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Management in Digital EraLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: YHLH200


5 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Sami Kalliomaa


Purpose of the course
In this course, you will research and write about leadership communally.

Course competencies

Learning to learn
Is able to acquire, critically assess and produce information while taking into account the perspectives of different fields.

Implements the principles of responsible conduct of research and promotes their application in their work community.

Sustainable development
Is able to apply the knowledge and future visions of sustainable development comprehensively as a basis for sustainable solutions.

Proactive development
Produces new information and reforms operating methods, combining competence in different fields. Is able to implement research, development and innovation projects and apply different research and development methods.

Course learning objectives

You write the article step by step independently and collaboratively, following the principles of responsible conduct of research.
You produce new management foresight information from the perspective of sustainable development and present practical recommendations.
You will become familiar with research-based problem-solving pedagogy and academic writing.


Objects of assessment in the leadership article:
• Number and quality of relevant references
• Definition/analysis of key concepts
• Presenting the relevant theory
• Conducting research
• Results and discussion
• General academic writing
• Presenting an article – sharing information collaboratively

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

You are able to acquire reference material from key research articles and non-fiction books suitable for the phenomenon. You mainly use original sources. You identify and define key concepts. You summarize the essential theory of the topic/phenomenon, the connection of which to the research task is partly inadequate. You will use the appropriate method, which is described. You do not present analysis. There are significant shortcomings in compliance with the principles of responsible conduct of research. You demonstrate your competence by presenting the key results in a list-like manner and summarizing. The connection between the results and the research task remains incomplete, and you mainly present observations and findings. You're writing unstructured text with a variety of repetitive language and style errors. You follow the reporting instructions inadequately. You illustrate your skills, but there are shortcomings in consistency and/or expertise.

You are able to acquire reference material from key research articles and non-fiction books suitable for the phenomenon. You mainly use original sources. You classify key concepts. You compile a knowledge base from sources that support the topic and phenomenon. Theoretical knowledge does not discuss between references. You use the appropriate method. You choose the material that gives you indicative results. There are shortcomings in analysis or compliance with the principles of responsible conduct of research. You demonstrate your competence partly by illustrating results that have an identifiable connection to theoretical backgrounds and previous research. You're writing partially unstructured text with various language and style errors. You present an illustrative presentation to the listeners in which you demonstrate expertise.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

You are able to acquire and evaluate reference material from several original research articles and academic books suitable for the phenomenon. You distinguish key concepts in relation to each other. You write a relevant knowledge base that is delineated from the point of view of the topic and the phenomenon being discussed. You carry out research in accordance with the principles of responsible conduct of research. You describe and use the appropriate method. You choose the material that gives you fairly reliable results. You present an analysis with rules and/or justifications. You illustrate the results in a way that is appropriate for the method. You demonstrate your expertise by justifying the objectives of the research task and applying its key results. There is a connection between the results and the theory, which has been proven. You produce new sustainable development information for a selected target group. You write consistently, by reasoning and graphically. You write structured text with occasional language style errors. You follow the reporting guidelines. You deliver a coherent, reasoned and illustrative presentation to your listeners. You demonstrate persuasive expertise.

Very Good
You are able to acquire and critically evaluate reference material from several diverse, topical, reliable, relevant and original research articles and other high-quality literacy works suitable for the phenomenon. You analyse, compare and summarize key concepts. You write an essential and limited scientific knowledge base for the subject area, in which you demonstrate the ability to monitor, and analyse the research data of the topic/phenomenon. You carry out research in accordance with responsible conduct of research. You describe, justify and use a method suitable for the research task. You choose reliable material. You demonstrate your analytical skills transparently and with justification, also utilising international methodological literature. You demonstrate your expertise by justifying, analysing and reflecting on the objectives and results of research. In the report, you present a synthesis of the results and consider their applicability. You produce new applicable sustainability information for the organization and demonstrate its relevance. You write structured text in a fluent and almost error-free factual style. You deliver an engaging and expert presentation to your listeners.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

With your broad, critically evaluated and high-quality choice of sources, you demonstrate your familiarity with the topic and competence in the field of science. You evaluate the key concepts of the phenomenon critically and present them visually. You demonstrate a critical ability to follow and interpret international research data in the knowledge base. You reflect on the topic on a societal level. You carry out research in accordance with the principles of responsible conduct of research. You describe, justify and use a method suitable for the research task. You choose reliable material. You demonstrate your analytical skills transparently and with justification. You illustrate the results aptly according to the methodological tradition. You demonstrate your expertise by justifying, analyzing, evaluating and reflecting on the objectives and results of research as well as practical proposals for action. You present new perspectives and/or insights in the report. You critically examine the key results of arguing in relation to theory and prior knowledge. You produce and apply new information on sustainable development, renew operating methods and comprehensively consider the societal significance of the results. You write convincingly, presenting a clear, logically progressing whole in which you combine things in a new way. You demonstrate critical and argumentative ability to write. You will target an interesting presentation with new perspectives and expertise to the listeners.


01.08.2024 - 22.08.2024


02.09.2024 - 24.11.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

RDI portion

2 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Business

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Business and Financial Management
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Management
  • Sami Kalliomaa
  • ZJAYHO23S1
    Avoin AMK, lita, YAMK-polut, Organisaation ja talouden johtaminen
  • YHO23S1
    Organisaation ja talouden johtaminen (YAMK)


Purpose of the course
In this course, you will research and write about leadership communally.

Course competencies

Learning to learn
Is able to acquire, critically assess and produce information while taking into account the perspectives of different fields.

Implements the principles of responsible conduct of research and promotes their application in their work community.

Sustainable development
Is able to apply the knowledge and future visions of sustainable development comprehensively as a basis for sustainable solutions.

Proactive development
Produces new information and reforms operating methods, combining competence in different fields. Is able to implement research, development and innovation projects and apply different research and development methods.

Course learning objectives

You write the article step by step independently and collaboratively, following the principles of responsible conduct of research.
You produce new management foresight information from the perspective of sustainable development and present practical recommendations.
You will become familiar with research-based problem-solving pedagogy and academic writing.


Objects of assessment in the leadership article:
• Number and quality of relevant references
• Definition/analysis of key concepts
• Presenting the relevant theory
• Conducting research
• Results and discussion
• General academic writing
• Presenting an article – sharing information collaboratively

Learning materials and recommended literature

The primary sources are research publications and so-called research publications. Original sources presenting new and current information and organizational documents:
• scientific/academic research articles published in journals and conference papers (peer review)
• review articles presenting and commenting on previous research and published in scientific journals
• academic books, e.g. monographs and collections of articles and textbooks
• doctoral dissertations and research reports
• high-quality research-based articles in professional journals

Teaching methods

Management in the Digital Age is an online course. You study in the Moodle learning environment. There you will find course instructions, schedules, assignments and study materials. The teaching method is research-based learning (RBL).

You will participate in various webinars. In webinars, you reflect and share what you have learned communally with your peer students. You carry out independent information retrieval and produce and apply the information you have learned to the collaborative learning task of a research-based article.

You will receive guidance in the Moodle learning environment (e.g. question and answer forum) and webinars. You will also receive guidance from your peer students.

You will receive both qualitative and quantitative evaluation and feedback on your Research-based article learning assignment.
You give feedback on the course (mid-term and final feedback on the implementation).

Practical training and working life connections

Your student tutorial and the entire study group form a working life-oriented peer learning network.

International connections

During the course, you will utilise international academic research literature.

Alternative completion methods

You can familiarise yourself with 17§ of Jamk's degree regulations when considering the recognition and recognition of course competence based on your previously acquired competence and the objectives of the course.

Student workload

Your indicative use of time during the 5-credit course is 135 working hours, which is divided as follows:

Orientation to the course 3 h
Studying with learning materials 55 h
Completing learning assignments 66 h
Online lectures and webinars 8 h
Self-assessment and feedback 3 h

Content scheduling

Orientation 0,5 ECTS
Theoretical part 2 ECTS
Empirical section 2 ECTS
Performance 0,5 ECTS

Further information for students

Avoimen jatkava polkulainen 1

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

You are able to acquire reference material from key research articles and non-fiction books suitable for the phenomenon. You mainly use original sources. You identify and define key concepts. You summarize the essential theory of the topic/phenomenon, the connection of which to the research task is partly inadequate. You will use the appropriate method, which is described. You do not present analysis. There are significant shortcomings in compliance with the principles of responsible conduct of research. You demonstrate your competence by presenting the key results in a list-like manner and summarizing. The connection between the results and the research task remains incomplete, and you mainly present observations and findings. You're writing unstructured text with a variety of repetitive language and style errors. You follow the reporting instructions inadequately. You illustrate your skills, but there are shortcomings in consistency and/or expertise.

You are able to acquire reference material from key research articles and non-fiction books suitable for the phenomenon. You mainly use original sources. You classify key concepts. You compile a knowledge base from sources that support the topic and phenomenon. Theoretical knowledge does not discuss between references. You use the appropriate method. You choose the material that gives you indicative results. There are shortcomings in analysis or compliance with the principles of responsible conduct of research. You demonstrate your competence partly by illustrating results that have an identifiable connection to theoretical backgrounds and previous research. You're writing partially unstructured text with various language and style errors. You present an illustrative presentation to the listeners in which you demonstrate expertise.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

You are able to acquire and evaluate reference material from several original research articles and academic books suitable for the phenomenon. You distinguish key concepts in relation to each other. You write a relevant knowledge base that is delineated from the point of view of the topic and the phenomenon being discussed. You carry out research in accordance with the principles of responsible conduct of research. You describe and use the appropriate method. You choose the material that gives you fairly reliable results. You present an analysis with rules and/or justifications. You illustrate the results in a way that is appropriate for the method. You demonstrate your expertise by justifying the objectives of the research task and applying its key results. There is a connection between the results and the theory, which has been proven. You produce new sustainable development information for a selected target group. You write consistently, by reasoning and graphically. You write structured text with occasional language style errors. You follow the reporting guidelines. You deliver a coherent, reasoned and illustrative presentation to your listeners. You demonstrate persuasive expertise.

Very Good
You are able to acquire and critically evaluate reference material from several diverse, topical, reliable, relevant and original research articles and other high-quality literacy works suitable for the phenomenon. You analyse, compare and summarize key concepts. You write an essential and limited scientific knowledge base for the subject area, in which you demonstrate the ability to monitor, and analyse the research data of the topic/phenomenon. You carry out research in accordance with responsible conduct of research. You describe, justify and use a method suitable for the research task. You choose reliable material. You demonstrate your analytical skills transparently and with justification, also utilising international methodological literature. You demonstrate your expertise by justifying, analysing and reflecting on the objectives and results of research. In the report, you present a synthesis of the results and consider their applicability. You produce new applicable sustainability information for the organization and demonstrate its relevance. You write structured text in a fluent and almost error-free factual style. You deliver an engaging and expert presentation to your listeners.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

With your broad, critically evaluated and high-quality choice of sources, you demonstrate your familiarity with the topic and competence in the field of science. You evaluate the key concepts of the phenomenon critically and present them visually. You demonstrate a critical ability to follow and interpret international research data in the knowledge base. You reflect on the topic on a societal level. You carry out research in accordance with the principles of responsible conduct of research. You describe, justify and use a method suitable for the research task. You choose reliable material. You demonstrate your analytical skills transparently and with justification. You illustrate the results aptly according to the methodological tradition. You demonstrate your expertise by justifying, analyzing, evaluating and reflecting on the objectives and results of research as well as practical proposals for action. You present new perspectives and/or insights in the report. You critically examine the key results of arguing in relation to theory and prior knowledge. You produce and apply new information on sustainable development, renew operating methods and comprehensively consider the societal significance of the results. You write convincingly, presenting a clear, logically progressing whole in which you combine things in a new way. You demonstrate critical and argumentative ability to write. You will target an interesting presentation with new perspectives and expertise to the listeners.


20.11.2023 - 04.01.2024


11.01.2024 - 28.04.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Business


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Business and Financial Management
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Management
  • Sami Kalliomaa
  • YMJ22S1
    Matkailu- ja palveluliiketoiminnan johtaminen (YAMK)


Purpose of the course
In this course, you will research and write about leadership communally.

Course competencies

Learning to learn
Is able to acquire, critically assess and produce information while taking into account the perspectives of different fields.

Implements the principles of responsible conduct of research and promotes their application in their work community.

Sustainable development
Is able to apply the knowledge and future visions of sustainable development comprehensively as a basis for sustainable solutions.

Proactive development
Produces new information and reforms operating methods, combining competence in different fields. Is able to implement research, development and innovation projects and apply different research and development methods.

Course learning objectives

You write the article step by step independently and collaboratively, following the principles of responsible conduct of research.
You produce new management foresight information from the perspective of sustainable development and present practical recommendations.
You will become familiar with research-based problem-solving pedagogy and academic writing.


Objects of assessment in the leadership article:
• Number and quality of relevant references
• Definition/analysis of key concepts
• Presenting the relevant theory
• Conducting research
• Results and discussion
• General academic writing
• Presenting an article – sharing information collaboratively

Time and location

Webinaarit. Lisäksi ryhmäkohtaiset webinaarit.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Tutkimusartikkelit, tietokirjallisuus

Teaching methods

Verkko-opiskelu, ongelmaperusteinen oppiminen, ryhmätyöskentely ja itsenäinen opiskelu.

Alternative completion methods

Artikkelin yhteiskirjoittaminen

Student workload

135 h

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

You are able to acquire reference material from key research articles and non-fiction books suitable for the phenomenon. You mainly use original sources. You identify and define key concepts. You summarize the essential theory of the topic/phenomenon, the connection of which to the research task is partly inadequate. You will use the appropriate method, which is described. You do not present analysis. There are significant shortcomings in compliance with the principles of responsible conduct of research. You demonstrate your competence by presenting the key results in a list-like manner and summarizing. The connection between the results and the research task remains incomplete, and you mainly present observations and findings. You're writing unstructured text with a variety of repetitive language and style errors. You follow the reporting instructions inadequately. You illustrate your skills, but there are shortcomings in consistency and/or expertise.

You are able to acquire reference material from key research articles and non-fiction books suitable for the phenomenon. You mainly use original sources. You classify key concepts. You compile a knowledge base from sources that support the topic and phenomenon. Theoretical knowledge does not discuss between references. You use the appropriate method. You choose the material that gives you indicative results. There are shortcomings in analysis or compliance with the principles of responsible conduct of research. You demonstrate your competence partly by illustrating results that have an identifiable connection to theoretical backgrounds and previous research. You're writing partially unstructured text with various language and style errors. You present an illustrative presentation to the listeners in which you demonstrate expertise.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

You are able to acquire and evaluate reference material from several original research articles and academic books suitable for the phenomenon. You distinguish key concepts in relation to each other. You write a relevant knowledge base that is delineated from the point of view of the topic and the phenomenon being discussed. You carry out research in accordance with the principles of responsible conduct of research. You describe and use the appropriate method. You choose the material that gives you fairly reliable results. You present an analysis with rules and/or justifications. You illustrate the results in a way that is appropriate for the method. You demonstrate your expertise by justifying the objectives of the research task and applying its key results. There is a connection between the results and the theory, which has been proven. You produce new sustainable development information for a selected target group. You write consistently, by reasoning and graphically. You write structured text with occasional language style errors. You follow the reporting guidelines. You deliver a coherent, reasoned and illustrative presentation to your listeners. You demonstrate persuasive expertise.

Very Good
You are able to acquire and critically evaluate reference material from several diverse, topical, reliable, relevant and original research articles and other high-quality literacy works suitable for the phenomenon. You analyse, compare and summarize key concepts. You write an essential and limited scientific knowledge base for the subject area, in which you demonstrate the ability to monitor, and analyse the research data of the topic/phenomenon. You carry out research in accordance with responsible conduct of research. You describe, justify and use a method suitable for the research task. You choose reliable material. You demonstrate your analytical skills transparently and with justification, also utilising international methodological literature. You demonstrate your expertise by justifying, analysing and reflecting on the objectives and results of research. In the report, you present a synthesis of the results and consider their applicability. You produce new applicable sustainability information for the organization and demonstrate its relevance. You write structured text in a fluent and almost error-free factual style. You deliver an engaging and expert presentation to your listeners.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

With your broad, critically evaluated and high-quality choice of sources, you demonstrate your familiarity with the topic and competence in the field of science. You evaluate the key concepts of the phenomenon critically and present them visually. You demonstrate a critical ability to follow and interpret international research data in the knowledge base. You reflect on the topic on a societal level. You carry out research in accordance with the principles of responsible conduct of research. You describe, justify and use a method suitable for the research task. You choose reliable material. You demonstrate your analytical skills transparently and with justification. You illustrate the results aptly according to the methodological tradition. You demonstrate your expertise by justifying, analyzing, evaluating and reflecting on the objectives and results of research as well as practical proposals for action. You present new perspectives and/or insights in the report. You critically examine the key results of arguing in relation to theory and prior knowledge. You produce and apply new information on sustainable development, renew operating methods and comprehensively consider the societal significance of the results. You write convincingly, presenting a clear, logically progressing whole in which you combine things in a new way. You demonstrate critical and argumentative ability to write. You will target an interesting presentation with new perspectives and expertise to the listeners.


01.11.2022 - 05.01.2023


09.01.2023 - 30.04.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Business

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Business and Financial Management
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Management
  • Sami Kalliomaa
  • YMJ22S1
    Matkailu- ja palveluliiketoiminnan johtaminen (YAMK)
  • ZJAYHO22S1
    Avoin AMK, lita, YAMK-polut, Organisaation ja talouden johtaminen
  • YHO22S1
    Organisaation ja talouden johtaminen (YAMK)


Purpose of the course
In this course, you will research and write about leadership communally.

Course competencies

Learning to learn
Is able to acquire, critically assess and produce information while taking into account the perspectives of different fields.

Implements the principles of responsible conduct of research and promotes their application in their work community.

Sustainable development
Is able to apply the knowledge and future visions of sustainable development comprehensively as a basis for sustainable solutions.

Proactive development
Produces new information and reforms operating methods, combining competence in different fields. Is able to implement research, development and innovation projects and apply different research and development methods.

Course learning objectives

You write the article step by step independently and collaboratively, following the principles of responsible conduct of research.
You produce new management foresight information from the perspective of sustainable development and present practical recommendations.
You will become familiar with research-based problem-solving pedagogy and academic writing.


Objects of assessment in the leadership article:
• Number and quality of relevant references
• Definition/analysis of key concepts
• Presenting the relevant theory
• Conducting research
• Results and discussion
• General academic writing
• Presenting an article – sharing information collaboratively

Time and location

Webinaarit. Lisäksi ryhmäkohtaiset webinaarit.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Tutkimusartikkelit, tietokirjallisuus

Teaching methods

Verkko-opiskelu, ongelmaperusteinen oppiminen, ryhmätyöskentely ja itsenäinen opiskelu.

Alternative completion methods

Artikkelin yhteiskirjoittaminen

Student workload

135 h

Further information for students

Avoin amk 10 (sisältyy max-määrään)

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

You are able to acquire reference material from key research articles and non-fiction books suitable for the phenomenon. You mainly use original sources. You identify and define key concepts. You summarize the essential theory of the topic/phenomenon, the connection of which to the research task is partly inadequate. You will use the appropriate method, which is described. You do not present analysis. There are significant shortcomings in compliance with the principles of responsible conduct of research. You demonstrate your competence by presenting the key results in a list-like manner and summarizing. The connection between the results and the research task remains incomplete, and you mainly present observations and findings. You're writing unstructured text with a variety of repetitive language and style errors. You follow the reporting instructions inadequately. You illustrate your skills, but there are shortcomings in consistency and/or expertise.

You are able to acquire reference material from key research articles and non-fiction books suitable for the phenomenon. You mainly use original sources. You classify key concepts. You compile a knowledge base from sources that support the topic and phenomenon. Theoretical knowledge does not discuss between references. You use the appropriate method. You choose the material that gives you indicative results. There are shortcomings in analysis or compliance with the principles of responsible conduct of research. You demonstrate your competence partly by illustrating results that have an identifiable connection to theoretical backgrounds and previous research. You're writing partially unstructured text with various language and style errors. You present an illustrative presentation to the listeners in which you demonstrate expertise.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

You are able to acquire and evaluate reference material from several original research articles and academic books suitable for the phenomenon. You distinguish key concepts in relation to each other. You write a relevant knowledge base that is delineated from the point of view of the topic and the phenomenon being discussed. You carry out research in accordance with the principles of responsible conduct of research. You describe and use the appropriate method. You choose the material that gives you fairly reliable results. You present an analysis with rules and/or justifications. You illustrate the results in a way that is appropriate for the method. You demonstrate your expertise by justifying the objectives of the research task and applying its key results. There is a connection between the results and the theory, which has been proven. You produce new sustainable development information for a selected target group. You write consistently, by reasoning and graphically. You write structured text with occasional language style errors. You follow the reporting guidelines. You deliver a coherent, reasoned and illustrative presentation to your listeners. You demonstrate persuasive expertise.

Very Good
You are able to acquire and critically evaluate reference material from several diverse, topical, reliable, relevant and original research articles and other high-quality literacy works suitable for the phenomenon. You analyse, compare and summarize key concepts. You write an essential and limited scientific knowledge base for the subject area, in which you demonstrate the ability to monitor, and analyse the research data of the topic/phenomenon. You carry out research in accordance with responsible conduct of research. You describe, justify and use a method suitable for the research task. You choose reliable material. You demonstrate your analytical skills transparently and with justification, also utilising international methodological literature. You demonstrate your expertise by justifying, analysing and reflecting on the objectives and results of research. In the report, you present a synthesis of the results and consider their applicability. You produce new applicable sustainability information for the organization and demonstrate its relevance. You write structured text in a fluent and almost error-free factual style. You deliver an engaging and expert presentation to your listeners.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

With your broad, critically evaluated and high-quality choice of sources, you demonstrate your familiarity with the topic and competence in the field of science. You evaluate the key concepts of the phenomenon critically and present them visually. You demonstrate a critical ability to follow and interpret international research data in the knowledge base. You reflect on the topic on a societal level. You carry out research in accordance with the principles of responsible conduct of research. You describe, justify and use a method suitable for the research task. You choose reliable material. You demonstrate your analytical skills transparently and with justification. You illustrate the results aptly according to the methodological tradition. You demonstrate your expertise by justifying, analyzing, evaluating and reflecting on the objectives and results of research as well as practical proposals for action. You present new perspectives and/or insights in the report. You critically examine the key results of arguing in relation to theory and prior knowledge. You produce and apply new information on sustainable development, renew operating methods and comprehensively consider the societal significance of the results. You write convincingly, presenting a clear, logically progressing whole in which you combine things in a new way. You demonstrate critical and argumentative ability to write. You will target an interesting presentation with new perspectives and expertise to the listeners.


01.11.2022 - 05.01.2023


09.01.2023 - 30.04.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Business

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Business and Financial Management
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Management
  • Sami Kalliomaa
  • YHO21S1
    Organisaation ja talouden johtaminen (YAMK)
  • YMJ21S1
    Matkailu- ja palveluliiketoiminnan johtaminen (YAMK)


Purpose of the course
In this course, you will research and write about leadership communally.

Course competencies

Learning to learn
Is able to acquire, critically assess and produce information while taking into account the perspectives of different fields.

Implements the principles of responsible conduct of research and promotes their application in their work community.

Sustainable development
Is able to apply the knowledge and future visions of sustainable development comprehensively as a basis for sustainable solutions.

Proactive development
Produces new information and reforms operating methods, combining competence in different fields. Is able to implement research, development and innovation projects and apply different research and development methods.

Course learning objectives

You write the article step by step independently and collaboratively, following the principles of responsible conduct of research.
You produce new management foresight information from the perspective of sustainable development and present practical recommendations.
You will become familiar with research-based problem-solving pedagogy and academic writing.


Objects of assessment in the leadership article:
• Number and quality of relevant references
• Definition/analysis of key concepts
• Presenting the relevant theory
• Conducting research
• Results and discussion
• General academic writing
• Presenting an article – sharing information collaboratively

Time and location

Webinaarit. Lisäksi ryhmäkohtaiset webinaarit.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Tutkimusartikkelit, tietokirjallisuus

Teaching methods

Verkko-opiskelu, ongelmaperusteinen oppiminen, ryhmätyöskentely ja itsenäinen opiskelu.

Alternative completion methods

Artikkelin yhteiskirjoittaminen

Student workload

135 h

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

You are able to acquire reference material from key research articles and non-fiction books suitable for the phenomenon. You mainly use original sources. You identify and define key concepts. You summarize the essential theory of the topic/phenomenon, the connection of which to the research task is partly inadequate. You will use the appropriate method, which is described. You do not present analysis. There are significant shortcomings in compliance with the principles of responsible conduct of research. You demonstrate your competence by presenting the key results in a list-like manner and summarizing. The connection between the results and the research task remains incomplete, and you mainly present observations and findings. You're writing unstructured text with a variety of repetitive language and style errors. You follow the reporting instructions inadequately. You illustrate your skills, but there are shortcomings in consistency and/or expertise.

You are able to acquire reference material from key research articles and non-fiction books suitable for the phenomenon. You mainly use original sources. You classify key concepts. You compile a knowledge base from sources that support the topic and phenomenon. Theoretical knowledge does not discuss between references. You use the appropriate method. You choose the material that gives you indicative results. There are shortcomings in analysis or compliance with the principles of responsible conduct of research. You demonstrate your competence partly by illustrating results that have an identifiable connection to theoretical backgrounds and previous research. You're writing partially unstructured text with various language and style errors. You present an illustrative presentation to the listeners in which you demonstrate expertise.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

You are able to acquire and evaluate reference material from several original research articles and academic books suitable for the phenomenon. You distinguish key concepts in relation to each other. You write a relevant knowledge base that is delineated from the point of view of the topic and the phenomenon being discussed. You carry out research in accordance with the principles of responsible conduct of research. You describe and use the appropriate method. You choose the material that gives you fairly reliable results. You present an analysis with rules and/or justifications. You illustrate the results in a way that is appropriate for the method. You demonstrate your expertise by justifying the objectives of the research task and applying its key results. There is a connection between the results and the theory, which has been proven. You produce new sustainable development information for a selected target group. You write consistently, by reasoning and graphically. You write structured text with occasional language style errors. You follow the reporting guidelines. You deliver a coherent, reasoned and illustrative presentation to your listeners. You demonstrate persuasive expertise.

Very Good
You are able to acquire and critically evaluate reference material from several diverse, topical, reliable, relevant and original research articles and other high-quality literacy works suitable for the phenomenon. You analyse, compare and summarize key concepts. You write an essential and limited scientific knowledge base for the subject area, in which you demonstrate the ability to monitor, and analyse the research data of the topic/phenomenon. You carry out research in accordance with responsible conduct of research. You describe, justify and use a method suitable for the research task. You choose reliable material. You demonstrate your analytical skills transparently and with justification, also utilising international methodological literature. You demonstrate your expertise by justifying, analysing and reflecting on the objectives and results of research. In the report, you present a synthesis of the results and consider their applicability. You produce new applicable sustainability information for the organization and demonstrate its relevance. You write structured text in a fluent and almost error-free factual style. You deliver an engaging and expert presentation to your listeners.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

With your broad, critically evaluated and high-quality choice of sources, you demonstrate your familiarity with the topic and competence in the field of science. You evaluate the key concepts of the phenomenon critically and present them visually. You demonstrate a critical ability to follow and interpret international research data in the knowledge base. You reflect on the topic on a societal level. You carry out research in accordance with the principles of responsible conduct of research. You describe, justify and use a method suitable for the research task. You choose reliable material. You demonstrate your analytical skills transparently and with justification. You illustrate the results aptly according to the methodological tradition. You demonstrate your expertise by justifying, analyzing, evaluating and reflecting on the objectives and results of research as well as practical proposals for action. You present new perspectives and/or insights in the report. You critically examine the key results of arguing in relation to theory and prior knowledge. You produce and apply new information on sustainable development, renew operating methods and comprehensively consider the societal significance of the results. You write convincingly, presenting a clear, logically progressing whole in which you combine things in a new way. You demonstrate critical and argumentative ability to write. You will target an interesting presentation with new perspectives and expertise to the listeners.


01.11.2021 - 09.01.2022


10.01.2022 - 20.04.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Business

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 47

Degree programmes
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Business and Financial Management
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Management
  • Sami Kalliomaa
  • YHO21S1
    Organisaation ja talouden johtaminen (YAMK)
  • ZJA21SHY
    Avoin AMK, lita, YAMK-polut


Purpose of the course
In this course, you will research and write about leadership communally.

Course competencies

Learning to learn
Is able to acquire, critically assess and produce information while taking into account the perspectives of different fields.

Implements the principles of responsible conduct of research and promotes their application in their work community.

Sustainable development
Is able to apply the knowledge and future visions of sustainable development comprehensively as a basis for sustainable solutions.

Proactive development
Produces new information and reforms operating methods, combining competence in different fields. Is able to implement research, development and innovation projects and apply different research and development methods.

Course learning objectives

You write the article step by step independently and collaboratively, following the principles of responsible conduct of research.
You produce new management foresight information from the perspective of sustainable development and present practical recommendations.
You will become familiar with research-based problem-solving pedagogy and academic writing.


Objects of assessment in the leadership article:
• Number and quality of relevant references
• Definition/analysis of key concepts
• Presenting the relevant theory
• Conducting research
• Results and discussion
• General academic writing
• Presenting an article – sharing information collaboratively

Time and location

Webinaarit. Lisäksi ryhmäkohtaiset webinaarit.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Tutkimusartikkelit, tietokirjallisuus

Teaching methods

Verkko-opiskelu, ongelmaperusteinen oppiminen, ryhmätyöskentely ja itsenäinen opiskelu.

Alternative completion methods

Artikkelin yhteiskirjoittaminen

Student workload

135 h

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

You are able to acquire reference material from key research articles and non-fiction books suitable for the phenomenon. You mainly use original sources. You identify and define key concepts. You summarize the essential theory of the topic/phenomenon, the connection of which to the research task is partly inadequate. You will use the appropriate method, which is described. You do not present analysis. There are significant shortcomings in compliance with the principles of responsible conduct of research. You demonstrate your competence by presenting the key results in a list-like manner and summarizing. The connection between the results and the research task remains incomplete, and you mainly present observations and findings. You're writing unstructured text with a variety of repetitive language and style errors. You follow the reporting instructions inadequately. You illustrate your skills, but there are shortcomings in consistency and/or expertise.

You are able to acquire reference material from key research articles and non-fiction books suitable for the phenomenon. You mainly use original sources. You classify key concepts. You compile a knowledge base from sources that support the topic and phenomenon. Theoretical knowledge does not discuss between references. You use the appropriate method. You choose the material that gives you indicative results. There are shortcomings in analysis or compliance with the principles of responsible conduct of research. You demonstrate your competence partly by illustrating results that have an identifiable connection to theoretical backgrounds and previous research. You're writing partially unstructured text with various language and style errors. You present an illustrative presentation to the listeners in which you demonstrate expertise.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

You are able to acquire and evaluate reference material from several original research articles and academic books suitable for the phenomenon. You distinguish key concepts in relation to each other. You write a relevant knowledge base that is delineated from the point of view of the topic and the phenomenon being discussed. You carry out research in accordance with the principles of responsible conduct of research. You describe and use the appropriate method. You choose the material that gives you fairly reliable results. You present an analysis with rules and/or justifications. You illustrate the results in a way that is appropriate for the method. You demonstrate your expertise by justifying the objectives of the research task and applying its key results. There is a connection between the results and the theory, which has been proven. You produce new sustainable development information for a selected target group. You write consistently, by reasoning and graphically. You write structured text with occasional language style errors. You follow the reporting guidelines. You deliver a coherent, reasoned and illustrative presentation to your listeners. You demonstrate persuasive expertise.

Very Good
You are able to acquire and critically evaluate reference material from several diverse, topical, reliable, relevant and original research articles and other high-quality literacy works suitable for the phenomenon. You analyse, compare and summarize key concepts. You write an essential and limited scientific knowledge base for the subject area, in which you demonstrate the ability to monitor, and analyse the research data of the topic/phenomenon. You carry out research in accordance with responsible conduct of research. You describe, justify and use a method suitable for the research task. You choose reliable material. You demonstrate your analytical skills transparently and with justification, also utilising international methodological literature. You demonstrate your expertise by justifying, analysing and reflecting on the objectives and results of research. In the report, you present a synthesis of the results and consider their applicability. You produce new applicable sustainability information for the organization and demonstrate its relevance. You write structured text in a fluent and almost error-free factual style. You deliver an engaging and expert presentation to your listeners.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

With your broad, critically evaluated and high-quality choice of sources, you demonstrate your familiarity with the topic and competence in the field of science. You evaluate the key concepts of the phenomenon critically and present them visually. You demonstrate a critical ability to follow and interpret international research data in the knowledge base. You reflect on the topic on a societal level. You carry out research in accordance with the principles of responsible conduct of research. You describe, justify and use a method suitable for the research task. You choose reliable material. You demonstrate your analytical skills transparently and with justification. You illustrate the results aptly according to the methodological tradition. You demonstrate your expertise by justifying, analyzing, evaluating and reflecting on the objectives and results of research as well as practical proposals for action. You present new perspectives and/or insights in the report. You critically examine the key results of arguing in relation to theory and prior knowledge. You produce and apply new information on sustainable development, renew operating methods and comprehensively consider the societal significance of the results. You write convincingly, presenting a clear, logically progressing whole in which you combine things in a new way. You demonstrate critical and argumentative ability to write. You will target an interesting presentation with new perspectives and expertise to the listeners.