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Vaativa asiakastyöLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: YS00BY57


5 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Katri Ylönen


After the course student:

• Can design, manage and evaluate client processes and make an overall assessment of their impact  
• Is be able to make use of a multi-professional environment and teams, as well as different organizations and experts in the field of client work


Core content

• The specificity of demanding client work  
• Social problems and exclusionary mechanisms 
• Criminal justice work, substance abuse and mental health, specific issues in child protection (foster care), disability services, social gerontology,
neuropsychiatry, violence, diversity 
• Documentation

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Sufficient level (1)

You will identify the key knowledge base of social guidance and use it in demanding client work. You identify the principles and starting points for multidisciplinary work. You understand client processes and the basis for an overall assessment of their impact.

Satisfactory (2)
You identify and apply the key knowledge base of social guidance and use it in demanding client work. You apply the principles and starting points of multidisciplinary work. You understand client processes and the basis for an overall assessment of their impact.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good (3)

You can apply and analyse the key knowledge base of social guidance and use it in demanding client work. You analyse the basis and starting points for multidisciplinary work. You will be able to plan, manage and evaluate client processes and make an overall assessment of their impact.

Excellent (4)

You can apply, analyse and evaluate the key knowledge base of social guidance and use it in demanding client work. You analyse and evaluate the basis and starting points of multidisciplinary work. You will be able to plan, manage and evaluate client processes and make an informed overall assessment of their impact.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent (5)

In addition to the above, you will demonstrate a considerable understanding of demanding client work, planning, managing and evaluating client processes and be able to combine a wide range of knowledge in the development of client processes.


Payne, M. 2020. How to Use Social Work Theory in Practice. Policy Press.

Raitakari, S., Harrikari, T., Hekkala, M. & Kivipelto, M. (toim.) Sosiaalityö kriiseissä ja poikkeuksellisissa olosuhteissa. Sosiaalityön tutkimuksen vuosikirja 2023. Saatavana verkossa.

Arnkil, T., E. 2020 Kunnioittava ja toivoa herättävä kohtaaminen. Helsinki: THL.Julkaisun pysyvä osoite on

Raatikainen, E. 2015. Lujita luottamusta: Asiakassuhteen rakentaminen sosiaali- ja terveysalalla. PS-kustannus.

Mönkkönen, K. 2018: Vuorovaikutus asiakastyössä. Asiakkaan kohtaaminen sosiaali- ja terveysalalla. Tallinna: Gaudeamus.

Seppänen, M. 2021. Tunnetaidot voimavarana: Opas sosiaali- ja terveysalalle. PS-kustannus.


01.08.2024 - 25.08.2024


01.09.2024 - 31.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

4.5 op

Mode of delivery

10 % Face-to-face, 90 % Online learning


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 35

Degree programmes
  • Master's Degree Programme in Expertise in Social Guidance
  • Riikka Rantanen
  • Asta Suomi
  • Katri Ylönen
Teacher in charge

Katri Ylönen

  • ZJAYSG23S1
    Avoin AMK, sote,Sosiaalialan ylempi AMK, erityissosiaaliohjaus (YAMK), YAMK-polku
  • YSG23S1
    Sosiaalialan ylempi AMK, erityissosiaaliohjaus (YAMK)
    Avoin AMK, sote, Erityissosiaaliohjauksen (ylempi AMK) osaamiskokonaisuus


After the course student:

• Can design, manage and evaluate client processes and make an overall assessment of their impact  
• Is be able to make use of a multi-professional environment and teams, as well as different organizations and experts in the field of client work


Core content

• The specificity of demanding client work  
• Social problems and exclusionary mechanisms 
• Criminal justice work, substance abuse and mental health, specific issues in child protection (foster care), disability services, social gerontology,
neuropsychiatry, violence, diversity 
• Documentation

Time and location

5.9.2024 Kontaktiopetus kampuksella Lutakon Dynamolla klo 8.30-12.30
26.9.2024 Kontakiopetus webinaarina klo 12.00-16.00
24.10.2024 Kontakiopetus webinaarina klo 12.00-16.00
20.11.2024 Kontakiopetus webinaarina klo 12.00-16.00

Learning materials and recommended literature

The following work will be used throughout the course:

Payne, M. 2020. How to Use Social Work Theory in Practice. Policy Press.

In addition, you can use the following sources as part of your learning tasks:

Arnkil, T., E. 2020 Kunnioittava ja toivoa herättävä kohtaaminen. Helsinki: THL.

Mönkkönen, K. 2018: Vuorovaikutus asiakastyössä. Asiakkaan kohtaaminen sosiaali- ja terveysalalla. Tallinna: Gaudeamus.

Raitakari, S., Harrikari, T., Hekkala, M. & Kivipelto, M. (toim.) Sosiaalityö kriiseissä ja poikkeuksellisissa olosuhteissa. Sosiaalityön tutkimuksen vuosikirja 2023. Saatavana verkossa.

Raatikainen, E. 2015. Lujita luottamusta: Asiakassuhteen rakentaminen sosiaali- ja terveysalalla. PS-kustannus.

Teaching methods

Teaching and learning methods used include webinars, face-to-face teaching at school, independent work, independent or small group assignments in Moodle.

Both webinars and in-class tutorials are interactive learning situations and you will be prepared for them according to the instructions given in advance (which will be given in the Moodle workspace).

If you use AI in your assignments, please include a verbal description of how, to what extent and where you have used it.

Practical training and working life connections

Visits by representatives from working life

Exam dates and retake possibilities

The learning tasks are spread evenly throughout the course and the exact schedule will be announced in Moodle at the beginning of the course.

Student workload

Preparation for Moodle, learning tasks and planning your own schedule 5h,
preparation and participation for face-to-face learning and webinars 6h,
group work and independent work 110h.

Total 135h

Further information for students

The course is assessed by the learning assignments completed during the course (approved-fail) and by a numerically assessed learning assignment (0-5) summarising the topics covered during the course. All the learning assignments given during the course must be passed.The numerical grade for the course is given on the basis of a written summative learning assignment. The course also includes a personal self-assessment based on the learning objectives of the course.

Open University of Applied Sciences: 10 places

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Sufficient level (1)

You will identify the key knowledge base of social guidance and use it in demanding client work. You identify the principles and starting points for multidisciplinary work. You understand client processes and the basis for an overall assessment of their impact.

Satisfactory (2)
You identify and apply the key knowledge base of social guidance and use it in demanding client work. You apply the principles and starting points of multidisciplinary work. You understand client processes and the basis for an overall assessment of their impact.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good (3)

You can apply and analyse the key knowledge base of social guidance and use it in demanding client work. You analyse the basis and starting points for multidisciplinary work. You will be able to plan, manage and evaluate client processes and make an overall assessment of their impact.

Excellent (4)

You can apply, analyse and evaluate the key knowledge base of social guidance and use it in demanding client work. You analyse and evaluate the basis and starting points of multidisciplinary work. You will be able to plan, manage and evaluate client processes and make an informed overall assessment of their impact.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent (5)

In addition to the above, you will demonstrate a considerable understanding of demanding client work, planning, managing and evaluating client processes and be able to combine a wide range of knowledge in the development of client processes.