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Sustainable and responsible digitization in Service BusinessLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: MZ00CL26


5 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Karoliina Väisänen
  • Veikko Halttunen


Aim of the course
Until now, digitalisation has been examined largely through the opportunities and benefits it brings. Themes related to sustainability and responsibility force us to examine the prevailing operating models more critically than before. In this course, phenomena and impacts related to the digitalisation of society are discussed at the level of individuals, organisations, societies and the living environment. Key themes include energy consumption and emissions in the ICT sector, life cycles of hardware and software, indirect impacts of the ICT sector in different sectors, vulnerabilities in electricity and telecommunications networks, the emergence and development of digital gaps, as well as health impacts and well-being at individual and societal levels. All of these are also examined in relation to the societally necessary service provision.

Objective of the course
Students are able to examine the trends in the digital society with regard to factors related to the well-being of people, organisations and societies, as well as nature and living environments. Students can assess the potential of digitalisation against potential disadvantages and threats. Students have capabilities to contribute to promoting sustainability and responsibility themes in a digitalising society. Knowledge-based capabilities help students assess the sustainability and responsibility of service production and also provide the basis for developing sustainable and responsible solutions in their field.


- direct impacts of digitalisation from the perspective of energy and raw material consumption
- indirect impacts of digitalisation outside the ICT sector
- risks posed by vulnerabilities in electricity and telecommunications networks
- formation of digital gaps from the perspective of the individual and society
- privacy protection and data security challenges
- health and well-being related challenges of digitalisation

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

1 - the student is able to adequately describe the basic concepts of sustainability and responsibility related to digitalisation
2 - the student recognises the areas of sustainable and responsible digitalisation and the connections between them

Assessment criteria, good (3)

3 - the student is able to create an overall picture of sustainable and responsible digitalisation
4 - the student is able to assess the sustainability impacts and responsibility of digitalisation in their own field as an example

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

5 - the student is able to comprehensively assess the sustainability impacts and responsibility of digitalisation on a general level, as well as by applying these to their own field


01.08.2024 - 22.08.2024


26.08.2024 - 31.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery



School of Business


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 45

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Karoliina Väisänen
  • Veikko Halttunen
  • MPT24S1
    Palveluliiketoiminnan tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)
  • ZJAMPT24S1
    Avoin AMK, marata, AMK-väylät, palveluliiketoiminta, päivätoteutus


Aim of the course
Until now, digitalisation has been examined largely through the opportunities and benefits it brings. Themes related to sustainability and responsibility force us to examine the prevailing operating models more critically than before. In this course, phenomena and impacts related to the digitalisation of society are discussed at the level of individuals, organisations, societies and the living environment. Key themes include energy consumption and emissions in the ICT sector, life cycles of hardware and software, indirect impacts of the ICT sector in different sectors, vulnerabilities in electricity and telecommunications networks, the emergence and development of digital gaps, as well as health impacts and well-being at individual and societal levels. All of these are also examined in relation to the societally necessary service provision.

Objective of the course
Students are able to examine the trends in the digital society with regard to factors related to the well-being of people, organisations and societies, as well as nature and living environments. Students can assess the potential of digitalisation against potential disadvantages and threats. Students have capabilities to contribute to promoting sustainability and responsibility themes in a digitalising society. Knowledge-based capabilities help students assess the sustainability and responsibility of service production and also provide the basis for developing sustainable and responsible solutions in their field.


- direct impacts of digitalisation from the perspective of energy and raw material consumption
- indirect impacts of digitalisation outside the ICT sector
- risks posed by vulnerabilities in electricity and telecommunications networks
- formation of digital gaps from the perspective of the individual and society
- privacy protection and data security challenges
- health and well-being related challenges of digitalisation

Time and location


to 12.9. klo 16-18 Johdanto
to 19.9. klo 16-18 Teema 1: Ympäristö
to 26.9. klo 16-18 Teema 2: Yksityisyys ja tietoturva to 3.10. klo 16-18 Teema 3: Digitaaliset kuilut to 10.10. klo 16-18 Teema 4: Hyvinvointi ja terveys to 28.11. klo 16-18 Loppukeskustelu (kollokvio)

Teaching methods

Kurssi on tarkoitus toteuttaa flippaamalla eli tuotan opiskelijoille itsenäisesti opiskeltavaa materiaalia, jota käsitellään kontaktiluennoilla sen jälkeen kun materiaaliin on tutustuttu. Kontaktiaikoja on yhteensä kuusi luentokertaa.

Ensimmäinen luento on johdantoluento ja sen jälkeen tulevat viikoin välein teemoihin painottuvat luennot. Viimeinen luentokerta on reflektoiva luento tai paremminkin keskustelutilaisuus. Keskustelutilaisuutta ennen opiskelijat palauttavat kirjoitelman. Kirjoitelmien kirjoittamista tuetaan pienryhmäohjauksissa, jotka pidetään Zoomissa erikseen sovittavina aikoina.

Kurssille kuuluu myös tentti, joka ajoittuu loppukeskustelun jälkeen.

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Loppukeskustelu ja tentti, joka ajoittuu loppukeskustelun jälkeen.

Further information for students

avoin amk 15 (sis. max-määrään)

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 - the student is able to adequately describe the basic concepts of sustainability and responsibility related to digitalisation
2 - the student recognises the areas of sustainable and responsible digitalisation and the connections between them

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 - the student is able to create an overall picture of sustainable and responsible digitalisation
4 - the student is able to assess the sustainability impacts and responsibility of digitalisation in their own field as an example

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 - the student is able to comprehensively assess the sustainability impacts and responsibility of digitalisation on a general level, as well as by applying these to their own field