integrative skills at this moment, and they are evolving.

Satisfactory (2) You can describe the main meanings of art and music education for children´s development, learning, self-expression, and interaction. You can determine your own principles in art education and you can classify what kind of adviser you are or want to be. You are able to plan, implement and assess art and music education activities for children according to pedagogical principles of early childhood or preschool education curriculum. You know how to use the basic methods of art and music education. You can summarize your guiding, methodological and integrative skills at this moment, and they are still evolving.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good (3) You can define the main meanings of art and music education for children´s development, learning, well-being, and interaction in early childhood education. You can define and justify your principles in art education. You apply your knowledge in planning, implementing and assessing art and music education activities for children according to pedagogical principles of early childhood education curriculum. You know how to use the basic methods of art and music education. You can analyze the level of your guiding, methodological and integrative skills, and develop them further.

Very good (4) You can justify the meanings of art and music education for children´s development, learning, self-expression and interaction in early childhood education. You can define and justify your guiding principles in art education and you notice what skills you have to develop further. You apply your knowledge in planning, implementing and assessing art and music education activities for children according to pedagogical principles of early childhood education or preschool curriculum. You apply the methods of art and music in children´s art education. You can analyze and assess the level of your integrative guiding and methodological skills, and develop them further.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent (5) You can justify the meanings of art and music education for children´s development, learning and self-expression in early childhood education. You can define and justify your guiding principles in art education. You apply your knowledge and use your creativity in planning, implementing and assessing art and music education activities for children according to pedagogical principles of early childhood education or preschool curriculum. You apply the methods of art and music in children´s art education. You can create new ways of working in art education. You can assess the level of your integrative guiding and methodological skills, and develop them further.

Further information

This course is part of the qualification of early childhood education and social pedagogy (total 60 cr).


01.08.2022 - 25.08.2022


29.08.2022 - 31.10.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

4 op

Mode of delivery



School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 15

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Anniina Berg
  • Leena Kangastalo
Teacher in charge

Leena Kangastalo

  • SOS21SM
    Sosionomi (AMK)
    Avoin AMK, sote,Sosionomin täydentävät varhaiskasvatuksen opinnot


In this course, you learn to make an interaction relationship to a child, and support children´s development, learning, and self-expression with art and music. You learn to define your pedagogical principles and you are able to guide children´s art and music activities according to Finnish curriculum of early childhood education and care, as well as curriculum of preschool education. You can use and apply the methods and tools of visual arts and music in children´s art education. You learn to assess and develop your theoretical and practical competency in art education, as well as your ability to integrate the methods of art education.


The theoretical basics of visual and musical thinking and expression in early childhood art education. Art and music education in Finnish early childhood education and preschool curriculums. The basic principles, methods and tools in art and music education. Goal-directive planning, implementing, and assessing of art education. An integrated art process (3 counselings) for children in early childhood education.

Time and location

Lähiopetus Lutakon Campuksella, D307, 4 tuntia viikossa (4 x 45 min) viikoilla 35-41.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Lindeberg-Piiroinen & Ruokonen (toim.) 2017. Musiikki varhaiskasvatuksessa -käsikirja. Helsinki: Classicus. Huom! Uusin painos.
Ruokonen, Rusanen & Välimäki (toim.) 2009. Taidekasvatus varhaiskasvatuksessa: Iloa, ihmettelyä ja elämyksiä. Helsinki: Yliopistopaino. Saatavana sähköisenä Julkarista.
Ruokonen, I. 2020. Nyt on ilmaisun aika. Helsinki: Varhaiskasvatuksen Opettajien Liitto VOL. Saatavana sähköisenä.
Ruokonen, I.(toim.) 2022. Ilmaisun ilo. Käsikirja 0-8 -vuotiaiden taito- ja taidekasvatukseen. Keuruu. PS-kustannus.
Rusanen, S., Kuusela, M., Rintakorpi, K. & Torkki, K. 2014. Musta tuntuu punaiselta. Kuvataiteellinen toiminta varhaisiässä. Helsinki: Publiva.

Teaching methods

Ennakkovalmistautuminen, lähiopetus ja harjoitukset, itsenäiset oppimistehtävät.

Alternative completion methods

Opintojakso voidaan opinnollistaa omassa varhaiskasvatustyössä.

Further information for students

Avoin AMK ja Sosionomin täydentävät opinnot 10

Numeroarvioitava (0-5) oppimistehtävä.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Sufficient (1) You are able to tell, how art and music education can support children´s development, learning, self-expression and interaction. You can form your own guiding principles in art education and you can describe what kind of adviser you are or want to be. You are able to take part in planning, implementing and assessing art and music education activities according to Finnish early childhood or preschool education curriculum principles. You know how to use the basic methods of art and music education. You recognize your guiding, methodological and integrative skills at this moment, and they are evolving.

Satisfactory (2) You can describe the main meanings of art and music education for children´s development, learning, self-expression, and interaction. You can determine your own principles in art education and you can classify what kind of adviser you are or want to be. You are able to plan, implement and assess art and music education activities for children according to pedagogical principles of early childhood or preschool education curriculum. You know how to use the basic methods of art and music education. You can summarize your guiding, methodological and integrative skills at this moment, and they are still evolving.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good (3) You can define the main meanings of art and music education for children´s development, learning, well-being, and interaction in early childhood education. You can define and justify your principles in art education. You apply your knowledge in planning, implementing and assessing art and music education activities for children according to pedagogical principles of early childhood education curriculum. You know how to use the basic methods of art and music education. You can analyze the level of your guiding, methodological and integrative skills, and develop them further.

Very good (4) You can justify the meanings of art and music education for children´s development, learning, self-expression and interaction in early childhood education. You can define and justify your guiding principles in art education and you notice what skills you have to develop further. You apply your knowledge in planning, implementing and assessing art and music education activities for children according to pedagogical principles of early childhood education or preschool curriculum. You apply the methods of art and music in children´s art education. You can analyze and assess the level of your integrative guiding and methodological skills, and develop them further.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent (5) You can justify the meanings of art and music education for children´s development, learning and self-expression in early childhood education. You can define and justify your guiding principles in art education. You apply your knowledge and use your creativity in planning, implementing and assessing art and music education activities for children according to pedagogical principles of early childhood education or preschool curriculum. You apply the methods of art and music in children´s art education. You can create new ways of working in art education. You can assess the level of your integrative guiding and methodological skills, and develop them further.

Further information

This course is part of the qualification of early childhood education and social pedagogy (total 60 cr).