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Main Instrument 4Laajuus (15 cr)

Code: KMOM0401


15 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish


The students express themselves playing/singing/ conducting in a natural manner. They play/sing/ conduct the repertoire learned in style and take part in diverse ensembles. Their performance shows technical and interpretative development and a professional approach is already to be discerned. The students are able to prepare, organize and market a concert.


Practicing and performing own instruments' solo and ensemble repertoire. Instrumental repertoire comprises the various style periods. Participating in group lessons.



Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

1 Accepted: The students have a fair command of the main technical facts in playing. Their quality and intonation leave a lot to be desired. Their performance is musically modest, there is much to be developed stylistically and overall communication. The interpretative will and the character of the work in question need projection. The students are barely capable of self-evaluation, they have insufficient skills for the continued development in their instrument. In relation to the level of studies the course's knowledge and skills are not in command. The students do not take responsibility of their learning and of their many-sided self- development. Their achievements in concert organizing and marketing are weak.

2 Satisfactory: The command of the students' main technical and interpretative basics is passable. Intonation is faulty in many places. The performance is musically correct but there is still much to be developed stylistically and in general. The projection of the character of the works is not totally achieved. The students are capable of self-evaluation to a certain extent, they possess modest readiness for a continued development in their instrument. The knowledge and skills connected with the course are somewhat under control. The students assumption of responsibility in their learning and in their many-sided self-development is somewhat weak. Under suitable guidance they are capable or preparing, organizing and marketing a concert.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

3 Good: In relation to their level the students' performance shows good technical ability and in the best moments a touching interpretation is achieved. During their preparation the students have given evidence of a professional and goal-oriented approach. Their performance is musical, as expressed through good rhythm and an attempt towards stylistic interpretation. The character of the works is projected. Phrasing, pitch exactness, dynamics and nuance are under control even though there is room for improvement in general. The students are capable of evaluating their skills well and have the readiness for continued development in their instrument. The knowledge and skills connected with the course are sufficiently under control. The students assume responsibility of their learning development during the course. They are able to prepare, organize and market a concert.

4 Praiseworthy: The students show in their playing a good technical and interpretative skills at their level. A professional approach is sensed in their playing. Their performance is musical, which is made obvious by good rhythm and handling of tempo, natural phrasing, pitch accuracy, dynamics and nuance control, stylistic interpretation and overall impression. The students are able to evaluate their skills, they are capable of continued development at their instrument. The course's knowledge and skills are at their level under command in a praiseworthy manner. The students assume responsibility of their learning and of the many-sided self-development during the course. The students are able to organize and market a concert.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

5 Excellent: The students show at their level a good technical and interpretative skills. A promising professional approach is obvious in their playing. Their performance is musical as evidenced by their good rhythm and tempo handling, by a natural sense of phrasing, pitch accuracy, dynamic and nuances. The student have excellent skills of self-evaluation, they are capable of continued development at their instrument. The course's knowledge and skills are at their level under command in an excellent manner. The students assume responsibility of their learning and of the many-sided self-development during the course. The students are able to prepare, organize and market a concert.

Further information

Kolmantena vuonna suoritettu käytännön valmiuksien näyttö huomioidaan neljännen vuoden pääinstrumenttiopintojen arvioinnissa.

Opiskelijan oikeus instrumenttiopintoihin:

Opiskelijan instrumenttiopetus voidaan evätä, jos muut opinnot eivät etene opettajatutorin/opintojen ohjaajan ja päällikön kanssa sovitulla tavalla. Lukuvuoden aikana suoritettujen opintojen vähimmäisopintopistemäärän tulee olla 40 op. Muussa tapauksessa seuraavan lukuvuoden instrumenttiopetus joutuu tarkasteluun.

Jos opiskelijalla on opinnot aloittaessaan suoritettuna aiempia korkeakoulutasoisia instrumenttiopintoja, niin annettavan instrumenttiopetuksen määrä arvioidaan opiskelijakohtaisesti. Tutkinnon osaamistavoitteen saavuttamiseen tarvittavaa instrumenttiopetuksen määrää arvioitaessa otetaan huomioon opiskelijan ennen opintojen alkua saavuttama instrumentin osaamistaso. Tutkinto-ohjelman päällikkö päättää annettavan opetuksen määrän opintojen alussa.


01.08.2022 - 25.08.2022


29.08.2022 - 19.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

15 op

Mode of delivery



School of Health and Social Studies


Finnish Music Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 50

  • Kaija Kivioja
  • Juha Kujanpää
  • Eeva Oksala
  • Heidi Ilves
  • Heikki Laine
  • Sami Lehto
  • Niklas Winter
  • Hanne Wirta
  • Rita Varonen
  • Teemu Viinikainen
  • Tiina Takkinen
  • Tuomas Niininen
  • Päivi Virolainen-Kalpio
  • KPD19S1
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music


The students express themselves playing/singing/ conducting in a natural manner. They play/sing/ conduct the repertoire learned in style and take part in diverse ensembles. Their performance shows technical and interpretative development and a professional approach is already to be discerned. The students are able to prepare, organize and market a concert.


Practicing and performing own instruments' solo and ensemble repertoire. Instrumental repertoire comprises the various style periods. Participating in group lessons.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Instrumenttikohtainen kirjallisuus

Teaching methods

Ohjatut instrumentti- ja yhteismusisointitunnit, itsenäinen työskentely, esiintymiset ja niihin liittyvät käytännön järjestelyt sekä markkinointi

Student workload

Itsenäinen ja opettajan ohjauksessa tapahtuva työskentely 405h

Further information for students

Jatkuva ohjaavan opettajan palaute sekä itsearviointi, taiteellinen näyttö, käytännön valmiuksien näyttö (pop/jazz-instrumentit ja klassinen laulu)

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 Accepted: The students have a fair command of the main technical facts in playing. Their quality and intonation leave a lot to be desired. Their performance is musically modest, there is much to be developed stylistically and overall communication. The interpretative will and the character of the work in question need projection. The students are barely capable of self-evaluation, they have insufficient skills for the continued development in their instrument. In relation to the level of studies the course's knowledge and skills are not in command. The students do not take responsibility of their learning and of their many-sided self- development. Their achievements in concert organizing and marketing are weak.

2 Satisfactory: The command of the students' main technical and interpretative basics is passable. Intonation is faulty in many places. The performance is musically correct but there is still much to be developed stylistically and in general. The projection of the character of the works is not totally achieved. The students are capable of self-evaluation to a certain extent, they possess modest readiness for a continued development in their instrument. The knowledge and skills connected with the course are somewhat under control. The students assumption of responsibility in their learning and in their many-sided self-development is somewhat weak. Under suitable guidance they are capable or preparing, organizing and marketing a concert.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 Good: In relation to their level the students' performance shows good technical ability and in the best moments a touching interpretation is achieved. During their preparation the students have given evidence of a professional and goal-oriented approach. Their performance is musical, as expressed through good rhythm and an attempt towards stylistic interpretation. The character of the works is projected. Phrasing, pitch exactness, dynamics and nuance are under control even though there is room for improvement in general. The students are capable of evaluating their skills well and have the readiness for continued development in their instrument. The knowledge and skills connected with the course are sufficiently under control. The students assume responsibility of their learning development during the course. They are able to prepare, organize and market a concert.

4 Praiseworthy: The students show in their playing a good technical and interpretative skills at their level. A professional approach is sensed in their playing. Their performance is musical, which is made obvious by good rhythm and handling of tempo, natural phrasing, pitch accuracy, dynamics and nuance control, stylistic interpretation and overall impression. The students are able to evaluate their skills, they are capable of continued development at their instrument. The course's knowledge and skills are at their level under command in a praiseworthy manner. The students assume responsibility of their learning and of the many-sided self-development during the course. The students are able to organize and market a concert.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 Excellent: The students show at their level a good technical and interpretative skills. A promising professional approach is obvious in their playing. Their performance is musical as evidenced by their good rhythm and tempo handling, by a natural sense of phrasing, pitch accuracy, dynamic and nuances. The student have excellent skills of self-evaluation, they are capable of continued development at their instrument. The course's knowledge and skills are at their level under command in an excellent manner. The students assume responsibility of their learning and of the many-sided self-development during the course. The students are able to prepare, organize and market a concert.



Further information

Kolmantena vuonna suoritettu käytännön valmiuksien näyttö huomioidaan neljännen vuoden pääinstrumenttiopintojen arvioinnissa.

Opiskelijan oikeus instrumenttiopintoihin:

Opiskelijan instrumenttiopetus voidaan evätä, jos muut opinnot eivät etene opettajatutorin/opintojen ohjaajan ja päällikön kanssa sovitulla tavalla. Lukuvuoden aikana suoritettujen opintojen vähimmäisopintopistemäärän tulee olla 40 op. Muussa tapauksessa seuraavan lukuvuoden instrumenttiopetus joutuu tarkasteluun.

Jos opiskelijalla on opinnot aloittaessaan suoritettuna aiempia korkeakoulutasoisia instrumenttiopintoja, niin annettavan instrumenttiopetuksen määrä arvioidaan opiskelijakohtaisesti. Tutkinnon osaamistavoitteen saavuttamiseen tarvittavaa instrumenttiopetuksen määrää arvioitaessa otetaan huomioon opiskelijan ennen opintojen alkua saavuttama instrumentin osaamistaso. Tutkinto-ohjelman päällikkö päättää annettavan opetuksen määrän opintojen alussa.


02.08.2021 - 05.09.2021


30.08.2021 - 20.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

15 op

Mode of delivery



School of Health and Social Studies


Finnish Music Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 50

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Kaija Kivioja
  • Tuomas Niininen
  • Juha Kujanpää
  • Päivi Virolainen-Kalpio
  • Eeva Oksala
  • Heidi Ilves
  • Heikki Laine
  • Sami Lehto
  • Niklas Winter
  • Teemu Viinikainen
  • Hanne Wirta
  • Rita Varonen
  • KPD18S1
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music


The students express themselves playing/singing/ conducting in a natural manner. They play/sing/ conduct the repertoire learned in style and take part in diverse ensembles. Their performance shows technical and interpretative development and a professional approach is already to be discerned. The students are able to prepare, organize and market a concert.


Practicing and performing own instruments' solo and ensemble repertoire. Instrumental repertoire comprises the various style periods. Participating in group lessons.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Instrumenttikohtainen kirjallisuus

Teaching methods

Ohjatut instrumentti- ja yhteismusisointitunnit, itsenäinen työskentely, esiintymiset ja niihin liittyvät käytännön järjestelyt sekä markkinointi

Student workload

Itsenäinen ja opettajan ohjauksessa tapahtuva työskentely 405h

Further information for students

Jatkuva ohjaavan opettajan palaute sekä itsearviointi, taiteellinen näyttö, käytännön valmiuksien näyttö (pop/jazz-instrumentit ja klassinen laulu)

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 Accepted: The students have a fair command of the main technical facts in playing. Their quality and intonation leave a lot to be desired. Their performance is musically modest, there is much to be developed stylistically and overall communication. The interpretative will and the character of the work in question need projection. The students are barely capable of self-evaluation, they have insufficient skills for the continued development in their instrument. In relation to the level of studies the course's knowledge and skills are not in command. The students do not take responsibility of their learning and of their many-sided self- development. Their achievements in concert organizing and marketing are weak.

2 Satisfactory: The command of the students' main technical and interpretative basics is passable. Intonation is faulty in many places. The performance is musically correct but there is still much to be developed stylistically and in general. The projection of the character of the works is not totally achieved. The students are capable of self-evaluation to a certain extent, they possess modest readiness for a continued development in their instrument. The knowledge and skills connected with the course are somewhat under control. The students assumption of responsibility in their learning and in their many-sided self-development is somewhat weak. Under suitable guidance they are capable or preparing, organizing and marketing a concert.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 Good: In relation to their level the students' performance shows good technical ability and in the best moments a touching interpretation is achieved. During their preparation the students have given evidence of a professional and goal-oriented approach. Their performance is musical, as expressed through good rhythm and an attempt towards stylistic interpretation. The character of the works is projected. Phrasing, pitch exactness, dynamics and nuance are under control even though there is room for improvement in general. The students are capable of evaluating their skills well and have the readiness for continued development in their instrument. The knowledge and skills connected with the course are sufficiently under control. The students assume responsibility of their learning development during the course. They are able to prepare, organize and market a concert.

4 Praiseworthy: The students show in their playing a good technical and interpretative skills at their level. A professional approach is sensed in their playing. Their performance is musical, which is made obvious by good rhythm and handling of tempo, natural phrasing, pitch accuracy, dynamics and nuance control, stylistic interpretation and overall impression. The students are able to evaluate their skills, they are capable of continued development at their instrument. The course's knowledge and skills are at their level under command in a praiseworthy manner. The students assume responsibility of their learning and of the many-sided self-development during the course. The students are able to organize and market a concert.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 Excellent: The students show at their level a good technical and interpretative skills. A promising professional approach is obvious in their playing. Their performance is musical as evidenced by their good rhythm and tempo handling, by a natural sense of phrasing, pitch accuracy, dynamic and nuances. The student have excellent skills of self-evaluation, they are capable of continued development at their instrument. The course's knowledge and skills are at their level under command in an excellent manner. The students assume responsibility of their learning and of the many-sided self-development during the course. The students are able to prepare, organize and market a concert.



Further information

Kolmantena vuonna suoritettu käytännön valmiuksien näyttö huomioidaan neljännen vuoden pääinstrumenttiopintojen arvioinnissa.

Opiskelijan oikeus instrumenttiopintoihin:

Opiskelijan instrumenttiopetus voidaan evätä, jos muut opinnot eivät etene opettajatutorin/opintojen ohjaajan ja päällikön kanssa sovitulla tavalla. Lukuvuoden aikana suoritettujen opintojen vähimmäisopintopistemäärän tulee olla 40 op. Muussa tapauksessa seuraavan lukuvuoden instrumenttiopetus joutuu tarkasteluun.

Jos opiskelijalla on opinnot aloittaessaan suoritettuna aiempia korkeakoulutasoisia instrumenttiopintoja, niin annettavan instrumenttiopetuksen määrä arvioidaan opiskelijakohtaisesti. Tutkinnon osaamistavoitteen saavuttamiseen tarvittavaa instrumenttiopetuksen määrää arvioitaessa otetaan huomioon opiskelijan ennen opintojen alkua saavuttama instrumentin osaamistaso. Tutkinto-ohjelman päällikkö päättää annettavan opetuksen määrän opintojen alussa.