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Master's Degree Programme in Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation

Master of Social Services and Health Care

Degree title:
Master of Health Care
Master of Health Care
Master of Health Care
Master of Social Services and Health Care
Master of Social Services
Master of Health Care

90 ects

Key learning outcomes

The Master’s Degree Programme in Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation strengthens your rehabilitation competence. You will acquire the capabilities to work in versatile expert or management positions in public and private organisations and associations or as an entrepreneur. In addition, you will learn to anticipate the national and international development of the health care and social services sector and to develop rehabilitation activities extensively based on current research data. During your studies, you will also familiarise yourself with the utilisation of digitalisation as part of rehabilitation services and strengthen your ability to act in accordance with the principles of sustainable development and responsibility. Furthermore, you will build capacity for co-creation and building partnerships in renewing and changing health care and social services structures.

Education content and professional growth and know-how

The scope of the degree programme is 90 ECTS credits. The programme consists of studies to enhance your expertise in rehabilitation (60 cr), complementary management and development studies (20 cr) and elective studies (10 cr). The studies also include a thesis with the aim of solving a work-life development issue by applying research information and your own expertise. The studies follow a personal study path, which you will plan with the help of a career tutor.

Flexible studies

Studying in the degree programme is online-oriented with webinars, seminars, online lectures, workshops as well as independent and group assignments.

You can choose your alternative or elective studies from EduFutura partner institutions (University of Jyväskylä and Gradia) and international studies from European EUDRES higher education institutions. You can also choose from Finnish and foreign partner universities, such as other universities of applied sciences and universities. You can apply for accreditation of higher education studies that you have completed elsewhere.

Throughout the studies, your career tutors and course teachers will guide and support you in the planning and progress of your studies.

Working life oriented learning

Learning and development tasks related to the studies are integrated into working life. Many work community development tasks can be brought in for planning, developing and solving as learning assignments. Through active interaction, the competence and expertise of team members is utilised in learning for the benefit of the entire team.

Your thesis is a research-related working life development task or applied research related to rehabilitation. It accounts for one third of your degree's ECTS credits, and it allows you to develop your competence and take your career goals in the desired direction. The thesis may be a research and development project that develops the activities of your work community or your own company by producing new insights and solutions. The thesis may also focus on something other than your current activities, allowing you to build up competence in a new field and strengthen your expertise in new work tasks. In addition, you may complete your thesis as part of Jamk's research and development projects.

Career opportunities and employment

Graduates of the master's degree programmes in health care and social services have found employment in various expert, supervisor, development, management and coordination tasks in public, private and third-sector organisations in the health care and social services sector and as project managers and experts in development projects. After graduating, you also possess the skills needed to work as an entrepreneur or as an expert in international and multicultural development tasks.


A master’s degree from the university of applied sciences opens up new career opportunities as it qualifies you to apply for a public office or position to which a higher post-secondary degree is required.

Further studies

You may, after graduating, apply for postgraduate studies at universities or studies at the School of Professional Teacher Education. You can also continue your studies by applying for corresponding further education programmes in foreign higher education institutions, such as EUDRES higher education institutions. The university of applied sciences offers opportunities for competence development in various institutes, such as the open university of applied sciences, specialisation training and work-oriented continuing education.

Education planning

The preparation of the curriculum has taken into account the views of working life representatives, expert organisations related to rehabilitation, higher education experts, alumni and students as well as materials related to anticipating competence needs. Results of the feedback survey for graduates (AVOP) and continuous feedback from students in the world of work are also utilised in the development. In addition, continuous peer development is carried out with other universities of applied sciences providing education in the same field. Furthermore, the planning of the degree programme has taken into account the views of national and international partners and networks on the development of competence in the field related to a wide range of education, research and development cooperation carried out by staff. The new competence and development needs of wellbeing services counties have also been taken into account in the planning.

Contact Information

Sanna Sihvonen
Coordinator of Master's Degree Programmes
School of Health and Social Studies, Rehabilitation Institute

Master`s Degree Programme in Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation
Master`s Degree Programme in Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation
Master`s Degree Programme in Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation