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Industrial Service ManagementLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: YTTJ8500


5 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Harri Tuukkanen
  • Matti Siistonen


The students are able to recognize and analyze challenges from changes in the international bussiness environment.They understand how to define the organisation or company targets, core competence, strategy and can manage accordingly. Understands the interaction between startegy and ecomomy can manage accordingly.


Definition, structure and contents of services. Industrial services. Development, productization and level of productization. Evaluation of service offering and continuous improvement. Prizing and concretise of industrial services.



Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

1 (Sufficient) - 2 (Satisfactory):The student understands the key concepts and tools covered by the course.
3(Good) - 4 (Very good):The student shows good knowledge of material and concepts and is able to communicate these in an effective way.
5 (Excellent): The student shows exceptional knowledge of subject material. The student demonstrates the ability to apply the material to real-life situations and challenges with superior communications skills.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

3(Good) - 4 (Very good):The student shows good knowledge of material and concepts and is able to communicate these in an effective way.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

5 (Excellent): The student shows exceptional knowledge of subject material. The student demonstrates the ability to apply the material to real-life situations and challenges with superior communications skills.